i -, •w Page 6, Portland Observer, October 6, 1988 P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 — To Place Your A d Ad Rates: 5 Lines -1 Week — $7.50 4 Weeks — $25.00(add $2.50 Per Line) Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) BEAUTY/BARBER SUPPLIES ja ’belPs COMPUTER CONSULTANT BEAUTY & BARBER SUPPLIES Look of Radiance 3512 N.E. 15th Street Portland, Oregon 284-6345 IBM COMPUTER CONSULTING Beauty <$ Barber Supplies PROGRAMMING • TRAINING (Retail & Wholesale) Manager - Horace T. Johnson Cosmetology Consultant - Sandra Bell 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 Sunday Church Programs • Fliers Desktop Publishing • Typing Nails Onlv • Hair Care Salon Beauty / Barber Supply • Free Delivery CONTRACTING-GENERAL Silco Construction Co. 8614 N. Crawford Portland, Oregon 97203 286-8155 Forward Motion, Inc. 287-8511 Open: Mon. thru Set. 9 a m. - 6 p.m. FASHION CONSULTANTS LOCKSMITHS Uniquely Yours Walnut Park Lock & Key 517 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon • 281-5728 533 N.E. Killingsworth Nail Care * A ir Brushing * Nail Tips Portland, Oregon FUNERAL DIRECTORS 288-6338 COX FUNERAL HOME, INC. 2736 N.E. Rodney Portland, OR 97212 • 281-4891 L o w Cost Funeral With Dignity