★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ A: September 29,1988, Portland Observer, Page 11 Cleo’s Cafe * PORTLAND OBSERVER “ The Eyes and Ears of the C o m m u n ity" 3041 N. Williams 284-7150 * * Ser*« STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT ANO CIRCULATION »» i f ra»« t ■» 1« ■ L C A T lM n y M NO 3 Southern Style HOUSE SPECIALTIES HUI M C hitterlings • Meatloaf Mix Greens • Beef Stew Catfish • And Many Other Southern Dishes / L ) ? i? « J Il k C>r> Camuy Sui, (tw .Z Z Z g it/ • »Mil N am e* antf Compiere Msdmg A d d is ** oi Publisher EP'I c - fubi.sher (Homo and C an d ita Madias M u m 2? ana Meneg"-g I duo m»u ma* M I ST NU T Be M**J ' Î Properties * L o w D o w n P a ym e n ts * N o O c c u p a n c y R e q u ire m e n ts L o n g -T e rm F in a n c in g A v a ila b le * * P u rc h a s e M o re T h an O ne W o rk E q u ity A v a ila b le * * 5 Contact the DVA Office below to view the properties and to obtain bidding packet. M inim um bid amounts are shown. * * * * * 7 Come See 'Luberta' For Down Home Cookin'! Owner / // o a mmprofii orgooantoo ai oa/ot and aOtl'tii aval bt luntd i Ihrai aval br cotopintd < Full Nam a MEMBERS & GUESTS 4 Wigs, Hairpieces and Beauty Supplies A #Z ¿ td ¿ C . 3 7 H /7 7 7 o 8 Known Bondholder* M ortgagee* and Other Security Holder* Owning or Holding , Percent or More o’ Tote» Amount o’ Bond* M ortgage* or Other Securities MM itenoa 42 i 12 onfy) The purpose function end nonproM status o’ this orgenuetion end the aaempt statue ’ or Federal income tea purposes lO a c t anti Paid and'or Requested Circulation 1 Selo* through dealers and earners street vendors and counter aaia* Actuel No Copies of Smgie issue Published Naaraat to Frimg beta Pn»M too, !S > . O O D Free Distribution by M ail. Carrier or Other M ean* Sample* Complimantarv and Other Free Copra* t Total Distribution limo o fC m tH D i F Copra* Not Diatributod 1 Office uaa left over unaccounted, spoiled after printing l G n i n j , h o a } l l f 8 & H ^ 5 0 L Û TOTAL (3wn a f t . F / a M 2 - t o m U egos/ ah2k Bu*m ea* Manege' or Owner ____ / / 1 / * * $49.500 PORTLAND $18,900 * * 1533 N.E. Prescott. Use your handyman skills on this expereince 3 bdrm. home. Covenient to busline & reasonable priced. Cash Please! * * * * * * * PORTLAND * 4230 N.E. 65th. Wellington Prk is just a short walk from this charming 3 bdrm. cottage. Home features a firepalce, bsmt & separate garage. * $38,900 * * SUB-BIDS REQUESTED * THE D EPA R TM EN T RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ALL OFFERS» s e ll all properties "A S IS" w ithout warranty (M ay contain code violations)^ Bids Must Be Received By: 5:00 P.M. 10/10/88 * Bids Will Be Opened at: 9:00 A.M. 10/11/88 * UNITED PARCEL SERVICE PORTLAND AIRPORT OFFICE FACILITY ^W e October 4, 1988 at 12:00 Noon PORTLAND OFFICE * 1740 N.W. Flanders Portland, Oregon 97209 (503) 226-3991 * 10011 S.E. D IV IS IO N SUITE 201 PORTLAND, OR 97266 CALL 257-4320 * * We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women and minority business enterprises. * +C +C -fc ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ I Richard C. Lewis • 1220 S.W. Third Avenue Veterans A d m tn r.tr.itu IMK? * * Donald Drake Construction 282-1664 * * * ) ? > S Return from N a w * A g en t* BID DATE: TI05 N.E. Broadway * * 2 SALE (across from Safeway Lloyd Center) * 5331 N.E. Church. This spacious home features a sunroom, space for an of­ fice and a kitchen with plenty of storage space. The 3 bdrms & 2-1/2 baths provides plenty of room for the entire family. * * * SALE Store Hours: * * Total Paid and/or Requested Circulation ¿Sum or 10»/ and IO»2, 1 certify thet the «latcmcntB mad« by m a above ere correct end om plate 10:00 a.m. ’til 6:00 p.m. Monday Thru Saturday * $30,000 PORTLAND / z 11 :-r * O i ' Man Subacnption o n l ^ 2 of Known & K .ce o’ #wbJ>ci VARIABLE Annual Percentage Rate * Date o’ F