R*W* Paye 4, Portland Observer, November 10, 1988 t* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * « ¡M * * * * W * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \n v r ? T ? T r T ? r ? T ? rT T ? r? T T T ? T rrT T T T ? r? r7 T 7 rrT 7 rrrrT T T T T T T T T T T ^ 'ïç? r ? i T i ï i ï r £ w* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * w< • • RELIGION SCRIPTURE OF T H E W EEK / THESSALONIANS: Chapters 1 & 2 I.'.I.'. I T. 1 .’.1 1 1 T. I T. I ■’■ I ■'■ I ■< R. I 1.'. I ! .' . f JÙ JJ2JJJJJL¿J LUL¿JUJL¿JL¿^^ Part 2 to love are forged during the first tw o years of life. On th is point there is a consensus am ong scien­ tis ts fro m a w id e range of disciplines. “ W e are living in tim es,” Pro­ fessor Fraiberg continues, "w hen there are voices w hich denigrate the hum an fam ily and even cry for its disso lu tio n or its recom posi­ tion. I cannot identify the voices of infant p sycholog ists am ong th e m ” (Every Child's Birthright: In Defense of Mothering). It’s unnerving to visualize what final e ffe ct the em otional near abandonm ent of our children w ill have upon our society. Too long has w om en’s value as th e p r im a r y n u r tu r e r s a n d educators of their children been downgraded. W om en w ho choose to stay hom e w ith their children should never again feel they have to apologize for their occupation. My question to those consider­ ing day care from alm ost day once is, should you consider having children? If your career is at such a critic a l stage that you can’t make the sacrifice of a few years to give the care every hum an being needs fo r em otional stability, perhaps you shouldn’t bring children into the w orld at this tim e. At som e point or other, careers can be interrupted, w ith little or no repercussions. The nurturing and care o f your m ost personal pre­ cio u s product, your infant child, cannot. O f course, m othering takes sacrifice. For the first few m onths, it’s an around-the-clock, physical job for w hich you'll get little praise. But what rewards! The intense nuturing of another human being defined as m other­ ing builds a relationship like no other. You can experience this k in d o f d e ep, in te rp e rs o n a l closeness in no other way. Do you want to m iss that? YOUR CHILD DESERVES THE BEST For those w ith older children, depending on the fam ily c ir­ cum stances and ch ild re n ’s ages, it may not always be as harm ful for m others to work. But those o f you w ith very young preschool babies and toddlers feeling the pressure The Soviet U nion has provided in s titu tio n a liz e d c h ild care for years, but use of these services has dw idled. M any parents de­ pend on friends and relatives to care fo r children under 3, the age Soviet preschoolers usually attend kindergarten. S oviet m o th e rs receive fu ll salary fo r 1-1/2 or tw o years and 50 to 75 percent salary for the third year, and s till have a guaranteed place at th e ir old work. In Britain, w om en receive 18 w eeks m aternity leave from their em ployers. For those w ho have w orked fo r more then tw o years, pay fo r the first six w eeks is 90 percent o f salary, then about 33 pounds a week for the next 12 weeks. In the late 1970’s, France in- s titu te d supplem ental allow ances called the com plem ent fam ilial. These are childcare allow ances given to fam ilies of lim ited re­ sources having at least one child under 3 years old or three children, w hether the m other w orks or not. In France, the w orking m other is given 16 w eeks’ m aternity leave, six weeks before and 10 weeks after the birth. She is paid 90 per­ ce n t of her normal wages by social security during th is tim e. French children from 2 to 6 years of age may attend preschool classes. And all th is has been made nec­ essary by the grow ing num ber of tw o-incom e fam ilies in our overex­ tended debt-ridden w orld! THE DEVELOPMENT OF LOVE Even m ore sobering, studies are revealing that a c h ild 's ab ility to form a lasting attachm ent to a n o th e r h u m a n b e in g — h is c a p a c ity to love — is learned before age 3. And that th is ability to form a lasting m utual attach­ m ent is inexorably tied in w ith the form ulation of the c h ild ’s co n ­ science. In other words, no human a tta c h m e n t equals no proper sense of c o n s c ie n c e ... From studies over the last 20 to 30 years in fa n t p s y c h o lo g is t Selm a Fraiberg states: “ W e have learned that the hum an qualities of enduring love and c o m m itm e n t > YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT ;.v “ To the Glory o f G o d ” •> « by James J. Metcalfe “ Before You M ust’ ’ — Make a Decision — “ Inquire about the services we o ffe r” COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS WILLIS DINNER: The Mt. O livet B aptist C hurch w ill sponsor a dinner on Nov. 11, at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are on sale for $5.00 each. The evening affair is being given by the M iriam M issionary Circle. For further inform ation, please call 284-1954. Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 24 Hr. Service 281-4891 We are interested in your problems. WAFFLE BREAKFAST: Delta M others and Patroness’ C lub — Annual W affle Breakfast, Saturday, Novem ber 12, 1988, 9:00 a m - 1:00 p.m. at Vancouver Avenue First B aptist Church, 3138 North Vancouver Avenue. D onation $2.50. Oregon Jurisdiction No. #1 Headquarters Church C.O.G.I.C. I I The Ark of Safety Church of God in Christ Sunday School 7 00pm Saxfcr, 9 15am 1115am Morning Worship 6 30 p m . YPW W Evangelistic The Holiness Preacher B is h o p U .V P e te rs o n D D . B u ild e r- P a s to r 8 00pm Worship Tuesday the Bible sa y s... ‘ .r *r “ There’s no one answer to the ch ild care problem , no course th a t’s right for every fam ily. If a m other absolutely m ust work, then she woes her child the best care possible. If she does have a choice, then she ow es it to herself, as w ell as to the child, to take tw o or three years fo r the m ost im por­ tant w ork she may ever do, nurtur­ ing a new life.” (The Child Care Crisis — The Real Costs of Day Care for You — and Your Child, by Fredelle Maynard). Tìsnday Choir Rehearsal FOUNDER to m ake a decision you may regret, q u it fe e lin g in fe r io r — y o u ’re indispensable! In trial and adversity Let not your faith grow dim, But say a fervent prayer to God And keep your trust in Him Let hope not wither on the wire Of sorrow and despair, Remember God knows everything And He is everywhere However dark the day may seem Or frightening the night. All troubles fade and disappear And life turns out all right Provided you maintain your faith And do not yield to tear The while you pray for courage with A heart that is sincere Resign yourself most humbly now To do God's holy will And He will surely bless you and Your least request fulfill 7 30p m a tre Baña " A w a rm s p ir it o f f e llo w s h ip a lw a y s ” 1 », Tuesday 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499 1 •'»1 / » ' Believe A nd Pray The World’s Child Care Needs (Excerpt from the Plain Truth) Í Friday Noon Day Prayer follow peace with all men& holiness without which no man shall see the The Pastor Speaks' Morning Payer 7 30pm 9 00a m Lord , *•» HEBREWS 1214 » Jesus Loves You! ñ <=>: Allen Temple CME Church Ì 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (comer of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 .Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor Psalm 34:3 I^Bi^I^B l^)Bl^Jl^JBÜ i A.R. Hopkins OSWEGO ¡k a *X f , » < Approximately 40 delegates are preparing for Holy Convocation. Bishop Hopkins will be consecrated on November 14th, 1988 to the Bishopship for the Church Of God In Christ (COGIC) in Memphis, Tenn. FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 640-3646 W e are a new church in Oregon City, recruiting in all areas of the church. Come to a church where God can do something for you! We are a healing ministry. Sunday School -10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:30 a.m. Evening Services - 6:30 p.m. Tuesday - Bible Study Rev. Ernest Thompson - Pastor i í A - . P,- ' f e ’. 'r í t - i' r'*' B:?..*.'- ' <<<• • - ■#' CHURCHES IN DISTRICT Jurisdiction #1 Headquarters Church Greater Solid Rock Bishop A R. Hopkins 1705 N E DekumSt Portland. OR 97211 283-1524 Greater Peace Supt E Wilson 4009 N Missouri St Portland, OR 97227 249 7335 L McKinney Temple Elder E C . Suell 1737 N E Alberta St Portland. OR 97211 282-8522 St Luke Memorial Elder L. Adams 2700 N E Sumner St Portland. OR 97211 284-0710 Light House C O G I C Elder T Moore 1123 N.E Fremont Portland. OR 97211 281-3875 Christ Memorial Church Elder' R L Tate 1552N Killingsworth St Portland. OR 97217 286-9624 Williams Temple Elder M Walker 241 N E Hancock Portland. OR 97212 281 1340 Nazarene C O G I C Supt L Dolsey 9119N Drummond SI Portland. OR 97217 286-4272 Cornerstone Comm Church Supt B E Johnson 2216 N E Killingsworth St Portland. OR 97211 281-4587 Bethel Temple Supt A Shankle 1545 South Brooklyn Ave Eugene. OR 97403 343-7303 Free Will Church For All Nations Elder Thurman Holmes 420 Market St Klamath Falls. OR 97603 882-1303 La Grande C O G I C Elder. I D . Lowe 1303 T Street La Grande, OR 97850 963-4736 Salem Mission C O G I C Supt A Shankle 4308 Hill Rose St Salem, OR 97309 399-0088 Church Of God In Christ *• f -» iif ■