« « * * ♦ ♦ * * *r ♦ ^M"*^******^"**** ********* Page 16, Portland Observer, October 6, 1988 T h e I n te l I n flu e n c e z An Evening with COMMITMENT. Lynda Barry IN T R O D U C IN G HER N E W N O V E L Intel Corporation has an active Small Disadvantaged Business Program interested in expanding our minority vendor base in the local area. If your business is in one of the following areas, Intel can be an attractive and stable customer: Construction Telephone equipment & services Office supplies & printing Furniture K B O O A N D POW ELL'S B O O K S PRESENT: (YES, A NOVEL) "The Good Times Are Killing Me" Trade Contractors Personal computers & software Materials handling equipment Lab & safety supplies Sheet Metal & Polypro fabrication For businesses that can provide the highest quality product on time and at a reasonable price, please contact Bob Mencstrina MS CO1-02, Small Busi­ ness Program Manager, Intel Corporation, 15201 NW Greenbrier Parkway, Beaverton, OR 97006. Intel Corporation also offers a range of employment opportunities. We are committed to attracting, recruiting and retaining employees of minority backgrounds. Our positions include: Professional Assembly Clerical Technical Trades Friday Oct. 21— N orthw est Service Center We have full-time and part-time career positions as well as considerable use of temporary agencies. For specific employment opportunities, please contact Intel Staffing HF3-05, 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway, Dept. 0519, Hillsboro, OR 97124. An EEO employer, actively seeking m/f/v/h candidates. Lynda Barry is a 27 year old redhead who was born in Richland Center, Wisconsin. At first she wanted to be a veterinarian but then she changed her mind. 7:30-9 p.m. 1819 NW Everett //«ir/imr U $10 17 A ä Ä BENEFIT FOR KBOO, EVERYBODY'S FAVORITE NONCOMMERCIAL RADIO IMECA X Z^CIANS METRO ELECTRICAL TRAINING TRUST 5600 N .E. 42nd P O R T L A N D O R E G O N 97218 (503) 287 0756 The labor/m anagem ent com m ittee has resolved to cooperate in public service efforts whose objective shall be to enhance the public image of I.B .E .W ./N .E .C .A . and publicize the quality product w e market. Facts and figures define the I.B .E .W . electrician as the best trained, m ost p ro , ductive electrical w o rke r in the nation today. Our jo in t objective is to make use of that skill and prom ote th a t talent. Since the first m eeting between Jim Brooks o f the Urban League and the M etro Electrical A pprenticeship C om m ittee in 1964, m any Blacks, w om en and other m ino­ rities have been recruited and employed in the electrical construction industry. Be­ cause o f this ¿^operation, Charlye Molden and Donna Ham m ond w ere tw o of the first Black w om en in the nation to be trained as journeym en electricians. ft * ,* ' ' f . f fi * k ¿ 9 * * X ♦ 4 ; 4 *4