• • w • w • • • •■* ♦ ♦ * ♦ n ► - r < December 8, 1988 Portland Observer • Page 7 Computers & You How Personal Computers Benefit Your Business P ersonal co m p ute rs o ffe r several benefits when used in your business. Too often companies purchase PCs and do not have trained personnel who are proficient in their operation. During the late 1970s when dedicated word p ro c e s s in g system s were p ro life ra tin g in b usine sse s, secretaries and other office personnel resisted these "complex" system s. M any m anagers searched for creative ways to coerce secretaries to use these systems for producing office documents ratherthan continuing to type on the less intimidating typewriter. Some managers literally removed the typewriter from the secretaries’ desk, others hired specialists, who were to become known under several titles (word p ro ce ssin g o pe ra tors, correspondence secretaries, word processing specialists, etc.). As more trained personnel entered the word processing arena and these computers became easier to operate, the typing pools began to disappear. Therefore, instead of needing 10 people typing on 10 typewriters you needed only 2 typing on a word processing computer. So, today we have PCs and these systems save your business tremendous manhours in the word processing area as well as in re co rd s keeping, co m m u n ic a tio n s , e ng in e ering d esign , p u b lis h in g , p a yro ll, computations, and several other areas. Telecommunications is the fastest growing area as it relates to in te rp h a sin g telep h on e te c h n o lo g ie s w ith co m p u te r technologies. AT&T recognized this, they were the undisputed leader in the communications field. IBM understood this, they were the undisputed leader in the computer field. Legally, AT&T could not compete in the computer market unless they broke up the largest monopoly in the world (antitrust suit with U.S. government), however, IBM co uld com pete in the communications market. Even though the computer revolution began at AT&Ts Bell Labs, AT&T legally could not sell computers to businesses, however, as part of the agreement in the suit, AT&T now sell computers as well as what they are best known for, telephone service. The “ marriage” of the communications and computer fields was to become what is known as telecommunications. Several small businesses often use answering services to assure no lost communications with their cu sto m e rs o r c lie n ts. PC technology offers you the capability of receiving and automatically re­ routing messages without you having to be present. Messages are recorded in digital form on your disk as your customer speaks. Some of the benefits offered are: assurance that the message was received, the ability to print the message at your printer, forwarding the message to the proper personnel, and a record of all phone messages. You may also leave specific messages for specific callers and your computer plays back the message to the desired caller upon request. PCs can be equipped with TELEX capabilities. If the need is to send a letter, or other documents to someone across town or on the other side of the earth, it's not necessary to go to Western Union or send it through the Postal Service. W ith the p ro p e r TELEX configuration the receiving party can receive your message in a matter of seconds; as simple as making a telephone call. Several merchant ships which operate around the world are equipped with PCs onboard and constantly communicate with management offices around the world to obtain their schedules. FAX machines are finally coming to the awareness of average Americans, Japan has been using such equipment as regular as we would use our telephone. Writing a handwritten or typed letter and electronically sending it to a customer anywhere in the world is becoming commonplace. The difference between sending a FAX and sending a TELEX is that a computer is not necessary when sending a FAX. Just as you would take a letter to a copier and copy it, the FAX works on that basic principle, the exception is that it sends the copy over phone lines. Several copying businesses offer this service at a reasonable rate. Whatever the message is, it gets to the receiver as quick as a phone call. Certainly this would eleminate telephone tag. FAX machines will become as common as VCRs and telephones in homes as well as offices. This is a high tech world and is in cre a sin g ly becom ing more technical, and requiring more trained white collar workers. It is your responsibility to become informed as to what the trends are and get in step with those trends. P arents should assist and encourage the youth to pursue these new frontiers. Computer technology is a frontier which has not existed long enough to be handed down from fam ily generation to family generation. Start now and be tomorrows experts. Dymally Introduces Economic Set-Asides Policy, Targets Minority & Women-Owned Businesses WHY YOU SHOULD BUY A FRESH CUT C H R IST M A S TREE To Delight In Its Natural Beauty and Fullness A To Fill Your Room With the Scent of the Holidays That Only A Natural Tree Can Give 4 To Promote the Holiday Tradition and An Old-Fashioned Christmas 4 To Add A Warm and GJowing Center To Your Home During the Holiday Season BENEFITS OF BUYING A CHRISTMAS TREE FROM US ! 4 Quality and Freshness 4 Discount Prices 4 Free and Timely Delivery M À The impetus for the bill came out of growing concern on a local, state, and federal level that minority and women-owned businesses are not sharing in the benefits and opportunities afforded to larger and more established businesses. Presently, federal economic set- aside policy merely establishes goals, not requirements, for the agencies to contract with minority and female-owned businesses and lacks an enforcement mechanism by which goals are measured for success. Representative Dymally stated, Historically, minority and women- owned businesses ha.e not had equal access in order to participate in federal contracting opportunities and initiatives. As a result, a disproportionately small number of contracts are granted to these businesses annually. The demand for legislative relief is acute and necessitates that a percentage of these awards be made to minority and women-owned businesses. If passed, the bill will serve to balance the scales in favor of equal access to federal contracting opportunities for everyone.” The bill was introduced shortly before adjournment of the 100th Congress. “Although I realize that consideration of the bill would not be p ossible because of tim e constraints, my purpose for introducing the bill is to inform the American public of the absence of a government wide policy on set- asides and encourage debate on the issue for the purpose o, strengthening the bill for its re- introduction in the 101 st Congress," stated Representative Dymally. R e p re se n ta tive D y m a lly ’s initiative has sparked praise from business entrepreneurs, civil rights and women’s groups, all of whom anxiously await for the bill's re- introduction and consideration early next year. A Message from WAVERLY OR SHEILA DAVIS QUALITY CHRISTMAS WREATHS & DECOR PACKS AVAILABLE Measure your rent against this chart: No matter how you stack it, renting simply can't measure up to the advantages of buying a HUD home. ö HUD ft D fF A R T W K T O f MOUÄHG ANO UNBAN O M L O R M M T AND RECEIVE A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS G lF T FROM ‘ IQHH. HVÍD Portland O flkx The Portland Observer’s Santa 525 N.E. Killingsworth St. Portland, Oregon 97211 Letters to Santa must be received by 12/16/88 ft. Jft , ‘ - Li in*' Because HUD offers homes with a low 3% down payment. FHA Mortgage Insur­ ance. And the investment opportunity of buying property that’s priced to be an out­ standing value. 1 0 0 WORDS OR LESS PLEASE TELL ME: W hat C hristmas M eans T o Y ou ! 22 inch WREATH - 22.50 (503) 620-9431 You'll discover that owning your own home isn’t such a tall order after all. I n 6ft. DOUGLAS FIR - 29.50 Ì * r- : CALL TO ORDER To find out more, check our ad in the real estate classified section of your Friday or Sunday Oregonian. Or call your real estate agent. to Kids Ages 6-12 WREATHS GRAND 5ft. DOUGLAS FIR - 22.50 |4 Personal and Friendly Service Plus, consider this: Over 12 year's time, $350 in monthly rent adds up to more than $50,000. Many HUD homes cost less. SANTA STANDS DOUGLAS TREES N O BLE Oregon Grown Tree/“Buy Oregon By Congressman Mervyn M. Dymally 31st District, Los Angeles County • California U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. -- Landmark legislation which would establish a uniform federal policy on economic se t-a sid e s and cre a te an in d ep e nd e nt re g ula to ry commission to assist agencies in meeting set-aside requirements was introduced by Representative Mervyn M. Dymally (D-CA). Title I of Congressman Dymally's bill, H.R. 5581, stipulates that each federal agency shall award no less than 10 percent of its entire contracting authority (including subcontracts) to minority-owned businesses, historically black colleges and universities, and minority-controlled private and voluntary organizations. In addition, no less than 10 percent of an agency’s contracting authority must be awarded to businesses owned and operated by females. SANTA'S CHRISTMAS TREES •• « I I J