December 1,1988, Portland Observer, Page 3 COMMUNITY FORUM Urban League Names New Directors The Urban League of Portland has added four new members to its board of directors. At its November 16th meeting, the board elected Louis J. Boston, Sydney T. Brown, Donnie Young Griffin, and Dr. James H. Ward. Louis J. Boston is president of Gresham Chrysler Plymouth, Inc. Previous to com ing to Portland eleven months ago, Mr. Boston was president and owner of the Boston Marketing Group, a marketing and m anagem ent d e v e lo p m e n t com pany in Syracuse, New York. Sydney T. Brown is senior vice president and director of personnel Urban League Slates Community Forum The Urban League of Portland's A d o le s c e n t/P a re n t T re a tm e n t Program will sponsor a com m unity forum entitled “ Pass to Success,” on Friday, Decem ber 16, 1988, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The forum will be held at the Urban League, 10 North Russell, in the Multi-Purpose Room. The discussion panel will feature successful people of color from all walks of life, including Useni Perkins, the League’s president. The motto for the forum, which will be in a question and answer format, is “ Our Youth Can be Successful.” The panel will entertain questions from the audience, with the goal of providing empowering information to young people and their families, and a positive atmosphere for the exchange of ideas and options available as they plan for a successful future. The forum is open to all youth and their families. For further information, contact Mary Omereife at 280-2600. Annual Minority Artist Showcase Portland Observer's 1989 National Black Talent Directory Premier for Security Pacific Bank Oregon (formerly Oregon Bank). He brings to the bard vast experience in the a re a s of e m p lo y m e n t and personnel. Donnie Young Griffin, has been e m p lo y e d by U .S . W e st Communications (formerly Pacific Northwest Bell) for the past twelve years, and is currently the director of com m unity affairs and corporate communications. Mr. Griffin also serves on the Multnomah County Children's Agenda Task Force. Dr. James H. Ward, who has been in Portland since August 1, is dean of the Graduate School of Social W ork at Portland State University. Dr. W ard has an extensive background in social and human services, and, additionally, is a m em ber of the Mt. Hood Community Mental Health Center Board and the State Division of M ental H ealth's A dvisory and Planning Council. The Urban League of Portland is a non-profit com m unity social service agency com m itted to a s s is tin g b la c k s and o th e r m in o ritie s in o b ta in in g equal opportunity in all phases of A m erican live. The League attempts to accomplish its mission th ro u g h advocacy, c itiz e n e d u c a tio n , jo b p la c e m e n t, counseling and case management, and emergency services. On Monday, Decem ber 19, 1988, M in o rity A r tis t R e p re se n ta tive s In t'l (M .A.R.I.) will present its Second Annual M in o rity A rtis t T alent S ho w ca se and the Northwest premier unveiling of the 1989 N ational B la ck T alent D ire cto ry. This festive event will ta ke p la ce at th e In te rs ta te Firehouse Cultural Center (5340 N. Interstate, Portland, Oregon). The 1989 N ational D ire c to ry displays photographs and contact n u m b e rs of 1700 B la c k professionals involved in all phases of the entertainment industry from on-camera, recording artists and models, to writers, producers and others. Registrants include notable national artists such as Debbie Allen, Danny Glover, Arsenio Hall and Nell Carter. Local Northwest featured talent includes Brenda P h illip s, Lew F re d e rick, The Untouchable Krew and Kirk Green, just to name a few. The event will com m ence with a 6:30 p.m. reception and the presentation of the N a tio n a l B lack T alent D ire cto ry, followed by the S econd A n n u a l M .A.R.I. T alent S how case, featuring talent listed in the D ire c to ry and other M.A.R.I. talent. Guests will include talent b u y e rs fro m O re g o n and Washington. This past August marked the PORTLAND OBSERVER “ The Eyes and Ears of the Community” 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Bust In Fine Porclein Mounted On Solid Walnut Base Size: 10" x 8" by Olvero $125.00 plus shipping and handling P.O. Box 14265 Portland, Oregon 97214 Call: (503) 235-0481 A O N E H O U R F R E E L E C T U R E W IT H Q U E S T IO N P E R IO D Athlete of the Month release of The National Black Talent Directory. The unveiling took place at The Hollywood Palladium during The National Black Talent Industry Expo '88. Yes, "The Dream Is A Reality” . For those fortunate enough to participate at this historical event, there was an opportunity to witness a live set inspired by the smash hit "Com ing to Am erica” , seminars g iv e n by n o ta b le s in th e entertainment industry focusing on what it takes to make it in-frorit-of- th e -c a m e ra and b e h in d -th e - scenes, and a wide array of workshops geared towards children as well as adults. A Press Conference was held during the afternoon at which time the Inaugural Edition of The National Black Talent Directory was unveiled. The Directory featured 1700 registrants from Michael Jackson, Harry Belafonte, Margaret Avery to Debbie Allen and Prince. Also included were National Franchised Agent Listings, and much more. Participants at the Press conference included Tony C aldw ell representing S.A.G., A.F.T.R.A., and Equity. Esther Rolle and Johnny Brown from the T.V. series “ Good Tim es", Malik Ali from Walt Disney World, Willis Edwards from The N.A.A.C.P., Tavis Smiley representing Mayor Tom Bradley and The City of Los Angeles delivered a Commendation to Mr. Jones Publisher/Founder of The D ire c to ry who stated during the conference that "The D ire c to ry will be placed on the desk of every key decision-m aker in the industry” . During the evening hours, The N ational B lack T alent D ire c to ry had an aw ards p re se n ta tio n honoring F o re ru n n e rs in th e entertainment world, such as, Eddie Murphy and Barry Gordy. In addition, a fabulous fashion show featured models registered in The Directory. Live entertainment was provided by Billy Paul, The Bonners, Kurtis Blow, and many many more. W ith a s s is ta n c e fro m th e entertainm ent com m unity, The National Black Talent Industry Expo '88 was a tremendous success. T h e N a tio n a l B la c k T a le n t D ir e c to r y w is h e s to th a n k P a ra m o u n t P ic tu re s , O rio n Pictures, W arner Bros. Studio, E d d ie M u rp h y P ro d u c tio n s , Stephan J. Cannell Productions, Fred Silverman Productions, KTTV, Salt & Pepper Productions, and a host of others for their support in making “THE DREAM A REALITY” . For additional information with regard to acquiring The N ational B lack T alent D ire cto ry, Advertiser and R e g istra tio n in fo rm a tio n , please contact: The National Black Talent Directory 6221 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, CA 90028 (213) 463-8033 Clyde Drexler - #22 Portland Trailblazers PORTLAND OBSERVER “ The Eyes and Ears of the Com m unity” 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Grace Collins Memorial Center Day Care •‘Since 1952” • Kindergarten • Pre-School ‘Latch K ey Program ’ Children 6 wks. to 11 yrs. • Breakfast • Hot Lunches •Snacks Moo-Fri 6:30 am ■ 6.00 pm Call 281-6930 128 N.E. Russell St. 4 Year O lds - M aking C ookies Grace Collins Memorial Center PORTLAND OBSERVER Day Care ‘The Eyes and Ears of the Community” 5 Year O lds - Reading First G rade B ooks 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 TROUBLED YOUTH: EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS THROUGH PRAYER A Christian Science Lecture by Richard A. Mather, C.S.B. of Spokane, Washington Member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship A Message from SANTA to Kids Ages 6-12 I n 100 Tuesday, December 6, 1988 7:30 PM WORDS OR LESS PLEASE TELL MEI W hat C hristmas M eans T o Y ou ! AND RECEIVE A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS G lF T FROM The Red Lion Inn, Lloyd Center 1000 N.E. Multnomah Portland, Oregon The Helens Room The Portland Observer’s Santa Free Parking. No Child Care Sponsored by Tenth Church of Christ, Scientist, Portland * i » « Letters to Santa must be received by 12/09/88 i ‘ Af Ttf ■< f-Wirtcf