IS /%A¿vVkl r V ♦ • September 8, 1988, Portland Observer, Page 7: BLACK MAYORS INSTRUMENTAL IN BLACK BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Significant Impact of Black Political Strength Restated at National Conference of Black Mayors Convention JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I TCI Cablevision of Oregon, Inc., an Equal Opportunity Employer, cur­ rently has an opening for the follow­ ing position: TELEMARKETER Part-Time PH ILAD ELPH IA — The drumahv increase in the number ot black mayors in the United States has been especially important to the growth o f black businesses nationwide, ac­ cording to Richard G Hatcher, former mayor o f Gary. Ind Speaking at the 14th Annual Convention o f the National Conference o f Black Mayors. Inc . Hatcher, who is president emeritus o f the conference, echoed the thoughts o f many convention participants, observing that black mayors have been instrumental in assisting minority entrepreneurs compete for munici­ pal contracts "M ost black mayors have ordinances re­ quiring that minorities provide a certain per­ centage o f goods and services needed by their cities." Hatcher said, "and this has been of great importance to the black economy in their communities " Hatcher said that during his tenure as mayor, more than half o f the contracts let by the city o f Gary went to minority firms Representing the 300 black mayors o f American cities and towns, convention dele­ gates focused on the theme "Balancing Eco­ nom ics w ith Hum an R esource Development." Mayor James L. Usry o f Atlantic City, who was elected president o f the conference dur­ ing the convention, agreed that minority busi­ ness development should continue to be one o f the most essential concerns o f black may­ ors. "The need for continued growth in m inor­ ity businesses is important to all Americans both politically and economically." said A l­ lene S Roberts, manager o f public affairs for Philip Morris U S A "Strong m inority busi­ nesses make the minority communities more viable and this, in turn, strengthens the na­ tion " Philip M orris Companies Inc., a spon­ sor o f a convention event, spent a total o f $215 m illion with minority firms in 1987. During the convention. Washington. D C ., mayor. Marion Barry, was honored at a special "Tribute to a Black Am erican" dinner for his outstanding achievements as a former president o f the conference QUALIFICATIONS: Must be able to work evenings. Previous ex­ perience in telemarketing and ex­ perience working on a commis­ sion only basis. Must have good customer relations, and high memory retention. One year of work experience re­ quired. Salary is commission on­ ly. No training is provided. Ap­ plications accepted until position filled. Interested parties may submit ap- plications/resume by mail to: TCI Cablevision of Oregon, Inc. P.O. Box 8677 Portland, OR 97207 Atten.: Marketing Interviews will be arranged based on selection of potential candi­ dates from applications/resumes submitted. No interviews will be granted from telephone or walk-in requests. Qualified applicants not hired at this time will be con­ sidered for future openings if they so desire. Equal Opportunity Employer T h e R ev . J e s .e Jackson (le ft) e o ilg r a lu la le - M a y o r M a rio n B arry o f W ash in g to n . D .C .. w ho was h o n o re d at th e " T r ib u t e Io a B lack A m e r ic a n " d in n e r, a hig h lig h t o f th e 1 t i l l A n n u a l C o n v e n tio n o f th e N a tio n a l C o n fe re n c e o f B la ck M a yo rs . In c . B la ck M a yo r» . In c ., chats w ith A lle n e S. R o b e rt» , m an ag e r o f p u b lic a ffa ir» . P h ilip M o rri» U .S .A ., d u rin g the conferen ce*» Convention in P h ila d e lp h ia . Assistant Manager COUNSELOR Salary: $1,232-51,715/Monthly TELEVISION PRODUCTION SPECIALIST Sought by Oregon Public Broad­ casting. MULTNOMAH COUNTY EXPO/FAIR MANAGER PROGRAM COORDINATOR 2 You. I. Cost Center Model Coordinator Current opening, State of Oregon Employment Division in Salem. $ 2 ,0 9 4 -$ 2 ,6 5 6 /M o n th ly p lu s liberal fringe benefits including family health, dental insurance and retirement. Requires equivalent 2 or 3 years of staff technical Or professional experience involving analyzing and evaluating program opera­ tions Or 3 years of steadily in­ creasing management responsi­ bility. In addition: you must have a Bachelor’s degree Or 3 more years of responsible experience. For recruiting announcement & required state application, call (503) 378-3253. Applications must be returned to Employment Divi­ sion, Personnel & Training Unit, 875 Union St. N.E. Salem, OR 97311 by 5 p.m., September 29, 1988. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer Salary: $32,427-$42,157/Yearly FOR HEALTHY BABIES... build a strong foundation with good prenatal care. [q] PORTLAND I tlW M f c C? Ä nnovation is not a new concept to the Internal Revenue Ser­ vice. In 1980, IRS, in conjunction with its Black employees, esta­ blished the Black Employment Program. Early on, IRS and its Black employees realized a program was needed to assist management in the areas of recruitment, reten­ tion, and upward mobility. Inter­ nal Revenue Service and a few other federal agencies have an established federal program for Blacks in Portland, according to Valerie Currie, the Black Employ­ ment Program Coordinator and Revenue Agent. To further demonstrate their support, in March, 1988, the IRS, through the Black Employment I COMMUNITY COLLEGE A v ia tio n G ro u n d School Taught by Stephen E. McPherson, a pilot of 35 years and NAI Instructor This eleven week class covers all the basics of flying and includes two field trips. ★ Principles of aerodynamics ★ Meteorology — Identifying cloud formations Forecasting moisture Interpreting weather charts ★ Weight and balance ★ Navigation — Reading sectional charts Instrument flying The international phonetic alphabet ★ FAA regulations/interpretations ★ The cockpit environment The FAA written test will be administered during the final week of ClaSSGS Section #100-400 Program, invited four members from the Black Community to assess the status of the Black Employment Program. Ms. Carolyn Leonard, Director of the Multi-Cultural/Multi-Ethnic Program for Portland Public Schools, Mr. Sam Brooks of Brooks and Associates, Ms. Kath­ leen Saadat, the Affirmative Ac­ tion Officer for the State of Oregon, and Mr. McKinley W ill­ iams, former Director of Labor for the Urban League, provided infor­ mation to assure that the future d ire ctio n of the IRS Black Employment Program is meaning­ ful to the Black employee and the District. A plague of appreciation was presented to them on Aug. 4, 1988. Currie stated that a few of the goals of the program will be to establish recruitment sites within the community, promote the IRS as a career opportunity, and to continue VITA, the Volunteer In­ come Tax Assistance program. It keeps more than memories alive. THE AM ERICAN HEART ASSŒ IATION M E M O R IAL PROGRAM. September 20 - December 15 Thursdays 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Sylvania Campus College Center, Pine Room Tuition: $31.00 For more information telephone PCC Community Education at: 244-6111 - Ext. 2810 Manages a multi-purpose public exposition facility and a County Fair located in a major metropoli­ tan area; responsibilities include budgeting promotion, overseeing maintenance, security and con­ struction, and working with ex­ hibitors; requires three years of experience as a manager or assis­ tant manager of a similar facility; a BS with coursework in manage­ m ent, business, advertising, e c o n o m ic s o r fin a n c e is desirable; apply by September 23, 1988. WHERE TO APPLY: Multnomah County Employee Services Room 1430 1120 S.W. Fifth Ave. Portland, OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer RECORDS COORDINATOR III SENIOR CENTER Salary: $1,866-52,361/Monthly Professional work directing and supervising Salem Senior Center. Supervise overall operation, train and evaluate staff; prepare bud­ gets and contracts; provide staff liaison to boards, oversee public relations. Experience managing a recreation program preferable for senior citizens; 4 year degree in recreation, gerontology, human resources or equivalent ex­ perience and training. Possess ability to supervise; First Aid, CPR certified and valid ODL. Closes: 9/30/88. APPLY: xF 1-800-452-9445 Ib i» space piuvióed aa a public service The Portland Development Com­ mission is looking for an in­ dividual to develop and imple­ ment the Commission’s national marketing plan to promote Port­ land as a good location for busi­ ness investment and location, coordinate special marketing events, and write and publish a quarterly newsletter. The suc­ cessful applicant will be highly self-motivated and enterprising, with demonstrated ability in marketing, a strong national m e dia /p ublic relations back­ ground, and substantial organiza­ tional and communication skills. We offer the opportunity to be an integral member of a motivated, successful team. To apply, re­ quest a Commission application packet by calling or writing: Portland Development Commission 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue Suite 1102 Portland, Oregon 97205 (503) 796-5295 BUILDING MATERIALS HOME STAFF PARKER 124x36x10 - $1,961; 24x48x12 $2,648; 30x60x12 • $3,623; 40x60x12 - $4,460. Financing, labor, de live ry, other sizes available Free brochures (503) 263-6953 or 1(800) 872-0070. OR40703. NURSING Certified Nursing Assistants, Housekeeping and Dietary staff, RN/LPNs, and Activity Director (experience preferred). 60+ bed nursing home located along the beautiful northern Oregon Coast is taking applications for these positions. Excellent starting salary, benefits, and educational programs. Call collect or write for more information: Atten.: Tom Ward Seaside Care Center 822 Necanicum Drive Seaside, Oregon 97138 (503) 738-8383 II SB “ ; : r' « ç : > '„S. " SOCIAL SERVICE YOUTH PROJECT DIRECTOR Salary: $8.64-59.07/Hourly ; Excellent Fringe Benefits - With non-profit organization pro­ viding employment, training and other services to youth aged 14-21 in Hillsboro. Responsible for suc­ cessfully developing, managing and implementing programs. Pro­ vides staff supervision and train­ ing. Coordinates and oversees services with schools and other youth programs. Develops and negotiates contracts. Monitors programs and reports results. Qualifications: Excellent oral and written communication skills. Management and supervisory skills and experience. Experience and/or education in contract development and negotiation, provision of employment and tra in in g services to youth, counseling and coordinating with governmental and com m unity agencies. Bi-lingual E n glish/ Spanish preferred. Drivers license and reliable, insured transporta­ tion required. Closes 9/16 at 5 p.m. Send resume to: Sharon White Oregon Human Development Corp MasterCard!! — No One Refused — Regardless of credit history. Also ERASE bad credit. Do it yourself. C a ll 1 -6 1 9 -5 6 5 -1 5 2 2 , E x t. C3759OR - 24 Hours. ADOPTION! Our hearts are full but our arms are empty. Can you help us adopt a baby? Legal, medical, pregnan­ cy expenses gladly paid. Call our Portland attorney collect - (503) 222-2474. ARITHMETIC or AL6EBRA REVEW 6 Howi Refresher Cowie $ 2 5 .0 0 Offered Days, Nights or Saturdays Sept 17 to Sept 24 Only con 2 8 9 - 1 5 4 7 C la ss Size L im ite d $ 6 0 .0 0 P E R H U N D R E D Remailing letters from home! Details, ten d self-addressed, stamped envelope. Associates Box 309-T Colonie, NJ 07067 K 7 • • ■ - e • - -X . COUNSELOR h 4 ’ iS ■ »7 Salary: $1,232-51,715/Monthly Plus Excellent Benefits *, CODA INC seeks qualified ap­ plicants for vocational counselor in methodone treatment program for opiate addicted clients. Re­ sponsibilities include vocational counseling & program deveipp- ment management of a caseload & related case management »•»*- ices. Prefer Master’s degree Pr Bachelor's degree in health serv­ ices & 2 years experience. Applications and screening ques­ tions are available at CODA, 2t0 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Closing date Sept. 8,1988. An Affirmative Action/ * Equal Opportunity Employer ; PERSONALS 822 Necanicum Drive Seaside, Oregon 97138 (503) 738-8383 W EAP COUNSELOR TYPISTS Write: P.O. Box 16, Clark, NJ 07066 v, I..' ,5 a - v Salary: $1,393-51,950/Monthly Plus Excellent Benefits > CODA INC. seeks experienced professional for full-time position in our Employee Assistance Re­ source Program. Responsibilities include providing crisis interven­ tion, short term counseling, as­ sessment, referral, and educa­ tional training to corporate clients. Prefer Master’s degree in social work, psychology, or re­ lated field, and minimum 2 years counseling experience. 9620 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Suite 110 Portland, OR 97219 Equal Opportunity Employer Hundreds Weekly At Home! C (f* CODA INC. seeks qualified ap­ plicants for Counselor in Drug Treatment Services program to provide structured, intensive out­ patient treatment tor felony O f­ fenders. Responsibilities inclkipe diagnosis, evaluation & treatment to a caseload of mandated {fli- ents. Individual, group & family counseling. Maintaining client re­ cords. Bachelor’s degree in Health Services & 2 years ex­ perience. Experience in treatment of criminal mandated clients preferred. The Portland Development Commission is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Seaside Care Center POLE BUILDING KITS American Heart Association in Oregon Salary: $33,000-543,000/Yearly CITY OF SALEM Quality counts with us! 124x36x10 - $1,947; 24x48x10 $2,383; 30x60x10 • $3,295; 40x60x10 - $4,095. Other sizes, labor and financing. Call 1(800) 331-0155. Builder’s Board #44526. ♦ MARKETING/PUBLIC RELATIONS COORDINATOR Personnel Dept. • Room 225 555 Liberty St. SE Salem, OR 97301 Equal Opportunity Employer Pole Building Kits AVIATION GROUND SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH Current opening, State of Oregon Employment Division in Albany, Oregon $1,918-52,452/M onthly plus liberal fringe benefits in­ cluding fully paid family health, dental insurance and fully paid retirement. Because this position is assigned confidential duties: The incumbent will be excluded from the Collective Bargaining unit. Requires equivalent two 2 years of experience involving steadily increasing management respon­ sibility Or 2 years experience in a staff technical or professional function directly related to a human resource program. In addi­ tion: you must have a Bachelors degree Or 3 more years of respon­ sible experience. For recruiting announcement & required state application, call (503) 378-3253. Applications must be returned to Employment Divi­ sion, Personnel & Training Unit, 875 Union St., N.E., Salem, OR 97311 by 5:00 p.m., Sept. 30,1988. DUTIES: Studio production in­ cluding sw itch in g , graphics, lighting and camera operation, field production including group­ ing and audio recording. Prefer­ ence will be given for solid broad­ cast experience. Must be bright, television knowledgable, able to work well with others, travel and work flexible hours. To apply call - Debbie Kuper at 293-1900 on or before September 19,1988. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer M ic h e lle O . K o u r o tim a (rig h t). exe c u tive d ire c to r o f th e N a tio n a l C o n fe re n c e o f 1 1th A nnu al PROGRAM EXECUTIVE A A .« v