Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 27, 1988, Page 5, Image 5

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O ctober 27, 1988, Portland Observer, Page 5
Albina Ministerial Alliance Sponsors Anti-Gang And Crime Rally
he Albina M inisterial Alliance
is sponsoring, An Anti-Gang &
Crime Rally. The Theme: “ Unity in
the Community,’ ’ Sunday, Oct. 30,
4:30 p.m. M orning Star Baptist
Church, 106 N.E. Ivy Street, Port­
land, Oregon 97212. Reverend T. L.
Lewis, Pastor.
The Keynote Speaker w ill be
Reverend Clarence Hill, Pastor,
Inglewood, California. Rev. H ill is
an A ctivist against Anti-Gang and
Crime A ctivities Former Gang
m em ber him self and has devel-
Rev. Joe Hardie, President
Albina Ministerial Alliance
Neighborhood Restoration
by M attie Ann Callier-Spears
6 t
he c ity w ill look better
and the kids w ill have
learned more — when we get fin ­
ished” , says Mr. Robbin M ayfield.
M r. M a y fie ld is a p r iv a te
businessm an w ho is contracted
through the N ortheast C oalition
of N eighborhoods. The Northeast
C o a litio n ’s o ffic e is located in the
King facility.
Mr. M ayfield has taken it upon
him self to rid the co m m unity of
physical signs o f hatred and
violence by training a group of
hard w orking young people to
paint over the g raffiti, that mars
the w alls of b u ilding s and various
s tr u c tu r e s , t h r o u g h o u t th e
com m unity.
He has, at present, seven (7)
young people w orking w ith him.
He began in Septem ber and they
have refurbished approxim ately
50 sites. “ We are only funded
through the firs t o f the year” says
Mr. M ayfield; “ but, we are seeking
long-term funding through the
C ity of Portland.” He w ent on to
say, “ We have received pledges
and donations in excess o f $1,000
but we need more, if we intend to
co n tin u e .”
“ W hen I firs t took on this pro­
ject, I d id n 't know w hat to expect,
but its a w onderful thing being
able to work w ith the youth and
be a positive force.”
Mr. M ayfield is a BIG man and
he is stern but soft spoken.
Idle hands can get into all kinds
of m is c h ie f— but, busy hands
can achieve m uch and even build
we are many m embers but only
one body, the Alliance opened it’s
arms to Clergy of all races. We as
M inisters do not intend to fail to
provide direct spiritural guidance
and social assistance to any per­
sons whenever possible.
Sunday's Representatives w ill
include: M ayor’s O ffice, Portland
Public Schools, Youth Gang Pro­
je c t, P o rtla n d P o lic e D ept.,
Juvenile Court and many others,
in cluding area churches. Par­
ticipating Churches w ill be: Youth
Choirs: Maranatha Church, Mt.
Olivet Baptist Church, Greater Mt.
Rev. Clarence Hill
to assist other agencies in the
deterence and development of
Youth Gang Activities.
The Albina M inisterial (AMA)
began approxim ately 50 years ago
as an all Black m inisters organiza­
tion. It’s primary purpose was to
strengthen one another through
brotherly fellow ship. As tim e pass­
ed, the organization grew, realizing
Calvary Church of God in Christ,
St. Mark Baptist Church, Emanuel
Temple, Im m aculate Heart, A lbina
Church of God, and others.
Albina M inisterial Alliance jo in
the C om m unity in com bating
Crime, substance abuse, and a n ti­
gang activities in our C om m unity
through unity.
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‘ ‘Measure 6 simply
goes too far.
jr »
Betty Roberts
Retired Oregon
Supreme Court Justice
“I am not a smoker, but Measure 6
concerns me.
“I strongly believe this proposed
measure to be a threat to the individual
liberties of Oregonians. I felt I should share
my thoughts with you in the hope that you
will carefully examine the impacts of
Measure 6.
“Measure 6 would eliminate all desig­
nated smoking areas statewide, banning
smoking in virtually all public places and
all workplaces - even those in private
homes where customers occasionally visit.
“Oregon’s 1981 Clean Air Act has already established public separation
for smokers and non-smokers and it has been well implemented through
rational discussion within the legislative process. In response, Oregon com­
panies have provided smoking and non-smoking areas.
“The present system is working. Why change if?
“Measure 6 would force employers into policing employees and cus­
tomers, by holding employers responsible for all smoking behavior on their
“Measure 6 would establish fines up to $500 and even bring about
arrest of those who ignore citations. How will our already overburdened
law enforcement system handle this new caseload?
“Let’s keep our designated smoking areas and preserve freedom of
“Let's vote no on 6!”
The N ortheast C oalition receiv­
ed the contract fo r the removal of
the gra ffiti along w ith the gang
project emphasis.
If you were driving dow n Union
Avenue, on M onday (Oct. 17), you
may have seen the painting crew
hard at work. W ith brushes, lad­
ders and rollers in hand, four of
the seven young people were busi­
ly covering “ The Hand W ritting On
The Wall.” There were three (3)
boys and one girl - Jason Sm ith,
20 years old, Donnie Hines - 20
years old, Richard Steward - 17
years old, and M iss Stephanie
S cott A vington -18 years old.
The young painters are em ­
ployed through the Portland In­
dustry C ouncil. They w ork a six
hour day from Monday to Friday
and they are e ither s till living at
hom e or they’ve ventured out on
th e ir own.
Richard lives at the Vaun
House on N ortheast Rodney. He
has received his GED and w ill at­
tend OPI in January to take a
course in C om puter Program ­
ming. Jason is hoping to get on
w ith a large contracting o u tfit. “ I
need som e experience” says
Jason “ and hopefully, after w ork­
ing w ith Mr. M ayfield, I w ill be
able to land a good paying job.”
Donnie, who was born in Shreve­
port, Louisiana and cam e to
Portland 12 years ago, is also us­
ing this job as a pivotal point.
Stephanie, w ho d id n ’t w ant to
have her picture taken un til she
fixed her hair, is w orking to make
ends meet. “ I have to w ork so that
I can pay my rent.”
Just then, Mr. M ayfield in­
stru cts them “ Paint the building,
NOT the founda tion.” “ It is my in­
tention to do m ore than ju s t show
them how to paint. I want to let
them know that I love and care for
them and I want to help build
Pancake Fundraiser
Set For Fred Meyer Six
SAT., NOV. 12, 1988
9:00 A.M. TIL NOON.
A pancake breakfast w ill be
held as a fundraiser for the Fred
M eyer 6, Saturday, Nov. 12 at 9
a.m. til Noon. The breakfast w ill
be served at the Oregon State
Grange hall, 1125 S.E. Madison, in
The breakfast includes hot-off-
the-griddle pancakes, sausage or
bacon, m ilk or coffee and all the
trim m ings for $5.
The m oney w ill be used to
cover court and appeal fees for
the six petitione rs arrested for
c r im in a l
tr e s p a s s
a t th e
H aw thorne Fred Meyer store.
oped a model for curtailm ent in
the California area.
We all are concerned about the
period of m onths our com m unity
has been plagued w ith gang mur­
der and drive-by shootings. Our
Citizens are in fear of the lives of
their children as well as their own.
The Albina M inisterial Alliance too
has been concerned and have
united their forces by sponsoring
Days of Fasting & Prayer. They have
been believing the scripture: "W
my People w hich are called by my
name, would hum ble themselves
and pray.” 11 Chronicles 7:14.
A lb in a M in iste ria l A llia n c e ’s
C lergy’s fact sheet states that,
“ Children are tom orrow ’s greatest
resources and we are com m itted
to bringing spiritual awareness
and consciousness back. Their
endeavors are to nuture the minds,
body and spirit of our children
before their future is lost. Input
from O rganizational/C om m unity
Leaders has aided the Members of
the C lergy/A lbina M inisterial A lli­
ance to be able to draft up plans
VOTE N O o n 6.
Keep Designated Smoking Areas.
Paid for by Oregonians For Fair Choree W»7 1 ihcriy N F
Salem OR 97 MU
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