Paye 4, Portland Observer, November 24, 1988 SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK: ISAIAH 26 RELIGION »<■ — ~ ~ STORMS OF LIFE Celebration Tabernacle by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears when I need it. Many of these young men don’t have that kind of support." On the 30th of October, Rev Mon­ daine was Installed In his very own church - The Celebration Tabernacle. The church is located at 1854 N. Lombard. The week was chocked full with g lo rio u s excitement. There was a musical on the 29th and a revival that began on the 31st with guest Evangelist Ruby Nelson from Shre­ veport, Louisiana. “ Ruby has book­ ings up to 1991. She Is a very busy lady. Ruby and I ministered together in Germany for one year. We labored profuselyl" Then he Intimated, "I learned how to bear the cross of God In a strange land.” "My church Is non-denomina- tlonal, largely because of my parents. My father is a deacon at the Compton Hill Baptist Church and my mother Is a, long time, member of Carter’s Insti­ tutional CME Church. No matter what There are young Black men dying by the 1,000's; but, there are many positive Black men out there making good sound judgement calls for our seemingly diminishing group of young Black males. But, That’s an entirely different story. This Saga unfolds about August of 1985 when a young Black man by the name of Elbert Mondaine arrived in the Northwest. He had been with a non- denominational church in St. Louis when he received a call to become a youth pastor for a church in the State of Washington. As a single parent, this was somewhat - of a challenge. He had to leave the comfort of his family support. “ This was my very first time being totally away from my family. When I arrived, I didn’t know a soul. I came from a city where there are a plenty Black people and this place had none. All that I saw were co w s!" Rev Mondaine said, "I sincerely think this was God’s way of giving me a push.” The Shepherd of Love Church, located in Salmon Creek, Washington, has never had a Youth group that was successful until Rev. Mondaine arrived. Not only was he equipped with the WORD, when he came; but God had given him an extra stick to fight with. He is an extraordinary musician. His desire to see more Blacks, caused him to cross the bridge. "When I came across that bridge" he continued to say, “ I was afraid of the unknown." While filling the position of Youth Pastor, he started a singing group called ’Shepherd’s Kids’. The Young Rev. Mondaine served at the Morning Star Baptist Church, under the Rev. Dr. Tony Lloyd Lewis, for one year. During the interim, he was employed with the Albina Ministerial Alliance as a Teen Parent Coordinator. In that position, he helps young fathers who have low esteem, no jobs and who need someone to talk to. He teaches sex education and is very interested in the health, welfare, and well being of the young men (especially the young Black male) in this city - because there are many programs for the girls but there are very few programs that are concerned with the interests and the needs of the young, inexperienced male who falls by the wayside of life. I asked him what kind of experience had he had. Why did he feel he was qualified to fill this position? And his response was, “ I was married and I’m having to raise my 6-year-old twin sons. Even though my beginnings may been different, I can still relate to their problems and because of my love of God and knowledge of the WORD, I can give them good sound advice. They need help." He went on to say, "The Lord has blessed me with a host of people to help me, Sunday you go to Carter’s CME, you can find my mother In the third pew on the left." "The has full control of my life. My ministry and my music, In my words, was a mistake.” “ My parents were both entertain­ ers. My mother sang with the O’Neal Twins In St. Louis for many years, many of my ancestors were ministers, but I didn’t necessarily say I wanted to do this. B U T ... her I ami" The C elebration T abernacle opened Its doors In September of this year, has a membership of 30 and Is growing each Sunday. Evangelist Fred Price, another friend of Rev. Mondaine, will be hold a 2-day seminar In February of 1989. God has truly brought this young 29 year old minister from a mighty long way and has blessed him tremen­ dously. I say to you, "Hold on to the un­ changing hand of God Almighty - for He’s brought you too far to leave you I" From the City of Portland, we wel­ come you and from the entire staff at the P ortland O bserver, we say CONGRATULATIONS! and keep up the good work. <=>! When terror grips you and you feel despair, Have faith and know your Lord is there. He can calm the raging wind and sea. And whisper softly, "Trust In Me." He knew defeat when alone on the cross. He, too, felt abandoned, forsaken and lost. So when the "storms of life"prevail, With God at the helm, taill Jesus Loves You! <=>< Allen Temple CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (comer of 8th & Skidmore) L Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor Psalm 34:3 Sounds of Thanksgiving INVITES All of God’s People NEWS IN BRIEF W illia m R. R icha rd s, a 22-year s ta ff m e m b e r o f U n ite d M e th o d is t C o m m u n ic a tio n s and p re d e c e s s o r a ge ncies, and p u b lic re la tio n s d ire c to r fo r the past e ig h t years, has been nam ed m a rk e tin g d ire c to r fo r the ig e n c y to p ro m o te d is trib u tio n and v ie w e rs h ip o f U nite d M e th o d is m 's na- ion al te le v is io n se ries, “ C a tch th e S p irit.’’ P u b lic re la tio n s fo r th e a gency and th e d e n o m in a tio n n ow w ill be h an dled by the general s e c re ta ry 's o f­ fice , a c c o rd in g to R oger B urgess, c h ie f s ta ff e xecu tive. TO A NIGHT OF CELEBRATION Honoring Msn: Charlotte Brandon for 10 years of Excellence State Musical Director for Oregon Jurisdiction #1 Church Of God In Christ Director and Producer of Sounds of Thanksgiving SATURDAY November 26th, 1988 7:30 P.M. “ Before You Must’’ — Make a Decision — “ Inquire about the services we o ffe r" Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 24 Hr. Service PLACE: 281-4891 O.B. Williams Convention Center 220 N.E. Beech St. • Portland, Oregon We are interested in your problems. YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499 7 30pm Bit* Band “ A warm spirit of fellowship always" Ttuntoy 7 00pm Chw Rehearsal “To the Glory o f G o d ” Sunday The Ark of Safety Church of God in Christ FOUNDtP_The Holiness Preachet Bjshop U.V Peterson D O. Builder ■F’astot 9 15a.m 11 15a m Sunday School Morning Warship YPW W 6 30pm Evangelistic Worship 8 00pm tuestay the Bible s a y s ... follow peace with all men & holiness without which no man shall see the FEATURING: Oregon Jurisdiction #1 State Choir Friday Noon Day Prayer Entoy The Pastor Speaks 7 30 p m SaUday Morning Prayer 9 00 a m GUEST GROUP ’’Witness” Lord HEBREWS ,2,4 Featuring Rev. Hardy &, Members Lonnie’ TIFFANY S II THEME: K - CALL FOR YOUR APPOIN TMENT — ...................... TUESDAY-SATURDAY 287-6557 TIFFANY’S II .J 31 33 N.E. Prescott • Portland, OR 97211 Unity In Love” Jeremiah 31:3 ★ Ocean & Jajie Products * I GUEST CHURCH CHOIR Special Guest Soloist Goldie IrBy & Roslyn Weidler - Bishop A.R. Hopkins — J Oregon Jurisdiction #1 Church of God In Christ V Emmanual Temple Choir & Fellowship Baptist Church Choir The Rev. Johnny Pack "ALSO” Out-Of-Town Guest Singers