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SOMETHING IS WRONG because the m agnitude of this burden is in­ creased when I wake up to the m orn­ ing news and see my brothers and sisters faced down on the concrete, handcuffed, during a bust of a crack- house and notice the house on T.V. as the house directly across the street. SOM ETHING IS W RONG when I see our college graduates, form er role models of our community, news making athletes, and those who have great potential in playing a vital part in the econom ic growth of our com m u­ nity, fall short and yield to the tem pta­ tion of the drug that has changed the lives of many and in turn, has made our com m unity one that is almost undesirable to live in. SOM ETHING IS W RONG ... SOM ETHING IS W RONG when the name of a street and a color are the m ajor factors in the division which will not allow us to express Brotherly Love and Mend a Love between Brothers. At this point, mentality is questioned because the logistics of unity seems uncom prehensible to many. SOM ETHING IS W RONG when we as a com m unity cannot define the word "UNITY” and lack recognizing the im portance of stressing it among ourselves and our kids. Ñ» ” '•;*4 • :.V‘% -.w • r 7 • ♦ « j ; • ■ Todd Irving I see some of the greatest entre­ preneurs that Am erica has ever pro­ duced in our comm unity, but their business is one that provides prod­ ucts that brings out the extreme negative in our people. These great businessmen provide the product that serves as a deterent to prevent us from reaching our true potential in life. They provide the product that plays an active part in forming Gangs and making Gang activity in our com m u­ nity one of great concern around the nation. SOMETHING IS WRONG because at the cost of valuable lives, these great businessmen are attaining hundreds of thousands of dollars which to them is what they consider suc­ cess. This success is reality, is creating negative surroundings for the youth of tom orrow in which many will be­ com e products of their environment, at an even higher scale. SUCCESS is not in the dollar bill. SUCCESS is the seeking of the way for a harmonious comm unity, which will make for longevity of life and lessen the amount of untim ely deaths among our youth. SUCCESS is recognizing that something is wrong and recognizing the mess we've made. More im por­ tantly! SUCCESS is com ing to the reali­ zation that God can make what we now see as something wrong, som e­ thing right. Of course we've sought and pro­ CORNER STONE COMMUNITY COGIC 2216 N.E. Killingsworth • Portland, OR 97211 My Goal I do not live to reach the height That many would call fame, But pray that I may glorify My Blessed Saviour's name; Each day to share the love He gives, To be a beacon bright Upon the path where others grope Their way in troubled night. Oh how I pray for vision and A song, when deep distress Would overcome a troubled soul Lost in the wilderness. I pray to love, to reach, relieve The ones who hunger for The Bread of Ufe, the Fountain Pure, As He waits to restore. I pray that I can be that one My Master would call "Friend," Who serves his fellowman in love, God's Kingdom to extend. vided alternatives and solutions, but we must first seek God and acquire in our hearts, his m e rcy and u n c o n d i­ tio n a l love. THE SAM E LOVE that his son, Jesus Christ had, even for those who crucified him. THIS U N C O N D ITIO N AL LOVE is one that is able to soften the hearts and open the eyes of gang members to help them realize that without the colors of clothing, and the names of streets, our skin tone identifies us as brothers. I believe th is lo ve is able to show gang m embers the significance of m ending a lo v e betw een b ro th ­ ers and the need for our community to produce more quality young Black m en which will in turn, build for our com m unity a better tomorrow. GOD IS LOVE! Todd Irving Anna Lee Edwards McAlpin PORTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears of the Community" 288-0033 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Saturday Prayer 8:00-9:00 a.m. M orning Worship 11:30 a.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m. Tuesday Prayer 10:00 a.m.-12 Noon Tuesday Prayer & Bible Study 7 p.m. Thursday Pastor Speaks 7:00 p.m. 281-4587 Pastor: Supt. B.E. Johnson Jesus Loves ro w Allen Temple CME Church 4T56 N .E . E ig h th A v e n u e (comer of 8th & Skidmore) L P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97211 (503) 287-0261 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor ZZZZ ZZ Z ZZ Z Z ZZ Z ZZ OREGON JURISDICTION #1 Church Of God In Christ Invites All Of God's People To I ts Tirst Annuat Christmas Concert < s’ - ; x .> M - SATURDAY '« f r December 17th, 1988 AT ,7 $ e IX - 7:30 P.M. • • »4 «.»*• fc 4 ’ ’ PLACE »•'. •■<•’ * S • NOTED GOSPEL SINGER SHIRLEY CAESAR brings her spirit to the Durham , N.C. governm ent as an elected m em ber of its City Council. J Bringing her com m itm ent to serve hum anity to politics, renowned evan­ gelist and gospel singer Shirley Cae­ sar adds new life to the Durham, North Caroline city governm ent, re­ ports the Decem ber EBONY. Ms. Caesar, who captured 65 per­ cent of the vote in her run for a seat in the Durham City Council, assures supporters and fans however that she simply views her position as an opportunity to extend her ministry. "My main objective," she says, is to m ake sure we focus on the needy and not the greedy. I don't see it as poli­ tics, I just see it as being a concerned ; ' "» • • X . •'■■■}■: ; . V ? --‘ * ■ * H » citizen," she adds. C ounting her dual careers as a blessing, Ms. C aesar has been m ar­ McKinney Temple ried for five years to Bishop Harold I. W illiams, pastor of Mt. Calvary Holy Church in W inston-Salem, where she is co-pastor. She is also a five-tim e Gram m y winner, whose current al­ bum topped Billboard's gospel music chart for nine weeks this summer. 1737 N.E. Alberta St. • Portland, Oregon Under The Direction OfMsn: Charlotte Brandon Oregon Jurisdiction No. #2 State Musical Director C.O.G.I.C. In addition to an already full sched- ule. she also founded the Shirley Caesar Outreach Ministries, Inc., where she puts in 25 hours per week to provide food, clothing and m one­ tary assistance to needy families in the area. "I felt that I'd been dealing with a lot of problems over the years from just the surface," she states. "I think now I can begin to work from the root." YOU ARE W ELCOME TO WORSHIP AT -.-V * ;’ ? 7 - , • >•«■* •? •<*.' »- .N " s ■Í«' ‘ 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499 The Harness Treacher B)s h o p U V P e te rs o n D D . B u ild e r P a s to r The Brown Sisters 9 1 5a m Sunday School 11 15a m Morning Worship 6 30 p m ypww Evangelistic 8 00pm Worship Tuesday inlay Follow peace with all men & holiness without which no man shall see the .--1 O . . TOO p m S tn b y The Ark of Safety Church of God in Christ EftJNOEP rrusday Char Rehearsal the Bible says ... ; ¿ Ì 30pm “A warm spirit of fellowship always” “To the Glory o f God” FEATURING GUEST GROUP Tueaby Bide Band . Noon Day Prayer f * » The Pastor Speaks 7 30pm SataWy Morning Prayer 900am Lord [•*!'**■ ¿ " 'Z - t HEBREWS 1214 t e XXXXXXXZXXXXXXXXXX 7 < t > , ' W . o L ■»* b I Í A - « «i ; • r » •. • ■ » ♦ ♦ • .•r’ A ? ' A 4 « ; - j . . . ' ■ tí . a t f- . .♦ . • • * » • ■ »