Page 14, Portland Observer, October 6, 1988 I f PRINCIPLE See us in a different light. IS GOOD FOR ANYTHING, IT IS WORTH LIVING U P TO.” Helping people succeed is the guiding principle of Minority Enterprise Devel­ opment Week. A principle we proudly salute. good ideas profitable realities. It's something you uouldn t expect from a power company At Pacific Power, we not only turn the lights (Mi in your home, we help turn them on in vour head pacific power The /S Franklin THE ENERGY SERVICES COMPANY E x p ect m o re fro m us. FEDERAL SAVIMGS AMD LOAM ASSM Mort than $ 5 billion strong. FSLK t = ï WE’RE TAKING AFFIRMA TIVE ACTION! Guy F. Atkinson Company License #828 10 W e st O ra n g e A v en u e S o u th S a n F r a n c is c o , C A 9 4 0 8 0 (4 1 5 ) 8 7 6 -1 0 0 0 An Equal Opportunity Contractor ROBINSON 1 r I I I I I CONSTRUCTION CQ 7320 SW HUN2IKER SUITE 300 TIGARG OR 97223 1503) 639-8021 JAMES W. CARKIN I I I 4017 N o rth Interstate Avenue I Portland, Oregon 97227 I (503) 287-6334 -I Negus & Lacy ¿4 Estimator JAfMre^r^qua^pportunit^mployei^ ATKINSON ... _K. TALK IS CHCAP, ACTION COSTS MONCY YOUR OREGON BUSINESS TOOL BOX The Oregon Economic Development Department serves to promote the vitality of Oregon business which creates jobs for Oregon citizens. As part of this mission, the Department provides services and business assistance in the following areas : • BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION — Data on land, buildings, financing, infrastructure, demographics and other related issues affecting investment decisions. — Enterprise Zone incentives. — Regional coordination and assistance to local communities and businesses. • FINANCIAL PROGRAMS — Specific assistance to manufacturing, processing, and tourism-related firms located in or expanding into Oregon. — Industrial Development Revenue bonds. — Loan packaging for federal economic development loan programs. — Distribution of Oregon lottery proceeds through Special Public Works Fund grants and loans to municipalities creating or retaining permanent jobs. • INTERNATIONAL TRADE — Individual counseling to Oregon firms interested in exporting. — Organization and coordination of specific industry trade missions and exhibitions. • SMALL BUSINESS ASSISTANCE — Operation of the one-stop permit and license program. — Business training classes, workshops, seminars and conferences, as well as free one- to-one business counseling through Oregon's community colleges and universities. • JOB TRAINING Through six locally managed Private Industry Councils and their 40 offices, services in clu d e : Any com pany can talk about being a good corporate citizen, but at the M ille r Brewing Company, we put our money where our mouth is. We sponsor and provide fin an cial support for such educational programs as college scholar­ ships and internships for Black students. We have spent m illio n s of dollars to purchase goods and services from Black contractors and vendors. We sponsor workshops and seminars that teach Black contractors and vendors skills that help them more effectively do busi­ ness with major corporations such as M illet We contribute substantial sums to Black civic, charitable and civil rights organizations. We have substantial sums of money on deposit with Black financial institutions that, in turn, make investments in projects that benefit their com m unities. We sponsor fund-raising events for programs th at b e n e fit Black communities. And, we employ Black people at all levels of the company. A ll this costs money, but we view our activities as an investment in the future of this country. By encouraging the economic economi« development and participation of all segments of our society, we strengthen our whole society. That's why we're co m m itted to our partnership w ith Black communities. AT M ILLER .C O M M ITM EN T IS PART O F O U R BO TTO M LINE. Beer Brewed by M iller Brewing Co . M ilw . Wl — Training assistance to dislocated workers and economically eligible youths and adults. — Coordinating community resources for recruitment, screening and referral of qualified applicants for new and expanding Oregon businesses. — Developing and subsidizing of customized training packages for employers who hire eligible applicants. The above are some of the ways the Department serves the business community. If you would like additional information or assistance, please call the Department in Salem at (503) 373-1200. Remember, a tool is useful only when it is put to use Oregon Tilings Look Different I 1ère 1