Page 10, Portland Observer, October 20, 190b JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CLERICAL INSURANCE SAIF Corporation Oregon's leading workers' com­ pensation insurance carrier is seek­ ing individuals for the following positions: Leading N orthw est M ulti-Line Insurance Company is recruiting for the following Part-Time Posi­ tions: BRANCH CLAIMS MANAGER $31,764-$46,908/Yearly BEND BRANCH The individual in this position will manage and provide technical di­ rection to a decentralized claims element consisting of several units directed by supervisors of examiners, investigators, voca­ tional coordinators and support. Applicants must have significant workers’ compensation experi­ ence and supervision of workers' compensation claims units. Must have detailed and comprehensive knowledge of claims processing to include compensability, effec­ tive management of continuing cla im s and se ttle m e n t pro­ cedures. Must also be knowl­ edgeable in the areas of Workers' Compensation Law and Oregon A dm inistrative Rules, current case law and corporate policies and procedures. TRANSCRIBERS Late afternoon/evening hours utilizing a PC, type various docu­ ments from transcribing equip­ ment. Qualfied applicants will possess excellent typing skills, 60 wpm, and have transcribing experience. Fam ilary w ith W ORDPerfect desired. LOSS CONTROL CONSULTANT/SENIOR 7n7-Ç9 “131 PENDLETON DISTRICT OFFICE The individual in this position will provide safety and health services to a s s ig n e d p o lic y h o ld e r accounts. Applicants must have a four year college degree in safety or related field, ie., science or management. This position requires two years full time experience in the area of Loss Control and service work or equivalency. Applicants should also possess excellent communi­ cation skills, be versed in safety matters and be familiar with the workers’ compensation system. A valid Oregon driver’s license is re­ quired. EXAMINER $1,707-$2,331 SALEM BRANCH The individual in this position will manage and process an assigned number of disability time loss claims insuring that compensa­ tion and medical benefits are paid timely. Medical bills will be reviewed and payment authorized when appropriate. Applicants must have two years college and one year of claims ad­ justing experience; organization and procedures; ability to exer­ cise judgment in applying pro­ cedures; to communicate effec­ tively: and to evaluate technical, medical and industrial informa­ tion. Workers’ compensation in­ surance claims examiner ex­ perience preferred. NURSING OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CONSULTANT $1,883-$2,331 SALEM BRANCH The individual in this position will coordinate medical management of workers’ compensation claims; assess and monitor seriously in­ jured workers to ascertain need for home health care, physical rehabilitation programs, medical equipment, home modification and other medical services. Must also provide training on medical issues, audit medical bills and review medical reports. Applicants must have a current Oregon RN license and a valid Oregon driver’s license. Must have excellent communication skills and have current knowledge of p h y s ic a l r e h a b ilita tio n . Familiarity with local medical community is desirable. We offer an excellent benefits program. To be considered for this position you must complete our em ploym ent application. Please call our message phone (503) 1-373-8047 by 5 p.m., October 20, 1988 to request your applicant packet. No resumes please. FILE CLERK 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Immediate opening to assist in maintenance, repair & general up­ keep of facilities and equipment. Qualified applicants will have proven knowledge and skills of building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems, be able to meet physical demands of job, pass a security check, have the ability to make mass calculations and have effective written and ver­ bal communication skills. Starting salary: $5.48 p/h, full benefits. Apply at: American Red Cross M /F In our personal lines department, perform file maintenance, some light typing and answer phones. Applicants should possess good general clerical skills, insurance office experience a plus. To apply send complete work and salary history with cover letter specificing part-time and position of interest: Liberty Northwest Insurance Corp Employee Relations 825 N.E. Multnomah Street Suite 1900 Portland, Oregon 97232 Equal Opportunity Employer Human Resources Dept. 3131 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97208 Closes: 10/27/88. Equal Opportunity Employer Thrifties Now you can advertise any­ thing of value from $5\00 to $5,000 in the P o rtla n d Observer classifieds. To Get the response, advertise in the Portland Observer. Call the Sales Department for further information at: 288-0033 PORTLAND OBSERVER “ The Eyes and Ears of the Com m unity” 288-0033 INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until 1:00 p.m. on the dates indicated in the Purchasing Department, Multnomah County School District #1 J. 501 N. Dixon, Portland, Oregon for the items listed herein: BID FILING DATE YWCA Center 5630 N.E. Union Avenue Closes: 10-28-88. No resumes or phone calls, please. in the real estate classified section of your Friday or Sunday Oregonian. Then call any real estate agent. We want you to come home a winner. HUD and your real estate agent. . . We’re The Home Team. * HUD department of mousing ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT Nov 1, 1988 General Equipment and Supplies For Warehouse Stock, 1989-90. Nov. 8, 1988 Juice For Nutrition Services (Requirement Contract). Nov. 8. 1988 Custodial Supplies and Equipment, 1989-90. Formal announcement, detailed specifications and bidding document may be obtained at the above address F o r a d d itio n a l in fo r m a tio n , p le a s e c o n ta c t M ich a e l J. H u tch e n s, D ire c to r of P u rc h a s in g , 249-2000, Extension 581 PORTLAND/OREGON VISITORS ASSOCIATION TWO REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS First Assistance In Designing & Initiating an Intern Program Second: Market Research The Portland/Oregon Visitors Association announces the availability of two requests for proposals. One request seeks assistance in designing and initiating an intern pro­ gram at the Visitors Association for minority students in the hospitality/tourism field. A second request is for market research to identify (1) national associa­ tions of ethnic minorities that might consider bringing a convention to Portland, and (2) local representatives of these associations. Responses to both requests for proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. Friday, November 4. Preference will be given to respondents who are certified as MBE/DBEs by the Oregon Executive Department. Copies of the RFPs may be obtained by contacting: Portland/Oregon Visitors Association 26 S.W. Salmon • Portland, OR 97204 (503) 275-9752 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE AIRMAIL FACILITY - PORTLAND, OR BID DATE: Friday, October 28, 1988 at 1:00 P.M. Hoffman Construction Co. of Oregon P.O. Box 1300 • Portland, OR 97207 (503) 221-8811 FAX (503) 221-8934 We fire an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women and minority business enterprises. Equal Opportunity Employer Young Fam ilies Program at YWCA N.E. & St. Johns Center. Over see program activities and staff. Monitor budget and submit statistical reports. B A /B S and 2 ye a rs . A d ­ ministrative & supervisory ex­ perience required. Apply at: If you think the cost of buying a home is out of your reach, then you should reach for the phone and call a m em ber of The Home Team. That's your local real estate agent, and he or she can show you a great selection of value-priced HUI) homes throughout Oregon and S.W. Washington. In fact, HUD has an affordable home available right now in the area you want to live. For a preview of currently-available HUI) properties, check our listings ad DESCRIPTION SAIF Corporation COORDINATOR The Home Team is on your side. BUILDING MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT SUB-BIDS REQUESTED UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE AIRMAIL FACILITY - PORTLAND, OREGON BID DATE: We believe in it. Equality in the workplace. It’s a value that is held strongly, here at the Port of Portland. If you are a minority or woman-owned firm, certified by the Oregon Department of Transportation and are interested in doing business with us in the areas of: ■ construction ■ professional services ■ products Then please give us a call at (503) 231-5000, extension 263, for more information. October 28, 1988 at 1:00 P.M. DONALD DRAKE CONSTRUCTION 1740 N.W. Flanders Portland, Oregon 97209 (503) 226-3991 ■ services ■ airport concessions W e’re an Equal Opportunity Employer © Port of Portland We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors and women and minority business enterprises. I . - .T . ■