Page 8 • Portland Observer • December 8, 1988 P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 - To Place Y our A d PORTLAND OBSERVER M Rates: 5 Lines 1 Week - $7.50 The Eyes and Ears ol the Community' Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves 288-0033 B EA U TY & BARBER SUPPLIES A U T O R E P A IR Look of Radiance 3512 N.E. 15th Street Portland, Oregon 284-6345 Eddie’s Auto Repair Low Rates - While You Wait! 625 N.E. Killingsworth Nails Only • Hair Care Salon B eauty/ Barber Supply • Free Delivery C O N T R A C T IN G -G E N E R A L Silco Construction Co. 8614 N. Crawford Portland, Oregon 97203 2868155 Portland, Oregon 281-7591 4 Weeks - $25.00(add $2.50 RrUne) BEAUTY SUPPLIES FLO R A L - SILKS P & J's Beauty Salon & Supply Eartha’s Floral Connection 231 N. Lombard • Suite 200 Portland, OR 97217 • 2890205 517-1/2 N.E Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 Styles by E.J. Bates Low Prtcet - Oualty Service - M vw I m IFe Do W'eddings • Funerals B E A U T Y /B A R B E R S U P P L IE S ja ’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies (Retail & Wholesale) Cosm etology C onsultant CONSTRUCTION 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 Donald M. Drake Construction 226-3991 Open Man. thro Sit 9 a m. - 6 p.m. 282-3675 •INSURANCE* Ernest W arren - Agent A uto-Hom e-Life-Health-Group P.O. Box 12652 1717 N.E. 19 Portland, OR 97212 Made-To-Order • Custom-Made P R IN T IN G Klnko’s Open 7 Days A W'eek 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 288-4513 SPORTS MEDICINE North Portland Medical Clinic 105 N. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97217 285-3323 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORM ATION PROCESSING ANALYST II Hi volume departm ent in a major health insurance com pany has an o p e n in g fo r an In fo rm a tio n Processing Analyst II. Qualified applicants must have the following experience: Previous m achine transcription and at least 6 m onths experience in the operations of word processing equipment (preferably IBM) in a c e n tra liz e d e n v iro n m e n t: dem onstrated knowledge of correct spelling, gram m ar and punctuation: ability to follow complex written and verbal instructions and procedures, e x c e lle n t o rg a n iz a tio n a l and com m unication skills. Trained Displaywriter operator preferred. Ability to w ork under extreme pressure, typing 65 wpm, course work in word processing technology also desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O re g o n o ffe r s an e x c e lle n t employee benefits package, flex­ time work hours, and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: B lue C ro s s and B lue S h ie ld o f O regon Human Resources Dept., 5th FI. 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer Medical Claim s Analysts Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O regon is currently accepting applications for FEP M edical Claims A n a ly s ts . T h is p o s itio n is responsible for accurate and timely payment of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O regon's FEP medical claims. Experience necessary to perform this task will include: -1 Y ear recent clerical work experience in a doctors office or hospital setting. -D e m o n s tra te d k n o w le d g e of medical term inology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a c la s s ro o m s e ttin g o r o ffic e experience. -ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding -A m inim um of 6-12 m onths experience using a CRT in a production oriented environment -Fast, accurate use of a 10-key calculator -Previous claim s processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. GROUND TRANSPORTATION CLERK The Port of Portland has an immediate opening for a Ground Transportation Clerk to participate in the operation of the Ground Transportation Office. Duties will include gathering and reporting statistical data, processing all lost and found items, participation in all departm ental programs including security badging, lost and found, vehicle application badging and other related assignm ents. Duties also include inputing Ground Transportation Office materials using Lotus, MultiMate, and other software packages. Qualifications Preferred: - Demonstrated oral and written com m unication skills. - Ability to work with limited supervision. - Ability to identify and keep confidential information. - Ability to work as part of a team. - Basic knowledge of data entry and experience creating documents on a microcomputer. - Ability to type. P re v io u s e x p e rie n c e demonstrating ability to handle numerous and varied functions at one time. - Ability to handle irate complaints w h ile re m a in in g c a lm and organized. - Ability pressure. to work well under In addition to a com prehensive benefit package the Port offers a starting salary range of $14,070 to $16,077. The hours will be generally 12:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. If interested and qualified, apply at the Port of Portland Employment O ffice, 14th Floor, 700 N.E. Multnomah. Resumes W ill not be accepted in place of applications, but m ay be in c lu d e d . All applications must be received by 5:00 p.m., Friday, Decem ber 9, 1988. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer GOVERNM ENT HOMES From $1.00 (U-Repair) delinquent tax properties and repo's. For current list call 1-800-633-0536 Ext. 4552 also open evenings. "The Eyes and Ears of the Community" 288-0033 Equal Opportunity Employer The Director of Finance and A d m in is tra tio n is se e kin g a d yn a m ic, in n o v a tiv e , fle x ib le individual with executive secretarial skills, to ensure the coordination of all adm inistrative functions within the department. The following skills and abilities are desired: o E x p e rie n c e w o rk in g w ith personal computers utilizing word processing software packages, s p re a d s h e e t and g ra p h in g a p p lic a tio n s . W A N G w o rd processing experience a plus, o Team player and ability to establish networks with other senior executive secretaries. oDem onstrated ability to perform well under pressure situations, o Time management to include organizational and priority .setting skills, schedule coordination and monitoring. o Excellent analytical, verbal and written gram m ar skills are essential, as well as the ability to com pose s ig n a tu re re a d y w ritte n correspondence. o E x p e rie n c e w ith budget preparation and monitoring, o Ability to organize and delegate, o F in a n c ia l or a c c o u n tin g background helpful. If our adjectives describe you and you have the experience and background listed, apply at the Port of Portland Employment Office at 700 N.E. Multnomah Blvd, 14th Floor. All applications must be received by Friday, December 9, 1988. Resumes will not be a c c e p te d in th e p la c e of applications, but may be included. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer TEACHER English as Second Language Contingent on MESD Board approval on 12/20/88. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O re g o n o ffe r s an e x c e lle n t employee benefits package, flex-1 W ASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS EMERGENCY M ANAGEM ENT time work hours, and competitive CO O RDINATOR/PLANNER salary. Pleas apply or send resume] Salary: $1,860-$2,262/M o. to: MENTAL HEALTH NURSE B lu e C ro ss and Salary: $ 1 ,993-$2,423/Mo. B lue S h ie ld o f O re g o n RECRUITER Human Resources Dept., 5th FI. Salary: $1,762/Mo. 100 S.W. Market Call (503) 648-8607 for information. Portland, OR 97201 County application form s required. Equal Opportunity Employer Apply by December 16, 1988 tc W ashington County Personnel. PSYCHIATRIC Equal Opportunity Employer Social W orker F/T permanent position working with mentally & Em anuel Hospital emotionally disturbed adults in a full & Health C enter service 60 bed state psychiatric A H ealthLin k M em ber facility. Attractive working hours, Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer excellent salary & benefits. Postion Call our 24 H our Job-Line at requires a M aster's Degree in social 280-4727 for a listin g o f current work + 3 yrs. relevant exp. Apply opening at Emanuel H ospital & now 8if interesdted as recruitment Health Center. may close at any time. Contact A H ealthLink M em ber Personnel Office, Eastern Oregon Equal O pportunity Em ployer Psychiatric Center, 2575 W estgate, PO RTLAND OBSERVER Pendleton OR 97801.1 503-276- 0991. Adm inistrative Coordinator Director Finance & Administration To provide direct instruction to students. Requires valid Oregon Teaching Certificate, experience and/or training in teaching foreign/ second language, and emotional and physical stamina to perform duties as requ ired by the designated task except for tem porary disability. Salary placem ent on MESD/OEA salary schedule commensurate with verifiable related education and e xp e rie n c e to m id p o in t of applicable education range, 1987- 88 minimum of a BA Step 0, $17,800 to a m aximum of a PhD Step 8, $28,105 based on 190 days. S u b je c t to c h a n g e p e n d in g n e g o tia te d s e ttle m e n t 88 -8 9 . Application deadline Jan. 6 ,1988 by 2pm. Call Jeaneen at 255-1841 ext 207 for Multnomah Education Service District application form & additional information Equal Opportunity Employer HOUSE & APT. RENTALS HOUSE FOR RENT 1 BEDROOM/1 BATHROOM with R/R and Laundry Available 4928 N E. Mallory, Portland, OR 97211 $275.00/ Mo. Rent Call 288-9418 or 281-7767 for Application/lnform ation SECRETARY LEGAL ADVOCATE L e g a l A id S e rv ic e se e k s advocate for tem porary one-year position to operate telephone h o tlin e w h ic h a d v is e s and represents low -incom e clients regarding welfare and food stamps rights and procedures. Would participate in local and statewide networks. Minim um two years college equivalent experience in law office, social service agency or c o m m u n ity o rg a n iz a tio n , plus d e m o n s tra b le c o m m itm e n t to service of low -incom e people required. S a la ry dependent upon experience. Liberal benefits package. Send resume and cover le tte r to C a rle M u s te ll, Administrator, M ultnom ah County Legal Aid Service, 310 SW 4th, #900, Portland, OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer ACCOUNTING ASSISTANCE Accounting Assistance 20 hours a week. General Accounting work. Requires proficiency in 10-key in typing and/or ability and desire to learn com puterize accounting system. Annual salary: $6,250 to start, $6,600 after 3 m on’ hs. Benefits include medical, dentai, disability insurance, vacation, sick and holiday pay. Request job d e scrip tion/a pplication from Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, 0245 S.W. Bancroft, Portland, OR 97201. Do not send resumes. Position may close anytime after noon on December 12, 1988. Equal Opportunity Employee COUNSELOR III (Alpha House) C O D A , Inc. see ks q u a lifie d applicants for counselor at Alpha House, a residential program . Responsibilities include: providing diagnosis and treatm ent to caseload of clients, conducting individual, group, and fam ily counselin g/therapy; coordinate therapeutic activities for clients; maintain client records; assisting with adm inistrative tasks; assisting Counselor 1 to develop skills as counselor; and maintain external contact as assigned. Bachelor's degree in health services and 2 years supervised human service experience is required. Salary range $1,232- $1,715/mo. Applications and screening questions available at CODA, Inc., 210 NE 20th Ave., Portland, OR 97232. An Affirm ative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employee M ENTAL HEALTH METHADONE PROGRAM MANAGER STAR (Skilled Training for Adult R ecovery), C O D A ’S m ethadone maintenance program seeks qualified applicants for Program M anager position. Responsibilities include: planning, coordination, and evaluation of m ethadone treatm ent program com ponents; a dm inistrative and clinical services management; staff supervision and training. Applicants must possess extensive experience in a d m in is tra tiv e and c lin ic a l s u p e rv is io n in th e c h e m ic a l dependency field. A Master's degree in Human Services is required Salary range: $1,950-$2,638/mo. Application screening questions available at 210 N.E. 20th Ave., Portland, OR Equal Opportunity Employer/ Affirmative Action Employer In te re s te d in b e c o m in g a C a th o lic or returning to the Catholic C hurch7 Call Fr. Ted or Sis. Kath­ leen at St Andrew's Catholic Church 281-4429 « A < b?'V* * ' r *^5?'’ v * 4 < I Becom e part of a prem ier financial institution. Security Pacific Bank O regon has several excellent secretarial opportunities available. W e are looking for self motivated people with a com m itm ent to providing the highest level of client service. R e s p o n s ib le fo r p ro v id in g secretarial & clerical support to include typing correspondence, g re e tin g c lie n ts , a n s w e rin g te le p h o n e s , and m a in ta in in g records & file. Qualified applicants must have previous secretarial exp, excellent organizatio n & com m unication skills, must be able to prioritize work, typing speed of 65-70 wpm, 10-key skills, working knowledge of w ord p ro c e s s in g & p e rso n a l com puters, and dictation and transcribing skills. Familiarity with SAM NA & LOTUS 1-2-3 helpful. W e offer an excellent flexible b e n e fits p ro g ra m & h ig h ly com petitive salary com m ensurate w ith e x p e rie n c e . Q u a lifie d applicants should submit resume Y salary requirements to: SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON Personnel Department 1001 SW Fifth Avenue Second Floor PO Box 3066 Portland, Oregon 97208 (503) 796-3878 Applicant Hours Mon-Fri 9am -1pm Equal Opportunity Employer SECURITY O FFICERS IM M EDIATE OPENINGS! W allace Security, the metro area’s largest security com pany, has im­ mediate openings for qualified indi­ viduals interested in security. Above average wages. Experience not necessary, though certainly a plus. You m ust be 18 or older, (retired encouraged to apply), have clean crim inal record, your own phone & car. Training & uniforms are provided. Applications ac­ cepted 9 am - 3:30 pm Monday- Friday at 4004 SW Kelly, Portland. 223-6162 Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer TEACHER/COUNSELOR Private Non-Profit Alternative High School Oregon Certification desired. M ini­ mum 4 years experience with high risk adolescent responsibilities; teach­ ing, case management, advocacy counseling. Beginning Jan. 10,1989. Send resume and handwritten letter to: OMLC 7602 N. Emerald Portland, OR 97217 Equal Opportunity Employer MEDICAL MED TECH 2 Full-Tim e positions available, 1 swing shift M-F, 1 Fri., Sat., and Sun. 12-5 Hours per day. Perform HBsAg testing and confirmation, HIV antibody testing, anti-HBc test and other TD related tests as required on donor units and outside samples. Must be M LT-ASCP or equivalent. Apply at: American Red Cross Human Resources Dept. 3131 N Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97208 Equal Opportunity Employer CLERICAL POSITION Available for unique person who types 50 wpm (test given) and can file. Salary: $10,700 per year plus m edical/den tal benefits. Subm it resume with brief coverletter by Dec. 16 ,1 9 8 8 to: Atten: A. M oore Outside-In 1236 S.W. Salmon Portland, OR 97205 DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS AFFAIRS Challenging position available as Director of Business Affairs for the Catholic Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon. This is a highly visible Senior Level position reporting directly to the Arch Bishop. You will be responsible fo r A c c o u n tin g , B u d g e tin g , Investm ents, Insurance & Risk Management, Property Management, Central Loan Program, M anagement Information Systems, Resources Allocation, Policy & Procedural Formulation. In addition to solid technical skills your qualifications must include highy energy, excellent com m unications skills and a proven leadership ability to effect change and manage the business affairs of a dynamic and diverse organization with multiple locations and functions. You will need to be experienced in financial analysis and business planning. Unique opportunity to exercise your professional skills for the benefit of the Catholic Church in W estern Oregon. Please forward a letter indicating why you want to work with us and a resume summarizing your experience and salary requirements to: Atten: Ken Scott Archdiocese, 2838 E. Burnside Portland, Oregon 97214 By December 31,1988. Equal Opportunity Employer Lane Com m unity College ABE/GED/ABE HANDICAPPED INSTRUCTOR Application and Job Description are available at Personnel Service - Lane Com m unity College, 4000 E. 30th Ave., Eugene, OR 97405 - LCC applications must be postm arked no later than Jan. 10th, 1989, 1-(503) 726-2211. An Affirm ative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer VENDING O PPORTUNITY Corrected #1-(800)-678-0342, Ext. 77. If you want best pay back on tim e and investment, best local route, equipment, products, top locations, flexible low pressure, cash business and com pany training and have $2,700.00 to $12,000 secured by route, please call again. M ENTAL HEALTH SOCIALIZATION/DAY TREATM ENT COORDINATOR C re a tiv e , e n th u s ia s tic , w e ll- organized Mental Health professional needed to guide Socialization & Day Treatm ent programs. Opportunity to develop, build & evaluate a growing program. Supervision of staff, students. The position is part of a small 10 person com m unity support services le a rn o f c a s e m a n a g e m e n t, socialization & medical staff & a team coordinator. Prefer Master's level person with Socialization & Day T re a tm e n t e xp e rie n c e . S a la ry com m ensurate w ith experience Excellent benefits. Application deadline 12/16/88. Send letter & resum e to: Jack Pauley, RCSW, Delaunay Mental Health Center, 5215 N. Lombard, Portland, OR 97203 Equa* 1 Opportunity Em ploye' 4