O ctober 20, 1988, P ortland Observer, Page 7 < Keep Children Safe At Halloween C h ild ’ s P ath is a h e a lth / nu tritio n food supplem ent pro­ gram fo r low-incom e: ■ Pregnant wom en. ■ New m others (up to one year after birth). hildren see H allow een as a ■ Babies tim e fo r fun and fe stivity, not ■ C hildren (under six years of as a risk to th e ir health and safety. age). However, parents and co m m u n i­ If You Need Help? tie s m ust w ork togethe r to make Call Today For Information: th is holiday a safe and happy one, 281-3113 according to the na tio n ’s oldest Or b r in g th e f o llo w in g a n d la r g e s t p a r e n t- te a c h e r d ocum ents to C h ild ’s Path for association, the N ational PTA. certification: H allow een w ill mark the kick­ 1.) Proof of address (e.g. driver’s o ff of the N ational PTA’s third an­ license, u tility bill, checkbook, nual C hild Safety and P rotection etc.). M onth. Each N ovem ber the 6.4 m illio n -m e m b e r a s s o c ia tio n fo­ cuses its e ffo rts on keeping children and youth safe frcm harm. A planning kit designed to involve the entire co m m u n ity is available from the N ational PTA fo r the 26,300 local PTAs and others interested in organizing year-round safety learning ac­ tiv itie s fo r children. The to p ic s ad­ dressed are c h ild care, toy safety, teen sexual abuse, pedestrian safety, gangs and rural safety. In A d d itio n to the safety to p ic s covered in the kit, the N ational PTA o ffers the fo llo w in g suggestio ns fo r parents to help make trick-or-treating a safe and enjoyable experience. 2. ) V erification o f present in­ com e (e.g. pay stubs, w elfare check, etc.). 3. ) Proof of age for children under six years o f age (e.g. birth certificate, im m unization records, etc.). 4. ) Pregnancy ve rification from your m edical provider (for preg­ nant women). 5. ) Bring the infant or ch ild to the in itial screening. C hild's Path Opening Hours: M, W, F 9:00-4:00 p.m. (Closed between 12-1) Special Information: A p p lica n ts m ust live w ith in the fo llo w in g b o u n d a r ie s : W e s t- W illa m e tte River’ N orth-C olum bia River; East- 82nd Ave.; South-l-84. • An applicant m ust not be enrolled in WIC (W om en-lnfant- C h ild re n F o o d S u p p le m e n ta l Program). • A ch ild under six years old w ho is no longer elig ib le for WIC assistance may still be e lig ib le for the programs. This project, under the d ire ctio n o f the Oregon Food Bank is a cooperative venture between the U.S. D epartm ent of A g riculture and Oregon State C om m unity Services. This is an equal opportun ity pro­ gram. If you believe you have been discrim inated against because of race, color, national origin, age, C Am erican Heart Association In Oreaon Broadway sex or handicap, w rite im m ediate­ ly to the: Director of Supplemental Foods Program do Food and Nutrition Service 3101 Park Center Drive Alexanderia, Virginia 22301 CSFP support provided through State C om m unity Services in the Oregon D epartm ent of H um an Resources. There’s Nothing In Life That Love Cannot Change W here there is love the heart is light, W here there is love the day is bright W here there is love there is a song To help when things are going wrong, W here there is love there is a sm ile To make all things seem more w orthw hile, W here there is love there's quiet peace, A tranquil place where tu rm o ils cease. by Helen Steiner Rice Portland, OR 97 OCTOBER THURS Three Generations Of ■ Continued from Page 4 very special raport w ith M om . The tw o o f them w o u ld ju s t s it fo r hours and talk about scrip tu re . W ilso n w as w ith M om w hen she p a s s e d " H er d a u g h te r, L u la , beam s as she shares events a n d co nversation a bout her M om . On Sept. 18,1988, a very b e a u ti­ ful, a very kind, a very w ell liked, and a very fa ith fu l S aint passed on from one w o rld to the next. It w a sn ’t very hard, her p a s s in g over, because she had m ade if rig h t a l-o-n-g tim e ago. Did C a ld w e ll's C o lo n ia l M o rtu ­ ary have to hire an o th e r person? The answ er is ... it w as n o t a stranger. For, training (in the ranks) was O zie’s daughter, Lula; , Lula began covering fo r her M o m in 1986, w hen her M om w e n t o n . vacations. Then, w hen her M o m '- retired, she becam e the T H IR D generation replacem ent to serve as ‘ Funeral A tte n d a n t’ fo r C a ld ­ w e ll’s C olonial M ortuary. Yes! She w ears her hair the sam e way. She has the sam e c o m fo rtin g sm ile. She stands and greets you as you enter fo r serv­ ices and possesses the sam e gentle m anner that is so c h a ra c t­ e ris tic fo them all. Sale p rice s in effect these dates unless otherw ise i noted «DC Comics, Inc SAFETY ON THE STREET • Have an adult accom pany children on th e ir treat-gathering route. Avoid un fa m ilia r neighbor­ hoods or hom es o f strangers. Stop only at houses or apartm ents that are w ell lit. • Tell children to accept only m anufactured-w rapped treats and not to sam ple anything u n til they return home. Inspect th e ir treats fo r possible tam pering. • T e ll c h ild re n to p o lite ly decline any in vitations to enter a hom e or apartm ent. S im ilarly, d o n ’t encourage c h ild re n you d o n ’t know to enter your home. • Instruct children to walk, not run, from house to house. They should w alk on sidew alks, not in the streets, and cross at intersec­ tio n s or crossw alks. Teach them not to dart o u t betw een parked cars. • O ld e r k id s w ith o u t a d u lt chaperones should alw ays travel in groups, never alone. Have them plan a ro u te to fo llo w and designate a tim e th e y ’ll return home. COSTUMES • A ffix name, address and phone num ber to the inside of young c h ild re n ’s c o stu m e s in case they get lost. Give children co in s and in stru ct them to call if there is a problem . • Natural m asks of make-up are preferable to plastic or rubber ones that may restrict breathing or o b stru c t peripheral vision. • P urchase o n ly c o s tu m e s , beards and w ig s labeled “ flam e resistant.” • See that costum es are short enough so that youngsters d o n ’t trip. B right colors and costum es w ith re fle cto r tape are m ore visi­ ble. Have them wear safe and sturdy shoes. • Swords, knives and sim ilar costum e accessories should be made of so ft fle xib le material. Avoid toy w eapons that could be m istaken fo r the real thing. • D on't a llow children to use candles. Carry a fla s h lig h t instead. The N ational PTA suggests that a better alternative to children go­ ing door-to-door could include ask­ ing your local PTA to host an all­ school H allow een party having children dress up. Award prizes for the best costum es. The school could show a “ g h o s t” m ovie or have a parent or teacher read g h o st stories. Parents m ig h t pro­ vide refreshm ents and individual bags o f treats fo r each child to take home. A nother idea is fo r parents to host a house party fo r children and teens and th e ir fam ilies. Everyone could dress up as their favorite characters and participate in a treasure hunt in and around the house. O ther alternatives to trick-or- treating include creating a haunt­ ed house fo r teens, staging a H allow een block party or having a NIGHTTIME IS FUN TIM E TODDLERS’ COSTUME PAJAMAS Your Choice SUPER HEROES N IG H T W E A R CO STUM E P AJA M A S Shown: Superman and Wonderwoman. Supergirl also available. Sizes 2T- 4T. Superbaby not shown, in infant sizes S, M, L Reg. $12.99 Toddler can “ dress up as ballerina or ske le to n - s h o w n — o r as ch e e r leader or ghost. Sizes 2T 4T. Reg. $12.99 Q uantities lim ited Styles show n are representative of Sears assortm ent FUN WEAR BRIGHTENED BY LADY, THE TR A M P MICKEY MOUSE, DUMBO AND OTHER FABULOUS DISNEY CHARACTERS Here is just a sample of the exciting collection of Disney character funwear in store for you at Sears! Girls’ sweatshirt with Disney logo. 4-6X. Girls’ cotton denim jeans with Mickey Mouse patches, sizes 4-6X. Boys’ sweatshirt with Disney logo. 4-12. Boys' cotton denim jeans with Mickey Mouse patches, sizes 4-7. Toddler boys’ acrylic fleece set with Lady and The Tramp design. Sizes 2T-4T. Toddler girls’ top, skirt and leggings set with matching Dumbo design. Sizes 2T-4T. In fant a c ry lic fle e c e set fe a tu rin g Lady and T he Tramp. Sizes S, M, L a $ Disney characters «1988 The W alt Disney Com pany Clackamas is worth slot more. 652-2280 Vancouver Mall 256-8333 Washington Square 620-1510