JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INSURANCE SAIF Corporation Oregon's leading workers’ com­ pensation insurance carrier is seek­ ing individuals for the following positions: SR. EXAMINER $1,883 MINIMUM PORTLAND BRANCH OFFICE The individual in this position wili manage complex claims, evaluate medical treatment and vocational needs. Applicants must have three years of experience managing workers' compensation claims or three years of equivalent claims handl­ ing experience. Four years of col­ lege level coursework may be substituted for one year of re­ quired experience. Knowledge of Workers’ Compensation Laws, Oregon A dm inistrative Rules from WCD and WCB Bulletins is necessary. VOCATIONAL COORDINATOR (1-5 p.m. Monday-Friday) $942 MINIMUM SALEM BRANCH OFFICE The individual in this part-time position will manage workers’ compensation claims, approve vocational plans, and coordinate vocational efforts with internal and external vocational place­ ment. Applicants must have Workers' Compensation certification, and have a Bachelor’s degree with one year of workers' compensa­ tion expereince; additional voca­ tional experience can be substi­ tuted for education. Candidates must have knowledge of workers’ compensation billing procedures and Oregon Administrative Rules. Applicants must also have good communication skills; experience dealing with prefessional people as well as vocationally handicap­ ped people; and the ability to make decisions by evaluating written material, both medical and vocational. A valid Oregon driver’s license is required. In­ surance experience is preferred. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER $,3064 MINIMUM CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS IN SALEM The individual in this position works with the strategic Systems Program Director and functional program managers to deliver costs effective business systems solutions. Must work effectively with a broad base of functional users and project leaders; provide leadership and program in teg ra­ tion application systems and emerging technologies which in­ clude artificial intelligence, elec­ tronic data interchange, imaging and others; develop systems and support guidelines and proce­ dures; select, purchase, develop and implement new applications and support existing application systems with a staff of 30 systems analysts and program­ mers. Applicants must have a Bachelor of Science degree in a business field or systems analysis and post graduate work or degree in sys­ tems science; continuing training and emerging computer tech­ nologies and systems methods; must be knowledgeable in sys­ tems planning based on business objectives and strategies, use of microbased technologies, pro­ gram intregration and project management methods, gram intergration and project management methods. We offer an excellent benefits p r o - gram. To be considered for these positions you must complete our employment application. Please call our message phone (503) 1-373-8047 by 5 p.m., September 22,1988 to request your applicant packet. No resumes please. NURSE RN3’S The Oregon Dept. of Corrections is recruiting for 2 full-time and 1 half-time positions at Oregon State Penitentiary and 1 half-time at Oregon Women's Correctional Center. Salary range: $2,108 - $2,543 monthly with 3% increase on 1/1/89. Employer paid retire­ ment (16%), flexible benefit plan, liberal leave accrual rates. Con­ tact: Health Services ELIGIBILITY SERVICES SUPERVISOR (X7012) Greater Portland Area Branches Adult and Family Services Division (AFS) Salary: $1,739-$2,217/Monthly Excellent Benefit Package State of Oregon, AFS needs energetic and innovative persons w ith excellent m anagem ent/ supervisory skills to be Eligibility Services Supervisors in the Greater Portland Area Branch of­ fices in the Portland, Oregon area. The persons filling these posi­ tions will be responsible for first- line supervision of staff providing delivery of services in the Public Assistance Programs. QUALIFICATIONS: You m ust have two years experience: • Managing, supervising, or leading other people; OR • Determining client eligibility for financial and other public assistance; OR • Providing advice and coun­ sel to applicants/clients in ob­ taining and maintaining public a ssista n ce or oth e r so cial services; OR • Providing job preparation/ job search/job placement to clients of a social service agency or other employment service agency; OR • Providing any or all of these elements. IN ADDITION, you must have a Bachelor’s degree or three more years of responsible experience. Obtain a State of Oregon Applica­ tion (PD100) and Announcement #00 8806 42 from P ersonnel Center, 775 Court Street, Salem, Oregon 97310. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE ANNOUNCEMENT. PROGRAM EXECUTIVE A (X0031) STAFF ASSISTANT - NORTHERN REGION Adult and Family Services Division (AFS) Salary: $1,918-$2,452/Monthly Excellent Benefit Package State of Oregon, AFS needs energetic and innovative persons w ith excellent m anagem ent/ supervisory and analytical skills to be Staff Assistant to the Region Manager in the Northern Region office in Portland, Oregon. The person filling this position will be responsible for assisting the region manager by performing special projects, assisting in long and short range planning and supervising some of the region functions. QUALIFICATIONS: You must have: • Two years progressively responsible m anagem ent or supervisory experience or two years experience in a staff technical or professional function related to management. • A Bachelor’s degree or three more years of re sp o n sib le experience. • Obtain a State of Oregon Ap­ plication (PD100) and Announce­ ment #00880613 from Personnel Center, 775 Court Street, Salem, Oregon 97310. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE ANNOUNCEMENT. Adult and Family Services Northern Region Office 2525 S.W. Third, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97201 Applications must be postmarked by September 30, 1988 to be acc e p t e d . _____________ EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Citizens Crime Commission Provide staff support to a 50 member board regarding develop­ ment of goals & objectives, crime data collection, advocacy within the crim inal ju stice system, liaison with concerned communi­ ty groups & development of spec­ ial projects. Minimum qualifica­ tions: BA degree plus 3 years of re le va n t a d m in is tra tiv e e x ­ pereince. Annual salary $35,000. Send resume to: Atten.: Bill McCormick Portland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce 221 N.W. 2nd Ave. Portland, OR 97209 Equal Opportunity Employer/ Minorities & Women Are Encouraged To Apply 1-378-2581 in Salem 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon.-Fri. NEEDED Minority Attorney The State of Oregon is an Equal Opportunity Employer 289-7345 for possible lawsuit GAME SHOW USHER/SALES ASSISTANT MULTNOMAH COUNTY • PURCHASING SECTION Seven part-time positions open with Oregon Lottery, each con­ sisting of 16 hours per week as follows: GAME SHOW USHER (6 hours per week on Saturday). Assists with coordination of game show contestants at KOIN-TV. Greets, photographs, and escorts con­ testants to and from studio; per­ forms scorekeeping and lighting duties; and assists at game show banquet. SALES ASSISTANT (10 hours per week at retail or promotional loca­ tions). Explains Lottery games, rewards retailer clerks, and moni­ tors point-of-purchase materials. Requires an energetic, outgoing, pleasant personality; willingness to learn about the Lottery and share knowledge with others; and Oregon driver's license and own transportation. Salary: $6.71 - $8.28/Hourly. Sub­ mit resume by September 6, 1988 to: PORTLAND BUILDING 14TH & 15TH FLOOR REMODEL EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT LIAISON Salary: $18,037-$20,292 Plus Benefit Package The Private Industry Council is recruiting for a Contract Liaison. This position is responsible for development, negotiation and management of service contracts for TPIC programs and for pro­ blem solving, technical assist­ ance and training. Preferred re­ quirements: Bachelor’s degree with major course work in social science, business administration or closely related field; 2 years full time professional or management experience in employment and training; significant experience in the management of major service delivery contracts; valid driver’s license and reliable transporta­ tion. Closing date: 5:00 p.m., Fri­ day, Sept. 30,1988. Applications available at the PIC, 520 S.W. 6th Ave., Suite 400, Portland, OR 97204. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer JOB OPPORTUNITIES SALES POSITION Personnel Office Must have minimum 4 years sales experience. Send resume to: P.O. Box 14957, Portland, OR 97214. Oregon State Lottery P.O. Box 12649 Salem, OR 97309 Equal Opportunity Employer PUBLIC NOTICE ENNIS, Richard Brian Jr. Change name to: Richard Brian Voetberg. Petitioners Attorney: None. Case Number: A8808-04594 Lea Voetberg 755 S.E. Hogan Dr., #8 Gresham, OR 97080 ENNIS, Jesse Robert Change name to: Jesse Robert Voetberg. Petitioners Attorney: None. Case Number: A8808-04605 ________________________________ TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON • (Tri-Met) NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF PUBLIC HEARINGS slotice is hereby given that the public hearings previously scheduled to je held by the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) at 3:30 P.M. Wednesday, September 28, at the Portland Building, 1120 S.W. 5th Avenue, Second Floor, Meeting Room “ C” will lo t be held because no requests were received. The hearings would lave been for the purpose of considering two grant applications for section 9 operating, planning, and capital assistance and for Interstate 'ransfer Transit funding for purchase of nine standard buses. The grant ipplications are still available for public inspection at Tri-Met, Public services Division, 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202. touglas L. Capps, Executive Director »ubllc Services Divsion CALL FOR BIDS B!ds Due: October 4,1988 at 2:00 P.M. Bid No.: B61-700-3102 Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Purchasing, Multnomah County Purchasing Section, 2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97202 for: Remodel of 14th and 15th floors of the Portland Building. Includes carpeting, walls, electrical, and mechanical modifications. Plans and Specifications are filed with the Purchasing Director and copies may be obtained from the above address for a $5.00 non- refundable fee. CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS ONLY. Plans and Specifications will not be mailed within the Tri-County area. PREBID CONFERENCE: OPTIONAL - September 22, 1988, 9:30 a.m., 1120 S.W. 5th, 15th floor lobby, Portland, Oregon. PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS: Pursuant to the Multnomah County Public Contract Review Board Administrative Rules (AR 40.030). Pre­ qualification shall be mandatory for this project for the following class(es) of work: Building Alteration and Repair. Prequalification applications or statements must be prepared during the period of one year prior to the bid date. Prequalification application or proof of prequalification by the Oregon Department of Transportation must be actually received or postmarked to Multnomah County by not later than 10 days prior to bid opening. All bidders must comply with the requirements of the prevailing wage law in ORS 279.350. Details of compliance are available from the Purchasing Section, Division of Administrative Services, 2505 S.E. 11th Avenue, Portland, OH 97202, (503) 248-5111. Contractors and subcontractors must be licensed for asbestos abate­ ment work if the project involves working with asbestos. MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS UTILIZATION: All bidders are hereby specifically advised that these conditions require a minimum of 3% of the total bid amount for Minority Business Enterprise participation in one or more of the following subcontract areas: bidders option, and 1 % of the total bid amount for Women Business Enterprises participation in one or more of the following subcontract areas: bidders option: NONDISCRIMINATION: Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the provisions of Federal Executive Order 11246. The requirements for Bidders and Contractors are explained in the Specifications. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to Multnomah County, certified by a responsible bank, or in lieu thereof, a surety bond for an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the aggregate proposal. The successful bidder shall furnish a bond satisfactory to the Board in the full amount of the contract. Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Lillie Walker, Director Purchasing Section C-TRAN • VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON INVITATION TO BID CONSTRUCTION OF A BUS TURNOUT IN BATTLE GROUND, WA C-TRAN is accepting bids for the construction of a bus turnout in Battle Ground, Washington. Bid specifications may be obtained from C-TRAN. P.O. Box 2529, Vancouver, Washington 98668-2529, (206) 696-4494. Saled bids will be accepted until 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, October 12 1988. DESCHUTES COUNTY OREGON STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION INVITATION TO BID ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID WELCOME CENTER CONSTRUCTION FOR CENTRAL OREGON ECE/RELATED ALTERATIONS PROJECT NO. 12 sealed bids for the ECE/Related Alterations Project No. 12 Graf Hall Mterations project will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2.00 P.M., PDT, October 11,1988. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Department of Physical Plant, Oregon State University, 15th at Washington, Corvallis, OR 97331-2001 or telephone (503) 754-4921._______________ HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND INVITATION FOR BIDS INSTALLATION OF SECURITY LIGHTS Sealed bids for the installation of security lights will be accepted by the Housing Authority of Portland, Oregon (HAP) at 8910 N Woolsey Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97203 until 2:00 p.m., PST, September 29 1988. Following a short interval, bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bidders may be present during the bid opening. Briefly, the work consists of installing fifteen (15) new light standards with fixtures after removing existing standards. Prospective bidders obtain one set of bidding d e m e n t s at the Housing Authority of Portland Maintenance Office, 8910 N. Woolsey Avenue between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. A $20 refundable deposit is required for each set of documents. Documents must be returned in good condition within ten days after bid opening datein order to receive refund of deposit. Additional sets of documents X b e acquired to, $10 ..c h which is no. rfu n d .b l.. Busin«» hrrns outside the Portland Area may request documents by calling 283-4602 and making arrangements for deposit by mail. A HAP representative will conduct a tour of the job site at 7000 N.E. 27th at 9 a.m., Wednesday, September 21. Questions posed at that time regarding the project will be answered by addenda and provided to all bidders by mail. A mimimum of 20% MBE participation in the execution of this project is a HAP requirement and the methods the bidder proposes in compliance with this requirement shall be submitted on a notarized “ Certification of MBE participation" form which will become part of the bid. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by Bid Security in the form of a certified check or surety bond payable to the Housing Authority of Portland in an amount equal to 10% of the bid to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder.neglect ° refuse to enter into a contract or provide suitable bond for faithful performance of the work in the event the contract is awarded to the bidder. No bidder may withdraw bid after the hour set for the opening thereof until after the lapse of 60 days from the bid opening. The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed bidding procedures and requirements and may reject any or all bids, and waive all informalities, if in the judgment of HAP s in the public interest to do so. Questions regarding this project should be directed to Dave Walter at 238-4602. Housing Authority of Portland, Oregon Loren Tarbell, Director of Maintenance BID DATE: DUE October 19,1988 at 7:30 P.M. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Sealed bids for the construction of a Welcome Center for Central Oreoon will be received from interested Contractors by Deschutes County, a^ Architect’s Office, 921 N.W. Wall St., Bend, OR 97701 until 7:30 P.M. prevailing local time, on Wednesday, October 19, 1988. Bids w ill be publically opened and thereafter read aloud by the undersigned or his designated representative. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In general, the Project comprises a 2 story office and tourist information facility without a basement, totaling ap proximately 12,000 sq. ft. of floor area, and built of wood frame construc­ tion. TYPE OF BID: One proposal for the entire Project, including General, Mechanical and Electrical and Landscape Work is required. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS: Drawings and Specifications, including Bid and Agreement Documents may be examined at the following loca­ tions: Architect: Barber, Barrett, Turner; 745 N.W. Wall; Suite 102; Bend, OR 97701; (503) 382-5535. Architect: Neal Huston; 921 N.W. Wall; Bend, OR 97701; (503) 389-0991. Central Oregon Builders Exchange; P.O. Box 326- Bend OR 97709: (503) 389-0123. Eugene Builders Exchange; 135 Silver Lane Eugene, OR 97404; (503) 688-1607. Salem Contractors Exchange; P.O. Box 12065; Salem, OR 97309; (503) 362-7957. Construc­ tion Data Plan Center; 1125 S.E. Madison; Rm. 200; P.O. Box 5005; Portland, OR 97208; (503) 234-0281. Construction Data Plan Center; 925 N.W. 12th Ave.; P.O. Box 5005; Portland, OR 97208; (503) 225-0200. Dodge/Scan; 315 N. Tower, 100 W. Harrison Plaza; Seattle, WA 98119; (206) 284-3811. Oregon Builders Exchange; 250 N.E. Garden Valley Blvd.; Roseburg, OR 97470; (503) 672-9307. Bonafide Prime Bidders may obtain up to 2 sets only at Barber Barrett Turner Architects Office upon deposit of check payable to Architect in amount of $50 for each set. Deposits will be refunded upon return of Documents in good condition. Sub-bidders and Suppliers may obtain personal sets of Documents and Prime Bidders additional sets by paying cost of reproduction, which is not refundable. PREQUALIFICATION: Bidders must be prequalified in accordance with State Statutes. NON-RESIDENT BIDDERS: In accordance with ORS 279.025 & 279.029. preference to Oregon residents will be given when awarding this Con tract by adding to a non-resident’s bid the same percentage, if any, given to the Bidder by the Bidders home State. Accordingly, Bidders w ill be required to indicate on the Bid Form whether or not the Bidder is an Oregon resident. WAGE RATES: No Bid will be received or considered unless the Bid contains a statement assuring the Bidder’s compliance with ORS 279.350, which relate to payment of prevailing rates of wage. BID SECURITY: Bidders shall submit with their Bid Proposal a Bid Bond. Certified Check, or Bank Cashier’s Check equal to 10% of the Base Bid including Additive Alternates, if any. OWNER'S RIGHT TO REJECT BIDS: The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities and to reject any or all Bids when it is in the Owner's best interest to do so. By Invitation of Deschutes County By: Mike Maier, County Administrator Published Sept. 22, 1988