• r 1 r r 'r ? ! ‘ D e c e m b e r 1 ,1 9 8 8 , P o rtlan d O b s erver, P a g e 5 ENTERTAINMENT - ' ■* . , Publishing Magnate John H. IBCUND ICEPCICT by Garland Lee Thompson A call is going out to whose interested in joining a new Portland- based w rite rs group and development workshop. Useni Perkins, the Executive Director of the Urban League of Portland has put out a call for the formation of new writers' workshop to foster the urgently needed development of local writers, under the currently working title of the Pacific Northwest A fric a n A m e rica n W riters Association. Useni Perkins, who is aiso a poet and has written plays while living in his home town of Chicago, has asked a number of Portlanders, such as Mattie Ann Callier Spears (s in g e r-w rite r), Joe F ra n klin (teacher-writer), Michael Grant (actor-director-writer) and myself to join in the development of this new local writer development project that is currently meeting on every other Sunday, 3 to 5 PM in the Urban League office at Williams Avenue and Russell. The next scheduled meeting of the workshop pilot group is Sunday, December 4,1988 At the last meeting of the new group, I attended the session to learn of the purpose and on what forms of writing the group is preparing to focus. Perkins submitted the following guidelines that are intended to provide a format tor readings and criticism. 1. Purpose of Criticism - All criticism should be accepted as being constructive in their intent. 2. Works read during workshop should be no longer than 15 minutes, unless special permission has been granted BEHIND THE SCENES Johnson To Be Featured 3. All works should be presented as “ works in progress.” 4. Whenever possible, writers should distribute copies of their works before readings. At the last meeting on Sunday, November 20, 1988, in which novelists, short story, fiction writers were invited, poetry by Joe Franklin, the beginning scene of a new play by Michael Grant, was read and a discussion critique of both followed. Also questions of time and the best day of the week to meet, were discussed and the day remains every other Sunday of the month for the present. James Earl Jones is set to host the "Story ot a People” * 1989 Specials Jones is pictured here with syndicate it Production President Robert Dockery and Producer Stafford Bailey. New York Writers Workshop Formed This Way As the founder in 1973,. of the Frank Silvera Writers' Workshop in New York City, now in its sixteenth season of existence, focusing on new play and p la y w rig h ts ’ development, I was very interested in this new Portland project. This is basically the same way we formed the very productive Frank Silvera Writers’ Workshop in the Seventies (named in memorial for actor-director, Frank Silvera). The Frank Silvera Workshop, now a nationally acclaimed federal and New York State funded program that has read and presented more than 3,000 new and known playwrights, such as Charles Fuller (“Zooman and The Sign," “A Soldier’s Play"), Ntozake Shange (“for colored girls”) and Richard Wesley (noted films, “ Uptown Saturday Night," "Let’s Do It Again,” “ Native Son” ). “ Write on, to Useni and the new writers group! Ebony/Jet publishing magnate John H. Johnson will be featured in “Who is That Black Man?,” one of ♦ the two hour-long programs that make up the “Story Of A People” sp ecial from S ynd ica te It P ro du ctio ns, w hich w ill run nationally in January and February, 1989. “ Story Of A People is a profile of Black America, presented by Black Americans, that attempts to give a well-balanced appraisal of the issues and trends that affect our culture," states Robert Dockery, J r , producer of the special. Dockery says the image of the Black American is often distorted by the media and through the one-hour specials "Who Is That Black Man?" and "The Gospel According To..." Dockery hopes to “set that record straight.” "Who Is That Black Man?” is a thought-provoking special designed to refute the myths about black men in America today. The special will 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 HOT SOUNDS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! HOWARD HUNTSBERRY W IT H LOVE Featuring SLEEPLESS WEEKENOi UARRtf D t t f N G E I LONELY IO O /A O S E S DON T TAKE THIS OUT ON ME introduce viewers to hardworking, successful responsible men like John H Johnson, a man writ» is an integral fibre of this nation. Voted the Entrepreneur of the Decade in 1987 by Black Enterprise, John H. Johnson has created a publishing and broadcast empire to be reckoned with Johnson was inducted into the Publishing Hall of Fame last yeai and was honored as the Most Outstanding Black Pubiisher iri History in 1977 by the National Newspaper Publishers Association. The United Negio College Fund honored Johnson tor Distinguished Accomplishment In addition to profiling Johnson, “Who Is That Black Man? will interview Cliff Rocquemore and Micky Stevenson, whose latest work "The Gospel Truth ” is now a highly acclaimed musical theatre production eminent jazz producer, writer ano musician B illy Mitchell, and the Delphi ot Louisville, Kentucky a prominent Black men's club staded over 30 years ago, with members now located across the country "Our attempt in making this special was to show wnat these black men have done to preserve theircultuie and what they are doing now to secure their future, “ Dockery explained. "By seeing their daily ro utines, liste n in g in on conversations and watching these men with their friends and families, the audience is allowed the opportunity to make a more accurate and honest assessment of the A m e rica n Black M a le ’s achievements, contributions and struggles PO RTLAND OBSERVER The Eyes and Ears of the Community 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Eva Gabor Bom Free Rene o f Paris Andre Douglas Zurv and More Carefree Wif>S, Hairpieces and Beauty Supplies Magazine for dates in your area). Jay K in g Sued O ve r Altercation - Papers were served in Sacram ento M unicipal Court against promoter Jay King for allegedly attacking a financial consultant in a local Sacramento nightclub The lawsuit asks for financial compensation of $25,000, and also names his bodyguards, who allegedly held the young man while Jay King hit him, as co- aefendants Jay King, the founder of Club Nouveau and co-founder of the Timex Social Club, is sole owner of King Jay Records, and manages singer Michael Cooper. Cosby Show Will Be Back: When Bill Cosby made his debut on NBC's hit series, "The Cosby Show’ he did so with the stipulation that he would only do the show for five years Up til now, Cosby was not talking about whether or not he would renew for a sixth season (1989-90), and NBC was holding its breath But earlier this month, Cosby announced that he would be back, and NBC couldn’t be happier. Berry Gordy H onored: Motown Records founder Berry Gordy will be honored on December 6th in Beverly Hills The occasion is the Brotherhood Crusade's annual “ Walter Bremond Pioneer of Black Achievement Award Dinner” . This year, the coveted award named in honor ot the Biotherhood Crusade’s founding father goes to record industry legend, Berry Gordy. Entertainment tor the evening will be p io v id e d uy Smokey Robinson. Ike T u rn e r D isappears: Entertainer Ike Turner recently went AWOL from a comeback lour in Milwaukee. Turner was scheduled to perform at the Odd Rock Cafe in Milwaukee, but promoter Jack Koshick said Turner never showed up and that he has cancelled the rest ot his tour Koshick also said that ne does not know Turner’s current whereabouts. Turner, who was due in court on charges of drug possession will face stiff legal penalties. Law suit A gainst E ddie Murphy Will Stand As Is: A Los Angeles Superior Court judge recently denied a dismissal motion in a $30 m illio n c o p yrig h t infringement lawsuit brought by writer Shelby Gregory against superstar Eddie Murphy The bid was to dismiss the suit was brought by Lassine Ousseni, who claims to be a Nigerian prince and asserts it was he who offered Giegory $5,000 to write a detailed outline of a story that resem bled "C om ing To America” . Ousseni, himself says he will sue Murphy. Meanwhile, no date for further action in either case has been set On the home front Murphy has reportedly bougnt the ih re e houses next to P a jl "Crocodile Dundee" Hogan for $10 million According to the report, he plans to demolish the three houses and build one big mansion in their place. Ebony’s Black Achievement Awards - A Smash: It was all gilt? and glamour tor the 10th Annual Black A chieve m e n t A w a id s recently in Los Angeles The awards which were hosted by Clifton Davis and Jackes, were the brainchild of ebony publisher, John H. Johnson, to highlight the achievements of blacks in all arenas. Lionel Hampton received the lifetime Achievement Award, while Rev. Jesse Jackson picked up the Trailblazer Award Other recipients included Congressman Charles Rangel, Gladys Knight & The Pips, Oprah Winfrey, and Grambling University President, Dr Joseph Johnson, Flo-Jo, Evelyn Ashford, and Jackie Joyner-Kersee were on hand tor a Salute to Olympians Presenters mcludeo Melba Moore, Quincy Jones, Blair Underwood, Vanessa Williams, Kadeem Hadison, and Beauty & The Beast's Ron Pearlman (who is married to a black woman). The program is slated to be broadcast in over 100 markets from December through Black History month. (Check your local listings or Jet Cleo’s Cafe 3041 N. Williams 284-7150 Ethnic Cuisine Southern Style H O U S E S P E C IA L T IE S Chitterlings • Meatloaf Mix Greens • Beef Stew Catfish • And Many Other Southern Dishes Including: Cleo's Zesty Ribs In Sauce — H O M E -C O O K E D D E S E R T S Come See ‘Luberta’ For Down Home Cookin’! MEMBERS & GUESTS | | | D A D S 0 |L S E R V IC E 50 Gals $38.00 H eating O ils 1 0 0 G a ls . 2 5 G a ls . BLUE VELVET $25.00 Featuring ROCK STEADY BOYFRIENO I LL GIVE YOU LOVE A GOOO MAN 1 0 4 N .E . R u s s e ll S t. P o rtla n d , O R 9 / 2 1 2 (5 0 3 ) 282-51111 $68.00 150 Gals. $102.00 * 4 > Wigland t f (z w W H O LE S A LE & RETAIL H U N D R E D S OF W IG S ’ FOR YOUR EVERCHANGMG LIFESTYLES Sue Ann MAC Band Your Choice MRS C ’S WIGS i $6" Album Or Cassette o N A O M I SIMS • BO RNFREE • M IC H A E L W EEKS $2°° Oft CD B ETTY CABINE PROPRIETOR On MCA Records East Portland 32nd & E. Burnside 231-8926 MUSIC M ILLENNIUM Offer Good Thru Decem ber8,1988 On MCA Records NW Portland 23rd 8 NW Johnson 248-0163 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS tuvs - sat M IL L E N N IU M ENTERPRISES 44 111304(00 □E « Store Hours: 10:00 a m . 'til 6 :0 0 p .m . M o n d a y T h ru S a tu rd a y EVERYTH»« FROM CURRENT SI YLES TO SPECIALTY WCS UNOUE HAM ORNAMENTS HAF BEADS A BEAUTY SUPPUES MRS. CS EBONY ESSENCE CUSMET1S ZUHI COSME ncs 1105 N.E. Broadway (across from Safeway Lloyd Center) 282-1664 28 1B^ fiiûûftir.Tr .. , '* .» . 's . e .. 4 »Ti ’ •-'L'fÄ ■ y -? 'V 'f, •‘f » c . , • •* • e j r •'I; * Y ‘T?.- ' V’ îri.v. «Tri "i V, Perri SUE ANN ■ Next week. Find out just what Richard Prior is up to. ★ Best Cash Prices ★ Speedy Service ' s-O525 T 7ttl ft FREMONT (707 N.E. FREMONT) BEAUTUAN & STUDENT DISCOUNTS 100% FOR BRAIDING ft WEANMG f e ’Z.-.