i » w w w < or ur Portland, Oregon 25C PORTLRNÖ Volume XVIII, Number 52 Introducing: ERVER The Eyes and Ears of the community Oregonians Must Take Immediate Action To Combat Racism throughout the world. They don’t care about Jews. They don’t care about Blacks. They don’t care hroughtout Oregon’s African- about people of color. They don’t American communities, the care about whites who believe in beating death of Mulugeta Seraw the concept of One Nation under has ignited anger, caution, meet­ God. They only care about ing after meeting, rallies against themselves. racism and a new awareness of If Oregon is serious about com­ how deep and widespread racism bating racism within its borders, it is in the City of Portland and the must start to do so immediately. * State of Oregon. Lawmakers, on both the state and It is more than tragic that a man local level, should be encouraged had to be beaten to death before to enact strong laws which will most Oregonians realized that rac­ protect Oregonians from the dead­ ism is not only evil but deadly ly fangs of racism. Because of the -deadly to the positive growth and present racial climate, most Black development of race relations; Oregonians feel unsafe traveling deadly to the cultural, social, eco­ outside of their own communities. nomic and political development They don’t feel protected. of Oregon; deadly to the sanity Black Oregonians must be and well-being of all children — given credit for their handling of deadly period. Mr. Seraw’s murder. Instead of The fact that three white youths seeking to find the killers of have been arrested for Mulugeta’s Mulugeta, Rambo style, they came murder has brought little comfort together, with their neighbors, to to Black Oregonians. Outside of seek a collective solution. They the FBI and Portland Police, little allowed law enforcement to do its November 24 1988 The Accused by Nyewusi Askari Editor - Portland Observer T Bishop and Mrs. Hopkins Rev. John and Vivian Parker Brewster Metropolitan 08/87 The Vietnamese Seventh Day Adventist Church in Portland was spray-painted with racist graffiti which disparaged Asians and Blacks. 11/11/87 Q1/26/88 Residents in Gresham, Oregon found a publication denouncing “ Negro-White Marriages” in their newspaper boxes. The publica­ tion, printed by the Lord’s Cove­ nant Church of Phoenix, Arizona, was found in the distribution of a local food magazine. Ms. Cora Smith REMEMBERING MULUGETA SERAW is known about the evidence that was gathered leading to the arrest. Less is known of how a jury or judge will view it. At present, Black Oregonians can only wonder what the evidence will reveal, thus, a large majority are witholding judg­ ment on the guilt or innocence of the accused. And rightly so, however, the fact remains — Mulugeta Seraw was beaten to death because of the color of his skin. His death reveals how urgent it is for Oregonians to confront racism on all fronts — in the schools, in the workplace, in Arts & Entertainment, in the church, in our homes, in our language, everywhere... COM M ENTARY Rev. John Garlington ANNOUNCEMENT The Observer has moved into the computer age. Recently, the newspaper purchased a Packard Bell Computer/NEC SilentWriter LC 890 Postscript Page Printer. As a result, the paper is in transi­ tion while the computer bugs are being worked out. Once that has happened, the entire newspaper will be formatted on the computer on a weekly basis. Until then, readers will notice changes, and at times, the absence of regular columns, announcements, etc. We ask your patience. We will be back on course within two or three weeks. Although most Oregonians were caught off guard by Seraw’s death, it didn’t take long for them to organize around a common cause: to eliminate racism from Oregon. It is evident that Mulu­ geta’s murder touched the hearts of all who are committed to creating a Nation where color doesn't decide whether a man, woman or child lives or dies. Now, it will be interesting to see if those same persons will follow through with their commitment. It is important that they do. The racists, declared and un-declared, have made their intentions known job. However, the question re­ mains: If racism is not confronted and confronted soon, how long will cool heads prevail? Mulugeta’s murder has been very revealing. It has shown that most Portland communities can work together on this problem and do it very successfully. It has shown that law enforcement can seek out and apprehend those who disregard the lives of others. Even so, it remains to be seen if these actions will be symbolic of future actions on behalf of neigh­ borhoods and law enforcement. In the meantime, Black Oregon­ ians must enact rules, policies and stragedies that are designed to en­ sure the safety of the Black family, the Black woman, the Black elder­ ly, the Black child and the Black male. In this present climate of racial hatred, everyone is a target. It makes no difference if you wear a three piece suit or jeans or ten­ nis shoes. As long as you are Black, you are a target for death. That's how serious this situation is. Our children must be encour­ aged to stay off the streets until a safer climate is created. We must change our behavior. We must en­ act a system where Black Oregon­ ians are not easily targeted and victimized. The time is NOW! Human Relations Commission school bus in the morning when she confronted a white female, who was reported to have hit her children. The white female started yelling, “ I DIDN’T HIT YOUR CHILDREN .... ONLY SHOVED THEM” . “ YOU CAN CALL THE POLICE ALL YOU WANT TO. 04/27/88 A large rock that had a swastika and "DIE JEW” painted on it was thrown through a window of Jewish man's home. 05/02/88 Racist literature was found in a phone booth located in downtown Portland. The anonymous author claims to spread the truth by inter­ preting biblical scripture to sup­ port race separation, white race preservation, and to decry interra­ cial marriage. Vandals spray painted anti-Israeli graffiti on the exterior to two syna­ gogues. The slogans were: RECOGNIZE THE PLO; YOU HAVE BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS; JEW TRIUMPH = ARAB DEATH. Q3/1Q/88 ser. Suspects gone on police arri­ val. 06/01/88 An Asian man pulled up next to a car containing two white males who shouted racial epithets. The passenger in the suspect car pulled out a baton and started beating the victim’s car. A Police officer went after the assailants. No arrest was made. Later on, the victim called 911 and the police otficer/operator asked about damages. The victim said there was no damage to the car. The police officer responded, “ IF THEY DIDN’T DAMAGE YOUR CAR, T H E R E ’S NO LAW AGAINST BEING RUDE” . 06/09/88 A white female was arrested for writing Skinhead graffiti on brick enclosure. 06/17/88 05/27/88 Hate mail was received by Com­ missioner Lindberg. The writer expressed his anger against Lind­ berg's contribution to the Black United Front Saturday School. maozaa Q5/29/88 Two S kinheads w ere a p ­ proached by two black males who stated they were “Bloods” . The black males asked if they were “ Skins” and then assaulted them. One victim was examined at Kai­ While standing at a bus stop in North Portlana, two black seven­ teen (17) year-old males were approached by three white males wearing Skinhead-like attire (army boots, shaved heads). The three white males chanted racial epi­ thets and assaulted the two black males. The black males fought back and were able to get away. Upon notifying their parents about the incident, one victim’s parent (Continued to Page 3) SENIOR OF THE WEEK Three Skinheads were arrested for attacking an Asian-American male coming out of a downtown restaurant with his family. The Skinheads were reported as say­ ing "GO BACK TO HONG KONG” and "GET OUT OF OUR COUN­ TRY” . They called his Caucasian wife a TRAITOR and called their two year-old daughter a “ FUCK­ ING SLANT” . During the assault, the American-Asian male was struck in the face and kicked in the leg, head and stomach with heavy combat boots. ? 03/17.88 Active Skinhead recruitment re­ ported at Fernwood Middle School and Grant High School. Skinheads promise that they will protect white recruitees from the minorities. Q4/Q3/88 A black male found his car vandal­ ized. The windows were smashed and a magic marker was used to w rite “ KILL THE J E W S ", “COONS" and several Nazi swas­ tikas on the car. 04.19 88 Locations W here Skinhead Groups Have Been Operating: Strasser Summary Of Reported Racially-M otivated Incidents 87-88 A group of youths believed to be Skinheads terrorized a black woman near the Lloyd Cinemas complex, shouting racial epithets at her, spitting on her car and eventually throwing a chain through her car window. Pieces of the flying glass lodged in her cor­ nea and she required treatment at a hospital emergency room. No arrests were made for that inci­ dent. SALUTING Mieske A black female stated that as she was seeing her children onto the Mr. Wiley Carter, Sr. Mr. Wiley Grant Carter, Sr. who will celebrate his 75th birthday on December 10, 1988 was Dom in Sheeplow, Mississippi in 1913.' He moved to Portland in 1942 to work in the shipyards. He met and married Rosa Ann King in 1948 and together they raised eight lovely children before Rosa's death in 1986. Retired since 1980, Wiley Car­ ter, Sr spends a lot of time tending his garden and traveling to visit his children and relatives who live throughout the United States. A senior resident of Gantenbein Avenue (G Street) for nearly 40 years, Wiley Carter, Sr. has been ap inspiration to everyone in his neighborhood. He is.always willing to give a helping hand to a person in need, or some sound advice. ’ Mr. Carter says "live right and don't over indulge in food, drink or use drugs, and treat people as you would have them treat you” these are they keys to longevity On December 10,1988 friends and family of Wiley Caher, Sr. will gather to salute this special individ­ ual on his 75th birthday.