Page 12, Portland Observer, October b, i»oo PDC PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 1 9 8 8 -8 9 MINORITY/WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE OPPORTUNITIES The Portland Developm ent Commission has, since 1982, under­ taken affirmative action to encourage and facilitate the participa­ tion of Minority and W omen Businesses in Commission projects and operations. Prime contractors for construction projects or large personal services contracts are required to recruit MBE/WBE subcontractors and meet established goals. Also, the Commission has established goals for the direct purchase of m aterials and services from MBE/WBE firms. D uring the balance of the fiscal year ending June 30,1989, the following opportunities are anticipated: SUBCONTRACTING Construction Parking Garage......................................................................................... $ 8,000,000 South Waterfront ■ interior Roads.......................................................................................... 2’ftSnnnn ■ Utility Relocation.. .................................................................................... 500,000 ■ Parks and Landscaping................................................................................ Building Rehabilitation..................................................................................... jjju u u Union Station Depot........................................................................................ ... Personal Services Columbia South Shore: management resource plan, environmental impact..................210,000 analysis, redevelopment and area planning Parking Garage: construction management.................................. ....................... "O .ouu South Waterfront: engineering for roadwork, utility relocation, steam plant................. //o.uuu demolition and parks; housing market study Union StationZTransit Mall: design and engineering................................................oou.uuu North Downtown: urban design analysis............................................................... 30,000 South Park: area concept design......................................................................... .. DIRECT CONTRACTS/PURCHASES Personal Services................................................................................................. 700,000 Research, land use planning, legal services, management audit, transportation and parking studies, small business training, computer programming, graphic design, photography, writing, translation, temporary employment, property appraisal, surveying, soils engineering, architect, travel agent, and training. Materials, Supplies and Services.............................................................................200,000 Film and finishing, typesetting, office supplies, paper, printing, computer software, auto parts, gas, fences, barricades, signs, landscaping, furniture, computer equipment, batteries, mailing service, equipment maintenance, plant maintenance, delivery service, and blueprints. The item s listed are estimates only, am ounts and needs may change. Minority and W om en Business Enterprises interested in participating as a subcontractor or being considered as a supplier for materials, supplies or services should contact David Nem o, A dm inistrative Services Coordinator, 796-5348. 0MN Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program It is the policy of the Clark County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority (dba C-TRAN) to encourage Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participa­ tion on all C-TRAN projects. Therefore, C-TRAN maintains a DBE Program based upon Department of Transportation (DOT) Rule 49, CFR, Part 23, and directives of the Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) Office of Civil Rights. The overall goal of C-TRAN’s DBE Program is to insure that DBE is are given the maximum opportunity to participate in all projects. Specifically, C-TRAN is secur­ ing a minimum of 15 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise participation in all procurement opportunities. We believe in it The Procurement and Grants Manager, acting as the DBE Program Coordinator, is responsible for monitoring the DBE program, insuring Program compliance with federal and state guidelines, and soliciting DBE participation in all procurements. All Departmental Directors assume responsibility for DBE Program compliance within their department. DBE’s are welcome and encouraged to apply for C-TRAN certification in order to facilitate participation in any present and future contracting opportunities. Port of Portland Ms. Sandy French, Executive Director C-TRAN P.O. Box 2529 Vancouver, Washington 98668 (206) 696-4494 Art,* * e * » f - * Î' *.«*/**