VX Page 4, Portland Observer, October 27. 1988 «W WW HW WW WW MW m WW «M IM r T— T^Tvr???T?r?TV TV TTTr SCRIPTURE OF TH E WEEK R E LIG IO N New Pastor: New Fellowship by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears ne year ago this month, Rev. Ernest Thompson, Jr. and his wife Ruth moved to Portland, Oregon. Was it on an impulse? A whim? "The Lord led me here to lead His people” answers Rev. Thompson. O Rev. Ernest Thompson Born in W alterboro, South Carolina, Ernest Thompson, Jr. was born into a very large family of eleven children. He has five sisters and five brothers. His parents Ernest Norman Thompson and Minniebelle Fields Thompson. In 1961, Rev. Thompson was called into the m inistry. He pastored the Healing Stream Revival Church in Los Angeles, California. Rev. Thompson and his wife, Ruth (has her degree in music and serves as the Minister of Music) have purchased a church building in Oregon City located at 14257 Maple Lane Court. The new name o f the c h u rc h is — Oswego Fellowship Church. This is a ‘ Faith H e a lin g ’ ministry. In 1963. while working as a Practical Male Nurse, through a healing prayer that was prayed by Rev. Thompson — a man was brought back to life. Since then, many people have been healed because of his prayers. Since he has been here in the Northwest, he has healed a woman of a kidney ailment — here in Portland, at Rev. Flower’s church. He invites you to come and wor­ ship and bring your ills; but, more important bring your FAITH — and be HEARD. EPHESIANS: Chapter 3 one Church, One Child community happenings ANTI-GANG AND CRIME RALLY PLANNED: AMA will sponsor an Anti-Gang and Crime Rally on Sunday, Oct. 30, at 4:30 in the afternoon. The rally will be held at the Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church, 106 N.E. Ivy, Portland, Oregon. Theme: Unity in the Community. The guest or keynote speaker will be the Dr. Clarence Hill of Inglewood, California. For further information, call 281-4925. Rev. T. L. Lewis, pastor. RADIO MINISTRY: Beginning with the first Sunday in Nov., the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church will be heard on KPDQ-AM 800 on the radio dial. The pro­ gram will air each Sunday from 10:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Dr. James Martin, pastor. FALL REVIVAL: Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church will hold its Fall Revival on Nov. 14 through Nov. 18. Services will begin at 7:00 p.m. each night. This year’s revival will feature guest evangelist Rev. Danny Nance from Atlanta, Georgia. He is the pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Come on! Come All! to a great soul winning experience. Rev. Johnny Pack, IV, pastor. SANTA'S CHRISTMAS TREE FARM: Now's the time to place your orders for your wreaths and Christmas trees, self-watering tree stands, and Decor Paks. Call Waverly and Sheila Davis at 620-9431. ^pbles and Douglas Firs are available. JOB OPENING: A high school male is needed September through May for the after-school program at the Mallory Avenue Christian Church, 126 N.E. Alberta from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Call 288-5173 for further infor­ mation. BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC: Bethel AME Church, 5828 Northeast 8th Avenue, hosts a Blood Pressure Screening Clinic in conjunction with Community Care every Tuesday, 8 a.m. -Noon. Visit the Clinic to prevent increased risk of stroke, heart failure, kidney and heart attack. On Nov. 30, the ‘One Church, One Child’ and the Oregon Child­ ren’s Services Division are spon­ soring a press conference and Kick-Off. Governor Goldschmidt will be an honored guest, along with other state and local digni­ taries. The conference is expec­ ting over 500 people from across the country. The ’One Church, One Child’ Program is a national recruiting model developed under the leader­ ship of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services for the purpose of finding adoptive homes for Black children. The basic principle of ‘One Church, One Child’ is quite simple: specif­ ically, to find at least one Black family, per Black church, to adopt at leat one Black child. The Oregon Children’s Services Division (CSD), in partnership with the Albina Ministerial Alliance and the ‘One Church, One Child’ board of directors, consisting of twenty- two (22) interdenominational min­ isters, will outreach to Black con­ gregations around the state to find families for more than 80 Black children awaiting adoption in Ore­ gon. The ’One Church, One Child’ program is rated highly on Gover­ nor G o ld s c h m id t’s C h ild re n Agenda. Always Near You When you go to church on Sunday Though you know He's everywhere, Don't you feel that more than ever God is really, truly there? Isn’t there a certain something In that solemn atmosphere. That inspires you to thinking God is somewhat extra near7 Don't you hear the angels singing When you listen to the choir, And don’t all your good intentions Rise at least a little higher? Yes, ot course, you have that feeling But it is not church on Sunday, For that's just a time for worship You would seldom take on Monday. You could always be inspired If you spoke to God each day, And remembered every moment He is never far away. by James J. Metcalfe OREGON FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 640-3646 A .R . H O P K IN S Jurisdictional Bishop Oregon Jurisdiction No. #1 Headquarters Church C.O.G.I.C. W e are a new church in Oregon City, recruiting in all areas of the church. Come to a church where God can do something for you! We are a healing ministry. ★ COMING EVENTS ★ Sunday School -10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:30 a.m. Evening Services - 6:30 p.m. Tuesday - Bible Study Pastor and Wife Anniversary • Oct. 27, 28 & 30, 1988 Cornerstone Comm. Church • Supt.: B. E. Johnson, Pastor 2216 N.E. Killingsworth S t • Portland, OR 97211 • 281-4587 Rev. Ernest Thompson - Pastor Pastor and Wife Anniversary • Nov. 4 thru 6, 1988 Salem Mission • Supt.: A. Shankle, Pastor 4308 Hill Rose St. • Salem, OR 97309 • (503) 399-0088 Jesus Loves You! <=>< 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue Looking For A Support Group J.A.D.A. (comer of 8th & Skidmore) (Jesus Against Drugs & Alcohol) Allen Temple CME Church i Portland, Oregon 97211 MONDAYS AT 6:00 P.M. (503) 287-0261 For More Information Call - 286-9624 Psalm 34:3 . Phillip S. Nelson. Pastor Christ Memorial Church C.O.G.I.C. 1552 N. Killingsworth • Elder: R. L. Tate, Pastor YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT Tuesday 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499 “A warm spirit of fellowship always “ To the Glory o f God” Tlusday 7 00pm Choir Rehearsal Jurisdiction #1 is asking for your contributions in the remodeling of McKinney Temple • Elder: E. C. Suell, Pastor Please send your tax-deductible check or money order to: Strday The Ark of Safety Church of God in Christ FOUNDER “Funds Are Needed” 7 30pm »We Band The Holiness Preacher B is h o p U.V. P e te rs o n D .D . B u ild e r-P a s to r 9 15a m Sunday School 11 15.1 m Morning Worship 630pm YPW W Evangelistic 800pm Worship Tuesday the Bible sa y s... Fnday “ Remodeling McKinney Temple” Noon Day Prayer Follow peace with all men& holiness without which no man shall see the Today ■ The Prsior Speaks 7 30pm Jurisdiction #1 Headquarters Church C.O.G.I.C. 1705 N.E. Dekum Street • Portland, Oregon 97211 SaUday Morning Prayer 900a m Lord Beginning November 13, 1988 on Rogers Cable Television HEBREWS 1214 “ One Hour Of Power” Under the Direction o f.... Minister Chris Stevens Sundays — 6:00 to 7:00 P.M. Channel 27 Wednesdays — 4:30 to 5:30 P.M. — Channel 11 Saturdays — 9:00 to 10 P.M. — Channel 27 CHURCHES IN DISTRICT Jurisdiction #1 Headquarters Church Greater Solid Rock Bishop A R Hopkins 1705 N E Dekum St Portland OR 97211 283-1524 “ Before You Must L’ ’ Greater Peace Supt E Wilson 4009 N Missouri St Portland. OR 97227 249-7335 — Make a Decision — “ Inquire about the services we offer ’ Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 24 Hr. Service McKinney Temple Elder E G. Suell 1737 N E Alberta St Portland, OR 97211 282-8522 St Luke Memorial Elder L. Adams 2700 N E Sumner St Portland. OR 97211 284-0710 Light House C 0 G I C Elder T Moore 1123 N E . Fremont Portland, OR 97211 281-3875 Christ Memorial Church Elder R L. Tate 1552 N Killingsworth St Portland. OR 97217 286-9624 Williams Temple Elder. M Walker 241 N E Hancock Portland. OR 97212 281-1340 Nazarene C 0 G I C Supt L Dotsey 9119N Drummond St Portland. OR 97217 286-4272 Cornerstone Comm Church Supt B E Johnson 2216 N E Killingsworth St Portland. OR 97211 281-4587 Bethel Temple Supt A Shankle 1545 South Brooklyn Ave Eugene, OR 97403 343-7303 Church Of God In Christ 281-4891 We are interested in your problems. ; ? »• R.».-'1 * y ic 4. » . .♦,# <*,» ♦ •. - • t • ' » * ‘ ' > : .• ■ ■> Free Will Church For All Nations Elder: Thurman Holmes 420 Market St Klamath Falls, OR 97603 882-1303 La Grande C O G I C Elder I D Lowe 1303 T Street La Grande. OR 97850 963-4736 Salem Mission C 0 G I C Supt A Shanxle 4308 Hill Rose St Salem, OR 97309 399-0088