. . • - SN .VV* V M » * » » ♦ > • * > * » • * • ♦ * VV Page 4, P ortland Observer, A ugu st 25. 19R8 ------- ----------- c x x x x x c T I T T I in ENTERTAINMENT » n im TTTTT u m m i m x x x n R F P O R 1 T BRO AD W AY BOUND by G arland Lee T hom pson u pon receiving a call in New _ York from Portldhd State •U niversity to speak to N ina Lowry, d ir e c to r o f E ducation A c tiv itie s , *Who asked w hat p roject w o u ld I Tike to do, I replied, its “ S im p le !” I am referring, o f course, to the L a ngsto n H ughes/D a vid M artin m u sic a l “ S im ply Heavenly,' pre­ m ie rin g at Portland State U niver­ s ity ’s Lin co ln Theater on A ugust 25, and running S eptem ber 11, 1988. SECOND REVIVAL FOR “ SIMPLY HEAVENLY” COULD BE A PRELUDE TO BROADWAY RUN In an interview last w eek by Phil H unt, theater arts review er fo r the O regonian, I was asked if “ S im ply H eavenly" does w ell in Portland, w ould I like to take it back to Broadw ay?” I responded, “ Yes, I have know n fo r a long tim e that P ortland is p o te n tia lly a great ‘tryo u t to w n ’ fo r Broadway, as they say in the Big A p p le ’. I do, however, w ant to cla rify som e th in g s in the A ugust 12, Phil / .1 X • >-:V t % i?.: « « •$ •.‘V* : FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 - OPENING DAY - ENTERTAINMENT & ACTIVITIES D ire c te d b y G a rla n d Lee T h o m p s o n A u g u st 25 th ro u g h S e p te m b e r 11 Thursday - Friday - S a tu rd a y - 8 p m Sunday - 3 p m Uncoln Hall Auditorium • S.W. Broadway at Market Street All Seats Reserved • Admission SI2: General - S5: Seniors-Students Special rates for groups available: 464-4440 • PSU Box Office THE COMMODORES Presented by The Summer Program of Educational Activities 5 p.m. & 8 p.m L. B. Day Am phitheatre O n the M iller Genuine D raft Stage FREE with paid admission. No reserved seating. An explosive motion picture that will shock you and disturb you. HIGHLIGHTS Seagram’ s C oolers “ Send The Fam ilies O lym pic Display - Friendship Square H unter Type Horses Jum ping Fences Horse Show Stadium - 10 a m. Fuddrucker's Bun Run Relay Picnic G rove Gazebo - 1 p.m Foreign C ookie Contest “An absolute don’t miss on your list o f must see film s’’ Jackm an-Long D em onstration Stage 1 p.m. F uddrucker’s Pte Eating Contest Picnic G rove Gazebo - 1:30 p.m. C om puter Keyboard Organ C oncert Floral Stage - 3 p.m i OPENING CEREMONIES MAR1I.VS BECK, Syndicated Columnist Picnic Grove Gazebo - 3 :30 p.m. DEBRA WINGER i Potatoes w ith a Foreign Flair T()M BERENGER Jackm an-Long D em onstration Stage 4 p.m. T h e M u g g s - Showcase Stage - 4 p m and 7 p m BETRAYED C le o ’s C afe ' r. 3041 N. Williams 284-7150 \(,()SlA-(».\\ RAS him I M i l l ) AR IISIS""'“ IRWIN WINKl 1R k l-Mopl • IH>\ D IB R A W IM .IR IOM BEREM.ER ( OSIA-GAYRAS BETRAYED |()HN HEARD |OHN MAHONEA |OE ESZ11RI1AS HAI. W. I’OI.AIRF '" « B ill C O M I . I’A IR I/IA YON BRANDI NSI EIN |<)E ES/IERHAS IRWIN \ \ l \ k l I R ( < IS I \-(. \\ RAN •> -• K -zT Ethnic Cuisine Southern Style HOUSE SPECIALTIES ; ■ >• : « *V- tv 2 & 5& ?. iÌT ’> •lv*... B f V <3 S'«* y«? H O R SE RACING DAILY C h itte rlin g s • M eatloaf M ix G reens • Beef Stew C a tfis h • And Many O ther Southern D ishes S.'mkrj.k Mt.,,,, „.„Uhl, .« Including: C le o ’s Zesty R ibs In Sauce - .„si < • .„(s* < Rv.nl Ifx Sitfim P.tfx rh.n k HOME-COOKED DESERTS . Come See 'Luberta' F or Down Home Cookin ’! MEMBERS « GUESTS STARTS AUGUST 26th AT A THEATRE NEAR YOU -A « «VAX ,s’ S C. ----------C» ' » • t # * A t * Kt “ * • $ f t * t M W * ‘ < ' ®— U* Y’ Y’ ' ’ I * - '” ' • • •• • * * • . ' POST TIMES Weekdays - 7 p.m W eekends & Labor Day - 1 p m . $2.00 m inim um wager □ □ □ []□ □ □ □ □ Radio T oday is 62 KG W R a d io / T hriftw a y Dayl A dult adm ission is o n ly $4 0 0 with coupon available at T hriftw a y stores FREE carnival rides (or everyone from 1 0 :00 a m - 12 noon H alt-price rides 12 n oon to 6 :0 0 ,,.m w ith coupon .THE BIG ORE. Bugust 26 September 5 Salem.Oregon