Page 4, Portland Observer, November 17, 1988 RELIG IO N SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK: Psalm 37 My Goal A dream cometrue pitches. His speech was slurred and his little feet wanted to turn up on the sides. That little boy-child has come a long way, with the help of the Lord, much prayers and wonderful understanding on the part of his family and his teachers. Leneld, affectionately known as “ Lenny” , moved to Salem, Ore­ gon with his mom and dad in 1977. His mother had a new job with the Salem/Keizer School District. He grew into a handsome young man with a tremendous love for music. He plays the piano and sings beautifully. He entered the local, regional and state competitions for voice each year and won each year. He received a FULL scholarship to attend Xavier University in New Orleans, Louisiana. When he ar­ rived on campus last year, the school and its faculty and the en­ tire city of New Orleans was pre­ paring to receive the Pope in its city. The music department sang for the Pope when he visited the campus of Xavier University. He expressed his excitement and appreciation to the staff and the students. Before he departed, he told the music students and their professor, Dr. Breda, that he wanted them to come to visit him next. The time for returning the visit has come. On Monday, the 14th of November, the invitation to see the Pope became a reality. Among those going to sing for the Pope was Leneld Dedrix Ham­ mond. He will sing the baritone aria from 'Aida'. Although Leneld is only a sopho­ more, he was chosen along with several upper classmen after auditions and vocal tryouts in the Music Department. From the entire City of Portland, the staff at the Portland Observer and many well wishers, CONGRATU­ LATIONS! And have a wonderful trip and a safe return. I asked him what kind of experi­ ence had he had. Why did he feel he was qualified to fill this posi­ tion? And his response was, “ I was married and I’m having to raise my 6-year-old twin sons. Even though my beginnings may been different, I can still relate to their problems and because of my love of God and knowledge of the WORD, I can give them good sound advice. They need help.” He went on to say, "The Lord has blessed me with a host of people to help me, when I need it. Many of these young men don’t have that kind of support.” By Mattie Ann Callier-Spears Nineteen years ago, the parents of Leneld Dedrix Hammond had no idea that their son would be visiting the Pope - of all people. Leneld was born under very strenuous conditions. Both to him and to his parents. His mother, Geraldine Elizabeth Hammond, had suffered a build up of toxemia, in her body, and was having a very bad time delivering her precious little bundle of joy. The doctors worked fervently and tirelessly to save both the baby and the mother. When the baby was born his heart stopped beating for half an hour. The doctors and the family mem­ bers all prayed for Mrs. Hammond and her little Leneld. Mr. Wilbur Grafton Hammond, the worried fa­ ther, was pacing up and down the hallway - hoping and praying that God would spare the life of his wife and newly born son. Well, the mother pulled through and the baby began to breathe on his own; BUT, the doctors said there would be considerable brain damage to the child. “ It will take a lot of love and understanding from you” the doctor said to Mr. and Mrs. Hammond about the care of theirson. The child grew, received much love and a whole lot of TLC (tender loving care) from the family mem­ bers, which included: grandma, grandpa, great uncle and great aunt, aunts and uncles, cousins and etc. The child experienced some physical problems. Sometimes he would become very dark from the lack of oxygen or he would have seizures. The lack of oxy­ gen to the brain at the time he was born had caused problems with his hearing and with his speech. He couldn’t hear certain sounds or Godful celebration On the 30th of October, Rev Mon­ daine was installed in his very- own church - The Celebration Taber­ nacle. The church is located at 1854 N. Lombard. The week was chocked full with g lo rio u s excite­ ment. There was a musical on the 29th and a revival that began on the 31st with guest Evangelist Ruby Nelson from Shreveport, Louisiana. “ Ruby has bookings up to 1991. She is a very busy lady. Ruby and I ministered to­ gether In Germany for one year. We labored profusely!” Then he intimated, "I learned how to bear the cross of God in a strange land.” The Celebration Tabernacle opened its doors in September of this year, has a membership of 30 and is growing each Sunday. I do not live to reach the height That many would call fame, But pray that I may glorify My Blessed Savior’s name; Each day to share the love He gives, To be a beacon bright Upon the path where others grope 7 heir way in troubled night. O, how I pray for vision and A song, when deep distress <=>! would overcome a troubled s o u l; Lost in the wilderness. I pray to love, to reach, relieve The ones who hunger for The Bread of Life, the Fountain Pure, As He waits to restore. I pray that I can be that one My Master would call “ Friend,” Who serves his fellowman in love, God’s Kingdom to extend, by Anna Lee Edwards McAlpin Jesus Loves You! Allen Temple CME Church 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (comer of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Sounds of Thanksgiving INVITES All of God’s People TO A NIGHT OF CELEBRATION Honoring Msn: Charlotte Brandon for 10 years of Excellence State Musical Director for Oregon Jurisdiction #1 Church Of God In Christ Director and Producer of Sounds of Thanksgiving SATURDAY November 26th, 1988 7:30 P.M. PLACE: O.B. Williams Convention Center 220 N.E. Beech St. • Portland, Oregon YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499 “A warm spirit of fellowship always” 7 30 p m Tbunday Chor Rehearsal “To the Glory o f G o d ” 7 00pm SuHay The Ark of Safety Church of God in Christ FOtINDER The HQness Pr&Kher Bishop U.V Peterson D D Builder-Pastor ri Tuesday Bible Band Sunday School 915am Morning Worship 1, 15 a m YPW W 6 30pm Evangelistic Worship 8 00 pm Tuesday Fflday Noon Day Prayer the Bible s a y s ... Follow peace with all men noliness without which no man shall see the Fnlay The Pastor Speaks 7 30pm Morning Prayer GUEST GROUP ’’Witness” Featuring Rev. Hardy & Members Lonnie’s TIFFANY’S II ★ Ocean & Jajie Products ★ — CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT — b Oregon Jurisdiction #1 State Choir 9 00a m HEBREW S 12:14 I GUEST CHURCH CHOIR SaUday Lord TUESDAY-SATURDAY FEATURING: • THEME: "Unity In Love" Jeremiah 31:3 Special Guest Soloist Goldie IrBy & Roslyn Weidler 287-6557 TIFFANY’S II - B is h o p A.R. H o p k in s - 3133 N.E. Prescott • Portland, OR 97211 Oregon Jurisdiction #1 C h u rch o f G od In C h ris t J Psalm 34:3 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor Rev. M ondaine Emmanual Temple Choir & Fellowship Baptist Church Choir The Rev. Johnny Pack "ALSO” Out-Of-Town Guest Singers