* ♦ ♦ » ww’ ^ » ♦ • * ♦ * * * S'* V # V * V < V « • « * • V i * • » * Page 8, Portland Observer, August 27, 1988 We have a place for you. HUD requires that all buyers secure their own financing, and that leaves open a host of optyonsfor you to discuss with your real estate agent. Many of our HUD homes are eligible for FHA M ortgage Insurance, which improves your chances of securing financing and allow s you a lower down payment. Homes purchased w ith FHA M ortgage Insurance w ill also save you the tim e and money of an appraisal. Overtime. HUD homes that don’t sell as the Ä result of our standard 10-day bid process are carried over in to HUD’s "Extended L isting s" category. Acceptance of bids for these Extended Listings is generally more flexible, and bid are evaluated at 2:30 every working day. If HUD feels a prospective buyer's offer is close to what w ill be accepted on an Extended Listing, HUD may enter into negotiations to assure quick sale of the property. « ♦ F • • •• • • • • • s. • •• '•I .1 : * :. <*'• <' :. • •• • • • • •• W hether you're searching for your fam ily's first home, or a place to retire after a long life's work, the U S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has a perfect house for you Week after week. HUD offers an outstanding selection of affordable homes — homes that come in all shapes and sizes, homes in the city and the suburbs and the country, and homes that give you trem endous value because they also fit your budget Last year, the average asking price of a local HUD home was $32,700. Actual selling prices ranged from $6.750 for a three-bedroom, 1308 sq ft. home in Portland, to $78,000 for a three-bedroom, 2158 sq. ft. three-acre mini-ranch in Grants Pass. HUD offers selection, location and value Plus, our easy bid process and fast closings make buying your HUD home every bit as easy as finding it. Many fam ilies who thought they could never afford a home of their own happily changed their minds after they discovered a HUD home and The Home Team. Getting In The Game. Go For The Gold. JOBS & CLASSIFIEDS Warming Up. The first step in buying a HUD home is finding the home that's just right for you. Each week HUD s listings ad runs in the real estate classified section of both the Friday and Sunday Oregonian The ad gives you a com plete list of all of HUD s available properties When you see an advertised home you m ight like, you can get a personal tour by contacting any real estate agent (Photo by Bill Scheider) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Portland Office, Region X, 520 Southwest Sixth Avenue. UNIQUELY VOURS Winning. Listen To The Coach. Your real estate agent is a member of The Home Team and is the most im portant part of any HUD home buying transaction Rather than the typical offer/cou nter offer process of private home sales, HUD homes are sold through bids which m ust be subm itted by a licensed real estate agent. After you and your agent com plete HUD s sim plified bid form, you'll be required to make an earnest money deposit of $1.000 into a client trust account. If your bid is accepted, this money goes toward the home purchase. If your bid is not accepted, the money is fully refunded. Bid deadlines and opening tim es are listed in HUD's Oregonian ads. The results of each bid opening are available w ithin 24 hours and are included as part of a HUD telephone recording you can hear by calling (503) 221-3498 SECRETARY TRI-MET is taking applications for a secretary in the Contracts and Legal Services Department. Three (3) years of word processing, com­ munications, organizational and office skills are required, with a typing speed of 60 wpm. Legal secretarial experience is prefer­ red. Minimum starting salary $7 .7 6 /h o u rly w ith e xce lle n t benefits. Applications can be filed at the TRI-MET Personnel Office, 4012 S.E. 17th Ave., Portland, OR 97202, at least until Wednesday, August 24, 1988, or until position is filed. Equal Opportunity Employer i>/z> FOOD SERVICE Boutique & Nail Salon Last year HUD and local real estate agents helped 652 Oregon and S.W. Wanhesgton find the home they wanted at a price they could really afford. The Home Team can help you find the right home, too To start, check HUD'S Oregonian ad and then call any local real estate agent. When you go w ith The Home Team, you come home a winner. Major N.W. Food Service Operator With Competitive Wages and Excellent Benefits! Needed For: ,s £nd 10 t „15% OFF 1 Su^mß- Full S e t «r- $ 2 9 .0 0 HUD and your real estate agent We re The Home Team. CASHIERS DISHWASHERS CAFETERIA MISCELLANEOUS Neat and Clean Appearance Mandatory, inquire at 796-1061. Ask for Judy. Equal Opportunity Employer Specially Marked Items Thrifties Now you can advertise any­ thing of value from $5.00 to $5,000 in the P o rtla n d Observer classifieds. Garage Sales, Boats, Cars, Real Estate, Televisions, Refridgerators, Etc. To Get the response, advertise in the Portland Observer. Call the Sales Department for further information at: 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 ? Popular Designer Purses & Clutches At Discount Prices! 517 N.E. KILLINGSWORTH ST. (One Block East of Union Avenue) 2 8 1 -5 7 2 8 Mr. Ron Duzy, Administrator U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development . •’» ' *• T-.. * . 5..? * S :? .3 • » ; > ; f. X <• "• Y .Y 792 cheers for The Home Team. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PUBLIC NOTICE «4,.* vS • >;.*• t? Y Y .; DBE PROGRAM O REG O N D E PA R TM EN T OF TR A N SPO R TA TIO N t r - . '. . . •••- - - '•• ‘'V - ‘ j .*^ y It is the policy of the Oregon Department of Transportation that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), as defined in Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 23 and as it may be amended shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in ; * :.\v • the performance of contracts. To ensure the objectives of this policy, the Department has established an overall state-wide goal for DBE participation in the amount of 12 percent of contracting activities. Documents concerning the goal and a description of how they were selected are available for review until September 15, 1988, during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) at these locations: Federal Highway Administration Office of Civil Rights, 424 Mohawk Building, 222 S.W. Morrison, Portland; Federal Highway Administration, Suite 100 Equitable Center, 530 Center Street N.E., Salem; and these Oregon Department of Transportation offices: Civil Rights Section, 412 Transportation Building, Salem; Region 1 office, 9002 S.E. McLoughlin Blvd., Milwaukie; Region 2 office, 205 East Salem Highway Building, 2960 State Street, Salem; Region 3 office, 1523 S.E. Cobb St., Roseburg; Region 4 office. North The Dalles-California Highway, Bend; and Region 5 office, 2111 Adams >■; i k '- '- ’Á •V^ k • < Ave., La Grande. The public may submit written comments on the goals until September 30, 1988. These comments will be used for informational purposes only and can be sent to. John Price, Federal Highway Administration, Suite 100 Equitable Center, Salem, OR 97301; or Bill Hayden, Civil Rights Section, Oregon Department of Transportation, 412 Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310. 4 « k » Y-Y« * - — .*>• ;.; í ¡¿ > w -• . - •• < •>.*? *• • Y : V Last year, real estate agents throughout Oregon and S.W. Washington sold 792 HUD homes. They sold them to first-time home buyers, to repeat home buyers and to investor home buyers. And the best part was that each and every home buyer got a good, honest value. So if you're kxjking for a truly affordable home, ask your real estate agent about HUD homes in vour area. Or check our HUD listings ad in the classified section of your Friday or Sundav Oregonian. Go with The Home Team. We ll give you something to cheer about. HUD and your real estate agent... We re The Home Team ’. a HUD The Oregon Department of Transportation DEPARTMENT O f HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ► # 4--*¿í V r ? ; t & j ‘ ’ 5 ... 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