Page 10, Portland Observer, September 22,1988 P rofessional S ervices D irectory P h o n e 288-0033 — T o Place Y o u r A d Ad Rates: 5 Lines -1 Week - $7.50 4 Weeks - $25.00(add $2.50 Per Line) Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) AUTO REPAIR BEAUTY/BARBER SUPPLIES CHURCH ORGANIZATION FASHION CONSULTANTS LOCKSMITHS RESTAURANT Bethel A.M.E. Church Debonaire Production Walnut Park Lock & Key ‘There is a great place to eat 2301 N.W. Savier 288-3764 Open 24 Hours 5828 N.E. 8th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97211 285-9583 ja ’bell’s Beauty & Barber Supplies CONTRACTING-GENERAL (Retail & Wholesale) SHco Construction Co. Manager • Horace T. Johnson Cosmetology Consultant • Sandra Bell Eddie’s Auto Repairs 625 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 Open: Mon. thru Sat. 281-7591 8614 N. Crawford Portland, Oregon 97203 286-8155 Dale Ramsey Construction P.O. Box 1082 Corvallis, Oregon 97339 (503) 753-2012 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Fashion Consultants P.O. Box 12088 Portland, Oregon 97212 284-7188 533 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon Cleo’s 288-6338 JEWELRY REPAIR PRINTING National Gold & Silver Klnko’s 14K Gold & Sterling Silver Jewelry 620 S.W. Broadway Portland, Oregon 97205 248-2156 Bruce McKay - Graduate Gemologist BESAW’S Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 284-2129 Ethnic Cusine Southern Style 3041 N. Williams • Portland 284-7150 Mayas Tacqueria Fresh Home Cooked Mexican Food 1000 S.W. Morrison on 10th 226-1946 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT SHOP SUPERVISOR Yellow Freight Systems, one of the nation’s largest motor carriers seeks a shop supervisor with a mechanical background & a mini­ mum of 2 years supervisory experience. R e q u ire m e n ts in c lu d e background in diesel engines, drive trains, air brakes, lighting systems welding & trailer repair. Qualified candidates must pos­ sess effective communication & interpersonal skills & be willing to work flex hours. Monday through Sunday or night shift. Vocational school, graduate or college coursework preferred. Yellow offers an excellent salary & benefits program. Qualified candidates should call for ap­ p o in tm e n t, 289-8822, 10 a.m.-Noon, Mon.-Fri., ask for Jeff. Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH RESIDENTIAL COUNSELORS y ¿i » Residential Counselors to cover night shifts in several facilities for delinquent and runaway youth. Need responsible, reliable work­ ers with good communication skills who enjoy working with adolescent population. Good op­ portunity for students. $3.65 -$4.00/hr (depending on facility budget) plus excellent benefits. Agency encourages internal pro­ m otions. C om plete required agency apply at: Janis Youth Programs 738 N.E. Davis Portland, Oregon Equal Opportunity Employer •V ? MENTAL HEALTH PROJECT COORDINATOR O t'y • v’. f *‘ : • • Y 1 For S o cializatio n C en ter for chronically mentally ill. 15 hours per week, S500-S600 per month (hours & salary may be expanded). Interviews will begin after Sept. 22, 1988. Applications will be received until position is filled. We en­ courage early applications. Call or write: Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon 0245 S.W. Bancroft St. Suite B Portland, OR 97201 (503) 221-1054 Equal Opportunity Employer MULTNOMAH COUNTY FAMILY ENHANCEMENT SPECIALIST Children’s Clinical Services Salary: $11.27-$14.16/Hourly 'fi > i. > r' -> r’ •».s. i • •• Z.*’-’- î Vi«?.’ > 'U Provides home-based evaluation and treatment to children and families at risk of child abuse; re­ quires MS in mental health and two years of experience or BS and three years of experience; work experience in a school system is desirable; applicants must be able to provide their own trans­ portation; apply by September 30, 1988. WHERE TO APPLY: Multnomah County Employee Services Room 1430 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer PERSONAL ik* . * ■L’ î . / iiî- y.#*? Interested In Becoming A Catholic Or Returning To The Catholic Church? CALL Fr. Ted Or Sr. Kathleen At St. Andrew's Catholic Church 281-4429 LEGAL SECRETARY EXECUTIVE SECRETARY/ LEGAL ASSISTANT PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Esco Corporation, a Portland- based steel manufacturer, seeks a qualified individual to become an Executive Secretary/Legal Assistant. Position reports to the Legal & Financial Vice President and provides se cre ta ria l/a d - ministrative support to 4 people. RESPONSIBILITIES: Executive secretarial duties to include word processing, typing, the handling of confidential financial & legal information and maintenance of legal record filing system. QUALIFICATIONS: Previous law or public accounting office ex­ perience desirable, excellent oral & written communication skills, fast accurate word processing & typing, strict attention to detail, strong interpersonal & organiza­ tion skills. For consideration send resume and salary history to Dept. 409. For the Media Services Unit of the Legislative Administration Com­ mittee. Position provides video production assistance in the operation of the closed circuit television systems including vi­ deo camera operations and video tape duplications. Experience in broadcast communications, video photography and video tape pro­ duction required. Salary range $1,211-$1,506 per month. 2 posi­ tions will begin in Dec. 1988 and end soon after the close of the 1989 R e g u la r S e s s io n . A Legislative Administration Com­ mittee application materials must be received by 5 p.m., Oct. 4,1988. C ontact Personnel Services, Legislative Administration Com­ m ittee, S-401 State C apitol, Salem, OR 97310. (503) 378-8530. Equal Opportunity Employer ★ Half-Time Position Salary: $828.80-$1,110.40/Mon- thly Assist divorcing parents involved in custody and/or visitation dis­ pute In reaching a workable solu­ tion for the Lane County Family Meditation Program. Requires a Master degree in a behavioral science plus 2 years of ex­ perience in counseling and med­ itation. Filing deadline is October 14, 1988. For required application contact: MANAGEMENT PRODUCT MANAGEMENT Esco Corporation, a Portland- based steel manufacturer, seeks a dynamic individual to join our management team as a Product Administrator. Responsibilities lie within the Construction Products Group and include the following: • Proper product selection to meet customer needs. • Inventory forecasting. • Timely & accurate product quotations. • Product problem solving to achieve a high level of customer service. Successful candidate will have the following qualifications: • 4 year college degree. • Strict attention to detail & the ability to meet deadlines. • Ability to function in a dynamic, fast-paced environment. • Excellent com m u nica tion skills. For consideration send resume and salary history to Dept. 408. Legislative Session Only FAMILY MEDITATOR ★ PURCHASING P.O. Box 10123 Portland, OR 97210 Equal Opportunity Employer HEAT AND FROST INSULATORS JA T r pe accepting applica­ tions for apprentice positions. Apply weekdays from Sept. 19th through Sept. 30 from 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Apply at 11105 N.E. Sandy Blvd. 255-5124. Oregon Human Development Corp 9620 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Suite 110 Portland, OR 97219 Equal Opportunity Employer TRAFFIC SAFETY TECHNICIAN (Engineering Technician I) Salary: $9.121-$9.473Hourly PHLEBOTOMIST 3 Per diem positions for in­ dividuals to perform veni punc­ tures, vital signs, & hemo- g lo b in /h e m a to c rit d e te rm in ­ ations. Qualified applicants will have completed basic, phle­ botomy training & be capable of passing national certification. Must be willing to work irregular hours & travel outside the city. Starting salary range: $6.63 - $7.79/Hourly. STAFF NURSE BLOOD SERVICES ESCO CORPORATION Salary: $8.64-$9.07/Hourly Excellent Fringe Benefits With non-profit organization pro­ viding employment, training and other services to youth aged 14-21 in Hillsboro. Responsible for suc­ cessfully developing, managing and implementing programs. Pro­ vides staff supervision and train­ ing. Coordinates and oversees services with schools and other youth programs. Develops and negotiates contracts. Monitors programs and reports results. Qualifications: Excellent oral and w ritten com m unication skills. Management and supervisory skills and experience. Experience and/or education in contract development and negotiation, provision of employment and tra in in g services to youth, counseling and coordinating with governmental and com m unity agencies. Bi-lingual E nglish/ Spanish preferred. Drivers license and reliable, insured transporta­ tion required. Closes 9/16 at 5 p.m. Send resume to: Sharon White 125 E. 8th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Call: 1-687-4171 Equal Opportunity Employer MEDICAL 2 Per diem positions available for RN licensed in Oregon & Wash­ ington to work in blood center & on mobile units. Duties include all phases of nursing related to b lo o d donor p ro c e s s in g , phlebotomy & health assessment skills most desirable. Must be available to work irregular hours & travel outside of the city. Staring salary: $12.94/Hourly. Apply at: American Red Cross Human Resources Dept. 3131 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97208 Equal Opportunity Employer WASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS AGING SERVICES PROGRAM SPECIALIST Salary: $2,051-$2,492/Monthly ELECTION ASSISTANT One year position in a Vision O bstruction Removal Program. Involves carrying out City reg­ ulations; tactfully working w ith property owners to remove vi­ sion hazards, plan, schedule and participate in meetings. Two year technical course, Associate degree or any equivalent experi­ ence and training providing good written and oral com m uni­ cation skills and skill in dealing w ith the public. Experience us­ ing personal co m p u te rs is desired. Closes: Sept. 30,1988. Apply: City of Salem Personnel Department Room 225 555 Liberty St., S.E. Salem, OR 97301 Equal Opportunity Employer WASTERWATER TREATMENT TECHNICIAN Salary: $11.515-$14.071 /Hourly Plus Excellent Fringe Benefits We're looking for a skilled person w ith considerable experience maintaining process equipment in a large W.W. treatment plant. Must be a troubleshooter in elec­ trical, diagnostics, mechanical re­ pair and c ritic a l alignm ent, machining, hydraulics, pneumatic operators, pumps, controllers. Experience using com puters, PLC’s, microprocessors desired. May need to gain certification. Closes: 9/30/88. APPLY: Salary: $1,141-$1,387/Monthly City of Salem Call (503) 648-8607 for informa­ tion. County application forms re­ quired. Apply by Sept. 30, 1988 to Washington County Personnel. Personnel Department 555 Liberty St., S.E. Salem, Oregon 97301 Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer $60.00 PEA HUNDHED TYPISTS Remailing letters from home! Details, send self-addressed, stamped envelope. Hundreds Weekly At Home! LOOKING FOR A STEADY INCOME WITH GOOD WAGES? YOUTH PROJECT DIRECTOR Lane County Personnel BUYER The Esco Corporation, a Portland- based steel manufacturer, seeks a Buyer in our Purchasing Depart­ ment. RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsible for vendor selection ano out­ s o u rc in g of so m e or a ll fabricating, data processing equi- ment, castings, office supplies, foundry supplies. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: College degree, minimum 3 years purchasing experience required; must have excellent negotiating & communicating skills; technical e x p e rie n c e a n d /o r tra in in g desired. For consideration send resume and salary history to Dept. 407. Manager of Employment SECURITY SOCIAL SERVICE MEDIA Associates Write: P.O. Box 16, Clark, NJ 07066 Box 309-T Colonia, NJ 07067 WE CAN HELP YOU!!! American Protective Services pro­ vides a better opportunity. If you are 18 or older, have a home phone, transportation, and good work history, call us. Monday through Friday 9:00 - Noon, Portland - 283-2482. Equal Opportunity Employer ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Non-profit organization seeks well organized, flexible worker. Must have good problem-solving and phone manner, type 60 wpm, computer skills. Salary $13,000 plus benefits. Reply with resume and cover letter to: Interagency Food Bank 3808 N. Williams Ave. Portland, OR 97227 Atten.: Julie Equal Opportunity Employer EDUCATION INSTRUCTOR Salary: $18,037-$20,292/Yearly Plus Benefit Package The Private Industry Council is recruiting for an instructor. This position is responsible for design and implementation of academic programs for youth in TPIC pro­ grams and for coordination with educational agencies concerning the granting of the GED diploma. P re fe rre d re q u ire m e n ts : Bachelor’s degree in education, computer assisted instruction or other relevant social service field; teaching experience in GED or academic remediation programs. Closing date: 5:00 p.m., Monday, Sept. 26,1988. Applications available at the PIC, 520 S.W. 6th Ave., Suite 400, Portland, OR 97204. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer TECHNICAL WRITER Join a worldwide developer and producer of biotechnical equip­ ment. Research and write operat­ or and maintenance manuals. The successful candidate will com­ bine a BS in a scientific field with experience in technical writing. An understanding of medical con­ cepts and terminology, knowl­ edge of FDA/GMP requirements fo r user lite r a tu r e and Macintosh's Ready-Set-Go and Adobe Illustrator programs is desirable. Excellent professional challenge, compensation and benefits exist with a team de­ dicated to the development of the technology of tomorrow. Smokers need not apply. Send qualified resume & salary history to: Application Desk for Tech Writer 13520 S.E. Pheasant Court Portland, OR 97222 An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR Upward Bound Program Portland State University Teaching and supervisory ex­ perience required. Must be able to organize, coordinate, and evaluate instructional and tutorial program for secondary students. Application and position descrip­ tion available in Shattuck Hall, Room 239, or call 464-4010. Ap­ plication deadline is Sept. 23, 1988 at 5:00 p.rn. PSU is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirm ative Action Employer. Minorities, women and members of other protected groups are encouraged to apply. î**t « * » -r * * a . * > <», * * '„•htA M U .. •. 2 « • 'A * 5^ • A. I *.f; V A A A ’ . ■ * •;,■ » fi. f . ♦ A * . A J ---- i RN NEW GRADUATES & EXPERIENCE NURSES POSITIONS NOW OPEN In Med-Surgical, ICV, Geriatrics. Competitive salary, 5 plus weeks vacation, 13 day sick leave, 10 paid holidays. Shfit differential 25%, Sunday prem ium pay, health & life insurance. 6-weeks orientation program for new grad­ uates. ICV training available to qualified candidates. For applica­ tion call Kay Roe, RN Nurse Re­ cruiter, (503) 220-8262, Ext 6024 or (206) 696-4061, Ext. 6024 or Send resume to: Kay Roe (118P) VA Medical Center P.O. Box 1034 Portland, OR 97207 Equal Opportunity Employer COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST I Salary: $8.498-$9,121/Hourly Plus Shift Differential - Rotating Shifts and Days Off To establish a 6-month eligible list. Receive emergency and non­ emergency requests for police, fire and medical services; prepare incident reports; operate com­ puter terminals. Experience/train- ing in handling full range of non­ dispatch functions for public safety communications; business practices and typing. Spanish/SE Asian bilingual skills are a plus. Must pass Emergency Medical Dispatch course by end of 6 month probation. Eligible for pro­ motion to Communications Spec­ ialist II upon completion of proba­ tion and promotional exam. (Cur­ rent salary $9.47-$11.51/Hourly) Closing date: 9-30-88. MECHANIC II Salary: $9.819-$12.00/Hourly Skilled journey-level mechanical work in major overhaul, rebuild and repair work on gasoline and diesel powered maintenance and construction equipment. Involves diagnosis, repair, rebuild of brake systems, transmissions, differen­ tial, clutches, alignments and hydralic systems. Considerable experience as journey level heavy equipment mechanic or equiv­ alent providing ability to diagnose electrical hydraulic, mechancial or equivalent providing ability to diagnose electrical hydraulic, mechanical failures and welding. Must possess own hand tools; OR chauffeur’s or CL 3 license. Closing date: 10-7-88. PARKS SUPERVISOR $2,152-$2,744/Monthly For park and landscape areas in City of Salem, Polk and Marion County parks. Cons. exp. in park maint., budgeting and strong supv. exp. Requires knowl. of park management principles applic­ able to urban and resources oriented parks and landscapes. P o sse ss OR p e s tic id e applicator’s license; valid OR Driv. Lie. Closes 9-30-88. APPLY: City of Salem Personnel Department 555 Liberty St., S.E. Salem, Oregon 97301 Equal Opportunity Employer RADIO NEWS EDITOR Portland station has open­ ing for News Editor must have 3 years experience in journalism. Send resume only to: NEWS P.O. Box 14957 Portland, OR 97214 Equal Opportunity Employer