November 24, 1988, Portland Observer, Page 9 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING City of Portland INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS RECORDS AND LIBRARY MANAGER The Port of Portland is recruiting for a R ecords and Library M anager with course work or equivalent experience equal to a degree in library and records m anage­ ment, CRM designation desirable: five or more years experience in records and library m anagem ent or related field. Department of Fisheries CALL FOR BIDS Patrol Seized Gear Storage Building-Little White Salmon Hatchery Bids will be received by the State of Washington, Department of Fisheries, until 2:00pm Pacific Time on DECEMBER 6,1988, for construction of one (1) 26x36 foot pole-type metal storage building to be located at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Little White Salmon River Hatchery, near White Salmon, Washington in Skamania County. Plans and specifications can be requested by mail ( Department of Fisheries, Room 115 General Administration Building, Olympia, WA 98504) by phoning (206) 753-6610 or in person from 902 East Union, Olympia, WA 98504. STATE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES Joseph R. Blum, Director By: Russell D. Webb, Chief Engineer Engineering Division ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS S e a le d bids fo r the Fish D isease R esearch Labo ra to ry, P hase II p ro je c t will be re ce ive d by the O re g o n S tate Board of H ig h e r E duca tio n u ntil 2 :0 0 PM, PST, D e ce m b e r 13, 1988. As Records and Library M anager you will be responsible for design and im plem entation of a corporate records library m anagem ent system. You will establish on-going procedures for analysis, and develop and provide training for users throughout tne organization. Additional preferred qualifications include: -Additional experience and course work in com puter applications, business law and human relations -D em onstrated excellent oral and written com m unication skills. -Strong organization and planning skills. -D em onstrated effective m anagem ent and supervisory skills. -E ffective problem solver. -P roactive self starter. In addition to a com prehensive benefit package, the Port offers a starting salary of $24,480 - $30,430 com m ensurate with experience. The full salary range is $24,480 - $36,430. A d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n m ay be obtained by c o n ta ctin g the D e p a rtm e n t of P h ysica l Plant, O re g o n S tate U niversity, 15th at W ash in g to n , C o rva llis, O R 97331 -2001 or te le p h o n e 503-754-4921 If interested and qualified, apply at the Port of Portland Em ploym ent Office, 700 N.E. M ultnom ah, 14th floor, Suite 1411 or call 503-231-500, ext. 700 for com plete application materials. Resumes will not be accepted in place of applications, but may be included. All applications m ust be received by 5:00 p.m., W ednesday N ovem ber 30, 1988. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID The Pori of Portland is an Equal O pportunity Employer. S e a le d bids fo r the W e n ig e r Hall R oom 635 G row th C h a m b e r Installation p ro je c t w ill be received by the O re g o n S tate B oard of H ig h e r E d u ca tio n u n til 2 :0 0 PM , PST, D ecem ber 15, 1988. A d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n m ay be o b tained by c o n ta ctin g the D e p a rtm e n t of P h ysica l Plant, O regon S tate U niversity, 15th at W a sh in g to n , C o rva llis, O R 97331 -2001 or tele p h o n e 5 0 3 -754-4921. TICKET SELLER S alary: $6.50/hour/ Part-tim e non­ exem pt W e’re looking for detail-oriented, per­ sonable people to sell tickets for events at the Portland C enter fo r the Perform ing Arts, Mem orial C oliseum and Civic Stadium . You will w ork at the New Theatre Building initially. We need people available to w ork all hours all days, on a part-tim e basis, including w eekends and holidays. W e prefer actual ticket-selling experi­ ence and require m oney-handling experience and w ork with tne general public, preferably in high-volum e situ­ ation. You m ust be 18 years old or older. You m ust be witling to be CPR certified. APPLY IN P ER SO N : N ovem ber 21- 25, 8:30 am through 5:00 pm , M em o­ rial Coliseum , P ersonnel Office, 1401 N. W heeler. An Equal O pportunity Em ployer A f­ firm ative Action Em ployer OREGON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS CORRECTIONAL OFFICER RECRUITMENT The Oregon Department of Corrections is currently re­ cruiting for Correctional Officers. Openings currently exist in Salem at the Oregon State Penitentiary, Oregon Women's Correctional Center and the Oregon State Correctional Institute. In Pendleton, openings currently exist at the East­ ern Oregon Correctional Institution. The Correctional Offi­ cer's main duty in these facilities is to supervise and control inmates to maintain security and enforce discipline. The Cor­ rectional Officer is responsible for the safety of life and pre­ vention of the destruction of property at their work sites. The monthly salary for these positions range from $1,641 to $1,997. The State offers liberal fringe benefits. The applicant for Correctional Officer must take two tests: 1. a reading comprehension and language arts test and 2. a multi-choice video test. The multi-choice video test covers work related situations portrayed through the use of a video system. Only those applicants passing the reading compre­ hension and language arts test will be allowed to take the multi-choice video test. The video test requires 4 hours to complete. The reading comprehension and language arts test and the video test will be administered in Portland on Saturday, December 10,1988, at Portland Community College, Cas­ cade Campus, Jackson Hall, Room 104. The reading com­ prehension and language arts test w ill begin at 10:00 a.m. The multi-choice video test w ill begin at 12:00 Noon. Individuals interested in being tested must bring to the testing site a completed employment application for the State of Oregon. This form may be obtained from any State employment office or from the Urban League of Portland office at 10 North Russell Street. Employment applications will also be available at the testing site at 9:00 a.m. However, the employment application form must be completed before admission to the reading and language arts comprehension test. Applicants will be required to show photo identification before admission to the video test. Applicants may simply come to the testing site the morning of the test. However, it is recommended that space be reserved by calling the Department of Corrections Personnel Division in Salem at (503) 378-2497. Females and Minorities are Encouraged to Apply. BANKING SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON WE’VE CHANGED OUR NAME! As p a rt of S e curity Pacific C orpo ­ ra tio n , O regon Bank has changed its nam e A ffilia te d w ith the 6th la rg e s t Bank H olding C om pany in the co un try, we have unique and c h a lle n g in g ca re e r o p p ortu nities a v a ila b le n o w 1 Be a par, of the p re m ie r fin a n cia l o rg an izatio n in O regon Please v is it our Personnel De­ p artm e n t a, 1001 SW Fifth A ve ­ nue. Second F loo r Portland, Ore- • gon. or ca ll our Job O pportunity Line (503)796-3878 LIVE-INS/ HOUSEKEEPERS T aking resum es a lo n g w ith re fe re n c e s fo r liv e -in s and housekeepers. Contact: Personal Choice at 289-0005 between 9 a.m. -5 p.m. Dependable transportation a must. Equal Opportunity Employer HAIRSTYLIST/MANICURIST WANTED TO LEASE SPACE 285-6362 E.J.’s Beauty Salon 231 N. Lombard Portland, Oregon 97211 ★ JOB OPPORTUNITIES * Call our 24-Hour job line at 280-4727 for a listing of current opening at: S E C U R IT Y PACIFIC O R E G O N BANK APPLICANT HOURS Mon Fn 9am 1 pm (qual Opportunity (mptuyer Emanuel Hospital & Health Center A HealthLink Member Equal O pportunity Employer Proposals Due: 2:00 P.M. on Various Dates Sealed Proposals will be received atth e Bureau of P urchases and Stores, Room 1313, Portland Building, 1120 SW Fifth Ave., Portland, OR 97204 tor the (Proj­ ects) detailed below until 2:00 P.M. on the dates indicated. Plans and S pecifications may be obtained at the above address. For additional inform ation, telephone Buyer at num ber listed. Unless otherwise stated int eh individual proposals listed herein, no proposal or bid will be considered unless accom panied by a bid surety fo r an am ount not less than ten percent (10% ) of the aggregate am ount ot the proposal. The City encourages bidding by M BE’s and FBE's and will assist such firm s to understand and participate in form al bidding process. N O N -DISCR IM INATIO N: No proposal or bid will be considered unless the bidder is certified as an EEO A ffirm ative Action Em ployer as prescribed by C hapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland. Proposal No. Ja n ito ria l S ervices fo r Kerby Bldg. Call Bill Frazier, 7 9 6 -6 8 5 6 12/13/88 52-A Ja n ito ria l S ervices for Fire Bureau A d m in istra tio n Bldg. C all Bill F razier, 796 6856 12/13/88 53 Furnished H eating S ystem at M att D ishm an C o m m u n ity C enter. Call Bill F razier, 796-6856. P re q u a li­ fica tio n in C lass 2 4-H eating R equired 12/13/88 ENGINEERING BUSINESS SPECIALIST The Port of Portland has an im m ediate opening for an Engineering Business Specialist. The duties include preparing and m onitoring Engineering D epart­ m ent’s annual budqet, prepares all purchase order requisitions, coordinates contractor’s CME paym ents, m aintains orderly and com prehensive purchase order files and other related duties. Preferred qualifications include: -Course work or successful w ork experience in office procedures, accounting and business administration. -Previous successful office experience dem onstrating fam iliarity with budget and accounting system s. -W illingness to learn state-of-art m icrocom puter applications. -U nderstanding of spread sheets. IBM PC -Excellent oral and written com m unication skills. -Tact and judgem ent in dealing with vendors and custom ers. -Ability to make independent decisions. -Ability to work well under pressure of meeting deadlines. In addition to a com prehensive benefit package, the Port offers a starting salary of $16,910 - $18,805 com m ensurate with experience. I, interested and qualified, apply at the Port of Portland Em ploym ent Office, 14th Floor, 700 N.E. M ultnom ah, or call (5 0 3 ^ 231-500, ex,. 700 for application m aterials R esum es will not be accepted in place of applications, but m ay be included. All applications m ust be received by W ednesday, N ovem ber 30, 1988. The Port of Portland is an Equal O pportunity Em ployer SECURITIES EXAMINERS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Security Section of the Ore­ gon Dept. of Insurance & Finance in Salem seeks a Securities Examiner I: ($2,094 - $2,656/Mo.) and a Securi­ ties Examiner II: ($2,300 - $2,923/ Mo.). The Examiner I position re­ quires a law degree or a BA degree and 2 years experience in Securities work. The Examiner II position re­ quires a law degree and 2 years experience In Business Law or Secu­ rities or a BA with major coursework in Accounting. Finance or a related work, plu^ 3 years experience in Accounting, Auditing or Securities work. For an application contact: Employee Services Board On Police Standards And Training Requires 5 years of strong m anagem ent experience, plus knowledge of training techniques and criminal justice system. $38,304 - $48,864 annual salary. Located in Monmouth. Contact Joan Maguren for application information, (503) 378- 3676, Personnel and Labor Relations Division, 155 Cottage St. NE, Salem, OR 97310. Equal Opportunity Employer Department of Insurance & Finance 21 Labor & Industries Bldg. Salem, OR 97310 (1-378-3200) Equal Opportunity Employer TEACHER/COUNSELOR Private Non-Profit Alternative High School Oregon Certification desired. Mini­ mum 4 years experience with high risk adolescent responsibilities; teach­ ing, case management, advocacy counseling. Beginning Jan. 10,1989. Send resume and handwritten letter to: OMLC 7602 N. Emerald Portland, OR 97217 Equal Opportunity Employer < ^7 = 7 1 0 ^ REP. C (P ublic A ffa ir s S p e c ia lis t) $2261 - $2889 Monthly The Oregon Department o f Transpor­ ta tio n o ffe rs a challenging oppor­ tu n ity fo r a Public A ffa irs S p e c ia lis t located in Salem. You must have equivalent to fiv e years progressively responsible e xpe ri­ ence in newspaper, magazine, ra d io /te le v is io n journalism , or in work invo lvin g varied p ub lic contacts in the in te rp re ta tio n and explanation o f programs; AND a Bachelor's degree in Public Corrcnu- n ic a tio n . Journalism, Public A ffa ir s , or a clo s e ly related f ie ld ; OR three more years o f responsible p e rtin e n t experience. Contact ODOT Personnel, 419 Trans­ p ortatio n B ld g ., Salem, OR 97310, (503) 378-6281 fo r employment a p p lic a tio n and re c ru itin g announcement. A pplications w ill be accepted u n til 5:00 p.m. on December 2, 1988. The Oregon Deoarlmenl ot Trtnsp&M ion AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OFFICER Children Services Division This position is an excellent oppor­ tunity to make a real difference in state government. The person se­ lected for this position will be respon­ sible for insuring that the agency adheres to the intent of state and federal affirmative action ,and equal employment opportunity stature. Specifically, Titles V and VI Section 504 of the rehabilitation Act of 1973. Qualifications: 3 years of experience involving steady increasing manage­ ment responsibility or, 3 years of experience in a staff technicial or professional function related to man­ agement. In addition, you must have a Bachelor degree or 3 or more years of responsible experience. Salary: $2,156 - $2,753/Mo. plus benefits for recruiting announcement and appli­ cation. Call: Terri Mahlum 378-8338 by December 2,1988 Equal Opportunity Employer EXC LU DED INFORM ATIONAL REP. C (Public Affairs Specialist) $2261 - $2889 Monthly The Oregon D epartm ent of Transpor­ tation offers a challenging opportunity fo r a Public Affairs Specialist located in Salem. You must have equivalent to five years progressively respon­ sible experience in newspaper, m aga­ zine, radio/television journalism , o r in work involving varied public contacts in the interpretation and explanation of program s; AND a Bachelor's d e ­ gree in Public C om m unication, J o u r­ nalism, Public Affairs, or a closely re ­ lated field; O R three m ore years of responsible pertinent experience. Contact O D O T Personnel, 419 T rans­ portation Bldg., Salem , OR 97310, (503)378-6281 fo r em ploym ent appli­ cation and recruiting announcem ent. Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on D ecem ber 2, 1988 The Oregon D epartm ent of Transportation An E EO /AA Em ployer PORTLAND OBSERVER "T he Eyes and Ears of the C o m m u n ity " 288-0033 Opening I Description 48-A Furnishing Annual Services & Supplies 36-A Lube O ils & G reases. C all C raig J o h n s e n ,796-6852 11/29/88 40-A G a so lin e in T a n k W a g o n s & T ruck T railers. Call M ichele A ckerm an, 796-6854 12/01/88 41-A PS 200 Fuel O il. C all M ichele A ckerm an, 796-6854 12/01/88 42-A PS 300 & $00 Fuel O il. Call M ichele A ckerm an, 7 9 6-6854 12/01/88 49-A N uisance A batem ent. Call Bill F razier, 796-6856 12/06/88 51-A P arking M eter C o in a g e C ollection. Call Biil Frazier, 796-6856 12/06/88 PORTLAND OBSERVER “ The Eyes and Ears of the Community’’ 288-0033 MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE DOORS Bids Due: D e ce m b e r 6, 1988 - 2 :00 pm Bid N o .: B 6 1 -100-3215 S ealed b id s w ill be re ce ive d by the D irector of P u rch a sing , M ultnom ah C ounty P u rch a sing Section, 2505 S.E. 11th Ave., P ortland, O R 97202 for: R e p la ce m e n t of e x te rio r do o rs on the co u rth o u se . P lans and S p e cifica tio n s are filed w ith the P u rch a sing D ire cto r and copies m ay be o b tained from the above a d d re ss fo r a $5.00 non- re fu n d a b le fee. C h e c k s a n d m o n e y o rd e rs o n ly . P lans and S p e cifi­ ca tio n s w ill not be m ailed w ithin th e T ri-C o u n ty area. Pre-Bid Conference: MANDATORY - N ovem ber 2 3 ,1 9 8 8 ,1 0 :0 0 AM, 1021 S W 4th A venue, C ourthouse, P ortland, O regon. P re -Q u a lific a tio n o f B id d e rs : P u rsu a n t to the M ultnom ah C ounty P ublic C o n tra ct R eview Board A d m in istra tive R ules (AR 40.030) P re ­ q u a lifica tio n shall be required for this pro je ct fo r the follow ing cla ss(e s) of w ork: B U ILD IN G A LT E R A T IO N A N D R E P A IR P re -q u a lifica tio n a p p lica tio n s or sta te m e n ts m ust be prepared during the p e rio d of one ye a r prior to the bid date. P re -q u a lifica tio n ap plication ana p ro o f of p re -q u alifica tio n by the O regon D e p a rtm e nt of T ra n sp o r­ tation m ust be a ctually received or postm arked to M ultnom ah C ounty P u rch a sing S ection by not later than 10 d a ys prior to bid opening. All b id d e rs m u st co m p ly w ith the re q u ire m e n ts of the p revailing w age law in O R S 279.350. D etails of co m p lia n ce are available from the P u rch a sing Section, D e p a rtm e nt of G eneral Services, 250 5 S.E. 1 1th Avenue, P ortland, O R 97202, (503) 248-5111. C o n tra cto rs and su b co n tra cto rs m ust be lice n se d fo r asbestos a b a te ­ m ent w o rk if the p ro je ct involves w orking w ith asbestos. N o n -D is c rim in a tio n : B idders on this w o rk w ill be required to com ply with th e p ro visio n s of F ederal E xecutive O rd e r 11246. The re q u ire ­ m ents fo r B idders and C ontractors are exp la in e d in the S pecifications. No proposal will be considered unless accom panied by a check payable to M ultn o m a h C ounty, certified by a re sponsible bank, or in lieu thereof, a su re ty bond for an am ount e q ual to ten p e rce n t (10% ) of the a g g re g a te proposal. The su cce ssfu l b id d e r sh a ll furnish a bond satisfa cto ry to the Board in the full a m o u n t of the contract. M ultnom ah C ounty reserves the right to re je ct any or all bids. L u llle W a lk e r, D ire c to r P u rc h a s in g S e c tio n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • PACIFIC COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE FLOOD CONTROL PLAN REQUEST FOR LETTERS OF INTEREST Letters Due November 30 by the closing of business day. The Public Works Department of Pacific County w ill accept letters of interest and qualifications from firm s desiring to perform engineering planning, design and consulting services for a final comprehensive flood control management plan for the Long Beach peninsula. Interested firm s should submit one copy of their letter of interest and qualifications, lim iting their response to not more than fifteen standard size pages and include the following information: 1. A representative summary of projects the firm has completed related to planning and design of flood control projects. 2. Individuals the firm proposes to utilize with a statement of qualifica­ tions and experience. 3. A statement of qualifications and experience of other personnel expected to be utilized. 4. Form 254 and/or Form 255. Following review of the submittal, Pacific County w ill select firm s to participate in the final selection process. Interested firm s should subm it their letter of interest and qualifications to the Department of Public Works, P.0 Box 66, South Bend, Washington 98586, Attention: Chuck Mikkola, by the closing of business day of November 30,1988 Pacific County is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minority consultants are encouraged to respond.