Page 10, P ortland Observer, S eptem ber 1, 1988 P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 — To Place Your A d Ad Rates: 5 Lines - 1 Week - $7.50 4 Weeks - $25.00(add $2.50 Per Line) Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, w hich reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) ^CONTRACTING-GENERAL AUTO CARE BEAUTY/BARBER SUPPLIES James Car Wash & Detailing Shop Mrs. C ’s Wigs LICENSED CHILD CARE ja ’bell’s 2415 N.E. Alberta St. Portland, Oregon 97211 287-9321 BEAUTY/BARBER SUPPLIES CHILD CARE My Home St. Johns Area Fenced Playyard Monday thru Friday 286-4990 Beauty • *• » > £ • .< s & «T .*■ V 5 •a.Ä *1 ? • •MÍr'-w" •*<Ä EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 2 TRAINING SPECIALIST TYPISTS Hundreds Weekly At Home! Write: P.O. Box 16, Clark, NJ 07066 Adult and Family Services Personnel Services Section 516 Public Service Building Salem, Oregon 97310 In d ica te the announcem ent number and title of the position applied for on the PD100 in the box provided. Applications must be postmark­ ed by September 15, 1988 to be accepted. An Equal Opportunity Employer GROCERY