Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 08, 1988, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page 6, Portland Observer, September 8, 1988
Duke and Raveen Announce
Winners of $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 Photo Contests
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ison (center), publisher, chairman and CEO of Johnson
impany congratulates the winners of the $50,000.00 Raveen
itest and $50,000.00 Duke Kit Photo Contest: (left to right)
s (2nd prize/Raveen), Zandra Petway (1st prize/Raveen),
i-Murphy (grand prize/Raveen), Anthony L. Tyler (grand
Ron Barret Jr. (1st prize/Duke), Carlton Chatman (2nd
Left to Right: Vanity and Deborah Crable.
Host, Ebony/JET Showcase.
Suits are hot this fall, adding
sparkle and a vast array of flair. As
style goes sophisticated,
contemporary and highly
provocative —creating a unique
fashion perspective.
Seasonal Changes
M onday - Friday
10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
N oon - 5:00 p.m.
Portland • 935 S.W. Yamhill
(503) 227-1765
Salem • 685 Church N.E.
(503) 370-8165
: Female Success Stories
T elevision c o m m e n ta to r Barbara W alters em braces Mary G.
W in s to n president, W in s to n J a n ito ria l Service, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind.,
at the second annual W om en of E nterprise Aw ards luncheo n recently.
W alters and actress C ice ly Tyson w ere featured speakers.
The aw ards program , sponsored by Avon P roducts Inc. and .the
U S Sm all B usiness A d m in is tra tio n , sa lu te s a group o f outstan ing
w om en business ow ners fo r a chievem ent d e sp ite hardships.
The five award w inners, selected in a national search, w ill becom e
valuable role m odels fo r a spiring w om en entrepreneurs by sPe a kl" g a a
series of local self-e m p lo ym e n t sem inars fo r w om en. The sem inars are
also sponsored by Avon and the Sm all B usiness A d m in is tra tio n
W in s to n founded her com pany 35 years ago. Today, her busines
Boutique & Nail Salon
Pre-Fall Special!
Full Set
Nail Tips
(S h o rt S et)
517 N.E. Killingsw orth
281-5728 _____
R e m e m b e r, w h e n p u t t in g
to g e th e r your fall w ardrobe th is
early, to co n ce n tra te on p urchas­
ing basic n ecessities. They w ill
w o rk w ell w ith any purchase you
m ake later in the season.
S w e a te r s in w o o l — s lic k
blends, and bold vibrant p a t­
te r n s — w ill be the rule th is
To p ro te ct yo u rse lf from the in­
evitable c h ill o f a utum n nights,
you m ust w ear lig h te r w e ig h t
fabrics, such as c o tto n , along
w ith heavier fall item s to give you
B.J. Edwards,
a balance of c o m fo rt n ig h t or day.
Fashion Editor
A lw ays be prepared fo r that
unexpected drop in tem perature
s M other N ature begins her
w ith a lig h tw e ig h t jacket. T his
seasonal changes, we are
rem inded that th is hot w eather season jackets are c u t room ie fo r
added co m fo rt and com e in a
w o n 't last forever. N ow is the tim e
v a rie ty o f shape s ty le s and
to se le ct clo th in g that w ill see
you through the end of sum m er
and in to fall.
A ugust is the m onth that kicks
o ff the fall sh o p p in g season.
There w ill be larger variety of early
season o fferings. Deep, dark,
natural co lo rs are being m atched
w ith bold, b right ones. There are
lo ts of new c o lo r co m b in a tio n s,
but d o n ’t be put o ff by them .
has 270 em ployees and annual revenues of $3 m illio n .
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F a ll's new w ide-legged pants
call fo r a to p p e r that d o e s n ’t stop
at th e ir fu lle s t spot. The coat that
fits the b ill is the long, flu id
trench coat. R em em ber to check
the long and sh o rt of it ca refully
to m ake sure shapes and shades
are in sync, and to create a fla tte r­
ing silhouette .