vV • *-T * i V« « « ♦ ♦ > > * * * * » » * ’ « « n * ^ * « * * 1 • « 4 ♦ 9- V ♦ r ■’T"*' • t ■ » Tv » > V7» * ■4*Wni P a g e 6, P o r tla n d O b s e rv e r, S e p te m b e r 22, 1988 FASHIOn ZAVVy Patrick Kelly Makes Waves On Two Continents oted A m erican d esigne r P atrick K elly has indeed taken Paris by storm w ith his dram atic s ilh o u e tte s and eye-catching designs. A m erican consum ers are riding the sam e wave o f e x c ite m e n t as he recently vis ite d Portland for a s h o w in g o f his new line The line ch alleng es you to be darina It leaves you in to x ic a te d w ith his style. N FAS HI ON EDITORIAL Fa t I u'hion For Fall fa u ', move beyond classy to daring; Fe | in 1 tOi li »ssibilities That s this season s i;* I’ ahi l -.age As designet clothes CO-, ■ . give m multiple options. Capes are !k. >• < -li, s this season include plciiiv ol '■mis, lioiiscTS, and tailored topcoats, hats, and coat dresses are causing traffic jams at the retail com it ’ ’his fall Women are . Ili.1iei\ O , 1 I looking veiy W e’ve Come A Long Way, But ... However, w ith all of this in novation, we aie s till le ft out w hen it com es to m edia advertis­ ing. M any of these grand estab­ lishm ents that you and I annually spend m illio n s ot d o lla is in fail to advertise in the B lack-com m unity newspaper, except once a yeai when the paper and the w orld celebrates Black H isto ry week or som e other special edition. So, w h ile we have received som e sm all o ffe rin g s from som e m ajor departm ent stores, this in no way m eets the large percent age. Fashion ads are non exist B.J. Edwards. ent, as is m uch o th e r w idely pui Fashion Editor chased m erchandise. Annual and by B J Edwards half year sales are not advertised e have com e a long way in the Black media. fro m N u tb ro w n P ow der Therefore, we. as consum ers, and Red Foxx s to c k in g s purchas­ m ust take a long, hard look at ed at our local drug store, a long these retailers and rem em ber the way from segregated dressing m essage we sent them in the ear room s, or no dressing areas at all ly '60s, w hen we refused to shop for Blacks; a long way from Seais in stores that openly d is c m n and R oebuck catalogue shopping inated against B lacks in any way to fabulou s departm ent stores A fte r all we have got to m ake the w ith u n lim ite d m erchandise and difference. W e have got to make c o sm e tics that represent every the change. skin shade in the spectrum . A To be sure, it w o n ’t be easy, as h o sie ry s e c tio n th a t e n c o m ­ none of our stru g g le has been passes early style hosiery im ag­ N evertheless, it is im perative that inable and hats, gloves, shoes, we send the m essage W e've jew elry and lingerie, each cover com e a long way. and w<*'re not ing 1,000 square feet of retail sto p p in g h e re 1 space are displayed uniquely to attract your buying d o lla rs C redit cards make purchases easier, a l­ low ing fo r long term paym ents M any w o u ld say we have arrived. W PROFESSIONAL WOMENS FAIR I iiiidunit'iiiril FASHIONABLE FALL tut todays living 11 i .sored by The Greate' Poland A 'ea Chapter o' the Women's I ouiicil ol Heaitois October 6, 1988 R e d L io n In n - J a n tz e n B e a c h An evening dedicated to the pursuit of the total woman SUITS, DRESSES. SPORTSWEAR, COATS, A N D ACCESSORIES > i <( itinq ievue ol all/wm tei < (lions Irom I C Penney . [ e tu i aerobic presentation oy . rijitla n d Spa Lady " :'onsti ifions tnr you' personal uiid piotessionai nte • Hois d oeuvres and no-host cocktails C a ll: L o ri S k ilt o n a t 5 0 7 S.W BROADWAY 222-1125 224-0550 ext. 226 for ticke t reservations I he « National Association O f’ Blacks In Crimical Justice Presents Touch Of Class Fashion Show A ll M a le M o d e ls — Sunday September 25, 1988 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Donation $5 00 in Advance $6 00 at the Door Where The Royal Esquire Club 1708 ME Alberta Portland. OR 97211 LARG E SIZE FASHIONS FOR A l.F OCCASIONS M onday Friday 10:00 a m 6:00 p m Saturday 10:00 a m 5 00 p.m Sunday N oon - 5:00 p.m Portland • 9 3 5 S.W . Yamhill (5 0 3 ) 2 2 7 -1 7 6 5 Salem • 6 8 5 Church (5 0 3 ) 3 7 0 8 1 6 5 N E. » '4