Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 17, 1988, Page 3, Image 3

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    November 17, 1988, Portland Observer, Page 3
^Cora Smith offers positive to
high school students
"Trendsetters of Style” is the
them e of Cora Sm ith’s, The Cobi
Techniques Fifth Annual series of
Fashion Shows. You will see high
school students as models, song­
sters, dancers, instrumentalists
exuding talent and self-confi­
dence. The Cobi Technique stu­
dents will be accepting applause
for successfully com pleting “ The
Cobi Techniques” twenty hour
program designed to build self-
confidence, self-esteem and im­
prove attendance and grades.
The Cobi Technique focus is to
create a m arketable outlet and
incentive program for youth whose
talents would otherwise go unrec­
ognized and undeveloped. Stu­
dents will perform at a day school
assem bly with an audience of
approxim ately 1,000 at each
The schedule is as follows:
R o o s e v e lt H ig h S c h o o l &
Portsm outh M iddle School
Novem ber 3 0 ,1 9 8 8 - W ednesday
6941 N. Central
Free to Public
Tim e: 7:00 p.m.
Tubm an
December 8, 1988 - Thursday
Address: 2231 N. Flint
Free to Public
7:00 p.m.
Jefferson High School
December 15, 1988 - Thursday
Address: 5210 N. Kerby Avenue
Students $1.50 Adults $2.00
7:00 p.m.
Marshall High School
December 16, 1988 - Friday
Address: 3905 S.E. 91st
Free to Public
Regular school assembly time
plans have been underway to in­
troduce the concept of Private In­
stitutions, Alternative Schools and
The Cobi Techniques was first
implemented in 1984 at Jefferson
High School where the principal,
Nathan Jones, pondered over
ways in which to polish students
character as well as thwart the
orop-out, attendance and tardi­
ness rate. Mr. Jones realized a
n o n -tra d itio n a l c o u rs e w as
needed to act as an exercise for
students to encourage their hid­
den abilities and at the same time,
build self-confidence.
“ The Cobi Techniques” will fol­
low-up with the students by provid­
ing additional training referrals on
production relating to the Perform ­
ing Arts in the upcoming months.
For more information on how suc­
cessful The Cobi Techniques
have been, contact:
Dolly Bowman, Vice Principal
Jefferson High School 280-5180
"The Cobi Techniques,” a non­
credit elective course was offered
on a trial basis. Through one-on-
one sessions, a group dynamics,
state production projects, groom ­
ing, acting, m odeling and public
speaking, attitude changes oc­
curred in the scholastically in­
clined as well.
Harold W ashington
Roosevelt High School 280-5260
Jam es Brannon
Harriet Tubman
A.J. Morrison
Marshall High School
Today the course is offered
throughouttheS chool District. Not
only are the High Schools being
served but the Middle Schools as
Since September, 1988,
plans have been underway to in­
troduce the concept of Private In­
stitutions, Alternative Schools and
T he Y oung R ev. M o n daine
served at the Morning Star Baptist
Church, under the Rev. Dr. Tony
Lloyd Lewis, for one year. During
the interim, he was em ployed with
the Albina Ministerial Alliance as a
Teen Parent Coordinator. In that
position, he helps young fathers
who have low esteem, no jobs and
who need som eone to talk to. He
teaches sex education and is very
Rev. Elbert
by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
I here are young Black men dying
by the 1,000’s ; but, there are many
positive Black men out there m ak­
ing good sound judgement calls
for our seemingly diminishing
group of young Black males. But,
That’s an entirely different story.
This Saga unfolds about August of
1985 when a young Black man by
the name of Elbert M ondaine ar­
rived in the Northwest. He had
been with a non-denominational
church in St. Louis when he re­
ceived a call to become a youth
pastor for a church in the State of
The Shepherd of Love Church,
located in Salmon Creek, W ash­
ington, has never had a Youth
group that was successful until
Rev. Mondaine arrived.
Not only was he equipped with the
WORD, when he came; but God
had given him an extra stick to fight
with. He is an extraordinary musi­
His desire to see more Blacks,
caused him to cross the bridge.
"W hen I came across that bridge”
he continued to say, “ I was afraid
of the unknown.”
Grace Collins
Memorial Center
Day Care
“Since 1952”
• Kindergarten
“ The Cobi Techniques” will fol­
low-up with the students by provid­
ing additional training referrals on
production relating to the Perform ­
ing Arts in the upcom ing months.
For more information on how suc­
cessful The Cobi Techniques
have been, contact:
Dolly Bowman, Vice Principal
Jefferson High School 280-5180
Harold W ashington
Roosevelt High School 280-5260
Children in grades 1 through 6 are
eligible for the program which teaches
3 Years - W riting A B C ’s
• Pre-School
'Latch Key Program ’
Children 6 wks.
to 11 yrs.
• Breakfast
• Hot Lunch«
•S oacb
Black United Front Saturday
School Enrollment open
Saturday School enrollment is now
open at these sites:
Colum bia Villa, 9338 N. Woolsey
Ct.; Emmanuel Temple Church, 1032
N. Sumner; Piedmont Friends Church,
5736 N. Albina; Redeemer Lutheran
Church, N.E. Killingsworth and N.E.
20th; St. Phillips Church, 120 N.E.
Knott; YWCA, 5630 N.E. Union; Allen
Tem ple Church, 4236 N.E. 8th;
Mallory Ave. Church, 126 N.E.
interested in the health, welfare,
and well being of the young men
(especially the young Black male)
in this city - because there are
many programs for the girls but
there are very few program s that
are concerned with the interests
and the needs of the young, inex­
perienced male who falls by the
wayside of life.
African-American history and culture,
reading and math. Children will also
receive help with homework. Classes
will be held from 10 a.m. until 12
Noon throughout the school year.
Parents may enroll their children by
going directly to one of the nine
available sites. Space is available
for 355 children on a first come, first
served basis.
Over 100 volunteers are involved
this year allowing for this expansion
of the program. The Black United
Front thanks the community for its
generous support of this program.
2 -1 /2 Year Olds - Learning Shapes
6:30 amö.OO pm
128 N.E. Russell S t
O lds - M aking C ook ies
Grace Collins
Memorial Center,
First G rade B ooks
Day Care
CeCebrates Jlineteen years ofTj&ettence ‘With A yund-^iser/^Banijuet
Honoring The James O. Brooks Memorial Scholarship Fund
Saturday, November 26th, 1988
Montgomery Park Building
2701 N.W. Vaughn Street
Portland, Oregon 97210
No Host Bar: 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Dinner: 7:00 p.m.
Attire: Semi-Formal
Dance to Follow
Lee P. Brown,
Chief of Police - Houston,
T ic k e t
O u tle ts
Portland Observer - 525 N.E. Killingsworth - 288-0033
Stevens & Son Jewelers - Lloyd Center - 284-2107
Mrs. C's Wigs - 7th & Fremont - 281-6525
One Stop Records - 1615 N.E. Killingsworth - 284-2435
Music by:
$40.00 each
Proceeds to James O. Books Memorial Scholarship Fund