-X» W”«• * -< T W * » * 4 • • r***W V 4 ’w » * * % X Page 8, P ortland Observer, S eptem ber 29, 1988 KBOO 90.7 FM IS LOCAL RADIO KBOO IS COMMERCIAL-FREE RADIO KBOO 90.7 FM P A R C H M A N FAR M A PORTLAND JAZZ CLUB IS YOUR COMMUNITY RADIO STATION Tune in for Blues & Grassroot News; Jazz, Rap & Reggae; Hip-Hop & Soul; Rhythm & Blues; African & M oham m ed - Speaks. V V A .A ' T -» L’’ G O U R M E N T P IZ Z A P A S T A S P E C IA L IT IE S j, PORTLAND’S X W /' BEST LIVE JAZZ ► ----- —4 1204 S.E. Clay St. P ortland, Oregon 235-7831 All on. Listener-S upported “ Fillirfg the void” J Q lumbia T h ea ter Q mpany C A L V IN W A L K E R 2021 S.E. H a w th o rn e • Portland, O R 9 72 14 l u rta c ta rti^rninihirthwPitLilJLji-ilndl&Qiaolauloaioaiooiaia L iriinninnioaiU L J i o o ia a ig S' Celebrates SEPTEMBER EVENTS The American Playwright 26 th ru O c t. 1 S h a n g h a i L o u n g e , 0 3 0 9 S .W . M o n tg o m e ry OCTOBER EVENTS 1 5, 6, 7, 8 1 4 ,1 5 S h a n g h a i L o u n g e . 0 3 0 9 S .W . M o n tg o m e ry R a fte rs , 2 2 0 S.E. S p o k a n e R ed L io n In n , 310 S .W . L in c o ln M u ltn o m a h A th le tic C lu b H a llo w e e n H o o p la N e ig h b o rh o o d - N .W . 2 3 rd John Steinbeck’s Jusi Be — O f M ic e a n d M e n D ire c te d b y P e te r F o rn a ra D ire c te d b y - T o b e a n n o u n c e d September 16 - October 15 March 10 - April 8 R & B, RAP, JAZZ, BLUES AND GOSPEL PLUS SNAKE SKIN BELTS, GUCCI HATS, POSTERS OF YOUR FAVORITY ARTIST AND ( ( Weekly Specials fo r $6.99" For Records and M ore - M ake Y o ur Stop ONE STOP 1615 N.E. Killingsworth Proudly Opens Its 24th Season With Giacomo P uccini’s riveting masterpiece Lillian Heilman’s Tosca In Ita lia n w ith projected English D r in k s B e fo re D in n e r D ir e c te d b y A. N a n n e tte T a y lo r T h e C h i l d r e n ’s H o u r D ire c te d b y A . N a n n e tte T a y lo r translations. Audiences love it. January 20 - February 18 April 28 - May 27 Three P erform ances Only! October 1, 5 ,8 Jules Fieffer’s MANAGER: G loria Feves, (503) 227-7650 AVAILABLE Portland Opera M o n d a y A f t e r th e M ir a c le E. L. Doctorow’s Good To Yourself! One Stop Records and Tapes September, 1988 - July, 1989 William Gibson’s Saturday’s at 8:00 PM K nock K nock D ir e c te d b y D. D a v is Wednesday at 7:30 PM June 16 - July 15 Civic A uditorium Become a Columbia Theater Company Subscriber and see Five plays f o r the price o f Four. $18, $25, $34, $61.50 (Box Seat) Please Gall 232-7005 Charge by Phone 241-1802 Portland Opera’s New Ticket Office 1516 SW .Alder nn l o o l a n l n n l a o l a o l o o iao iP Û IC [■1 ■!>, ■ i-i[■lgl(«iaiW«l(«WWH«WI»Ii|liiaaioaiDoiDologpalfla SHOW CASING PO RTLAND’S DIVERSE CULTURAL CO M M UNITIES THROUGH THE ARTS £9 T fcc Portland, Oregon 97205 (plenty of free parking) § Civic A uditorium INTERSTATE FIREHOUSE CULTURAL CENTER OUR Perform ing Arts Center MOST G.I. Joe’s Ticketmaster EXCITING Sponsored in part by SEASON! 5340 N. Interstate Avenue P.O. Box 17569 Portland, Oregon 97217 Louisiana Pacific 1988-89 November 11 through December 11 T H E I M M I G R A N T by M ark Harelik. January 27 through February 19 and special performances at the Winningstad Theatre February 21-25 K T H E C O L O R E D M U S E U M by George C. Wolfe. A p ril 21 through May 21 ONE W e're PJaying STOP RECORD SHOP YANKEE DAW G YOUR Song. Y O U D I E by Phillip Kan Gotanda And don’ t miss IFCC hosting the Actors Cooperative performance o f O t h e llo , with Rick Jones in the title role— September 16 through October 16. INFORMATION ON SEASON SUBSCRIPTIONS CALL 243-7930 n ir io ir s n in o i, u i i ört i n n i uuiuuiunfinirti _ lum JinaiBaiOüm ü l flBioainaiPOBaoaoaBd lLli MACEBA Affairs and Paul W illiams presents Thomas M eloncon’s Play HOW DO YOU LOVE A BLACK W OM AN? Directed by C larence W hitm ore Music by D. Louis Morgan A celebration of love ... Lynn Toebisch Chicago Sun-Times There's a bite and fire here! Rick Kogan Chicago Tribune ... rapidly becomming a phenomenon. Todd Everett L.A. Herald cuts close Io the bone Clarence Page Chicago Tribune PORTLAND PARAMOUNT THEATRE Friday Septem ber 30, 1988 Diary 8:00 P.M. Show Ticket Prices $18.50 & $16.50 Tickets at TicketMasters 628-0888 and the Black Men Box Office 623-6000 IT’S NOT JUST A PLAY ... IT’S LIFE. FOR MORE INFO: CALL PORTLAND PUBLICITY COORDINATION - SYLVIA - 287-5629 DISCOUNTY FOR ORGANIZATIONS & CHURCHES ’ • 1 r • / ...................................... ■ : .fe -, ■ s'