« « 4 « « * « * X « X X 't V < * X X » X « X X V ■ X •» X X * < XXX X * ’ P age 8, P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r, N o v e m b e r 17, 1988 P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 — To Place Your A d Ad Rates: 5 Lines - 1 Week — $7.50 4 Weeks — $25.00(add $2.50 Per Line) PORTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears ol the Com m unity" Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (A ll ads are s u b je c t to th e a p p ro va l o f th is paper, w h ic h reserves th e .rig h t to e d it, re je c t o r p ro p e rly c la s s ify any ad.) 288-0033 A U T O R E P A IR E d d ie ’s A u to R e p a ir Low Rates • While You Wait! 625 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 281-7591 B E A U T Y & BARBER S U P P LIE S Look of Radiance 3512 N.E. 15th Street Portland, Oregon 284-6345 B E A U T Y /B A R B E R S U P P LIE S ja ’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies Nails Only • Hair Care Salon Beauty / B arber Supply • Free Delivery (Retail & W holesale) B E A U T Y S U PP LIE S F L O R A L - SILKS RESTAURANT P & J’s Beauty Salon & Supply Eartha’s Floral Connection Ethnic Cusine Southern Style 231 N. Lom bard • Suite 200 Portland, OR 97217 • 289-0205 517-1/2 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 3041 N. W illia m s • Portland Styles by E.J. Bates Low Prices - Oualty Service Deivenes 2 8 2 -3 6 7 5 C osm etology C o nsultan t C O N T R A C T IN G -G E N E R A L Silco Construction Co. 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 8614 N. C raw ford Portland, Oregon 97203 286-8155 Open: Mon. thru Sat. 9 a.m. ■ 6 p.m. We Do Weddings • Funerals Made-To-Order • Custom-Made P R IN T IN G CONSTRUCTION Donald M. Drake Construction 226-3991 Kinko’s Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, O regon 97212 284-2129 ___________ C leo ’s 284- 7150 SPORTS MEDICÍÑE North Portland M edical Clinic 105 N. K illin g s w o rth Portland, OR 97217 285- 3323 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SPECIALIST CODA Inc. seeks qualified individ­ ual in outpatient clinic. Primary re­ sponsibilities include assessing charges and collecting fees, Title XIX billing, daily posting of client charges and receipts, maintain current 3rd party eligibility data on clients. Famili­ arity with "one write" accounting sys­ tem, skill with 10-Key calculator, and typing at 50 wpm accurately. Salary range $951 - $1,512 per month plus excellent benefits. Position will close once vacancy filled. Application and screening questions available at 210 N.E. 20th Ave., Portland, OR. MEDICAL PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT CODA Inc. seeks Physicians A s­ sistant to provide medical services to clients in substance abuse treatment facility. Responsibilities include com ­ piling written medical historys, per­ forming com plete physical exams, client medical evaluation, managing caseload, emergency medical treat­ ment, consulting with and assisting medical director. Preferred applicant will have current registration and have knowledge of substance abuse treat­ ment. Excellent benefit package. Applications and screening questions available at 210 N.E. 20th Ave. Port­ land, OR 92232. Position will close once vacancy filled. An Affirm ative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer CLERICAL WORK PLACE PROGRAM COORDINATOR Full-Time position to assist in the administration and coordination of contracted services offered by Red Cross. Must have PC knowledge (W ordPerfect a plus), good typing skills and be able to handle multiple tasks. Starting salary $1,197 - $1,496 per month plus benefits. Apply to: American Red Cross Human Resources Dept. 3131 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97208 Equal Opportunity Employer LIVE-INS/ HOUSEKEEPERS T a k in g re s u m e s a lo n g w ith r e fe r e n c e s fo r liv e - in s a nd housekeepers. C ontact: Personal C hoice at 289-0005 betw een 9 a.m. -5 p.m. Dependable transportation a must. Equal O pportunity Em ployer AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OFFICER Children Services Division This position is an excellent oppor­ tunity to make a real difference in state government. The person se­ lected tor this position will be respon­ sible for insuring that the agency adheres to the intent of state and federal affirmative action ,and equal employment opportunity stature. Specifically, Titles V and VI Section 504 of the rehabilitation Act of 1973. Qualifications: 3 years of experience involving steady increasing manage­ ment responsibility or, 3 years of experience in a staff technicial or professional function related to man­ agement. In addition, you must have a Bachelor degree or 3 or more years of responsible experience. Salary: $2,156 - $2,753/Mo. plus benefits for recruiting announcement and appli­ cation. Call: Terri Mahlum 378-8338 by December 2 ,1 9 8 8 Equal Opportunity Employer EARN $1,000’s A Week at home in your space time. Doing Credit Repair. Call 1-619-565-6532 Ext. R3759OR - 24 Hours MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting appli­ cations for FEP Medical Claims Analysts. This position is responsible for accurate and timely payment of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O re­ gon's FEP medical claims. Experi­ ence necessary to perform this task will include: • 1 Year recent clerical work experience in a doctor's office or hospital setting. • D em onstrated know ledge of medical term inology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or office experience. • ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding. • A minimum of 6-12 months experience using a CRT in a production oriented environment. • Fast, accurate use of a 10-Key calculator. Previous claims processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benetits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resource Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer SECURITIES EXAMINERS The Security Section of the O re­ gon Dept. of Insurance & Finance in Salem seeks a Securities Examiner I: ($2,094 - $2,656/Mo.) and a Securi­ ties Examiner II: ($2,300 - $2,923/ Mo.). The Exam iner I position re­ quires a law degree or a BA degree and 2 years experience in Securities work. The Examiner II position re­ quires a law degree and 2 years experience in Business Law or Secu­ rities or a BA with major coursework in Accounting. Finance or a related work, plus 3 years experience in Accounting, Auditing or Securities work. For an application contact: Employee Services Department of Insurance & Finance 21 Labor & Industries Bldg. Salem, OR 97310 (1-378-3200) Equal Opportunity Employer TEACHER/COUNSELOR P rivate N o n -P ro fit A lte rn a tiv e H igh S ch o o l Oregon Certification desired. M ini­ mum 4 years experience with high risk adolescent responsibilities; teach­ ing, case management, advocacy counseling. Beginning Jan. 10,1989. Send resume and handwritten letter to: OMLC 7602 N. Emerald Portland, OR 97217 Equal Opportunity Employer W ASHINGTON COUNTY DIRECTOR OF ASSESSMENT & TAXATION Salary: $45,168 - $56,448/Yearly WATER RESOURCE MANAGER Salary: $19.82 - $24.10/Hourly HAIRSTYLIST/MANICURIST W ANTED TO LEASE SPACE 285-6362 E.J.'s Beauty Salon 231 N. Lombard Portland, Oregon 97211 DATA ENTRY OPERATOR $11.98 - $14.57/Hourly Call (503) 648-8607 for inform a­ tion. County application forms required. Apply by November 25, 1988 to W ashington County Personnel: Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATE MEIER & FRANK ... the place to be this Christmas Season MEIER & FRANK the Friendly Store needs professional, service-oriented people to provide genuine customer service. We have a variety of day schedules, both full-time and part-time, that will fit your busy lifestyle. Positions available In SALES - Ready-To-Wear, Homestore, Stock and Restaurant. Meier & Frank has the opportunity you've been looking for this holiday season. We ll provide you with an exciting work environment, a merchandise discount, an competitive wage package. Full-Time position available as Group Therapist with adult inpatient population of chronically mentally ill. Master's degree in psychology or counseling preferred. Experience in group therapy with inpatient population preferred. Salary range $1,654 - 2,094 monthly, depends on qualifications. E x ce lle n t frin g e b e n e fits. For application materials, please contact Rochelle L. Silver, Ph D., Chief P sychologist, Dam m asch State Hospital, (503) 682-3111, Ext. 2217. Equal Opportunity Employer COUNSELING Apply Monday - Friday. 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Human Resources Office, Lloyd Center Store. ISAAC WHITE, RCSW Counselor/Consultant ♦ Equal Opportunity Employer Individual * Couples ★ Families 281-5943 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TELEVISION PRODUCTION MANAGER NURSE MANAGER Oversees entire production opera­ tion. Responsible for marketing sta­ tion facilities, scheduling crews, sched­ uling production time. Works with sales copywriters for retail clients and super­ vises field or studio shoots. In addi­ tion, handles day to day adm inistra­ tion of dept. including overtim e re­ ports, weekly billing, budget forecast­ ing, equipment purchasing and re­ placement, maintenance procedures. Interfaces with other depts. as it per­ tains to promotions, programming, sales and engineering. Please send resume and/or tape to: Dennis Updegraff. Nurse Manager, G.N. or equivalent to m ake a different in lives of the poorest oi Portland in a medical clinic setting. Duties include Patient Care and Clinic Management. Minimum of 3 days/week. Salary range: $9.50 - $12.50/per hour based on experience with full medical, dental, disability, sick leave, personal leave, vacation and holidays. Request application from: RECEPTIONIST Excellent phone, typing and com ­ munications skills. Experience with multiple phone lines, public contact, and W ordPerfect word processing. Media background desirable. Please send resume to: Linda Narz. KPDX-TV49 P.O. Box 49 Portland, OR 97207 An Affirm ative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST Long Term Tem porary & Substitues The Multnomah Education Serv­ ice District is seeking long term tem ­ poraries to work from approxim ately January or March until June of 1989, and Substitute Occupational T hera­ pist to provide on call OT to students in the Special Education program. Must be licensed in Oregon. Deadline 12/2/88 by 2 p.m. Call Jeaneen at 255-1841 ext. 207 for Multnomah Education Service Dis­ trict application form & additional in­ formation. Equal Opportunity Employee ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANCE Responsible position reporting to director, planned in deferred giving. Duties include statistical typing, tables, financial reports with high degree of skills, accuracy and confidentially. Com petency with displaywrite and lotus programs, exceptional typing, shorthand and dictation equipment. 5 y e a rs of e x p e rie n c e . Demonstrating strong organizational, com m unication, interpersonal and decision making ability. Send resumes by 11/25/88 to P e rso n n e l. United Way Columbia/Willamette 718 W. Burnside Portland, OR 97209 Equal Opportunity Employer BRIDGE MAINTANCE HELPER Salary: $1,800 - $2,004/Monthly Plus Supreme Benefits Clackamas Counties bridge division needs a versatile individual capable of laborious outdoor work to join its construction crew. Person especially skilled in heavy tim ber construction, rough carpentry and cem ent work should apply. Person especially skilled in heavy tim ber construction, rough carpentry, and cem ent work should apply. CO UNTY EM PLO YM ENT APPLICATION REQUIRED. Application materials available at C lackam as County Personnel, 904 Main Street, Oregon City, OR 97045. Deadline date: Novem ber 28th, 1988 at 5:00 p.m Equal Opportunity Employer Ecumenical Ministeries of Oregon 0245 S.W. Bancroft Street Suite B Portland, OR 97201 Do not send resumes. Position may close anytime after Decem ber 10, 1988. Equal Opportunity Employer CORRECTIONAL OFFICER $1,658 per month plus fringe benefits. Current vacancies in Pendleton & Salem. Supervise & control inmates in an adult correctional institution. Exams in Portland 12/10/88 at Portland C o m m u n ity C o lle g e C a s c a d e Campus, Jackson Hall Room 104 at 10:00 a.m. Obtain application at any em ploym ent deivision office. Urban League office or call (503) 378-2497 in Salem. Equal Opportunity Employer ELECTRICAL LINEMAN M-F Qualified journeyman lineman position with small municipal electrical system. City located in beautiful Columbia River National Scenic Area. Experience in pow er line maintenance required. Good wages/benefits. Application or resum e must be received by 5:00 p.m., Decem ber 1, 1988. Apply to City of Cascade Locks, P.O. Box 308, Cascade Locks, OR. Equal Opportunity Employer PERSONNEL SUPPORT SERVICES SUPERVISOR The Oregon Department of Forestry is seeking individuals for one position in Salem. Duties: provides supervision, coordination and technical assistance to Personnel/Safety/Training program services. Requires equivalent to four years of progressively responsible clerical experience involving supervision, c o o rd in a tio n a n d /o r te c h n ic a l evaluation. Salary range: $1,465 - $1,863/ Monthly. Apply promptly - announcement closes December 6,1988. Applications must be received on or before that date. Contact Personnel Test Center, 775 Center St., Salem, OR 97310, 378- 3146, for job announcem ent, test questions and application. Equal Opportunity Employer NURSING RN To Staff Needle Exchange Program at Outside-In This AIDS Prevention Project is both a service and a research project. Will be working with I.V. drug users. Salary: $17,000 with medical/dental benefits. Hours negotiable, but evening work required Resumes by 11 -25-88 to Kathy at: Outside-In 1236 S.W. Salmon Portland, Oregon 97205 Equal Opportunity Employer Volu nteers are needed to work with teenage parents and their babies. Help provide transportation and childcare for weekly support group meetings at Maranatha Church in N.E. Portland. Form er teen parents, minorities and men are expecially encouraged to work with the pregnant and parenting teenagers. A tw o-hour volunteer orientation will be held on Decem ber 14th. Call Ann Koucky at the Young Parents Program, Boys and Girls Aid Society for more information. 222-9661 Equal Opportunity Employer EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Board On Police Standards And Training R equires 5 years o f strong m a n a g e m e n t e xp e rie n c e , plus knowledge of training techniques and crim inal justice system. $38,304 - $48,864 annual salary. Located in Monmouth. Contact Joan M a r- an for application information, (503) 378- 3676, Personnel and Labor Relations Division, 155 C ottage St. NE, Salem, OR 97310. Equal Opportunity Employer Young People 16-24 Are you interested in a career in a helping profession. Become certified as: • Certified Nurse's Aide ■ Hom e Health Aide • Geriatric Aide Free job training & job placement line at home and receive child care allowance & many other benefits: Call Today 287-0823 Or Drop-In MLK Center 4815 N.E. 7th & Ask For Job Corps Forest Practices Forester The Oregon Department of Forestry is seeking individuals for positions th ro u g h o u t th e s ta te . D uties: adm inister/enforce Oregon Forest Practices Act and Industrial Fire Prevention statutes and programs on active forest operations. Requires equivalent to Bachelor's degree in forestry plus 6 months experience. Salary range: $1,506-$2,094/Mo. Apply prom ptly - announcement closes December 2,1988. Applications must be received on or before that date. Contact Personnel Test Center, 775 Court St., Salem, OR 97310, 378- 3146, for job announcement, test questions and application. Equal Opportunity Employer HOME WORK SPARE TIME Paint lovely folk art building shapes which form toy village of houses, library, tow n hall, etc. No experience necessary; have entire family help you. We pay you $20 for each set of 11 toys painted according to instructions and reim burse your shipping costs. Send us 5 sets weekly, earn $100. Send us 10 sets weekly, get a check for $200. Our homework starter package includes all the objects in the toy village and color scheme for each part. To register into program, send your name, address, and $20 registration fee (refunded on second set of painted toys you send usj to: Daniel Rowan 3 Golf Center Suite 368-5994 Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 ) * * f S ? * * A-A • t * * fcffcA * *