October 6, 1988, Portland Observer, Page Some people are never satisfied. We need lots of them. The people who do the best at Mentor Graphics usually had a hard time fitting in elsewhere. You know the type. Rule changers. Rebels. Leaders. That’s the kind of company we are. In fact, we’re the world leader in electronic design automation (EDA). A field we invented, and one we continue to reinvent through a stream of product innovations. Satisfied? If you’re not satisfied with your present job, join us at Mentor Graphics. Our commitment to our employees allows them to create their own career opportunities. Learn more about the challenges and rewards of our world-class products and work environment. Please send your resume to Professional Staffing, Mentor Graphics Corporation, Dept. 3825, 8500 S.W. Creekside Place, Beaverton, Oregon 97005-7191. We are an equal opportunity employer committed to affirmative action. —M e n to r Graphics I New insurance plans for some of te b ^ n a ro e s JIM B O R E I L L Y ’S (AFE& CONCERT HALL / G IA N T BURGER USA QQQ No matter how big your small company is, chances are, your insur­ ance is coming up short. All because, for better or worse, your coverage is designed to suit the largest possible market lor the small­ est possible premium. Not anymore. Instead of asking you to accept the most suitable aver­ age solution, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon now offers you a simple choice of programs you can customize to fit your company and employees perfectly. Now one phone call gets you all the best options, all from one com­ pany. Exclusively. Contact your agent or broker, or your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon representative. But call today. O ur new plans can make a mighty big difference for any size small business. Blue Cross Blue Shield \bur very own personal insurance cnmiw»'