Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 13, 1988, Page 7, Image 7

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    October 13, 1988, Portland Observer, Page 7
Metro Exceeds Minority And
Women Contracting And
Affirmative Action Goals
Poll Shows Dr. Fulani And African-American
Voters May “Dump The Duke”
he M e tropolitan Service D is­
Oregon C onvention C enter gener­
tric t has exceeded both its a f­
al c o n tra c t, w h ich a lso m et
firm a tive a c tio n goals fo r hiring M e tr o ’ s d is a d v a n ta g e d a n d
w om en and m in o ritie s and c o n ­
w o m e n -o w n e d b u s in e s s p a r­
tra ctin g goals for m in o rity and
tic ip a tio n goals.
d is a d v a n ta g e d b u s in e s s e s in
“ M etro has had som e real s u c ­
fisca l year 1987-88.
cess in both affirm a tive a ction
Rena Cusm a, M etro executive
and disadvantaged and wom en-
office r, reported that the regional
ow ned business p a rtic ip a tio n ,”
governm ent had m in o rity repre­
said Cusm a. " I ’m p articularly
se ntation on its s ta ff of 9.2 per­
pleased that we have been able to
cent, exceedin g its goal o f 6.3 per­
reach our goals of m in o rity par­
cent. A d d itio n a lly , the goal of 56.9
tic ip a tio n on the O regon C onven­
percent w om en representation
tion C enter,” she said.
was met.
C usm a also noted that M etro
M e tro ’s goals fo r disadvan t­
w ould be w orking harder to bring
aged c o n tra c tin g w ere also m et
up p a rticip a tio n of w om en-ow ned
during the fis c a l year. M etro had
businesses in procurem ent, per­
esta b lish e d a goal o f 6.25 percent
sonal services and labor and
disadvantaged business p a rtic i­
m aterials.
pation and achieved a rate of 8.59
M e tro ’s goals for affirm a tive a c­
percent pa rticip a tio n . The value
tion and disadvantaged and w o ­
men business co n tra c tin g are
of the c o n tra c ts awarded to d is ­
a d v a n ta g e d b u s in e s s e s w a s
e stablishe d annually based on an
analysis of the labor m arket and
$1,367,926. M etro did fall short of
its w om en c o n tra c tin g goal of
s ta te -ce rtifie d disadvantaged and
3.44 percent, reaching a level of
w om en contractors.
2.51 percent.
The report does not re fle ct the
recent aw arding of the $46 m illio n
Dr. Lenora Fulani
Nero & Associates, Inc.
Job Corps Screening
And Placement Agency
Y outh issues have risen to the
fo re fro n t o f neighborhood c o n ­
cerns. Street gangs, the high
school drop-out rate, drugs and
crim e are am ong the issues. This
a ffe c ts all of us.
For youth “ a t-risk" we o ffe r a
s o lu tio n that provides an a lte r­
native living situation, that pro­
vides fo r basic living and health
n e e d s , e d u c a tio n , v o c a tio n a l
training, social skill training, s k ills
fo r independent living and, m ost
im p o rta n t of all, e m ploym ent in
skille d jobs. T his s o lu tio n is the
Job C orps Program.
Let me share w ith you the e n ­
dorsem ent of G ladys M cCoy,
M ultnom ah C ounty Chair:
“ The Jo b C orps has long
been an e xce lle n t resource in
o ur c o m m u n ity and across
the na tio n . I urge people to r
m ake the best use of tne Job
C o rp s
m any
program s.”
Disadvantaged yo u th are hed­
ged in by th e ir lim itin g s u rro u n d ­
ings. They are unable to see past
the drug pusher on the corner or
the chain that b inds them to the
w elfare system . Poverty breeds
poverty, that is, un til concerned
citize n s step in to give guidance
and assistance.
The sharing of in fo rm a tio n
about Job C orps w ith such youth
could mean the start of a new life
fo r that person. A C hicago street
gang m em ber w ho w e n t to Job
C orps in its early years later
becam e an all-Am erican. R ecently
he re flected on w hat Job C orps
m eant to him and said, “ Job
C orps saved my life ." Behind th is
story, there is an unsung hero.
Tnat unsung hero is the person
w ho convinced th is young man to
go to Job Corps.
Entrance in to Job C orps begins
w ith a v is it to a screening o ffic e .
The screening o ffic e c o n tin u a lly
searches fo r youth and e s ta ­
b lish e s linkages w ith resource
agencies in the yo u th 's c o m m u n i­
ty. W e invite you as individuals,
c o m m u n ity groups and agencies
to e sta b lis h linkages w ith your
local Job C orps Screening O ffic e
and extend a helping hand to
youth in need.
(Makes 2 pounds)
2 tablespoons butter
2 /3 cup undiluted Carnation
Evaporated Milk
1-2/3 cups sugar
1 12 teaspoon salt
2 cups (4 ounces) miniature
1-1/2 cups (9 ounces) peanut
butter chips
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup (6 ounces) chocolate chips
In m edium saucepan, co m b in e
butter, evaporated m ilk, sugar,
and salt. C ook over m edium heat,
s tirrin g occasionally. Bring to fu ll
boil. C ook 4 to 5 m inutes, s tirrin g
co n s ta n tly , re m o v e from heat.
S tir in m arshm allow s, peanut b u t­
te r c h ip s , and v a n illa . S tir
vig o ro u sly fo r 1 m inute, u n til m ar­
sh m a llo w s m elt and blend. Pour
in to buttered 8-inch square pan.
C o o l. M e lt c h o c o la te c h ip s :
spread on fudge. C hill before
New re su lts o f a national poll of Black voters in d ica te that
independent P residential candida te Dr. Lenora Fulani may indeed "c o s t
the D em ocrats the W h ite H o u se " in Novem ber. Dr. Fulani, the firs t
w om an and the firs t A frican-A m erican ever to be on the b a llo t in all 50
states and the D is tric t o f C olum bia, is urging B lack voters and the o th e r
dise n fra n ch ise d c o m m u n itie s o f the Rainbow to "D u m p the Duke!
O f 3,329 B lack registered voters in N ew York C ity, 3% said they
w o u ld vote fo r G eorge Bush in N ovem ber, 30% plan to p ull the lever fo r
M ichael D ukakis, and 43% are su p p o rtin g Dr. Fulani. N early 900 B lack
registered voters w ere polled in P hiladelphia. O nly 1% said they w ill
vote fo r the V ice P resident. S upport fo r Mr. D ukakis w as ru nning at 30%
again, w h ile 44% are going w ith the A frican-A m erican indepe ndent. In
C hicago, w here 2,232 Black registered voters have so far been polled,
Mr. Bush cam e in at 2% . Mr. D ukakis was dow n to 2 7% , and Dr. Fulani
led w ith 32% . The rem aining voters qu e stio n e d said they w ere
“ u n d e cid e d ."
“ It is F u la n i's independent run that raises the stakes in the 1988
race fo r P resident,” co m m e n ta to r Tony Brow n w rote in his syn d ica te d
co lu m n last week. “ The general m edia has ignored her, but w hen the
electoral votes are co unted and the Black vote analyzed, you m ay fin d
that her independent run picked the w in n e r and the loser."
N otes Dr. Jessie Fields, the C hicago-based national co -ch a ir o f
Lesbians and Gays fo r Fulani, "T h e d is s a tis fa c tio n o f the Black c o m ­
m u n ity w ith the D em ocrats has clearly not faded since the party leader­
s h ip ’s openly d ism issive treatm ent of Reverend Jesse Jackson at the
A tlanta co n ve n tio n .” D espite the fa ct th a t m ost Black e lected o ffic ia ls
are te llin g th e ir c o n s titu e n ts that it is in th e ir in te re sts to go w ith the
party again th is year, “ s ig n fic a n t num bers appear not to be lis te n in g ,”
said the A frican-A m erican physician. “ And w hile there is talk o f a no-
sh o w ’ b o yco tt on E lection Day, and a low-key e ffo rt by the handful o f
Black R epublicans to sell George Bush to Black voters, the figures from
th is study show that the Black c o m m u n ity is m oving — and in s ig n fic a n t
num bers — in the d ire c tio n o f Dr. Fulani.
Sale prices in
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dates unless
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Boys’ cotton denim jeans
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Toddler boys’ acrylic fleece
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In fant a c ry lic fle e c e set
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