Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 08, 1988, Page 4, Image 4

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Page 4 • Portland Observer • December 8, 1988
II Thessalonians: Chapters 1,2 & 3
2216 N.E. Killingsworth • Portland, OR 97211
Grand Opening: Lighted Pathway Gospel Cafe
by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
Born Todd Shefell Irving to Rev.
and Mrs. Samuel Irving, Todd has
made a decision to do something
that will make a positive impact on
the youth of the NorthyNortheast
Portland area. On Saturday there
w ill be a grand opening of the
Lighted Pathway Gospel Cafe.
The grand opening has been
scheduled to take place at 8:00 p.m.
in the evening on December 10,
The address is 5522 N.
Albina Street. The public is cordially
invited to com e by, listen to the
music, partake of the delicious
meals on the m enu, or to just sit and
As I was speaking to Todd, I
asked him whatever entered his
mind that caused him to want to
venture in this business direction?
His response was, “ There has to be
an alternative activity forthe youth in
this community. I am opening this
cafe and my objective is to reach out
to the lost souls who are being
influenced by negative people in the
com m unity. I have some property
on Northeast Dekum where I was
going to open a faddish, trendy
clothing shop - but basically I feel the
weight of the burden that’s on the
com m unity and I can see the shape
that its getting into. The youth of this
com m unity need a positive outlet
from past involvem ents.”
Todd worked very hard at the
Albertson's Store saving his money
so that he could start a business, in
the community, that he could be
proud of.
“ I was once a perpetrator of the
law. I was doing drugs, yes, I took
Todd Irving
Terri Fields
part in the negative contributions in
society - but through Christian help
and guidance... I can truly say that I
am a changed person.” He went on
to say “ The burden is on me
because I feel that I am partially
responsible for influencing some of
these young people with my
negative activities.
I know the
misery that the people feel in such a
derogatory walk of life. I want them
to know that there is a far better way
than the pimping, the drug scene,
the senseless killings, and the
people feel.”
Rev. Samuel Irving, Todd’s
father, is the pastor of the Albina
Church of God which is located on
N. Albina, also. There are four (4)
other Irving sibblings, three (3) boys
and one(1) girl. The youngest of the
lot is studying at Portland State
U n iv e rsity, w hile a n o th e r is
practicing law here in the State of
Oregon. T heonly girl, In the bunch,
is employed with Far West Federal
Banking Corporation - while the
other boy is the pastor of the
Greater Faith Church of God in
Salem, Oregon and Irving must be
very proud of their children's
Anniversary Celebration
For Dr. James Martin & Family
Mount Olivet Baptist Church extends an invitation
to join us in the celebration o f our first year under
the guidance o f the Rev. Dr. James E. Martin.
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Date: December 11,1988
Time: 6:00 P.M.
Place: Ramada Inn at the Coliseum
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D onation: $ 1 5 .0 0 - Call (503) 2 8 4 -1 9 5 4 for tic k e ts before
a n d no la te r th a n D ecem ber 6, 1988. Mt. Olivet B a p tist
C h u rc h a p p re c ia te s y o u r p a rtic ip a tio n in th e F irst
A n n iv ersary C e leb ratio n of P a s to r M artin & Fam ily.
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“ There is a better way and a
much better life outside-of the life of
drugs” , says Todd, “ let the love of
Jesus Christ enter into your heart
instead of “ coke” and “ heroine” and
other foreign substances entering
into your veins, noses and bodies.
That stuff is no good for anyone.
Replace all of that negative stuff
with the love of Jesus Christ."
A Christian night club in the
Northeast com m unity...? WOW ! I
think that is quite an undertaking for
a 23 year old African-American
male in Portland, Oregon. Help
make his dream a reality. Come out
and share an evening of enjoyment
and PRAISE! Come welcome Todd
and his co-owner, Ms. Terri Fields,
to the business community.
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Saturday Prayer 8:00-9:00 a.m.
M orning Worship 11:30 a.m.
Broadcast 1480 KBMS
Evening Worship 7:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:30-11:00 a.m.
Tuesday Prayer 10:00 a.m.-12 N oon
Tuesday Prayer & Bible Study 7 p.m.
Thursday Pastor Speaks 7:00 p.m.
Pastor: Supt. B.E. Johnson
J e su s L o v e s Y o u !
Allen Temple CME Church
4 2 3 6 N .E . E ighth A venue
(comer of 8th &. Skidmore)
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-0261
.Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor
"The Eyes and Ears of the Community"
C h u rch O f G o d In C h ris t
All Of God's People
To Its Tirsi
Annual Christmas Concert
Guest Speak: The Rev. Dr. Leon C.Jones
Martin L. King, Jr. Memorial Baptist Church
Renton, Washington
Music by: Julianne Johnson; Joan n e Bliss;
Ronald Shoals; Calvin Allmon
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When the doors officially open to
the Lighted Pathway Gospel
Cafe, on Saturday, there will be live
music - featuring a very popular
vocal group known as "Isaiah” .
There will be fellowshipping among
Christians, food on a menu that will
range from a chicken dish to
sandwiches and desserts.
alcoholic beverages will be served -
but, there will be such beverages as:
Holy Ghost Punch, Noah’s Ark, the
Red Sea and more delicious items
to satisfy your palate. There is no
age limit and everything is very
reasonably priced.
C u rre n tly th e h o u rs a re :
W ednesday evenings from 7:00
p.m. to 12 Midnight and Fridays and
Saturdays from 8:30 p.m. to 1:00
a.m., both nights.
December 17th, 1988
“To the Glory o f G o d "
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The Holiness Preacher B is h o p U .V P e te rs o n D .D . B u ild e r- P a s to r
the Bible s a y s ...
F ollow peace with
all men & holiness
w ithout which no
man shall see the
The Ark of Safety
Church of God in Christ
7:30 P.M.
84 N.E. K illin g sw o rth • 2 8 1 -0 4 9 9
“A warm spirit of fellowship always"
9 15am
Sunday School
11 1 5 a m
Morning Worship
8 00pm
Noon Day Prayer
McKinney Temple
1737 N.E. Alberta St. • Portland, Oregon
The Pastor Speaks
Morning flayer
7 30 p m
9 00a m
Under The Direction Of Msn: Charlotte Brandon
Oregon Jurisdiction No. #2 State Musical Director C.O.G.I.C.
In time of need?| " C a ll1
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"Before You Must"
- Make A Decision -
"Inquire about the services we offer"
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24 Hr. Service
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"We are interested in your problems"
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