i « ; • • * < « « » «' « ♦ H V f*- ♦ 1 w ♦ « Page 10, Portland Observer, October 6, 1988 ft Phil fteynolds Medical Clinic i Ì É I I I I I I I I I I I I 7-ELEVEN EXECUTIVE W O R K S FOR N AACP! Bill Sm ith, (center) 7-Eleven O p eratio n s M anager has jo ined the W estern Region of N A A C P as an execu tive on loan from T h e Southland Corporation, recently announced Don B urnside, C orporate Vice President, S trategic P lanning & Adm inistration. A ccording to N A A C P W estern Region Director, Jim M artin (right), “ the corporate exp erien ce of Sm ith and his dedication to the goals of N A A C P will provide valuable assistance in our program of increasing econom ic develop­ m e n t throughout th e Black c o m m u n ity.” " I am proud to join in th e efforts of N A A C P throughout the west, and look forw ard to working w ith Jim M artin ,” said Bill Sm ith. Jim Notarnicola, N ational Urban A ffairs M an ag er for the S ou th land Corporation, recently m et w ith S m ith and M artin on the 7 -E le v e n /N A A C P Voter Registration, “ V ote-B e-H eard” program now going on in 7-Eleven stores throughout the country. T he W estern Region of N A A C P consists of the following states: Alaska, Arizona, C alifornia, Hawaii, f O rego n , Utah, an d W ashington. Walter C. Reynolds - 33 years in practice. Phil Reynolds Medical Clinic opened at present site in December, 1977: Services Offered Include: Physical Exam & Evaluation • Laboratory Studies • X-Rays • Physical Therapy & Full Service Pharmacy ★ O F F IC E . • • z « • » - ' r» •> I I I I I I I I I I I I HOURS ★ Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday & Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m .-1:00 p.m. Closed Thursday SALUTE T O HARLEM E N T R E P R E N E U R S H IP -G e o rg e L. Knox, III, second from left. Staff V ic e President, Public Affairs, Philip Morris C om pan ies Inc. w elco m es M inority Business D evelopm ent A gency (MBDA) officials to the special breakfast tribute to the late Lloyd E. Dickens. T he officials are Gina A . S anchez, second from right, Regional Director of the MBDA and Jam es H Richardson-G onzales, National Director, MBDA. A t left is A nthony M M orelli Director, H eadquarters Services, Philip Morris C om pan ies Inc. Lloy< E. Dickens, w ho died last May at 86, had been a sig n ifican t in clu d en ce on th e political and econom ic growth of Blacks in H arlem for m ore than 5( years. D ickens w as honored during a Philip Morris-sponsored breakfast a th e H arlem S tate O ffice Building during N ew Y o rk ’s MED W eek ’88. 15 N. Morris Street • Portland, OR 97227 Phil Reynolds Medical Clinic - Walter C. Reynolds, M.D. I .A ? S’ * Sr UNIQU€LV VOURS I . -, V .. Kw'.v Boutique & NaiJ Salon •Ä . 4: ALL NEW Bazzar Corner : •< > V : »I. • • '• D is p la y Your Handcrafted items Ä Just In Time For Christmas! Weekly Or Monthly Rental. Space As Low As i".' ' »•« .• & A JOB TR A IN IN G SUC CESS STORY — In 1968, Berthola N elson was m e m b e r of th e first graduating class at th e Los A ngeles Urban L eague Dat P rocessing Training Center. At th at tim e, she w as a sin g le paren u nem ployed and on w elfare. Hired by IBM soon after graduation, sh e 's g ing to observe her 20th anniversary w ith th e com pany and is in training be associate account adm inistrator for the A RC O account, o ne of the m o im po rtant IBM accounts in the Los A ngeles area. »150» per month I .1 I ♦ » Ï ’ r - if • - *> £ ’r. «•. • ■,*.*, »t r t .r •• . Linda Sevier >3? ’’ ■"’ A " j& t *> '* V. r£'/*A Space Going Fast ... So Call Or Stop By I Minority Owned II and Operated II I Since 1957 I I I I I I I I I I I I 287-0262 1101 N.E. Alberta Portland, OR 97211 R. D. Sevier & Son Garbage Service , i Today! 517 N.E. Killing worth 287-5827 II II I I I I I il II •:%& •y j f«*» ’< 1 * ■< * < '■r W •< $ :