Page 18, Portland Observer, October 6, 1988 Contract with ODOT The Oregon Department of Transportation is committed to making contracting opportunities available to minority businesses. The Department is proud to announce the minority business participation on federal-aid highway contracts signed during the current fiscal year has been 12%. Over the next six months, over $100 million worth of highway construction contracts are scheduled. these projects will include opportunities for minority business subcontracting. Many of Examples include: October 27, 1988 Shinglehouse Slough Bridges, Coos Co. (grading, paving, structures] CsL $1,500,000 November 17,1988 Simmons Creek, Tillamook Co. (grading, paving, culverts) CsL $1,500,000 December 22,1988 Vida, la n e Co. (grading, paving, passing lane) CsL $300,000 January 26, 1988 N.C. 181st Avenue Interchange, Multnomah Co. (grading, paving, structure, signals, signs, illumination) CsL $22,500,000 February 23, 1988 Greeley Ramps-North Canfield Interchange, Phase 1, Multnomah Co. (grading, paving, structure, signs, signals, illumination) CsL $6,000,000 For information on these and other highway construction projects, contact Ronault Catalani, Construction Section (378-6314).