r > . » ' Page 8, Portland Observer Back-To-School Special, September 1, 1988 N ER O & ASSO CIATES Inc. o f Portland is Pleased to Announce the Opening o f a JOB C O R PS Recruitment Office in the King Neighborhood Facility at 4815 N.E. 7th. JOB CORPS Working In Portland To Help Our Youth SUCCEED! JOB CORPS A Chance For Portland Youth To: ROB CORPS FOR THE ★ Learn A Trade ★ Continue Their Education ★ Become Independent SUCCEED JOB CORPS Offering Area Youth 16-24 Training In Any One Of The Following Areas: • • • • • • • • • • • D rafting E lectrical A ssem bly Forestry A ide G eriatric A ide G lazing Heavy E quipm ent O perator Heavy E quipm ent Repair Home Health A ide Landscape G ardener Nurse A ssista n t P ainting • • • • • • • • • • • A u to Body Repair A uto M echanics Baking B u ild in g M aintenance Brick M asonry Business O ccupations C arpentry C em ent M asonry C ulinary A rts Deckhand Dental A s s is ta n t If You A re 16-24 Or If You Know A Youth 16-24. Call Us Today For Inform ation. W e A re Available To M eet W ith Individuals, Parents Or G roups To D iscuss The JOB CORPS Program . JOBS CORPS W ill Give Young People A Chance To Grow, To Learn, To SUCCEED. JOBS CORPS W orks A nd So Do Its G raduates! P lastering P rin ting Sign P ainting T ile S etting TV C able In sta lle r T ruck D riving W ard C lerk W arehousing W eatherization W e lding DROP IN KING NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITY 4815 N.E. 7th • PORTLAND, OR CALL 287-0823 Or For More Information Call Main Off ice - 225-1941 or 1 -(800)-424-2866 * « I • • *• L . ’? » - 4