September 1, 1988, Portland Observer, Page 11 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC HEARING N o tice is hereby given that upon request by an interested person a p u b lic hearing w ill be held by the Tri-C ounty M etropolitan Transportation D istrict of Oregon (Tri-Met) at 3:30 P.M. W ednesday, S eptem ber 28, 1988, at the Portland B uilding, 1120 S.W. 5th Avenue, Second Floor, M eeting Room C, fo r the purpose o f c o n sidering p rojects fo r w h ich federal assistance under S ection 9 and T itle 23 of the Urban M ass Transportation A ct o f 1964, as am ended, is being sought. Anyone interested in requesting that th is hearing be convened should c o n ta c t C ynthia W eston, Public Services D ivision, by phone at 238-4920 or in w riting, 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, O regon 97202, by Friday S eptem ber 16,1988. TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT SUB-BIDS REQUESTED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COEUR D’ALENE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION PHASE 3B PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING A PROJECT FOR WHICH FEDERAL ASSISTANCE UNDER INTERSTATE TRANSFER FUNDING IS BEING SOUGHT N o tice is hereby given that a pu b lic hearing w ill be held by the Tri-County M etropolitan T ransportation D is tric t of Oregon ( T r iv e t) a t 3:30 P_M. W ednesday, Spetem ber 28, 1988, at the Portland B uilding, 1120 S.W. 5th Avenue Second Floor, M eeting R oom C, for the purpose of considering a project fo r w h ich federal assistance under Interstate T ransfer Funding is being sought. This grant a p p lica tio n requests fu n d in g for the fo llo w in g project: N ine (9) standard 40 ft. tra n sit buses lift equipped $1,481,405 F ollo w in g is the proposed S ection 9 Program o f Projects: (federal share TOTAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: TYPE CAPITAL PROJECTS: A. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. E lectronic R egistering Fareboxes (512 fareboxes, receiving vaults, vault installation) SNT M inibuses (12) Non-Revenue V ehicles M aintenance V ehicles A u to m a tic Passenger C ounters Overhead Bus Signs Light Rail (LR) S ecurity E quipm ent LR S ubstation Radio M o nitoring System LR V ehicle Train Logger M o d ific a tio n Exterior Bus W asher S uspension Overhaul K its C o m p u te r E q uipm en t A u to m a tic C u s to m e r In fo rm a tio n S ystem E q u ip m e n t T ic k e tin g E q u ip m e n t A c c e s s ib le S igns Route Term inus W aiting Area A m e n itie s $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 564,000 50,000 227,000 156,000 50,000 49,500 43,900 C C C C C C C $ $ $ $ $ 34,000 145,000 60,000 199,352 103,160 c c c c c $ $ $ $ 300,000 125,000 75,000 100,000 c c c c Subtotal Capital: (Federal Share: $4,103,171) II. III. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and women and minority business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED No persons, fa m ilie s or businesses w ill be displaced by this project. PIONEER PLACE project. This project is currently under review by the state clearinghouse. At the hearing, Tri-M et w ill afford an opp o rtu n ity fo r interested persons or agencies to be heard w ith respect to the social, econom ic and environm ental aspects of the project. A copy o f the grant a p plicatio n fo r the proposed project and a transit developm ent plan fo r the area are currently available fo r pu b lic inspection at Tri-M et Public Services D ivision, 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Howard S. Wright Construction P.O. Box 3764 • Seattle, Wash. 98124 Contact: Allen Olsen at (206) 447-7543 Or Jim Little in Portland at (503) 227-3316 FAX (206) 447-7727 - THE FOLLOWING ITEMS HAVE BEEN AWARDED - Douglas L. Capps Executive Director Public Services Division U S. ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE HANGER INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Subtotal Planning: (Federal Share: $1,147,540) $ 1,434,425 TOTAL (Federal Share: $9,359,477) $61,345,619 P P P P P P P P No persons, fa m ilie s o r b u sin e sse s w ill be d is p la ce d by th is project. This p ro je c t is in c o n fo rm a n c e w ith com prehen sive land use and tra n sp o rta tio n p la n n in g in the area and w ill be program m ed in the T ransportation Im provem ent Program . A s ta te m e n t of T ri-M e t’s c h a rte r bus service is available fo r in s p e c tio n at the T ri-M et A d m in is tra tiv e O ffic e s . T ri-M et w ill not be e ngaging in s c h o o l bus operations. Private tra n s p o rta tio n e n te rp rise w ill not be d ire c tly a ffe c te d by th is project. These p ro je c ts is c u rre n tly under review by th e state cle aringho use. on the d ates indicated . Plans and S p e c ific a tio n s m ay be o btaine d at th e above address. For ad­ d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n , telepho ne B uyer at num ber listed. SHEMYA AIR FORCE BASE - ALASKA PROJECT #DACA 85-88-B0028 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION — PUBLIC NOTICE — 1989 ANNUAL DISADVANTAGED BUSINESSES GOALS FOR FEDERALLY ASSISTED PROJECTS n a ccordance w ith th e im p le m e n ta tio n o f (Subpart D of) S ection 106(c) 3f the S urface T ra n s p o rta tio n and U niform R e lo ca tio n A s sista n ce A c t STURRA) o f 1987, each re c ip ie n t state is required to s u b m it its overall goals to the Federal H ig h w a y A d m in is tra tio n (FHW A) and the Urban Mass T ra n sp o rta tio n A d m in is tra tio n (UMTA) b e fo re the b e g in n in g o f the new federal fis c a l year O c to b e r 1. A dditionally, th e F H W A and U M TA require each state receiving federal lig h w a y fu n d s to p u b lis h a n o tic e a n n o u n c in g these g oals; th is n o tic e to be available fo r in s p e c tio n 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the W a sh in g to n S tate D epartm ent o f T ra n sp o rta tio n (WSDOT) fo r not less than 30 days. WSDOT w ill a cc e p t c o m m e n ts on goals u n til S eptem be r 30, 1988. W rit­ ten c o m m e n ts sh o u ld be s u b m itte d to: M a u rice A lexander, Manager, M inority A ffa irs O ffic e , D epartm ent o f T ra n sportation , T ra n sp o rta tio n B uilding, O lym pia, W A 98504. This a n n ou ncem ent w ill serve as n o tic e o f W SD O T’s 1989 annual g o a ls for FH W A, UMTA, and o th e r d e p artm en tal e le m e n ts of USDOT p ro je c ts at 16 percent fo r disadvan taged businesse s, w h ic h now in c lu d e w om en’s b u siness e n te rp ris e s as DBEs. The m ethod used to e s ta b lis h the goa 's in clu d e d past h is to ric a l experience and the re q u ire m e n ts o f STURAA [S ection 106(c)] regarding disadvantaged businesses. OREGON STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS REMOVAL PROJECT Sealed b id s f o r th e U ndergrou nd Fuel Tanks Rem oval P roject w ill be eceived by th e O regon S tate Board of H ig h e r E du ca tio n u n til 2:00 p.m. BID DATE: of the proposal. The C ity encourages b id d in g by M B E ’s and FBE's and w ill a ssist such firm s to understand and p a rtic ip a te in form al b id d in g process. N O N -D ISC R IM IN ATIO N : N o proposal or bid w ill be considered unless the b id d e r is c e rtifie d as an EEO A ffirm a tive A c tio n Em ployer as prescribed by C h a p te r 3.100 o f th e Code o f the C ity o f Portland. PROPOSAL NO. 13 DESCRIPTION C o n s tru c t 16-lnch W ater M ain, NE G lisan, NE 1st - NE Grand. Call M ichele Ackerm an, 796-6854. P re q u a lifica tio n in C lass 11-Water Lines Required. 14- A A nnual S upply o f Paper Products. 15- A Annual S upply of F ertilizers. A nnual S upply o f C oncrete R epair M ixes. On the Annual S u p p lie s, call B ill Frazier, 796-6856. 16- A Septem ber 7, 1988 at 2:00 P.M. Hoffman Construction Co. of Alaska 3201 *C’ Street - Suite 610 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Bid Phone: (907) 561-5578 FAX (907) 561-5019 U nless o th e rw is e stated in the individua l p roposals liste d herein, no proposal or bid w ill be co n sid e re d unless accom panie d by a bid surety fo r an a m o u n t n o t less than ten p e rce n t (10% ) o f the aggregate am ount We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women and minority business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED HATFIELD MARINE SCIENCE CENTER NEWPORT, OREGON 0PENING DATE BID DATE: September 19, 1988 at 4:00 P.M. ¿MM DRAKE 9 /2 0 /8 8 1740 N.W. Flanders Portland. OR 97209 (503) 226-3991 9 /1 3 /8 8 Construction Company We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and sm all dis advantaged business subcontractors and w om en anp 1 r mmonry business enterpnses SUB-BIDS REQUESTED MULTNOMAH COUNTY A t the hearing, T ri-M et w ill a ffo rd an o p p o rtu n ity fo r in te re ste d persons or agencie s to be heard w ith respect to th e social, e c o n o m ic and environm en tal a sp e cts o f th e project. A co p y o f the grant a p p lic a tio n fo r the proposed p ro je c t and a tra n s it d e velop m e nt plan fo r th e area are c u rre n tly available fo r p u b lic in s p e c ­ tio n at Tri-M et P ublic S ervices D ivision, 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, P ortland, O regon 97202. D ouglas L. C apps E xecutive D ire cto r P ublic S ervices D ivisio n Shotcrete Reinforcing Steel Mass Excavation Shoring Sewer Relocation SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Sealed P roposals w ill be received at the Bureau o f Purchases and Stores, Room 1313, P ortland B u ild in g , 1120 S.W. F ifth Ave Portland, OR 97204 fo r the C o m m o d itie s & P rojects de ta ile d below u n til 2.00 P.M. 562,000 132,425 80,000 180,000 230,000 110,000 125,000 15,000 Skytghts Metal Decking Structural Steel Terra Cotta Precast Panels & Stairs Electrical Mechanical Fire Protection Elevator/Escalator Exterior Glass/Blazing PROPOSALS DUE 2:00 P.M. ON VARIOUS DATES $ September 15, 1988 at 5:00 P.M. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and women and minority business enterprises. Oregon 97202. $ 5,128,964 PLAN N IN G (80/20 funding): Service Planning Inform ation S ystem s Planning Financial Planning Capital Program Planning Special Area Planning Long Range Planning M etro Planning S tudies Program A d m in is tra tio n the Tri-M et A d m inistrative O ffices. Tri-M et w ill not be engaging in school bus operations. Private transportatio n enterprise w ill not be dire ctly affected by this BID DATE: CITY OF PORTLAND • BUREAU OF PURCHASES AND STORES OPERATING ASSISTANCE (Up to 50% Funding) fo r period from July 1, 1988 to June 30, 1989 (Federal Share: $4,108,766) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 103 Summit • P.O. Box 340 Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814 (208) 667-2456 FAX (206) 667-6388 $1,259,194) Transportation Im provem ent Program. A statem ent of T ri-M et’s charter bus service is available fo r inspection at $ 2,846,984 September 7, 1988 at 2:00 P:M. Contractors Northwest, Inc. T his p roject is in conform ance w ith com prehensive land use and transportation planning in the area and w ill be program m ed in the 80/20 F unding 1. BID DATE: WESTERN OREGON STATE COLLEGE RESIDENCE HALL MONMOUTH CALL FOR BIDS BID DATE: RFP# 8P0405 • PROFESSIONAL DATA PROCESSING SERVICES September 1,1988 at 3:00 P.M. ROBINSON CONSTRUCTION Proposals Due: Septem ber 29,1988 at 2:00 P.M. 7320 S.W. Hunziker Road • Suite 300 Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-8021 FAX (503) 620-3428 Bid No.: RFP#8P0405 Sealed pro p o sa ls w ill be received by the D ire cto r o f Purchasing, 2505 S.E. 11th Ave., P ortland, OR 97202 for: P rofessional Data P rocessing Services. M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty ’s Inform a­ tio n Services D ivisio n in te n d s to esta b lish a q u a lifie d vendor lis t from w h ich syste m s m aintenan ce & D evelopm ent sta ff w ill be selected to w ork on C o u n ty pro je cts. The desired s ta ff levels are program m er pro- g ra m m e r/a n a lyst, se n io r p ro g ra m m e r/a n a lyst & system s consultan t. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and women and minority business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED An O PTIO N AL bid d e rs c o n fe re n ce w ill be on S eptem ber 9, 1988, at 9.00 a.m., at M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty ISD, 4747 E. Burnside, P ortland, OR. WESTERN OREGON STATE COLLEGE RESIDENCE HALL M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty reserves the rig h t to re je ct any or all proposals. BID DATE: S p e c ific a tio n s m ay be ob ta in e d at: M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty Purchasing S ection, 2505 S.E. 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202 - (503) 248-5111. September 1, 1988 at 3:00 P.M. MORSE BROS. Lillie Walker, Director Purchasing Section Corporate Operations Office 32260 h w y . 34 Tangent, OR 97389 (503) 928-6491 FAX (503) 928-6491 INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and women and minority business enterprises. PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until TOO p.m. on the dates indicated, in the Purchasing Department. Multnomah County School District No. 1 J, 501 N Dixon. Portland. Oregon for SUB-BIDS REQUESTED the items listed herein bid filing DATE Sept 20. 1988 WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION 3-B • COEUR D’ALENE, IDAHO BIO TITLE Plans can be obtained fro m Brow n & C aldw ell Seattle, W a shington • (206) 281-4000 Printing and Binding of the 1988-89 Student Responsibilities, Rights and Discipline BID DATE: Formal announcement, detailed specifications and bidding document may be obtained at the above add[®ss( F o r a d d itio n a l in fo r m a tio n , p le a s e c o n ta c M ic h a e l J. H u tch e n s. D ire c to r of P u rch a sin g . 249-2000. Extension 581 PDT), S eptem be r 20,1988 \d d ltio n a l in fo rm a tio n m ay be o b ta in e d by c o n ta c tin g th e D epartm ent j f P hysical Plant, O regon S tate U niversity, P hysical Plant, C orvallis, OR September 7, 1988 at 2:00 P.M. Earl J. Russell Construction Co. P.O. Box 26 • Pullman, Wash. 99163 (509) 332-2808 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from smelt business and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and women and minority business enterprises. >7331-2001, o r te le p h o n e (503) 754-4921. : ♦ • kfctYM - ♦ , ♦ • » » • "itä ®