December 1,1988, Portlend Observer, Page 7 , Sickle Cell Appointments I* Qanny Glover, star of such films as The Color Purple, Witness, Lethal Weapon, and Raisin In The Sun scheduled for PBS in early 1989, has been se le cte d as the Spokesman for the National Association For Sickle Cell Disease, Inc. (NASCD). SuperStation TBS in 1979 as a part- tim e d ocu m e n ta ry sp ecials producer, and has served the Turner Broadcasting System in a nu mber of capacities over the years. Prior to joining WTBS, Ms. Clayton was the nationally-acclaimed host of The Xernona Clayton Show, a regular feature on WAGA-TV, CBS Grambling University President, Dr. Joseph B. Johnson, Wins Achievement Award For Educa­ tion Gladys Knight and The Pips Win Achievement Award for Music Archbishop Eugene A. Marino Wins Achievement Award for Religion th Anniversary Danny Glover, acclaimed as one of the most prolific actors in Hollywood, was named as the National Spokesperson for the National Association for Sickle Cell Disease, Inc., at its 16th Annual Convention held recently in Albuquerque, New Mexico. “ Because he is a universally respected and admired performer, Danny Glover can help us tell the sickle cell story,” said Xernona Clayton, Assistant Corporate Vice President For Urban Affairs, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., and newly elected Chairman of t he NASCD Board of Directors. G lo ve r accep ted his appointment at the banquet which closed the 16th annual NASCD convention in Albuquerque, N.M., recently. “ I've been blessed to have one hit movie after another,” he said. “ Now, it’s my turn to give something back to my community. I thank you for this opportunity and this challenge to help find a solution to the sickle cell problem.” The theme for the convention was “ Issues and Implications For The Adult W ith S ickle Cell Conditions.” Delegates from the Association’s 80 Chapters also elected eight incumbent and three new directors to the NASCD Board. Ms. Clayton was re-elected to the Board for a second term, and is the first woman serving as Chairman. She was one of the first to volunteer to serve on the National Advisory Committee of NASCD in 1972. Ms. C la yto n jo in e d Xernona Clayton of Atlanta, GA., was recently elected Chairman of The Board of the National Association for Sickle Cell Disease, Inc. Ms. Clayton is Assistant Corporate Vice President for Urban Affairs with Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. affiliate in Atlanta. The new directors are Kwaku Ohene-Frempong, M.D., L. Julian H ayw ood, M .D ., and Ingrid Saunders Jones. Dr. Ohene- Frempong is Medical Director, Sickle Cell Program, Children’s H o sp ital of P h ila d e lp h ia , Pennsylvania. Dr. Haywood is Professor of Medicine and also Director of the Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles. Ms. Jones is Assistant Vice President and Director For Urban Affairs of the Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, GA. In addition to Ms. Clayton, other officers elected are Charles F. Whitten, M.D., Detroit, Michigan, President; R oosevelt Brown, D.D.S., Little Rock, Arkansas, 1st Vice Chairman; Patricia Robinson, R.N., M.A., C.N.A., North Richland Hills, Texas, 2nd Vice Chairman; John n y S cott, M .D ., P h.D ., Birmingham, Alabama, 3rd Vice Chairman; Carol W. Redding, S e cre ta ry, and H ow ard D. Anderson, Treasurer, both of Chicago. Revlon Establishes $5 Million Line Of Credit With Consortium Of Minority Owned Banks -Firm also invests $1 million in certificates of deposit- Revlon, Inc., the New York based cosmetics, fragrances and hair care company, has established a one-year, $5-million unsecured line of credit with a consortium of nine minority - and women-owned banks, it was announced by Granville L. Stevens, Senior Counsel, Revlon, Inc. and Edward Lewis, Chairman of the Freedom National Bank of New York. Freedom National, the lead bank in the transaction, will act as agent for the other banks in the consortium, which includes Adams National Bank, a women-owned bank located in Washington, DC. R evlon also invested a p p ro xim a te ly $1 m illio n in certificates of deposit in the nine banks and has established two high-volume corporate operating accounts with Freedom National Bank, which is headquartered in Harlem, New York. In a separate development, Revlon announced that it has retained Aiiel Capital Management of Chicago to manage a portion of Revlon’s pension funds. John W. Rogers, Jr. is president of Ariel, a m in o rity-o w n e d pension management firm. b e a u t y salo n Lombard & b e a u t y s u p p l ie s TJ 0) > Z3 O o c 5 Here N TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY SPECIALS On Curls by E.J. Bates $40.00 - $45.00 For Low Prices — Quality Service and Deliveries P & J ’s Beauty Salon & Barber Supplies 231 N. Lombard • Suite 200 • Portland, OR Phone: (503) 289-0205 Peggy Summer • Owner « ¿American ¿dock ¿Achievement ¿Awards ness and Professions American Black Achievement Award NFL Star Doug Williams Wins Achievement Award for Athletics Rev. Jesse Jackson Wins 1988 Trailblazer Award Grants From State Check- Off Program On Child Abuse Salem - The G overnor’s Advisory Committee on Child Abuse agreed on November 15 to dedicate $100,000 of tax refund check-off receipts to new direct service programs. Grants will be $22,000 each with priority given to those areas of the State That do not currently have a grant from the Children’s Trust Fund. Persons who wish to receive program applications should contact the children’s Services Division Contracts Office by mid- December (378-3542). A total of $304,243 has been received to-date from the check-off program. In addition to the $100,000 for new programs, $139,330 will go to continuing Congressman Charles Rangel Wins Public Service American Black Achievement Award Winners: 1988 Oprah Winfrey Wins Dramatic Arts American Black Achieve- ment Award < r programs, such as Lane County’s Birth To Three and Portland Public Schools’ Southeast Asian Parent Outreach. The Trust Fund is also assisting a number of teen-parent programs sponsored by Roseburg Boys & Girls Aid Society, Jackson co un ty H ealth D epartm ent, M ultnom ah C ounty health Department, Salem YMCA and St. John’s (Portland) YWCA. According to Dr. Bruce Strimling, a Eugene physician and Chairperson of the Governor's Advisory committee on Child Abuse, $50,000 of the check-off will be used for a development contract to raise corporate dollars and promote general funding, while $50,000 will be set aside in trust. Toni Morrrison Wins the Fine Arts American Black Achieve­ ment Award r** Alexander O'Neal Largest Drug Seizure In Oregon History The largest drug seizure in Oregon history took place on November 20-21,1988. Officers of the Regional Organized Crime and Narcotics Task Force (ROCN) and detectives from the Lake Oswego and Milwaukie Police Departments seized 35 kilograms (77 lbs.) of cocaine, several vehicles, and an assortment of firearms. The investigation involved suspects who were operating a multi-state drug trafficking network. Because of the nature of the case, the Riverside, California, Organized Crime and Narcotics Task Force joined in the investigation. The Portland and Riverside drug enforcement task forces are two of twenty-one such national projects supported by the U S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance. This is the first time that two of these special task forces have engaged in a joint investigation. "I am especially pleased about the combined nature of this investigation," said Multnomah County District Attorney Michael D Schrunk. “ It proves that people working together from different agencies and different jurisdictions can achieve impressive results Individual agencies are too hard- pressed to come up with the resources necessary for an investigation of this magnitude.” On November 20-21, 1988, ROCN officers with the assistance of the Lake Oswego and Milwaukie Police Departments executed search warrants at addresses in two counties: 1050 S.E. 33 Street, Troutdale, Oregon 2920 S.E. 145 Avenue, Portland, Oregon Route 1, Box 278, Cornelius, Oregon At the same time, the Riverside Task Force executed two additional search warrants in the City of Riverside. Four suspects were arrested in the investigation. Charles Turner, United States Attorney for Oregon, has authorized federal prosecution for each of the following suspects: Gary M. Jones, DOB 12'26/47 Rt 1, Box 278, Cornelius, OR William Edward Brittle, DOB 09 01/57 1050 SE 33 St., Troutdale, OR Douglas Decourcey, DOB 03 10/ 56 2920 SE 145 Avenue. Portland OR Luis Ernesto Kurmen, DOB 03' 14/53 A Colombian National 12515 Foxdale Drive Moreno Valley, CA Regional Organized Crime and Narcotics Task Force Agencies United States Attorney Charles Turner Multnom ah County District Attorney Michael D. Schrunk Clackam as County District Attorney Jim O’Leary Washington County District Attorney Scott Upham Portland Police Bureau, Chief Richard Walker Multnomah County Sheriff Fred Pearce Clackamas County Sheriff Bill Brooks Washington County Sheriff Bill Probtsfield Name these local celebrities and win 2 free tickets for "Kalulu" and "Rumplestilskin (with a African beat) And your picture in the next edition of the Portland Observer. Call 288-0033 by Monday, Dec. 5,1988, with your answers. Gresham Chief of Police ARt Knori Oregon State Police, Supt. Emil Brandaw Drug E nforcem ent A d m in is tra tio n RAC Larry McKinney Also participating investigation in the Lake Os wego Chief of Police Les Youngbar Milwaukie Chief <>, Police Ron Goodpastor Riverside OCN Task Force, Captain Chuck Hall 1 ft*-*.**»■>»■J f t - ' '•»*. t