P h o n e 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 — T o P la c e Y o u r A d Ad Rates: 5 Lines - 1 Week - $ 7 .5 0 4 Weeks - $25.00(add $ 2 .5 0 Per Line) Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any a d . ) CONTRACTING-GENERAL CHILD CARE AUTO CARE P.J.’S Beauty & Barber Supply James Car Wash & Detailing Shop LICENSED CHILD CARE 'We’ve just added a new 2 chair salon Open to the Public 231 N. Lombard • Suite 200 289-0205 2415 N.E. Alberta St. Portland, Oregon 97211 287-9321 BEAUTY/BARBER SUPPLIES Mrs. C’s Wigs W holesale & Retail Beautician A Student Discounts (Betty Cabine, Proprietor) Tues.-Sat. 11:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 707 N.E. Fremont • Portland 281- RESTAURANT JEWELRY REPAIR Silco Construction Co. National Gold & Silver BESAW’S 8614 N. Crawford Portland, Oregon 97203 286-8155 14K Gold A Sterling Silver Jewelry 620 S.W. Broadway Portland, Oregon 97205 248-2156 Bruce McKay - Graduate Gemologist 'There is a great place to eat 2301 N.W. Savier 288-3764 Open 24 H ours LOCKSMITHS Ethnic Cusine Southern Style 3041 N. Williams • Portland 284-7150 CATERING My Home St. Johns Area Fenced Playyard Monday thru Friday 286-4990 D’Jon Enterprise CLASSES/TRAINING FASHION CONSULTANTS' Walnut Park Lock & Key Reasonable rates fo r large or small groups. Please call evenings between 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. in Portland NURSING Debonaire Production 533 N.E. Killingsworth Mayas Tacqueria Fashion Consultants P.O. Box 12088 Portland, Oregon 97212 284-7188 Portland, Oregon Fresh Home Cooked Mexican Food 1000 S.W. Morrison on 10th 226-1946 281-9703 Dale Ramsey Construction P.O. Box 1082 Corvallis, Oregon 97339 _______ (503) 753-2012 New CNA Class Starts Sept. 6, 1988 Lloyd Center Area Portland, OR Marilynn White, R.N.,Training Director 287-0066 288-6338 Cleo’s JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PORTLAND COMM. COLLEGE TRAINER First Consumer National Bank (Temporary) Bachelor’s degree + 3 years ex­ perience working in customer service & c re d it/c o lle c tio n s w ithin the credit card or con­ sumer service industry required. Employee training experience required. Start ASAP. The trainer w ill be hired by Portland Com­ munity College thru a grant from the Oregon Economic Develop­ m ent D ept. C lo s in g date: 8/30/88. COORDINATOR OF MARKETING & CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT/ICEHCP (Temporary thru 6/30/89) Portland Community College Master’s degree in Nursing with emphasis on surgical or psychi­ atric nursing required. Course- work in business adm inistration or marketing preferred. 4 years experience working in the health field including public relations, marketing and/or education ex­ perience required. Closing date: 9/15/88. Contact PCC Staff Em ploym ent for a p p lica tio n materials, (503) 273-2823. An Affirm ative A ction/ Equal Opportunity Employer BANKING OREGON BANK We have exciting career oppor­ tunities for individuals com m it­ ted to the highest level of client service. For a listing of our avail­ able positions call our 24-hr. Job O pportunity Line: (503) 796-3878 Or visit our Personnel Dept. at 1001 S.W. 5th Ave., 2nd Floor, Portland, OR 97204. Applicant hours: 9 a.m. -1 p.m. Equal O pportunity Employer CLINICAL RECORD SUPERVISOR CODA, Inc. seeks RRA or ART for clinical records supervisor p o sitio n . R e sp o n sib ilitie s in ­ clude establishing & im plem en­ ting policies regarding the con­ tent & use of clinical records, designing & developing clinical forms, qualitative & quantitative analysis of records, providing staff training & supervision, pro­ cessing legal documents, and generating statistical reports. Salary range: $1,300-$1,527/mo. Closing date: Sept. 8,1988. APPOINTMENTS CLERK CODA, Inc. seeks qualified ap­ plicants for appointm ents clerk. R esponsibilities include: sched­ uling appointm ents for out-pat­ ient programs, filin g clinical record inform ation, typing, re­ cording class registration infor­ mation, and tracking attendance of clients served. Type 50 wpm. Salary range: $871-$1,154/mo. Closing date: Sept. 8,1988. A p p lic a tio n s and screening questions are available at: CODA, Inc. 210 N.E. 20th Portland, OR 97232 An Affirm ative A ction/ Equal O pportunity Employer — C R U IS E S H IP S N o w H ir in g ! — Summer & Career oppor­ tu n itie s . E xcellent pay. World Travel! Call (Refun­ dable) 1-518-459-3535, Ext. P6061A. PORTLAND OBSERVER The Eyes and Ears of the Community' 288-0033 INSURANCE SECRETARY EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Literacy & Language Program NW Regional Educational Lab The Executive Secretary works- with the Program Director & staff to plan & prioritize tasks which include preparation of budgets, monitor expenditures, prepare program financial re­ ports, initiate paperwork for pro­ posals, coordinate production of d o cu m e n ts a n d /o r re ports, develop com puterized da ta ­ bases, maintain project files, and review sta ff travel ar­ rangements & claims. The Sec­ retary also supervises other pro­ gram support staff. QUALIFICATIONS: include 3 years recent secretarial ex­ perience with sim ilar respon­ sibilities, type 60 wpm with ac­ curacy, word processing experi­ ence (prefer MS Word and/or Wang), experience with m icro­ com puter software programs such as Spreadsheet, Database & Telecom m unications pack­ ages, experience maintaining fil­ ing & documentation system, able to organize work, set p r io r itie s , and w o rk w ith minimum supervision. Demon­ strable skills in proofreading, speeling, grammar & punctua­ tion, strong interpersonal skills & professional presence. SALARY: $16,099-$17,099 per annum - plus excellent benefits. Letter of application and resume must be received in the Person­ nel O ffice by 3:00 p.m., Friday, Aug. 26, 1988. In letter, indicate you are applying for the above position. Apply to Personnel Dept. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory 101 S.W. Main St., Suite 500 Portland, OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer YOUTH SERVICES PLANNER To provide staff support to Portland metro area task force planning services for ‘at-risk’ young women. Meeting facilita­ tion, research, writing, public education activities. Master’s degree or B.A. degree + equiv­ alent experience; experience in youth work, professional writing skills required, 1 year position. $700-$750/mo, 18 h o u rs/w k, 14% flex, fringe. CL) M e d ic a l. 111«. Consider a career in the) Health Care Industry with | a Fortune 500 Company. ENGINEER ELECTRONIC This position requires a 2 + years BSEE excited] about the design and op­ tim ization of medical other electromechanical equipment. Must have good working knowledge of analog and digital cir- | cuitry and experience with servomechanisms, e le c tr o m e c h a n ic a l devices, te s tin g and microprocessor develop-1 ment desirable. The successful candi-| date enjoys being involv­ e d in a variety of projects related to product reli­ a b ility & optim ization) land w ill be able to inter-1 | face with manufacturing, ¡quality control, research I |& d e v e lo p m e n t and) ¡customers. DESIGNER MECHANICAL Mechancial Designer or Electronic Engineer 113520 S.E. Pheasant Crt. Portland, OR 97222 An Affirm ative A ction/ Equal Opportunity Employer YOUTH PROGRAM SPECIALISTS Send resume to: Tri-County Youth Services Consortium (2 Positions) 2000 S.W. 1st, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97201 Coordinate and provide after- school/sum m er activities for school age children 6-14. 1-2 years experience working with youth, and an AA in human ser­ vices. Counseling experience desirable. A bility to work with in­ dividuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. Know ledge of com m unity resources; ability to work positively with parents, school personnel, volunteers, and agencies. Strong com ­ m unication skills, and some ex­ perience in program planning and supervision. Valid driver's license. Two part-time positions. Salary: $6.50-$7.00/hourly. Application may be obtained from the: Closes August 29, 1988 Equal Opportunity Employer RECEPTIONIST (Temporary) 3 Months Full-Time Position Legal Aid O ffice seeks quick learner to handle heavy tele­ phone work, Oct.-Dec. Prior work with low-income com m uni­ ty preferred. Good clerical and com m unication skills required. Minimum 1 year experience re­ quired Salary depends on expe­ rience. Send resume to: Carla Mustell. Legal Aid Service 310 S.W. 4th Ave. Suite 900 Portland, OR 97204 Closing Date: 9/2/88 Equal O pportunity Employer N.E. YWCA N.E. YWCA 5630 N.E. Union Portland, OR 97211 Closing Date: Friday, Sept. 9, 1988 Equal Opportunity Employer I 4 .. < * 4 * BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF OREGON Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for the follow ing position. MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYST Your knowledge of medical ter­ minology, ICD-CPT coding, CRT Skills, and experience in a doc­ tor’s office or hospital setting may qualify you for a position as a Medical Claims Analyst. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em­ ployee benefits package, flex­ time work hours, and com ­ petitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR Full-time counselor, MSW and experience working with call clients. Send resume by 8/31 /88 to: CCMH A world wide supplier of medical & other electro-| m echanical equipm ent has an opportunity in the design of complex hy­ drom echanical assem ­ blies. R e sp o n sib ilitie s include layouts, detail ¡d ra w in g s , a s s e m b ly ¡dra w ings and design analyses. Follows de­ s ig n thru modeling, de­ s ig n qualification and in- n o production, must have ¡3 + years experience. ¡CAD b a c k g ro u n d ■desirable. |We offer an exciting ¡team environment, com­ petitive salary and bene­ f it s . Send resume and ¡salary history to: * * INSURANCE ATTORNEY 6329 N.E. Union Ave. Portland, OR 97211 MENTAL HEALTH INTAKE COORDINATOR For Day Treatment/Residential Treatment Center and Group Hom e fo r e m o t io n a lly / behaviorally disturbed boys and girls ages 6-14. M aster’s degree w ith good assesment skills and ability to work well with com m unity refer­ ral sources desirable. Excellent fringe benefits. Salary depends on experience. Send resume to: Edgefield Children’s Center, Inc. Attn: Joan Schweizer-Hoff 2401 S.W. Halsey St. Troutdale, OR 97060-1097 Equal Opportunity Employer RECREATIONAL COORDINATOR I Do you have experience organiz­ ing, directing and leading rec­ reational activities for senior c it­ izens? Job opening for Recrea­ tio n C o o r d in a to r I -$8.210-$9.819/hr. at Salem Area Senior Center. Must be know l­ edgeable of se n io r recrea- tio n /le isure/socia l service pro­ grams; strong ability to solve problems; remain firm on policy; physical ability to move furni­ ture and possess valid O.D.L. Closes 9-9-88. Apply: City of Salem Personnel Dept. Room 225 555 Liberty S.E., Salem, OR 97301 Equal Opportunity Employer STAFF ATTORNEY I Oregon Supreme Court Salary: $2,590-$3,326/monthly Requires ability to perform com ­ prehensive legal research and to write clearly and concisely. Re­ quires superior knowledge of correct English usage, spelling, gram m ar, and p u n c tu a tio n ; knowledge of functions and procedure of appellate courts, 2 years of professional post-law degree experience required. Outstanding academic achieve­ ment in law school may be sub­ stituted for a maximum of 1 year of required experience. Requires graduation from an accredited law school and either member­ ship in the Bar of Oregon or another state, or intent to seek admission to the Oregon State Bar at the first opportunity. SAIF Corporation Oregon’s leading workers’ com­ pensation insurance carrier is seeking Individuals for the follow­ ing positions: LOSS CONTROL CONSULTANT $1,707 MINIMUM BAKER BRANCH OFFICE The individual in this position w ill provide safety and health services to assigned policy­ holder accounts. Applicants must have a four year college degree in safety or re­ lated field, ie., science or man­ agement. This position requires two-years full time experience in the area of Loss Control and ser­ vice work or equivalency. Appli­ cant should also possess ex­ cellent com m unication skills, be versed in safety matters and be fam iliar w ith the workers’ com ­ STAFF ATTORNEY II p e n s a tio n syste m . A valid Oregon Supreme Court Oregon driver’s license is re­ Salary: $3,068-$3,965/monthly Limited duration position funded through quired. 6/30/89; permanent funding pending legislative approval) EXAMINER $1,707 MINIMUM SALEM BRANCH OFFICE Requires ability to perform com ­ plex and comprehensive legal The individual in this position research and analysis; superior w ill manage and process an as­ knowledge of correct English signed number of disability time usage, spelling, grammar, and loss claim s insuring that com­ punctuation; knowledge of func­ pensation and medical benefits tions and procedure of appellate are paid tim ely. Medical bills w ill courts. Requires not less than 2 be re vie w e d and p aym en t years of increasingly responsi­ authorized when approporiate. ble experience in practice of law Applicants must have two and possession of a degree from years college and one year of an accredited law school. Prefer­ claim s adjusting experience; ence w ill be given to applicants organization and procedures; with appellate court experience ability to exercise judgm ent in and/or law review editorial ex­ applying procedures; to com­ perience. m unicate effectively; and to To obtain application, contact evaluate technical, medical and Marilyn Bauer, Supreme Court industrial inform ation. Workers B uilding, Salem, OR 97310. 378-6026. Applications must be com pensation insurance claim s examiner experience preferred. postmarked by 9/2/88. SR. ACCOUNT An Affirm ative A ction/ REPRESENTATIVE Equal O pportunity Employer $1,883 MINIMUM BEND DISTRICT OFFICE PROGRAM EXECUTIVE A In this position you w ill be Interstate Unit Supervisor responsible for sales, retention — Current Opening — of insurance, and provision of in­ State of Oregon Employment surance consultative service to Division in the benefits Cost insureds. Center. Located in Salem - $1,918 to Applicants must have a four year $2,452 m onthly plus liberal fr­ college degree or comparable inge benefits including fully work experience; ability to han­ paid fam ily health and dental in­ dle the com putation explanation surance and fully paid retire­ of cost factors associated with workers' com pensation insur­ ment. ance; and strong public rela­ The person in this position w ill tions and com m unication skills. be in management service and Applicants must possess or excluded from the collective have the ability to obtain an bargaining unit. You must have 2 Oregon General Lines Insurance (two) years of steadly increasing License. responsibility in supervision or We offer an excellent benefits staff level work in a technical program. To be considered for function related to management these position you must com ­ in addition, you must have a Bachelor’s degree or 3 (three) or plete our em ployment applica­ more years of experience that tion. Please call our message would be benefical in perform­ phone (503) 1-373-8047 by 5 p.m., August 25, 1988 to request your ing the duties of this position. For recruiting announcement applicant packet. No resumes please. and required state application. Call (503) 378-3253. Application Equal O pportunity Em ployer_ must be returned to: COUNSELING State Employment Division MILTARY ARMY NATIONAL GUARD As a member of the Army National Guard, select a guaran­ teed part-time job, paid skill train­ ing, college tuition assistance, HS/GED completion program, and more. Call Marlene or Clint at 280-6007 for details. TYPISTS Hundreds weeWy at home! Write: P.O. Box 16, Clark, NJ 07066 Personnel & Training Unit BE A SHELTER HOME 875 Union St., N.E. Salem, Oregon 97311 by 5:00 p.m., September 14, 1988 An Affirm ative A ction/ Equal O pportunity Employer Homes needed for runaway teenagers for short term stay. For more information. Call Evelyn Johnson at 222-9661 The Boys & Girls Aid Society $60.00 PER HUNDRED Remailing letters from home! Details, send self-addressed, stamped envelope. Associates Box 309-T Colonia, NJ 07067 — MANICURIST NEEDED — New nail salon in N.E. metro area. 6 openings. No experience necessary. Commission only. Call 281-5966 281-5728