August 25, 1938, Portland Observer Page 3 - r 1 a '1' ì 'I r filli SCRIPTURE OF T H E WEEK R ELIG IO N , , ................................ V i h i u m i ......... m 11 111111 H 11111 f.I.i.lA U X U L W d J X a C T P ™ — — . -9 r PROVERBS: Chapter 31 — ------------------------------------- 97th Session Puget Sound Conference Report This is a financial contest. There oy Mattie Ann Callier-Spears were 6 contestants from the 9 par­ uring the week of August 11- ticipating churches. Ms. Barbara 14, 1988, the Bethel AME Mitchell arose the victor with Church became host church to $3,200.00 and Bethel’s contestant came in 2nd place with $775.00. the 97th Session Puget Sound Miss Puget Sound received a Conference. There was singing, preaching (2 crown, red roses (which were do­ nated by Commissioner Dick to 3 times a day), eating, praying, Bogle), and other gifts which were workshops, eating, board meet­ furnished by Mrs. Rochelle ings, and just plain old fellow- McElroy. Each contestant was es­ shiping with one another. corted by Elder Jewell Dewitty. There was a banquet held on Excerpts from "Colored Girls” & Wednesday at the Red Lion Lloyd original works were presented by Center to open the four day event. a one woman show, Beverly Dignitaries from the city and state government offices came to wel­ Anderson. On Thursday morning, the Rev. come the new Bishop and his James Oxley gave the Annual Ser­ wife and the delegates to the city mon. He opened by saying “ Your of Portland and the state of Ore­ soul — be on thy guard, because gon. It was a night of sopranos: something is out there after you. Mrs. Ernestine Dillard, Mrs. He was announced by the Bishop Dorothy Butler and Mrs. MAC Anderson who admonished the Spears. Mr. David Flannigan, Mr. congregation to “ Wait on the Edgar Mitchell and Mrs. Lorene Lord! I greet you in the name of W ilder also perform ed. The speaker of the evening was our risen, living Lord. The world expects us to make a Bishop Anderson. change in the place where we are. There was a special Luncheon We have hope because of the held on Wednesday for the God we serve. It is humbling to crowning of “ Miss Puget Sound’’. know God has sent me as an over­ seer of the flock. My job is to help lift you up. God in His glorious wisdom, We have a story to tell. We has supplied me w ith so many should know what that story is all good friends, well-wishers and about. Sometimes up and some­ praying saints. In a very short times down but we have a story to space, I merely want to say tell. While on the battlefield, “ Thank You so very, very much sometimes scarred and some­ for all the calls, flowers, visits, times happy we have a story to and cards; but, most im portant tell." of all — your prayers." The story teller of the hour was A very special thanks to the Rev. James Henry Oxley, pastor “ Uhuru Sa Sa Organization” in of the 1st AME Church in Seattle, the Oregon State Prison. I shall Washington. His message was never forget your offerings. I taken from the book of Numbers, shall cherish your card w ith all the 13th Chapter and the 31st your names. My family mem­ Verse: The Refusal to Possess bers, my Portland Observer fam i­ ja s a u a a u a a a * ly, and my mission sisters. God has blessed me with a Lord, help me live my life for thee; speedy recovery; but, I s till have To th in k of ofhers instead of me. to take it easy and have physical And help me give m y very best therapy until I regain total usage W ithout regard for need of rest. of my left arm and leg. U ntil I'v e run the race yo u 've set And every righteous goal is met To all my readers and every­ Then w ill I pause to give thee praise one mentioned above, again, For all the grace that blessed my days. "Thank You and May God Bless Then lovingly w ill I lay dow n you all.” A life of w o rk , to thee a crow n. U nw orthy token tho ugh it be Yours in Christ Jesus’ Name, To you w ho gave so much for me M attie Ann Callier-Spears Glenda Fulton Davis Religion Editor Portland Observer D Thank You! God to give you a little more your Possessions” . Here are ex­ courage and a little more faith. cerpts from Rev. Oxley's Annual I’ve never known a mighty man Sermon. “ We have a whole lot of without a mighty dream. spirit but a lot of weak hearts. The lack of a wholesome self God had led the people to the respect only means that there is Promised Land. God left them no self esteem. If you don’t think there on their own. God said, ‘You anything of yourself, what do ex go and posses the land'. God had pect others to think about you. trained a leader called ‘Moses’. The church needs a new BAP­ Unless God trains you — You will TISM of self respect. Jesus said, have difficulty leading His people. in spite of great opposition, ‘I will Moses could not lead until he had build my church’.” passed through the fire of the Bishop Vinton Anderson said, experiences of life. “ Everytime you hear the Word Instead of going at once, a preached it frees up your soul". committee was appointed. The Then Bishop Anderson led the majority and a minority commit­ congregation in a most appropri­ tee reports were submitted to ate song “ I feel good, good, good God. A young man submitted his down in my soul. Everytime I own report, named Joshua. think about Jesus — I feel good” . Joshua's report was tabled by the PRAISE THE LORD! vast majority. CHURCHES IN CONFERENCE It is a tragedy when we fail to There are 12 churches that make posses what belongs to us. up the Puget Sound Conference The people of the land saw the and they are: Wayman AME, Bill­ difficulties instead of the oppor­ ings, Montana, Rev. Robert Free­ tunities to serve. It is a tragedy! man, pastor; Walker Chapel AME, All the folk settin’ up in church Seattle, Washington, Rev. C. Den­ is not a Christian. Just because nis Williams, pastor; Union Bethel you’re s e ttin ’ in a chicken AME, Great Falls, Montana, Rev. house — it doesn’t make you a William Jackson, pastor; Primm chicken. Tabernacle AME, Seattle, Wash­ Because you haven’t received ington, Rev. Cornelius N. Austin anything, is your own fault; Jr., pastor; Ebenezer AME, because you hesitate to claim Bremerton, W ashington, Rev. that which is your own, is your William Elliott, pastor; First AME, own fault. Seattle, Washington, Rev. James God had already given the peo­ Henry Oxley, pastor; First AME, ple the and they wouldn’t take it. Fairbands, Alaska, Rev. Lennel They had no faith. They failed Cleaver, pastor; Allen AME, because they had a keener sense Tacoma, Washington, Rev. Ver­ of the difficulties instead of the non Burroughs, pastor; Bailey ever present power of God. Ask 285-0493 Public Service of the Poetkmd-Observei* Gospel Music A t It s Best!! To A Jesus Loves You! Summer Musical Allen Temple CME Church Saturday • September 3rd, 1988 7:30 P.M. 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (comer of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) ★ Guest Singers ★ 287-0261 Psalm 34:3 Skin Deep Beauty A nd Barber Supplies • We Sell To The Public • We Carry Most O f The Products For Beauty Care A nd Pleasure • We Will Stock Your Order To Your Satisfaction! — Remember, Beauty Is Only Skin Deep!!! — • Choir In Concert "All O f Gods’ People” Skin Deep Beauty and Barber Supply 1761 N.E. Dekum a Jurisdiction #1 Headquarters Church Greater Solid Rock C.O.G.I.C. Invites A lb in a M in isterial A lliance A Prayer for Strength! _____ _ .. . . . _k_i___ ___n _ . . talk to anyone else about AME, Everett, Washington, Rev. wholeness?” Martha Redfield, pastor; Bethel On Friday night the Young Peo­ AME, Portland, Oregon, Rev. ple had a gala event at the Flamin­ M ilton Green, pastor; Bethel go Inn, on Saturday there was a AME, Spokane, Washington, Rev. picnic with the most delicious Alvin Smith, pastor; Bethel AME, Yakima, Washington, Rev. Clar­ Bar-B-Que and Sunday the Bishop spoke liken unto the Voices of ence Henderson, pastor. many Angels descending upon Thursday night was Evangelistic the people. Service Night. The choir sang "Heal the Land from sea to shin­ ing sea” and it was led by Mrs. Lorene Wilder. Two Ministers who Portland by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears has not seen for a number of The Cathedral Choir of Beth years were, Rev. Ellis Cas- Eden Baptist Church, director/ son — now pastoring Bethel AME organist Mr. Jerry White of Oak­ in San Diego, California and Rev. land, California, w ill be pres­ L. Fisher Hines — now pastoring ented in concert at 4:00 p.m. at Ebenezer AME in Kansas City, the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church — Missouri. They both look well and 116 Northeast Schuyler Street in I was happy to see them both. Portland, Oregon. Rev. Lennel Cleaver of Fair- The choir w ill also sing at the bands, Alaska chose as his topic, “The Great Invitation” . He ad­ First Baptist Church on 909 Southwest 11th Ave. in down­ monished the congregation to town Portland the morning of "Lift up the name of Jesus Christ Aug. 28,1988. and He will draw all men unto There w ill be no admission Him. For God said, ‘Behold I am cost. A Love Offering w ill be the living water. Stoop down, lifted during the service. drink and live. You don’t have to This is the first time the Beth bring any credit cards or your Eden Cathedral Choir has ever check book or your wallet — been to the Northwest. because salvation is free.” He Come! Enjoy! Join in and sing also said, “ Evangelism begins at the songs of Praises with the home — down in your soul. If Beth Eden Cathedral Choir. you’re not whole, how can you “ Free Will Offering’’ YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499 7:30 p m . Bitte Band “A warm spirit of fellowship always" su*y The Ark of Safety Church of God in Christ Portland, Oregon 97211 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FOUNDER 7 00pm Char Rehearsal "To the Glory o f God” 16 Member Group From Los Angeles, California The Holiness Preacher B is h o p U .V P e te r e o n D .D B u ild e r P a s t o r 1705 N.E. Dekum • Portland, Oregon (503) 283-1524 Pastor and Bishop - The Rev. A. R. Hopkins Sunday Schott Morning Worship 6 30pm Y .P W W Church Of God In Christ Evangelistic 8 00pm Worship Tueatty Ratty the Bible says ... Follow peace with all men & holiness without which no man shall see the The National Council of Negro Women, Inc. T r i- C o u n ty _ S e c tio n Lord F o u rth A n n u a l Noon Day Prayer • The Pastor Speaks 7 30 p m . Sikntoy Morning Prayer 9 0 0 a m. Showers t t Blessings Sunday Morning Broadcast 10 00 a m Station KBMS 1460 AM Dial HEBREWS 1M 4 END-OF-SUMMER CRUISE ■°o, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Loading Location: NIC. Multnomah & 17tli DONAT ION Loading Time: 4:00 pjn. Departing Time: t:30 p.m. S3.».OO P u r c h a s e y o u r t ic k e ts n o w ! ★ Featuring The LIVE MUSIC of ★ S p a c e is li m i t e d . F o r t i c k e t s a n d / o r i n f o r m a t i o n c a ll M s R u b y R e u b e n . 2 8 8 -0 8 6 7 • o r • M rs CATHERAL PARK Saturday, September 3rd • 1 p.m .-7 p.m. R Drug Awareness Concert & Rally CHILDREN’S GAMES AND PROGRAMS ★ SPEAKERS ★ Sharon Mitchell - K.G.W. Co-Anchor Woman Ray Leary - Youth Enhancement Vedi Simmington - Anti-Gang Task Force Steven Bailey - Naturpathy/Writer Sunday, August 28, 1988 C R U ISE J a c k ie K in g . 6 5 , 5 1 0 .1 cove; B0¥ F e a t u r in g TH E S TR E E T C O R N E R SIN G ER S — Make a Decision — JTHE TASTE OF CHINA “ Inquire about the services we offer” HUNAN • SZECHUAN • CANTONESE ■AS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Mon Thur & Sunday Fri a n d S a t 10 30 p m 1 ,0 0 a m 1130pm - For Take-Out Orders - Chinese Rest f t f Lounge 1025 N.E. BROADWAY PORTLAND, OREGON Phone: 282-5811 ................................. ..................... — • ............. ............■■■■ I . ■ 24 Hr. Service 281-4891 Sponsored by: Eden, Inc. • Music Millenium & P o r t i a ?■ ^ t t t t t t t We are interested in your problems. * * » ‘ . T v « "" . *» Romeo Cliche With Cold Hard Members - Rap Group C o x F u n e r a l H o m e , In c . 1100am The Orient $ im * H “ Before You Must’ ’ 4 ’g g A Family Affair — Free Admission COLUMBIA GORGE ,c ^ G pEELING J A M L 1. ¿ * i ¿ ’s . '¿¿ /•I << ». AVe- • . -, * * • • •. $ . ,-r • r * ' * * *•.- .4 - r ” • » ”• . Í