S e p t e m b e M J 9 8 8 ^ o r t la n ^ b s e n / e H 3 ^ ^ - S ^ > ^ ^ e ^ ^ g ^ ï JO B S & C L A S S IF IE D A D V E R T IS IN G ___________ PLANNER SCHOOL-IS SENIOR TRANSPORTATION PLANNER PORTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears of the Community’ 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Julius L. Evans, Tri-Met’s DBE/EEO officer (left) discuss contracting oppor­ tunities with Sam Brooks of S. Brooks and Associates aboard the MAX Light Rail reception held for DBEs and Prime Contractors. A.M.A. Teen-Parent Project Referral C oordinator, Lanita ew roles are as unenviable as Duke, case manager and Elbert that of being a teenage mother. Yet there are three new Mondane who concentrates on work with teen fathers. teenage mothers every day in Multnomah county alone, and the According to Cordelia Hopson, numbers are growing. In the there are many needs for the up­ midst of this growing problems coming year. As always, people stands a dedicated group of peo­ who are interested in volunteer­ ple who make up the Albina ing time and or labor can contact M inisterial Alliance’s (A.M.A.) the program at 285-0493. Another Teen Parent Project. need involves an incentive oro- The Teen Parent Project, now gram to help parents to attend entering its 4th year of operation, support groups and other pro­ served approximately 50 teen grams. The program is asking for parents last year. Their assist­ donations of gift certificates to ance was broad and included; day stores in the Portland area. As care programs to help mothers always, there is a need for addi­ get their high school degrees, tional funding for many of the support and education programs, services that the program offers, clothing and other services aimed such as transportation, clothing toward alleviating some of the and day care. And finally, they are tremendous burden of being a looking for teenage parents to teen mother. serve in the upcoming school This program has been suc­ year. cessful through a combination of If you are interested in contac­ volunteer labor and dedication by ting or assisting the A.M.A. Teen its staffed personel. Ms. Kay Parent Program, you can call Molden recently replaced Cornet- 285-0493 or write Teen Project, ta Smith as program director and 1425 N.E. Dekum St., Portland, has inherited the fine services of Oregon 97211. Cordelia Hopson, Information and F * * * * * * * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Work One* Weekend« AMonth * * And Earn* $18,000 Fbr College. * * * * * * * Ask About The New Gl Bill Paid Skill Training Part-Time Jobs College Tuition Assistance Program Call For Details 280-6007 _ Anieeieuns A l Then liesi. J J ** < -K * * < Thurston Regional Planning Council (TRPC) Is the Council of Governments for the jurisdictions within Thurston County. TRPC does land use, environmental, transportation & other planning programs. TRPC Is the state- designed Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for transpor­ tation planning. Current transpor­ tation programs Include metro­ politan transportation systems planning (Including preparation of the Transportation Improvement Program, data base management, travel forecasting, transit plann­ ing & grant administration) rail transportation planning, review of development projects & special studies. T h u rs to n C o u n ty has a metropolitan area pop. of 90,000 with total population of 150,000. The County Is located at the south end of Puget Sound, 60 miles south of Seattle. This Is a highly responsible posi­ tion with project management responsibilities for transportation systems planning & Administra­ tion. Major components of this position Include policy develop­ ment & analysis & transportation modeling. Experience with Micro- TRIPS, UTPS, EMME/2, T-Model or other travel forecasting mod­ els, Is required. This position also Involves overseeing transporta­ tion consultants & participating In environmental (SEPA) review for development projects. Other de­ sirable experience Includes trans­ it, bicycle, pedestrian & special transportation studies. Currently the transportation pro­ gram Is staffed by this planner on­ ly. Due to growing interest & in­ creasing demands on the trans­ portation system, we anticipate expansion of the program In the future. This position requires a Master’s degree in Transportation Plan­ ning, Urban Planning, Civil Engi­ neering or a related field & 3 to 5 relevant years experience (or equivalent). Applicants should possess a strong sense of serving the public Interest; ability to establish & maintain effective relationships with a variety of people Including rural & urban constituents, spec­ ial Interest groups, elected offi­ cials & staff from numerous agen­ cies; excellent communication skills; thorough knowledge of microcomputers; knowledge of & experience with public participa­ tion processes; & ability to devel­ op, Implement, monitor & evalu­ ate work programs & budgets to achieve timely, quality results. hurry, then ask your real estate agent to Express your bid o n a HUD h o m e It s a great new' addition to The H om e Team * advantage' For a listing o f HUD h om es available in your area, ch ec k the real estate classified se ctio n o f the Friday or Sunday O regonian •A minimum tull price bid 1» I im price less a maximum b% broker commission and a maximum 3% closing cost paid by HUD if requesied Full prne Express Bids must yield a net lo HUD of al least 91% of the list price <3 ocpMenann hud TT or NOuaMO PIMM bi HI I) Piiriland <>ff»i Corvallis, OR 97331 Closing date: 9/15/88. Oregon State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and complies with Section 504 of the Rehabili­ tation Act of 1973. OSU has a policy of be­ ing responsive to the needs of dual-career couples. RADIO NEWS REPORTER Major Radio Station has opening for news reporter. Must have mini­ mum five (5) years experience in news. Send resume and/or tape to: NEWS P.O. Box 14957 Portland, OR 97214 Equal Opportunity Employer WELDER We have Immediate openings for e xp e rie n ce d flu x -c o re w ire Welders who are capable of pass­ ing an all-position fillet weld test. We also offer weld training oppor­ tunities for Individuals with mech- anclal aptitude and good work ethic. If you are Interested and qualified, please apply In person. GUNDERSON, INC. 4350 N.W. Front Avenue Portland, OR 97210 Equal Opportunity Employer YOUTH PROGRAM SPECIALISTS (2 Positions) Coordinate and provide after school/sum m er activities for school age children 6-14. 1-2 years experience working with youth. Valid driver’s license re­ quired. TRPC Case Manager for the N.E. YWCA Young Parents Program. Full- Time. 1-2 years experience. Pro­ viding individual and group counseling. Valid driver’s license required. Application may be obtained from the: LOSS CONTROL REPRESENTATIVE O ur all n e w Express Bid program m akes th e p ro ce ss o f b idding for and b u y in g a HUD h o m e faster and easier than ev e r B ecau se n ow w hen you bid full p ric e or b etter* on any H I D h om e, that b id w ill b e o p en ed at our d a ily 2:30 p m b id o p en in g Bids for Friday s N e w Listings w ill b e o p en ed daily start­ in g o n th e fo llo w in g Monday E xpress Bids en d the current IO-da> w ait, sp e e d in g up d ecisio n s on every full p rice or b etter bid subm itted (If m ore than o n e Express Bid arrives for th e sam e property at the sam e bid op en in g , th e h ighest net bid gets a c c e p te d ) So if y o u ’re look in g for a real hom e b u y in g bargain, and you're in a real Consulting - University Computing Services Oregon State University CASE MANAGER S a la ry R ange: $2,435 to $3,286/Monthly. Starting salary, DOQ. C o m p le te d A p p lic a tio n s Due: September 15, 1988. Equal Opportunity Employer. Attention Safety Professionals! If you possess knowledge of haz­ ardous materials, worker's com­ pensation laws, tort liability, state and federal safety codes, we need you! Job opening for Loss Con­ tro l R epresentative. $1,952- $2,478/Monthly. Candidates with proven organization/administra­ tive skills and personal computer experience desired. Apply by 9/9/88 at City of Salem, Person­ nel Dept., Rm. 225, 555 Liberty SE, Salem, OR 97301. Equal Opportunity Employer $60.00 PER HUNDRED Remailing letters from home! Details, send self-addressed, stamped envelope. Associates Box 309-T Colonia, NJ 07067 HELP WANTED TRUCK DRIVERS Needed Immediately. Best pay and benefits program In the in­ dustry. Start at 23 cents per mile with regular increases to 27 cents. Minimum of 2,100 miles per week guaranteed. 23 years old with 1 year OTR experience. Good record required. Call J.B. Hunt 1-800-643-3331 NURSE MEDICAL REVIEW ANALYST Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting ap­ plications for a Medical Review Seeking a consultant and trainer A n a ly s t fo r th e M e d ic a re experienced with IBM VM/CMS Department. mainframes and various micro­ computers. W ill teach work­ Qualified candidates must have a shops, assist faculty and stu­ valid Oregon RN license, previous dents with research and instruc­ nursing experience in a variety of tional computing, and write docu­ settings, and excellent communi­ mentation. BS/CS degree (MS cation skills. Utilization Review or preferred). Experienced with IBM Q uality Assurance and CRT PCs or Apple Macintosh. Pro­ experience preferred. gramming experience required. The Medical Review Analyst’s Excellent communication and responsibilities include: organizational skills required. • Evaluating levels of covered & Salary range $24,000-$32,000. 12 m edical In fo rm a tio n s u b m itte d by month academic appointment. providers. • Implementing knowledge of Medicare Send resume and names of 3 regulations & internal guidelines in making references to: decisions regarding covered 4 non- Call (206) 786-5480 for an applica­ tion form & Information packet. 2000 Lakeridge Dr. SW Olympia, WA 98502. Buy a HUD home in a hurry with Express Bid! UNIVERSITY COMPUTING-USER SERVICES SPECIALIST CONSULTING & TRAINING N.E. YWCA N.E. YWCA 5630 N.E. Union Ave. Portland, OR 97211 Closing Date: Friday, Sept. 9, 1988 Equal Opportunity Employer WRITER (6 MO. TEMPORARY POSITION) With State Welfare Agency to write and edit program eligibility policies. Salaried. Call Judy Porter at 378-3684. ext. 366 for more details. Open through 9/15/88. Equal Opportunity Employer covered care. • F acilitating correct payment Medicare benefits to providers. of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em­ ployee benefits package, flex­ time work hours, and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Emploÿer PROGRAM EXECUTIVE B ONTARIO BRANCH MANAGER Adult and Family Services Division Salary: $2,114-$2,699/Monthly Excellent Benefit Package State of Oregon, AFS, needs an energetic and Innovative person with excellent management/su­ pervisory skills to manage the On­ tario Branch Office of Adult and Family Services Division in On­ tario, Oregon. The person filling this position will become part of the State’s management team. We are especially looking for ap­ plicants w ith the a b ility to manage people and programs. QUALIFICATIONS: You m ust have three years of steadily in­ creasing management responsi­ bility or three years experience in a staff technical or professional function related to an agency pro­ gram. Your background must have given you the knowledge and abil­ ities as Identified In the examina­ tion questionnaire attached to an­ nouncement #OC880579. In addition, you must have a Bachelor’s degree or three addi­ tional years of respon sible experience. TO APPLY: Obtain a State of Oregon application (PD100) and the announcement #OC880579 at the Personnel Center, 775 Court NE, Salem, Oregon 97310. Follow the Instructions on the Announce­ ment Submit your State of Ore­ gon application and attachments to the Adult and Family Services Division, Personnel Services Sec­ tion, 516 Public Service Building, Salem, Oregon 97310. Applications must arrive at Adult and Family Services, Personnel Services Section, and be post­ marked by September 13,1988, to be accepted. Equal Opportunity Employer SECURITY LOOKING FOR A STEADY INCOME WITH GOOD WAGES? WE CAN HELP YOU!!! American Protective Services pro­ vides a better opportunity. If you are 18 or older, have a home phone, transportation, and good work history, call us. Monday through Friday 9:00 - Noon, Portland 283-2482. Equal Opportunity Employer PRINTING GRAPHICS SPECIALIST This position performs typeset­ ting, page layout and paste-up of company forms and publications. Excellent communication skills and 1-2 years experience on lino­ type, Compugraphlc, Varltyper or sim ila r equipm ent. Previous d e s ig n and g ra p h ic a rts experience desired. Apply In person 9 a.m. • 1 p.m. through Wednesday, Sept. 7, 1988, T h ird flo o r , H um an Resources Office Standard Insurance Co. Standard Plaza 1100 S.W. 6th Ave. Portland, Oregon Equal Opportunity Employer COUNSELING FAMILY INDIVIDUAL GROUP FEE: Sliding Fee Scale Evenings 281-9626 Linda Thompson, M.S.W. PERSONALS_______ MasterCard!! — No One Refused — Regardless of credit history. Also ERASE bod credit Do It yourself. C a ll 1 -6 1 8 -5 6 5 -1 5 2 2 . E x t. C3759O R-24 Hours.