Page 6, Portland Observer, September 29, 1988 Arts & Entertainment Special i / ? . X • • ~ homas M eloncon’s play, “ The Diary of Black Men ... How Do You Love A Black Woman?” is among the first of many plays to be produced by MACEBA AFFAIRS, INC. ‘ ‘The Diary Of Black Men” originated through a community development program at Shape Community Center in Houston, Texas in 1978. Originally intended as a workshop project, this ex­ citing production was deemed 4. T ’ r .. *?.• «' -Av? •Ä ;••••’: 1 < > ÍA- c i iP P P Q ^ flll ; ■-< < ... ?•«, In 1983, MACEBA AFFAIRS, Inc. acquired the rights to produce Thomas Meloncon’s play. This thought provoking, tantalizing and most stimulating production is not just a play of entertainment, but a production with a message ... a positive message personfying >■?<<< ■J7te Q),. J . P ie r p o n t M o rg an , C o lle c to r ¡* - -i« A -- ■ r;- " <■ k - í í r f '. ’í ií PLATE, Siena, c. 1800-10, tin-glazed earthenware £ ' a \« »22 rít e • •* E u ro p e a n D eco rativ e A rts From T h e W ad sw o rth A th en e u m September 14-November 6 —Portland Art Museum Made possible by a major grant from O First Interstate ar* •W í tefe? •Vi-; A d d itio n a l «upport from S E R A A rchitect», R u b enstein« F u rn itu re. Fle»»teel Contract. l>e»lgncr'« Resource and Jerry la m b In te rio r» A A n tique» Oregon Art Institute Museum College A 1219 S W ’ •ÏÂ* ’ -“ t ■’ J ». ífe* • X »•»? >4 r ' P a rli Center (5 0 3 ) 2 2 8 2811 the image of the Black man and his responsibility to his woman and family. “ The Diary of Black Men ... How Do You Love A Black Woman?” has electrified audiences of all backgrounds, and has performed to soldout houses in major thea­ ters throughout the country. MACEBA AFFAIRS, Inc. is an in­ novative and aggressive mass m e d ia c o r p o ra tio n in the business of entertainment. It’s primary goal Is to enhance the cultural awareness of Black America through the promotion of visual, performing and literary art forms. MACEBA AFFAIRS. INC. the company, publishes a quarterly magazine to Inform, analyze and review the role the media plays in today’s society. Reviews are writ­ ten by talented journalists on various aspects of the television, recording, motion picture and print industries. E xe m plifyin g a d ive rsifie d business group, MACEBA AF­ FAIRS PRODUCTIONS was devel­ oped to provide an avenue for pro­ m oting visual performing art forms. It has produced its first play, Thomas Meloncon's drama­ tic portrayal entitled, “ The Diary of Black Men ... How Do You Love A Black Women?” Since 1983 this exciting play has toured exten­ sively throughout the country ad­ dressing the controversial issue of Black male/female relation­ ships. MACEBA AFFAIRS, Inc., is com­ mitted to Black Americans expan­ ding its prespective to the total development of its culture, to aspire to greater political, eco­ nomical and spiritural heights. The Portland Observer en­ courages the community to come out and experience this exciting play. Starting back with "Red Beans & Rice,” by local play- wright/director Rosemary Allen, Portland’s African-American com­ munity has been building blocks that would make it possible for productions like “ Diary of Black Men ...” to find success in Portland. Now that it has arrived, we must come in a show of support. THE PORTLAND OPERA “ TOSCA ortland Opera’s 24th season opens O c to b e r 1 w ith Giacomo Puccini’s TOSCA, based on the fine 19th century melo­ drama of French playwright Vic­ torian Sardou. An emotional thrill­ ed for welded together by Puccni’s sensuous score, TOSCA is a mainstay of opera repertory. It is said that TOSCA plunges from the battlements of the Castel Sant’ Angelo nearly every night in some corner of the globe. Yet this highly charged musical drama never fails to move an audience. P Canadian soprano Heather Thomason is the celebrated diva Floria Tosca; Italian tenor Angelo Marenzi is her lover Cavaradossi; and American bass-baritone Don­ nie Ray Albert is the evil Scarpia, chief of the Roman police. TOSCA, its three acts set in actual Roman landmarks, holds a spec­ ial appeal for those who have known and loved Rome. The opera will be performed in Italian with projected English titles. TOSCA, by Giacomo Puccini, was first performed in Rome at the Teatro Costanzi January 14, 1900. Despite a bomb threat and the conductor's tearful exit from the podium soon after the open­ ing curtain, the premiere was a success with the Roman public. Today TOSCA is a staple of opera repertory around the world. Offering strong musical and dramatic support are Ron Brallier as Cesare Angelotti, an escaped political prisoner; Archie Drake as the sacristan; Kevin Skiles as Spoletta; and Uwe Haefker as Sciarrone. Performances are October 1, 5, and 8 in Portland’s Civic Auditor­ ium, 222 S.W. Clay. The curtain rises at 8 p.m. Saturdays, at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. “ Opera In­ sights," pre-performance lectures for ticket-holders, begin in the auditorium one hour before cur­ tain time. TOSCA is sponsored in part by a gift from Louisiana-Pacific. THE s H0NY ■ James DePreist, Music Director Frank Diliberto, conductor “A jazz virtuoso .. . the Renaissance man of jazz.’ Si S' The New York Times “An expert jazz piano player.’ — The Chicago Tribune Saturday, Nov. 5, at 8pm ( harge Tickets By Phone! Tickets: $12 - $25 228-1353 W n kilavs Q .mi to 5 pm Ticket outlets: Oregon Symphony Ticket Office, 228-1353, M on.-Fri. 9am-5pm, 813 SW Alder; Performing Arts Center Box Office, 248-4496, M n.-Sat, 10 am -5:30 pm; and at G.I. Joe’s Ticketmaster outlets ARLENE S C H N IT Z E R CONCERT HALL