Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 29, 1988, Page 4, Image 4

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Page 4, Portland Observer, September 29, 1988
1 1.?.!.!..!.!. I .’ .1 ALII ALULli-Uil^JL^.
tiny tots
Associate Dean To Speak
At Conference
A Long
Awaited First
e c e n t ly a p p o in t e d
th e
a rc h b is h o p o f the C atholic
A rc h d io c e s e o f A tlanta, prelate
The Reverend Tyrone L. C rider
E ugene A. M arino m akes history
w ill be the luncheo n speaker at
as th e firs t B lack C a th o lic arch­
the up-com ing Black C olleges
b is h o p in the U nited States, re­
C onference, O cto b e r 22, 1988
p o rts th e O c to b e r Ebony.
from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the
M e m o r ia l
C o lis e u m .
Reverend C rider was born in
C hicago, Illin o is on January 6,
1959 to C harles and B ernice
C rider o f M ayw ood, Illin o is. He
graduated from W alther Lutheran
H igh S chool w here his a th le tic
a b ility in fo o tb a ll and basketball
earned him a place in the S tate of
Illin o is
H a ll
Fam e.
In 1977, he entered M orehouse
C ollege in A tlanta, Georgia, the
alm a m ater o f Dr. M artin Luther
King, Jr., It w as because o f his
b e lie f in the te a ching s of Dr. King
that he enrolled at M orehouse.
W h ile a tte n d in g M orehouse,
Rev. C rider played fo r the varsity
b a s k e tb a ll te a m , jo in e d th e
A rc h b is h o p M arino, 54, w ho
c a m p u s C ru sa d e For C h ris t,
served fo r 13 years as an auxiliary
s e rve d as P re s id e n t o f th e
b is h o p in W ashington , D.C. be­
s tu d e n t body fo r tw o years, and
fo re h is h is to ric a p p o in tm e n t th is
was on the D ean’s lis t fo r six
year, reveals that his Papal ap­
s e m e s te rs .
p o in tm e n t w as m ade p rom ptly
g r a d u a t io n
fr o m
a fte r a group o f B lack representa­
M orehouse in 1982, he was asked
tio n in the c h u rc h ’s hierarchy. “ I
by the Rev. Jesse Jackson to
fe lt amazed, shocked, d e lighte d
b e c o m e th e N a tio n a l Y o u th
and deeply honored ,” says A rc h ­
D ire cto r of Push For Excellence.
b is h o p M arino. “ It w as a special
fte r a year o f service in th is
fe e lin g , like J a c k ie R obinson
p o sitio n , he w as appoin ted as
m u s t have fe lt as the firs t B lack
N ational D irector of the Push For
p ro fe s s io n a l baseball player, and
E xcellence Program . In 1984, he
how o th e r m in o rity persons m ust
from th is p o s itio n to
have fe lt w hen they were the firs t
th e N a tio n a l Y o u th
in th e ir fie ld s ,” he adds.
D ire cto r and N ational D irector for
A native of B iloxi, M iss is s ip p i,
v o te r re g istra tio n o f the h isto ric
A rc h b is h o p M arino has em erged
J e sse Ja ck s o n fo r P re sid e n t
as o n ly the fo u rth prelate to head
C a m p a ig n .
th e 32-year-old C hurch of Atlanta,
Reverend C rider, at the age of
a g ro w in g ju ris d ic tio n th a t num ­
29, has traveled to 30 states in
bers nearly 10,000 B lacks am ong
th is nation. He has also traveled
its 156,000 parishioners. Though
abroad to Paris, France; London,
th e ir num bers are few today, he is
E ngland; F ra n k fu rt, G erm any;
all the m ore o p tim is tic about the
W arsaw, Poland; The U nited Arab
fu tu re p ro sp e cts of B lack involve­
Em irates; K uw ait; Quatar; Abu
m ent w ith the church. “ I w ould
Dubai; and in N ovem ber 1984, he
n o t be a C a th o lic today if I d id not
preached at the M oscow Q aptist
th in k the C a th o lic c h u rch had
C hurch in M oscow - U nion of
s o m e th in g to o ffe r B lack people,”
S o v ie t S o c ia lis t R e p u b lic s .
he says.
In Education; is A sso cia te Dean
o f S tu d e n ts at C entral State
U niversity; is a m em ber of the
A lpha Phi A lp h a F raternity, Inc., is
N ational P resident of The Young
A d u lts For A B etter W o rld and
serves as A s s is ta n t P astor of the
S e c o n d B a p t is t C h u r c h o f
C o lu m b u s ,
O h io .
P o r t la n d
O b s e rv e r
new spaper sends o u t a warm ,
s o u lfu l, in s p ire d and sin ce re
w e lco m e to Rev. C rider upon his
W e a ls o e n co u ra g e
re s id e n ts , e s p e c ia lly A fric a n -
A m erican parents, to attend the
B lack C o lle g e s C onference. T heir
c h ild re n s ’ fu tu re may depend on
He is liste d in the 1984 e d itio n
of O u tsta n d in g Young Men o f
A m erica and w as named by
Ebony Magazine as one of the
O u ts ta n d in g L e a d e rs o f th e
fu tu re .
From 1984-1984, Rev. C rider
s e rv e d as th e D ir e c to r o f
A d m is s io n s o f C e n tra l S ta te
U niversity in W ilberforce, O hio. In
N ovem ber of 1987, he becam e the
N ational C o o rd in a to r of M in iste rs
fo r the Jesse Jackson Cam paign.
C urrently, Rev. C rider serves as
a national board m em ber of Push
For E xcellence, Inc.; is P resident
of the O hio C o u n cil For The
A dvancem ent O f Black S tudents
Now you can advertise any­
thing of value from $5.00 to
$5,000 in the P o rtla n d
Observer classifieds. Garage
Sales, Boats, Cars, Real Estate,
Télévisions, Refridgerators,
To Get the response, advertise
in the Portland Observer.
Call the Sales Department for
further information at:
BLO O D PRESSURE C LIN IC : Bethel AME Church, 5828 Northeast
8th Avenue, hosts a Blood Pressure Screening C linic in conjunction
with Com m unity Care every Tuesday, 8 a m. - Noon. Visit the Clinic
to prevent increased risk of stroke, heart failaure, kidney and heart
Mr. Gary Stevenson and Ms. Kajoria
Shepherd o f Portland, O regon are
enjoying the arrive o f th e ir 7 I b s . ^
oz. bundle of joy, La Terra Dionte
Stevenson. She is th e grandchild
o f Mr. & Mrs. Lonzo Shepherd arra
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Neal, both iff
Portland, Oregon.
The Challenge
If you would like to submit a pnoto
and announcement under ‘Tirf^
Tots’, please list child, age, sett,
parents name, brothers and sisters;
and grandparents and city in which
they reside. Please include phone
number if we should have arty
Do you think that your tomorrow
Wl be different than today?
Do you think the things you hoped for
W l come true in any way?
FESTIVAL OF TRUTH CRUSADE: The Sharon C hurch, located at 5209
N.E. 22nd Avenue, w ill present “ A Festival of T ruth C ru sa d e ’ be g in n in g
9 /1 8 through 9/29. Sunday - W ednesday and then F riday and Saturday
each week. Services w ill be held at 7:30 p.m. G uest speaker w ill be Elder
R eginald O. R obinson from 1,000 Oaks, C alifornia. The Breath o f Life
Q uartet is from W a sh in g to n D.C. Elder A lp h o n so M cC arthy, pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gregory a i f
M elinda Sarah W eatheroy, <8
Portland, O regon are the p roifil
parents of a 7 lbs., 14 oz. babe
boy, Paul Gregory Weatheroy, JF|,
born Sept. 6, 1988 at Good
Sam aritan H ospital. A ls o sharing
the arrive o f the new born is his
older sister, Brianna Weatheroy.
Paternal grandparents are Mr. and
M rs . G e o rg e W e a th e ro y p f
Portland, Oregon.
By the thoughts you put in action,
By the dreams you strive to reach —
You can shape or form the future
By some hard-sought fact they teach.
Choose the good you want to happen -
It surrounds you in the “now”.
J You can make or change the present...;
i Let God’s wisdom show you how!
Take the path that seems to open:
For you’re walking it today!
You can even change tomorrow
[If you let God show the way!
The Sem per F id e lis C lub wl
lave th e ir Annual C harity T et
Sunday, O ct. 9, at the hom e ft
drs. Ernestine W isem an, 522;
M.E. R odney Ave. fro m 1:0
3,m.-5:OO p.m. A d o n a tio n frort
he proceeds w ill be given to tfn
Jn ite d N egro C o lle g e F u n d
3u blic invited.
Roxie Lusk Smith
SATU R D AY SC H O O L: The Saturday School is being sponsored by
the Black United Front. Classes begin this fall for grades 1-6. No
Charge. Volunteer teachers are needed. Call Avel Gordy or Karen
Powell, 230-9427.
J o b O p e n in g s : A high school male is needed Septem ber through May
for the after-school program at the Mallory Avenue Christian Church,
126 N. E. Alberta from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Call 288-5173 for further
• Properties
• A M.A. Head Start
I J • Teen-Parent Program
< • Self-Enhancement Program
• N.E. Emergency Food Program
Family Day & Night Care
CALLIGRAPHY CLASS: S tarting O ct. 3,1988, C allig ra p h y C lasses w ill be
held each M onday evening at the M ount O livet B a p tist C hurch, 116 N.E.
S chuyler St at 6 p.m. C lasses are fo r b eginn ing and advanced students.
C o n ta ct Ms. Jean S tuart at 284-1954 fo r in fo rm a tio n on m aterials
A lbina
M in isterial
A llian ce
Cornetta Smith
Chief Executive Officer
Jurisdiction #1
Headquarters Church
Greater Solid Rock
Bishop A.R. Hopkins
1705 N E DekumSt
Portland, OR 97211
283- 1524
Jesus Loves You!
Allen Temple CME Church
4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue
(comer of 8th & Skidmore)
Jurisdictional Bishop
Portland, Oregon 97211
Jurisdiction No. #1
Headquarters Church C.O.G.I.C
(503) 287-0261
Psalm 34:3
Phillip S. .Nelson, Pastor
State Roster
84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499
“A warm spirit of fellowship always"
Char Rehearsal
“ To the Glory o f G o d ”
The Ark of Safety
Church of God in Christ
The Holiness Preacher B is h o p U .V P e te r s o n D .D . B u ild e r P a s to r
Sunday School
M ailing Warship
the Bible sa y s...
Noon Day Prayer
W om e n ’s Departm ent
Deacon Larry
Mother L. Cook
J u ris d ic tio n B ishop
F inancial Secretary
Bishop A.R. Hopkins
Elder V. Norris
1st A d m in istra tive A s s ista n t
O rd in a tio n Board C hairm an
Supt. E. Wilson
Supt. A.J. Shankle
Executive Secretary
D is tric t S u p e rin te n d e n ts
Elder R.L. Tate
C hairm an of the Board o f Elders
Morning Prayei
Elder M. Walker
Executive Board
Public Relations
Follow peace with
all men & holiness
without which no
man shall see the
Supt. B.E. Johnson (Chairman)
Elder R.L. Tate (Secretary)
Supt. E. Wilson
Supt. L. Dotsey
Supt. A. Shankle
Elder E. Suell
Elder M. Walker
Why do more
families call
F inance C o m m itte e C hairm an
Elder L. Dent
State Y.P.W.W. President
Elder J. Johnson
C hairlady
Sis. B. Williams
S tate Evangelist
Elder B. Moore
D is tric t M issio n a rie s
State M in iste r o f M usic
O.M. Thomas, Alberta
D. Moore, Peninsular
M. Suell, Vernon
C. Ramsey, Willamette
Missn. C. Brandon
State C haplain
Supt. L. Dotsey
Christ Memorial Church
Elder R L Tate
1552 N Killingsworth St
Portland. OR 97217
U nion M eeting President
H om e and F oreign
M issio n President
Elder M. Walker
Elder E. Flowers
Don’t Miss This Event
Preparation to Send
Bishop A. R. Hopkins to
Oct. 5
in time of need?
7:30 P.M.
Jurisdiction 1 is remodeling McKinney Temple.
Located at 1737 N.E. Alberta.
The completion date is scheduled for May, 1989
“ Before You M ust’ ’
— Make a Decision —
“ Inquire about the services we offer"
Cox Funeral Home, Inc
Rev. E. C. Suell, Pastor
Church Of God In Christ
We are interested in your problems.
► »
State Sunday S chool
S u p erinte ndent
E. Wilson, Alberta
L. Dotsey, Peninsular
B. Johnson, Vernon
A. Shankle, Willamette
Williams Temple
Elder M Walker
241 N.E Hancock
Portland. OR 97212
St. Luke Memorial
Elder L Adams
2700 N E Sumner St
Portland. OR 97211
284- 0710
Nazarene C O G 1C
Supt L Dotsey
9119 N Drummond St
Portland. OR 97217
Light House C O G I.C.
Elder: T Moore
1123 N E Fremont
Portland. OR 97211
Cornerstone Comm Church
Supt : B E Johnson
2216 N E Killingsworth St
Portland. OR 97211
Elder E. C. Suell
24 Hr. Service
Greater Peace
Supt.: E. Wilson
4009 N. Missouri St.
Portland, OR 97227
McKinney Temple
Elder E C. Suell
1737 N.E Alberta St
Portland. OR 97211
Bethel Temple
Supt A Shankle
1545 South Brooklyn Ave
Eugene. OR 97403
Free Will Church
For All Nations
Elder Thurman Holmes
420 Market St
Klamath Falls. OR 97603
La Grande C 0 G I C
Elder: I D Lowe
1303 T' Street
La Grande. OR 97850
Salem Mission C 0 G I C
Supt A Shankle
4308 Hill Rose St
Salem. OR 97309
399 0088