•wrv» November 17, 1988. Portland Observer, Page 7 FOR THE HOMES holidays Ton conicf own a new, affordable, energy- efficient dome in the Beech Street DeveCopment. For more info cah Jacgni Sntton, Housing A u th o rity o f PortCand, 283 1693. ■ ♦ • , h v i h w t t ........................... tfc/w • « • > » . . . . . . . . _JM a X w ell H oused {ßllechon O f F ine C< MORNING B Ccntlv n w s c it fo r s .\ir i tin ! ,»Kl Ì«ni59>/àii«g 4f<>ma IX ’)« MAXWELL HOUSE® PRIVATE COLLECTION. FOR THOSE W HO APPRECIATE COFFEE AT ITS FINEST. Our coffees are made from only the finest beans. All hand-picked, gently blended and roasted to their peak perfection. Then vacuum-packed for maximum freshness. There are ten other distinctively delicious coffees in the Maxwell House® Private Collection. Also available in naturally decaffeinated. © 1968 Th« Maxwell Heus« Coflee Company I V 1 i,