• ' i. a s -» ♦ Page 2, Portland Observer, November 17, 1988 EDITORIAL / OPMON Skin heads: racism, terrorism and murder Perspectives Continued fro m Page 1 TheB lack Church: A Real H ist o ry ( Part 3) I began this four-part series b- suggesting that the Black Chur (an 8,000-year old institution) could bring youth into the fold by promoting the true and docu­ mented history of the Black people - by promoting the con­ cepts of identity and an enhanced self-im age. It was a significant and pervasive role indeed that Africans played, not only in the creation of the Chris­ tian Church, but more importantly in developing the ancient con­ cepts of spirituality and existence which provided the basis for the earlier Hebrew religionist. Let us examine this excerpt on Creation and the Trinity (Diop, pp. 108,109, The African Origin of Civilization). "O ne can also understand that Phoenician religion and beliefs are to some extent more replicas of Egypt’s. Phoenician cosm og­ ony is revealed in fragments of Sanchoniation, translated by Philo of B yblos and re p o rte d by Eusebius. According to these texts, in the beginning there was uncreated, chaotic matter, in per­ petual disorder (Bohu); Breath (Rouah) hung over Chaos. The union of those two principles was called Chephets, Desire, which is at the origin of all creation. What impresses us here is the similarity between this cosmic Trinity and that found in Egypt, as reported by Amelineau in his Prolegomenes: In Egyptian cos­ mogony also, at the beginning there was chaotic, uncreated m at­ ter, th e p rim itiv e N un (ef. Nen=nothingness in Wolof). This primitive matter contained, in the form of principles all possible beings. It also contained the god of potential development, Khepru. As soon as the primitive nothing­ ness created Ra, the demiurge, its role ended. Henceforth the thread would be unbroken until the ad­ vent of Osiris, Isis, and Horus, an­ cestors of the Egyptians. The prim itive Trinity then moved from the scale of the universe to that of man, as it did later in Christianity. Phoenician cosmogony reveals once again the kinship of Egyp­ tians and Phoenicians, both of K "sh it9 (Negro) origin. This kin­ ship is confirm ed by the revela­ tions of the Ras Shamra (ancient Ugarit, on the Syrian coast) texts, which place the original habitat of Phoenicia’s national heroes in the south, on Egypt’s frontiers (‘W olof’ is a West Coast African language Well, well, well! Isn’t that exactly what is said in the Book of Gene­ sis. written thousands of years later? Write it stone or on papyrus, brothers and sisters - and your heritage cannot be denied. Not the frequent allusions to the world having been created from nothing: ‘‘Chaos - Primitive Nun - uncreated matter containing all possible beings. This is precisely how to­ day’s ‘scientists’ are describing the creation of our universe - as a Bio Bang in the middle of nothing, whereupon in a billionth of a sec­ ond quarks, hydrogen, helium and all the progenitors of matter, plan­ ets, suns and galaxies began ‘act­ ing up’. Get serious white folks, obviously the African figured that out millenniums ago. The reference to the African gods Osiris, Isis and Horus as the Trinity underlines the theme of the Black M other of Man carried throughout the known world and its literature. Isn’t it strange that the w orld’s sci­ entists have only now, through genetic research, established a “ Luey” as the African female pro­ genitor of all humans alive today? Isis, the wife of Osiris, was the m other of H orus. the African god whose ‘eye’ Thomas Jefferson placed above the pyramid in his design of the Great Seal of the United States. He stated that it represented the secret spiritual destiny of the nation (see the re­ verse of the dollar bill). It is the story of Isis and her heroic efforts to save her son Horus that lead to the Jewish legends of ■ loses hidden in the bulrushes Ji, Budge, The Dwellers on The Jle), an infant Abraham rescued from Nimrod (p. 134, Asim ov’s Guide to the Bible). Matthew (2:13 to 2:15) describes the infant Jesus saved by Joseph's dream. You will note that everybody made it to Africa for safety, good food and a job. Just like the emigration to America today. (Concluded Next Week) PORTLAND OBSERVER “ The Eyes and Ears o f th e C o m m u n ity ” 288-0033 Creed Of The Black Press The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from social and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color, or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back. PORR ERVER cago heavy metal group known as Creative Violence. Skinheads in Florida have dis­ rupted rock concerts in St. Pe­ tersburg and Clearwater, and in October 1986, five were arrest in nearby Ybor City after alleg­ edly clubbing a group of youths leaving a punk-rock club. Ybor City merchants have been the targets of skinhead vandalism. Several Tampa skinheads have been arrested for aggravated assault. A skinhead band known as Jehovah’s Sick­ nesses, which flamboyantly hurls Nazi salutes and shouts racial insults, has appeared in bars in the Gainesville, Florida area. Tn Portland’ s Old Town District last October, a gang of over 20 skinheads marched in forma­ tion toward a popular teen night spot armed with axes, pipes, knives and baseball bats. They were intercepted en route by some three dozen police in pa­ trol cars. Portland skinheads have distributed neo-Nazi cards printed by Gerhard Lauck, a leading disseminator o f hate lit­ erature who lives in Chicago and operates from a Nebraska post office box. One o f the Portland skinheads attended the 1986 Aryan Nations Confer­ ence. In Orange County (south of Los Angeles), California, skinheads have d istrib u ted neo-N azi flyers and vandalized property with spray paint. The biggest concentration in the area is lo­ cated in Huntington Beach. Skinheads in Dallas have been arrested for robbery, assault, criminal mischief and narcotics violations. In the Deep Elm area, a hangout for skinheads, there have been skinhead as­ saults on minorities. Skinheads have reportedly threatened store owners, destroyed prop­ erty, intimidated pedestrians and resisted arrest. Denver’s small skinhead con­ tingent has operated from an apartment attached to the Salva­ tion Army building. Its leader has been 20-year-old Robert Cass Goodman, whose hair is shaved in the form a swastika. Hate Movement Links Skinheads are regarded by leaders o f functioning neo-Nazi groups as potential recruits and have been courted in recent years with some success. On June 30,1985 the Chicago skin­ heads participated in a march sponsored by the (Chicago- based) American Nazi Party to protest the annual Gay and Lesbian Pride Day rally. They have also sent delegations to weekend conferences for na­ tional hate-group activists hosted by Robert Miles, former head of M ichigan’s Ku Klux Kian, who is presently under indictment on charges of plot­ ting a violent overthrow of the United States government. Among others indicted are lead­ ers of an underground terrorist gang known as the Order, whose found Robert Mathews (now deceased) reportedly planned to use part of the group’s illicitly-acquired funds to promote white power rock bands in the U.S. The Detroit area skinheads have also shown up at conferences sponsored by Miles, where their leader, Dave Lozon, was a featured speaker in early October, 1987. Skinheads have also been in attendance at the 1986 and 1987 conferences of the Aryan Na­ tions, a militant Nazi-like group whose compound is located in rural Hayden Lake, Idaho. One skinhead, Martin Cox, upon driving away from the 1987 Aryan Nations conclave, was arrested for illegal possession of a firearm. Ex-convict Cox, on federal parole for an assault in California, is an organizer for White Aryan Resistance (WAR) leader Tom M etzger in Orange County and has appeared on one of M etzger’s self-produced tapes (“ Race and Reason” ) which his followers around the country distribute to cable tele­ vision stations. Metzger, a former California Ku Klux Kian Grand Dragon, has courted skinheads from his base near San Diego where he is attempting to expand his or­ ganization and its youth arm, the Aryan Youth Movement, be­ yond the confines of California. Metzger describes skinheads as “ young, urban working-class people, and they don’t like any­ one to push them around. Sometimes they get into con­ frontations with other groups, such as black gangs.” A contin­ gent of skinheads showed up last June along with Metzger Message To The Community By City Commissioner Dick Bogle OREGON’S OLDEST AFRICAN-AMERICAN PUBLICATION Established in 1970 Alfred L. Henderson/Publisher Leon Harris /General Manager Gary Ann Garnett Nyewusi Askari Business Manager Editor Joyce Washington Mattie Ann Callier-Spears Sales/Marketing Director Religion Editor Ruby Reuben Marie Deculr Sales Representative Photographer Rose Marie Davis Sales Representative The murder of Mulugeta Seraw is more than a senseless tragedy. It is the visible eruption of a community cancer normally existing just below the surface of our everyday lives. Every citizen of this city deserves to be able to walk on any street at any time, day or night, without fear of insult, injury or death. Richard Medina Photo-Composition B. Gayle Jackson Lonnie Wells Comptroller Circulation Manager PORTLAND OBSERVER •s published weekly by E s it Publishing Company. Inc 525 N E Killm gsworth St • Portland, Oregon 97211 P O B om 3137 • Portland. Oregon 97208 The ability to do that is one of the foundations in measuring the degree of a c ity ’s livability. Mr. Seraw’s death is, of course, a loss to his family and loved ones. But, in addition, the manner of his death is an immeasurable loss to Portland, since we have to face the fact that hatred has killed. We cannot deny that racist hate groups do practice what they preach. (503) 288-0033 (Office) Deadlines for all submitted materials Articles Monday. S p m . Ads Tuesday. 5 p m The PORTLAND OBSERVER welcomes freelance submission* Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned If accompanied by e self-addressed envelope All created designed display ads become the sole property of this newspaper end can not bo used In other publications or personal usage, without the written consent of the general manager unless the client has purchased the composition of such ad Subscriptions S20 00 per year in the TrvCounty area T te PORTLAND OBSERVER — Oregon« oldest African-American Publication — it a member of The National Newspaper Association — Founded in 1 8 8 5 . The Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association, and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers. Inc., New Î. ♦ * F I have full confidence that the Portland Police Bureau will spare no effort to bring his killers to justice. And, as we see this further evidence of irrational acts and violence, we who claim to be pure of heart and open of mind must take particular diligence not to allow the deadly virus of retribution to infect our spirit and direct us down a path of violent confrontation. * * * f.A f f ' and other followers to picket the office of California State Sena­ tor Ed Davis. Davis is the co­ sponsor of legislation increasing penalties for the commission of hate crimes. Metzger has high­ lighted skinhead activities in his periodical, also known as WAR. The periodical is distributed by skinheads in Orange County and in Cincinnati. The skinhead SS-Action Group in Norwood, Ohio sponsors M etzger’s pro­ gram “ Race and Reason” on local cable access television. A former youth organizer for Metzger was the victim in Au­ gust, 1987 ofan assault by base­ ball-bat wielding thugs he has identified as skinheads follow­ ing his public repudiation of his racist past. Greg Withrow, who helped launch M etzger’s Aryan Youth Movement, was later nailed to a six-foot plank and slashed with a razor across his upper chest after speaking out on a Sacramento talk show. Ac­ cording to Withrow, his organi­ zation sought to attract young­ sters by offering propaganda, “ all oriented toward violent behavior.” One of the affiliated groups of the Aryan Youth Movement is none other than Chicago’s Romantic Violence. Skinheads are the subject of admiring stories by The Spot­ light, the weekly publication of the anti-Jewish organization Liberty Lobby, which reaches over 100,000 subscribes, and Frontline, published by the National Democratic Front, a small Maryland-based neo- Nazi group with close ties to England’s National Front. A 1986 article and photo spread entitled “ Skinheads: They’re Young, T hey’re W ild and Standing Up for America,” although the fact of the skin­ heads’ youth also warrants the active concern o f the entire community. No less serious than the pros­ pect o f violence is the possible recruitment of skinheads into the neo-Nazi movement. Hard­ core membership in the avow­ edly neo-Nazi groups in the U.S. has declined steadily over the past decade, from a peak of 1,000-1,200 in 1978 to no more than 400-450 in 1987. The pres­ ent rise of the skinhead gangs could bring about a reversal of that downward trend. Plainly a neo-Nazism with the appear­ ance o f a contemporary youth cult and associated with rock music is more attractive to po­ tential young recruits than is the traditional image o f Nazism. The skinhead connection also offers the neo-Nazis something they have rarely enjoyed in the United States: a base of support from which to recruit. Except for links they have had with fringe elements o f the motor­ bike culture, neo-Nazi groups have operated in virtually total isolation from any broader insti­ tution or segment of American society. In consequence, when past growth has occurred, it has usually been at the rate of one- convert-at-a-time. The skin­ head gangs, however, may pro­ vide the neo-Nazis with a pool of prospective members, as they have done in Great Britain. Time will tell whether these disturbing possibilities actually become reality or if the skin­ head phenomenon proves to be simply a passing fad. In the meanwhile the progress o f the skinhead gangs requires careful monitoring. C onclusion Two main problems are pre­ sented by the appearance on the American scene of skinhead gangs; the threat it brings of violence in our communities and the possibility that it signals the growth of youthful neo- Nazism. As this report has shown, crimi­ nal activity has occurred in virtu­ ally all the cities where the skin- heads are active. This challenge requires the attention mainly of the law enforcement agencies, "I sta rte d w ith th is ld e a jn m y head. T h e re ’s tw o th in g s I’ve go t a rig h t to d e a th o r lib e rty .” Racist and Anti-Semitic Groups (Incomplete List) Neo-Nazi 1. National States Right Party - Marietta, Georgia. 2. N ew O rd e r - M ilw aukee, Wisconsin. 3. National Alliance - Mill Point, West Virginia. 4. National Sozialistische Deutsche Aibeiter Partei-Auslands Organization (NSDAP-AO) - Lincoln, Nebraska. 5. National Socialist Liberation Front - Metairie, Louisiana. 6. Social Nationalist Aryan People's Party - Coeur d ’Alene, Id a h o 7. Am erica First Committee - Chicago, Illinois. 8. S.S. Action Group - Detroit, Michigan. 9. National Socialist American W orkers Party - Glendale, California. 10. N a tio n a l S o cia list W hite America Party - Pacific Palisades, California. 11. W orld Service - San Diego, California. 12. National Socialist V a n g u a rd - Goldendale, California. 13. E uro-A m erican A llia n ce - Milwaukiee, W isconsin. 14. American W hite Nationalist Party - Columbus, Ohio. 15. Am erican W orkers Party - Bartlesville, Oklahoma. 16. New Order Legion - Portland, Oregon. 17. Skinheads - Various factions e g. Cincinnati, San Francisco, Seattle. 18. Ohio W hite Nationalist Party - Toledo, Ohio. 19. National Socialist League - San Diego, California. 20. National Socialist M ovement - Cincinnati, Ohio. 21. National Socialist Party of America - Chicago, Illinois. 22. American Nazi Party - Chicago, Illinois. 23. Romantic Violence - Chicago, Illinois. 24. Aryan Youth M ovement - Fallbrook, California. 2 5 . N ew D aw n - B u rb a n k , California