Page 8, Portland Observer, December 1,1988 P rofessional S ervices D irectory PO RTLAND OBSERVER Ad Rates: 5 Lines The Eyes and Ears ot the Community" 288-0033 Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d 1 Week - $7.50 4 Weeks - $25.00(add $2.M Par Line) Deadline: 5:00 P.M . - Tuesday (A ll a d s are s u b je c t to th e a p p ro v a l o f th is paper, w h ic h reserves th e .rig h t to e d it, re je c t o r p ro p e rly c la s s ify any ad.) BEAUTY & BARBER SUPPLIES AUTO REPAIR Look of Radiance 3512 N.E. 15th Street Portland, Oregon 284-6345 E d d ie s Auto Repair Nails Only • Hair Can Salon Beauty / Barber Supply • Free Delivery Low Rates - Ubile You Wait! CONTRACTING-GENERAL Silco Construction Co. 625 N .E Killingsworth 8614 N. Crawford Portland, Oregon 97203 286-8155 Portland, Oregon 281-7591 B E A U T Y /B A R B E R SUPPLIES ja ’bell’s BEAUTY SUPPLIES FLO RA L - SILKS P & J’s Beauty Salon & Supply Eartha’s Floral Connection Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 231 N. Lombard • Suite 200 Portland, OR 97217 • 2890205 (Retail & Wholesale) Styles by E.J. Bates Low Meat - Owlty Sendee - Mveiies 517-1/2 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 87211 282-3675 We Do Weddings • Funerals Made-To-Order • Custom-Made Cosmetology Consultant Donald M. Drake Construction 226*3991 Opnu Mw. Ow Sat # «.«. • 6 pe. Ernest W arren - Agent Auto-Hom e-Life-Health-Group P.O. Box 12652 1717 N.E. 19 Portland, OR 97212 (503) 288-4513_ P R IN T IN G Klnko’s CONSTRUCTION 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 •INSURANCE* Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 SPORTS MEDICINE North Portland Medical Clinic 105 N. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97217 285-3323 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AUDITOR INSURANCE ASSISTANT AUDITOR BENEFITS Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O re­ COORDINATOR gon is currently accepting applica- Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon, | tions for an assistant auditor posi­ a major health Insurance company tion in the Medicare Reimburse­ with a workforce of 1600+ em ploy­ ment and Audit Dept. Qualified ees is currently accepting applica­ applicants will perform desk review tions for a Benefits Coordinator in and field audits on Medicare cost the Human Resources Dept. reports submitted by providers. Audits are performed at the pro­ Incumbent will be responsible for vider’s site requiring 1-2 weeks per administering the employee fringe month travel with audit team. benefit program according to estab­ lished corporate policies and proce­ Qualified candidates will have a dures. The Benefit Coordinator college degree with major in ac­ plans, organizes, and presents counting including audit course monthly benefit orientation. credits. Previous work in account­ ing or health care is desired. Qualified candidates will have expe­ rience in administering retirement Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O re­ plans, 401 (K) plans, and flexible gon offers an excellent employee spending plans; and have the ability benefits package, flex-time work to com m unicate effectively with all hours, and competitive salary. levels of management and employ­ Please apply or send resume to: ees. Successful candidate will be Blue C ro ss and detail oriented, and have excellent B lue S h ie ld o f O regon organizational skills. Experience Human Resources Dept., 5th FI. using a computerized personnel 100 S.W. Market system is highly desirable. Deadline Portland, OR 97201 For accepting applications is 11/28/ Equal Opportunity Employer 88. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th FI. 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer ■--i I •’ • y, v7 • «V, w Sj'.y JAN ITO R Male/Female MUST BE DISABLED $5.25 per hour to $6.90 per hour plus union benefits. Apply to: Portland Habilitation Center 3829 S.E. 74th, Portland, OR 97206 Interviews: 1:00pm to 3:00pm Fri. 12/2 & Mon. 12/5 DATA ENTRY TEM PO RARY D ATA ENTRY OPERATOR PLANNING ASSISTANT City of Beaverton Planning Dept. Primary duties include assistance to the public and development com ­ munity on zoning & development questions. Requires BA in urban planning or related field w/masters preferred. 2 Years of urban plan­ ning exper. may be substituted. Salary $1633-$2289 per month. Apply Personnel Dept, Beaverton City Hall, 4755 SW Griffith Dr., Beaverton, OR 97005 by 5pm Fri Dec 9, 1988. Equal Opportunity Employer W ASHINGTON COUNTY JO BS Community Corrections Field Manager $2973-$3537/mo. Engineering Technician 3 $1979- $2432/mo. Call (503) 648-8607 for information. County application forms req. Apply by December 9, 1988 to W ashing­ ton County Personnel. Equal Opportunity Employer T ra ffic T e c h n icia n I Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon is seeking applicants for a tern- porary/full tim e data entry operator for their HM O subsidiary. Qualified applicants will have work experience in a production oriented environment, possess excellent keying skills, and be able to commit to an 8:30-5 workday beginning Nov. 28th, 1988 through January 15,1989. This position could poten­ tially be extended. Production keying and medical ter- minology highly desirable, 10-Key a must. .** . • 1 V« « i-7' Á 1 ’ »• - \.e Please apply in person: B lue C ro s s and B lue S h ie ld o f O regon Human Resources D e p t, 5th FI. 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer L IV E -IN S / M*“?.* • HOUSEKEEPERS Taking resum es alo ng w(,th re fe re n c e s fo r liv e -in s and housekeepers. Contact: Personal Choice at 289-0005 between 9 a m • 5 p.m. Dependable transportation a must. City of Beaverton Duties include the installation main­ tenance and repair of traffic control signs and pavement mark fabrica­ tion of traffic control sign: Assist in maintenance of traffic signals and street light duties may be in a train­ ing capacity. Requires minimum of 1 year general construction mainte­ nance or repair experience or equivalent training. Salary: $1,345 to 1,823 per month Apply: Personnel Department City of Beaverton 4755 S.W. Griffith Drive Beaverton, Oregon 97076 by 5 pm on Friday December 9, 1988 Equal Opportunity Employer Male/Female Desirable A s s is ta n t D ire cto r Non-Profit Organization Prefer supervisory experience and resource development. Experience in grant writing and public speaking desirable. Able to work with people from various economic and ethnic backgrounds. Send resumes to 14821 N.E. 82nd Street, Vancou­ ver, WA 98682 Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer ASSO CIATE PLANNER TEMPORARY $24,480 - $30,205 Com m ensurate with Experience The Port of Portland has an im m edi­ ate opening for an Associate Plan­ ner. This position has an anticipated duration of one year. The Associate Planner will provide support to Plan­ ning staff in a variety of planning projects/studies. Anticipated duties to include, but not limited to: -Carry out, under minimal supervision: assembling and/or updating needed information, consolidating and analyzing data and policies, evaluating alterna­ tives and determining their im pact, reco m m e n d in g courses of action to the senior planner. -Prepare applications for conditional use permits, zone changes, street vaca­ tions, etc. -P re p a re b rie f reports evaluating land use plan­ ning problems or opportuni­ ties. -Inventory and update in­ form ation from various agencies and organizations which is relevant to Port planning activities. Qualified individuals will have 2-3 years demonstrated experience in planning with exposure to one o more of the following: industrial oi commercial land development proj­ ects, the legal system of land rec­ ords, and com puter applications tc planning activities. Demonstratec ability to communicate orally and through written and graphic material in an effective manner and ability to work well in an interdisciplinary team framework. Candidates may apply at the Port of Portland Employment Office, 700 N.E. Multnomah, 14th Floor, Suite 1411 or call 503-231-5000 Ext. 700 for complete application materials. All applications must be received by 5:00 pm, Friday, December 9,1988. The Port of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer ASSISTAN T CITY ATTORNEY $2144-$2736 Per Month The City of Vancouver is seeking qualified candidates for a current opening in the City Attorney's office. This is a full tim e regular entry level attorney position available Jan. 1, 1989. The person selected will be responsible together with other assistant city attorneys for the preparation & prosecution of cases involving municipal traffic & criminal offenses. The preferred candidate will be a m em ber of the Washington State Bar, w/som e exper. in the practice of m unicipal law; however, attorney’s with little or no work expe­ rience will be considered. Interested candidates must submit a professional resume and a com ­ pleted City of Vancouver application to: The Citizen Service Center PO Box 1995 Vancouver, W A 98668-1995 No later than 4:30pm Fri. Dec. 16, 1988 The City of Vancouver is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Em­ ployer Earn $1000' s a w eek at hom e in y o u r spare tim e d o in g C re d it R epair! C all 1-619-565-6532 E x t . 3759 24 hrs INSURANCE M EDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O re­ gon is currently accepting applica­ tions for Medical Claims Analysts. This position is responsible for ac­ curate and tim ely paym ent of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon’s medical claims. Experience neces­ sary to perform this task will include: -1 Year recent clerical work experience in a doctor’s office or hospital setting -Demonstrated knowledge of medical term inology and anatomy. This may be ob­ tained through a classroom setting or office experience. -ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding -A m inim um of 6-12 months experience using a CRT in a production oriented envi­ ronment -Fast, accurate use of a 10- Key calculator Previous claims processing or in­ surance billing experience highly desirable. Position begins January 23,1989. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O re­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and com petitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th FI. 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer DATA PROCESSING PROGRAMMER ANALYST Ore. Economic Develop. Dept., Salem. Requires Bachelors degree & 2 yrs. M icrocom puter program ­ ming exp. in network environment. Salary starts $2094 mo. Call 1-373- 1200. Equal Opportunity Employer M ULTNOMAH COUNTY / ■» ; X. -1 X 4 • ’ X X X z / X 4 - % The Port of Portland is recruiting for a Records and Library Manager with course work or equivalent experi­ ence equal to a degree in library and records management, CRM desig­ nation desirable; five or more years’ experience in records and library management or related field. As Records and Library Manager your responsibility will be to design (both manual and automated) and implement a corporate library m an­ agement system; establish proce­ dures for on-going analysis of rec­ ords system s; provide training to users throughout the organization plus other related responsibilities. MACHINIST GENERAL FOREM AN (M-F) M achlnist/Sheet M etal/Roofing Trades Portland Public Schools M inimum 2 yrs supervisory exp. Must have journeym an’s rate or equiv. in m achinist or sheet metal craft. Must hold or be eligible for license to supervise. Salary based on exp. & preparation. Excellent fringe benefits. For job description & application, apply to Portland Public Schools, Personnel Dept, 501 N. Dixon, Port­ land, OR. Deadline Dec. 5,1988 . Equal Opportunity Employer Counselor Additional preferred qualifications include: -Additional experience and course work in com puter applications, business law and human relations. -Dem onstrated excellent oral and written com m uni­ cation skills. -D em onstrated effective m anagement and supervi­ sory skills. -Effective problem solver. -Proactive self starter. In addition to a comprehensive benefit package, the Port offers a starting salary of $24,480 - $30,430 com m ensurate with experience. The full salary range is $24,480 - $36,430. If interested and qualified, apply at the Port of Portland Employment Office, 700 N.E. Multnomah, 14th Floor, Suite 1411 or call 503-231- 5000 Ext. 700 for com plete applica­ tion materials. Resumes will not be accepted in place of applications, but may be included. All applica­ tions must be received by 5:00 pm, W ednesday Novem ber 30, 1988. The Port of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer Adult fam ily therapist, full-time, MSW required. Send resume by 12/ 8 to: CCMH 6329 N.E. Union, Port­ land, OR 97211 EDUCATION COORDINATOR ALCOHOL/DRUG PREVENTION PROJECT Portland Com m unity College (Tem porary/Part-tim e through 08/ 31/90) Bachelor’s degree in Human Serv­ ices or related field with emphasis on substance abuse prevention and intervention required. Master’s degree preferred. Three years paid experience in A/D prevention/inter- vention program s with strong organ­ izational and program development skills required. Salary: $10.81 -$12.61 per hour. Closing Date: December 12,1988 For application materials call (503) 273-2823 An Affirm ative Action/ Equal Opportunity Institution SECRETARY Employee Health Promotion C o­ ordinator: $24,471 -3 1 ,8 0 0 annu­ ally; coordinates all aspects of the Health Promotion Program for Multnomah County employees; plans, implements and evaluates classes and activities; prepares educational and P.R. material; pres­ ents health and fitness workshops; and maintains records; requires professional experience dem on­ strating proficiency in program coor­ dination and delivery AND Bache­ lor’s degree in Health Education or related field; apply by December 16, 1988. Youth Program Development Specialist: $12.06 per hour; plans, develops, coordinates and evalu­ ates programs and contracts for the Youth Program office; requires one year of experience in program plan­ ning, development and/or evalu­ ation in the social services area, preferably involving services for youth; apply by Decem ber 9,1988. Apply at: Multnomah County Employee Services Room 1430, 1120S W Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer PO RTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears of the Community" * «Vi ’ •' ß *> 4 ’s Í RECORDS AND LIBRARY MANAGER ' < / 1 !**>♦»* KJ 288-0033 Nursing RN The M edical Affairs Dept. is cur­ rently seeking a RN professional to fill a Pre-Certification Coordinator position. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O re­ gon is currently accepting applica­ tions for an immediate opening for a secretary in the Medicare Services Dept. PRE-CERTIFICATION COORDINATOR The Pre-Certification Coordinator will conduct reviews for pre-certifi­ cation program including pre-certi­ fying 2nd opinions, discharge plan­ ning, and benefit extension review. Qualified applicants must have 2 years secretary experience; excel­ lent grammar, spelling, punctuation, and com position skills; and possess a positive attitude. Successful candidates must be an RN currently licensed in the State of Oregon with 3-5 years recent hospi­ tal experience. Utilization review and quality assurance background desirable. Good com m unication skills a must. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O re­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and com petitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th FI. 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 ■ ^ E q u a ^ g g o r tu n it^ E m g lo ^ e ^ ^ In te r e s te d in b e c o m in g a C a th o lic or returning to the Catholic Church? Call Fr. Ted or Sis. Kath­ leen at St Andrew ’s Catholic Church 281-4429 The ability to type a minimum of 70 WPM a must, as well as experience with PC’s and word processing. Business college background and transcription m achine highly desir­ able. Monthly salary range from $1300-$1450. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O re­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and com petitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th FI. 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 EARN EXCELLENT MONEY A t H om e Assem bly work Jewelry, Toys, Others Call 1-619-565-1657 Ext. 3759 24 Hours