Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 24, 1988, Page 3, Image 3

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November 24, 1988, Portland Observer, Page 3
Summary Of Reported
Racially-Motivated Incidents 87-88
Continued from Pagel
went looking for the white males
who had left the scene of the as­
A white male and white fe­
male, who identified them selves
as Skinheads, assaulted two
nineteen year old females: a fe­
male of Filipino, Mexican and Eu­
ropean descent and her com pan­
ion, a white female. The suspect
approached the victims for a ride.
The victims said yes. The fem ale
Skinhead then said that she was
a Skinhead and she did not be­
lieve in interracial marriage. The
addition, the mixed race victim
received teeth marks on her right
Approximately twenty white youths
blocked the entrances and exits of
an apartment complex in North
Portland which is occupied by
several SE Asians families. The
youths began to go door to door,
kicking the doors and yelling ra­
cial epithets. One resident called
911. It took the Portland Police
approxim ately thirty minutes to
respond. One police car arrived
with one officer, who stayed in the
car, observed the activity for five
minutes, then left. The harassment
continued. One resident asked
the youths to leave. Upon refusal,
the resident fired two rounds in the
air with a handgun and shut his
door. After he fired the shots the
harassers left the prem ises and
went across the street. At this
point, a white neighbor shot rifle
rounds in the air, and told the har­
assers to leave.
Upon leaving
they yelled, "W E W ILL BE BAC K” .
Upon leaving the area they
yelled, “ W e will be back” . They
cam e back with a gas can and
poured gasoline around the apart­
ment com plex and set the gaso­
line on fire. W hen the fire started
the residents called 911 and the
Operator said that it was the Fire
Department not the Police, who
was needed. At this point several
refugees got guns and fired
rounds in the air. The harassers
dispensed. The Portland Police
did come, much later, after the har­
assers had left the complex. The
gas can was recovered. No dam ­
age to persons or property w ere
A white male was approached by
several black males. They asked
if he was “ messing with the Home-
boys” . They then pushed him and
subsequently assaulted him.
A black male was punched in the
face by a white male in W aterfront
Park. The black male states the
assault was unprovoked.
suspect was chased by a group of
blacks and the incidents was sub­
sequently controlled by the police.
Officer responded to a strong arm
robbery call. An elderly Chinese
male was assaulted and robbed
of $5.00 by tw o unarm ed w hite
m ale suspects described as
“ Skinheads” .
Officers were dispatched to a dis­
turbance involving a large crowd
of Skinheads shouting racial slurs
at black male. It appeared that the
whites (two specifically) were insti­
gating a racial incident with the
black male.
A fight ensued at One Main Place
involving Vietnam ese and whites.
One white received a gash to the
forehead necessitating stitches.
0 8 /1 6 /8 8
Assault and vandalism to vehicle.
Two white males and two white
females were assaulted and their
vehicles was vandalized by five
black males who were all wearing
blue and had heads shaven. The
victims stated that the suspects
appeared to be gang members
and were between 14 and 19
Grace Collins
Memorial Center
Day Care
“Since 1952"
• Kindergarten
• Pre-School
Officer reported inform ation from a
part-tim e park employee. A V iet­
nam ese gang is trying to take over
the park. One of the gang m em ­
bers brandished a handgun in the
waistbands of his trousers.
Altercation between
males and two black
jects. The two white
stabbed by two black
‘Latch Key Program ’
Children 6 wks.
tw o white
males sub­
males were
Shots exchanged between a white
male and black male after the
w hite m ale yelled som ething
about “ BLOODS” at the black
male on the bicycle.
to 11 yrs.
"W e [A m e rica n w o m e n ] w ill
no lo n g e r b e d e n ie d o u r
rights as hum an beings,
e q u a i in all re sp e ct to
m ales."
• Breakfast
• Hot Lunches
Heating Oils
6:30 am • 6.-00 pm
128 N.E. RusseU St.
★ Best Cash Prices ★
O ld s - M a k in g C o o k ie s
50 Gals.
Grace Collins
100 Gals.
104 N.E. Russell St.
Portland, OR 97212
(503) 282-51111
25 Gals.
2 - 1 /2 Y ear O ld s - L earning S h ap es
Memorial Center,
150 Gals.
R ead in g First G rad e B o o k s
~ Day Care
Celebrates Nineteen years of Tj^cettence
Honoring The James O. Brooks Memorial Scholarship Fund
Saturday, November 26th, 1988
Montgomery Park Building
2 7 0 1 N.W . V a u g h n S tr e e t
P o r tla n d , O re g o n 9 7 2 1 0
No Host Bar: 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Dinner: 7:00 p.m.
Attire: Semi-Formal
Dance to Follow
T ic k e t
Portland Observer - 525 N.E. Killingsworth - 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3
Stevens & Son Jewelers - Lloyd Center - 2 8 4 -2 1 0 7
Mrs. C's Wigs - 7th & Fremont - 2 8 1 -6 5 2 5
One Stop Records - 1615 N.E. Killingsworth - 2 8 4 -2 4 3 5
Lee P. Brown, Chief of Police - Houston, Texas
Music by:
O u tle ts
$40.00 each
Proceeds to James O. Books Memorial Scholarship Fund