» » » » f > ♦><-* » 9 » > Y iv r iT / f î T v r i T .i i ï î T r i Page 6, Portland Observer, August 17, 1988 RELIGION Ï , . , .1 !. ■ IT7. I ..t '.l T l.'.IJ.JL.!.td.l--.»-l- l-'-J..'.l.-a.'.U'.IJ FUNERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS president of the Portland Police Union. He was a board member of the Central Labor Council. He and his wife Alta had been married for 49 years. He leaves to mourn his passing, his wife, Mrs. Alta Jones; 1 son, Randy Jones; 1 daughter, Sandra Jones Thames; 1 brother, Clyde Jones; 1 grand daughter, 3 nieces and a host of friends and other relatives. Burial will be by vault entombment at the River View Abbey Mausoleum. All con­ tributions are to be sent to your favorite charitie s. The K ill­ ingsworth Little of the Chimes Funeral Directors. ROBERT BOB DOUGLASS LINDSAY 65 February 14, 1923 - July 23, 1988 Memorial services will be held at the Killingsworth Little Chapel of the Chimes on Friday, August 19. 1988 at 2:00 p.m He came to Portland in 1961. He was a teach­ er w ith the Portland Public Schools for 30 years. He retired in 1981. Bob was an Army veteran of the WWII. He served in the Army from 1943 to 1945. He leaves to mourn his passing, a son Doug­ lass D. Lindsay; a brother, Thom- sa Lindsay; three sisters, Fay Beholts Rita Weatherwax and Doris Weise. There will be private graveside service at the Wiliam ette National Cemetery. The Kill­ ingsworth Little Chapel of the Chimes Funeral Directors DAISY MCDANIEL 77 September 19, 1910 - August 4, 1988 There was no funeral service held at the request of the family. Mrs. McDaniel’s remains were donated to the Oregon Health Science University. All contributions are to be sent to the American Cancer Society. She leaves to mourn her passing — her husband, Loren McDaniel: 1 son, Ralph McDaniel; 1 daughter, Grace McDaniel Crawford; 2 brothers, Scott Free­ man and Ralph Greener, and 1 sister Annie Dilley. The Kill­ ingsworth Little Chapel of the Chimes Funeral Directors. JOHN PAUL JONES 76 February 21. 1912 - August 8, 1«88 Funeral services were held at the Killingsworth Little of the Chimes on Friday, August 12, 1988 at 1:30 in the afternoon . He came to Portland 75 years ago. He served with the Portland Police Depart­ ment for 29 years. He worked 17 of those years with the Juvenile Department. He retired in Decem­ ber of 1971. He had served as fundraiser update More Donations Received The story written on August 3, 1988 concerning the ‘Stars and Stripes Drill Team', has opened the hearts and the pockets of some- o f o u r c o m m u n ity residents. Please continue to send your checks or take your contributions to the Salvation Army Community Center on N. Williams i5a35 N. Williams. Portland, OR 97217) They need much more. They’ve raised $125.0P m concession sales, along with the donations already received and they still need $600.00. To Audrey Henry. Jessica Hicks, Corinne Miles and Deb­ orah N , the Richardson’s say Fellowship M issionary Baptist Church Presents James DePreist Conductoi of the Oregon Symphony Orchestra Theme: ‘ ‘K ingdom Building COME ONE - COME ALL Sunday - Aug. 28, 1988 3:00 P .M . at Patton Central Methodist Church 5023 N. Michigan St. Portland, OR 97217 For Further Information Contact: Janie Harris at (503) 284-3465 Reverend Johnny Pack, Pack IV, Pastor “ Thank You” for all your help and support at the concession stand. The drill team has received more donations, and they are Theresa M. Christian - $20.00, Kevin Duckworth (Portland Trail­ blazer) - $200.00; Uhuru Saa Saa (Oregon State Prison Inmates) - $50.00; Mary Harrison -$10.00; Deacon and Mrs Verl H. Green Sr. - $25.00: Q. A. Deloney -$10.00: Rev. O. B. Williams -$50.00; Ray Harris (PCC Ross Island Campus) • $5.00; and just received Velma Maria Spears - $10.00. Deacon Henry Knighl - $60.00; Deacon Lenzie and Darlene Warren $50.00 To all of the above contributors, the Drill Team sends their heart felt appreciation! The Drill Team will be leaving, Friday, August 19, and ask for prayers for a safe trip there and back. They are proud to represent the City of Portland. Today Oh Lord, I thank You for today Each precious hour along the way. The Brilliant dawn and noon’ s warm rays The sky at sunset, twilight’s haze. I do not take for granted, God The seagull and the goldenrod The sparkling glimmers on the sea Your loving touches, touching me. Though I ’ m at times preoccupied W ith pain and problems sorely tried Somehow with jo y my heart sings out f o r this beauty You’ ve brought about. I ’ve had my share o f bliss and sorrow But know not if I’ll have tomorrow So, for what we’ve shared in sweet accord Today, I thank You, living Lord. Polly Thornton The Ark of Safety C.O.G.I.C. Slates The public is invited to attend our ‘Summer Revival’. Starting the third Sunday, which is the Twenty- First of August through the ________ Twenty-Sixth. Services starts 7:00 p.m. nightly. Bring the unsaved and sick. Young people with problems. God is going to move doing these Holv Ghost Spirit filled services. Our evangelist for the week will be the Elder R. Jackson, pastor of God’s Holy Tabernacle C.O.G.I.C., Killeen, Texas. He is a spirit filled annointed man of God. Come and hear this preacher! Brothers and Sisters, WE need a ‘Revival’. All roads leads to Ark of Safety Church. The address is 84 N.E. Killingsworth, Portland, Oregon. Phone 281-0499. Don’t forget this Holy Ghost meeting. Come One — Come All! ___ A rk o f Safety C.O.G.I.C. Bishop U. V. Peterson, pastor SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK / SAM U EL: Chapter 2 ' ' White Is Always “ Write by Mattie Ann Callier-Spear members and the young people found in the ghetteos. His message to them was to ‘ Never give up. Don’t let Satan win. God has already overcome this world. Let Jesus into your lives. You don’t have to keep on living like this. Give your lives to Jesus, right now!" He went back to campus with a great deal more insight than he had when he first embarked upon his summer venture. Marcus graduated from Moore house College, which is one of five campuses belonging to the Atlanta University Center. He now has a degree in Journalism with a concentration in English. Marcus enjoys writing about people and has maintained a steady career of writing for various newspapers and publications in the Atlanta area. "As most writers ’, says Mar­ cus, “ I enjoy writing feature stories, simply because you have the freedom to create a story from your own perspective.” Now that he has finished col­ lege, Marcus seeks to write for a television network or a news publication. Says Marcus, “ I understand that it’s a very com­ petitive market out there, but the fact is, I am the competition they (the masses) are com peting against.” Recently, Marcus took a trip to Los Angeles and met Phyllis Tucker, NBC Vice President of Children’s Programming. Tucker offered White a non-paying intern­ ship with NBC. “ At first the offer sounded great, but there is a large sum of money involved for my staying in L.A.” , said Marcus. Marcus says that L.A. is a nice - August 7, 1988 place to visit, but he prefers Atlan­ ta. Georgia. “ I’ve grown ac­ generai congregation welcomed customed to Atlanta, and. unlike to her church. In 1982. the church L.A., there are not a whole lot of awarded her with the “ Mother of people you have to deal with in the Year” accolade. terms of living space” , he said. She is survived by her son, The youngest sibbling of the Joseph S. Bowman III of Austin, White clan, William David White Texas, her daughter, Janeen (better known as ‘Billy’), grad­ Shawn Bowrnan-Brown of Port­ uated from Grant High School, land, Oregon, three grandchildren was the Student Body President, and countless relatives found and is now a tte n d in g ------- . You predominantly in Texas. Loui guessed it, Moorehouse College. siana and Oregon. Friends and Billie is studying Business Real p ro fe s s io n a l a c q u a in ta n c e s Estate Development. abound throughout the world. Sharon and Charles, the par­ She should best be remem­ ents; Otis White, Mr. and Mrs bered as an ardent lover of God W illie M cCurley, the grand­ and country, an admirer of cour­ parents; and Mr. Lonnie Wilson, age and truth, a dedicated soror the great uncle are all very proud of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, of Marcus’ accomplishments and Inc.., a tender mother and a loving those of his brothers. The con- sister and a cherrful friend. Funeral services were held on Jesus <=>< Saturday, al 1:00 p.m. at the Mount Olivet Baptist Church. became an endeavor which Mar­ ometime around 12 mid­ cus pursued. Though it was only a night, a trace of light can be class, KBPS radio enabled White seen through a dooi slightly to gain hands on experience at cracked. W ith everyone fast the station. It was through KBPS asleep, including the house itself, that Marcus White developed a a young man diligently writes desire to pursue a journalism about his day Not rendering career. much to verse or prose, the aspir­ Producing plays and writing ing writer, all in three pages, spots greatly enhanced Marcus’ records his entire day. skills. Not only did he learn to This young man was born and write plays and spots, but also raised in “ P” town (as the young was able to operate the swit­ people call it), Portland. He at­ chboards at the station. tended Elliott, Bridlemile (through An area of broadcasting Mar­ the busing system) and Alameda cus feels he will always remem­ ber are the live sporting events. Familiar to many as "play-by­ plays” , Marcus read and operated live broadcasts of high school sporting events. Standing at an eye lifting height of six feet, Marcus played the position of forward on the var­ sity basketball team with the Ben­ son “ Tech Men” . Marcus' older brother, Charles Ray White, Jr., graduated from Moorehouse College in May of 1987 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics. He now works for ROLM — IBM as a sales representative marketing tele­ phone systems for computerized Marcus Christopher White branch exchange. When Marcus graduated from Elementary Schools. Benson, he attended Moore Marcus Christopner White is house, also. During the summer one of three very tall sons bom to months following his junior year Charles and Sharon McCurlev at Moorehouse. Marcus went to White. Marcus attended and grad­ C h icag o w ith the Cam pus Crusade for Christ to minister and uated from Benson Polytechnics: witness tc the young gang High School. Radio broadcasting S gregation of the Mount Olivet Baptist Church all send theit warmest congratulations for a job well done. Ms. Clevonne Jackson re Marcus flashes a big smile during May 1987 Graduation. ceives warmest regards from Mar­ cus and his family for the spiritual advice and Bible teachings, which came at a time when it was really needed. "It truly made a positive difference in our lives." In Memory O f ... Jewel! Winifred Fowlkes-Bowman A u g u st 18, 1921 Jewell Winifred Fowlkes Bow man, age 67, of Portland. Oregon passed away early last Sunda. morning while hospitalized. Mrs. Bowman was a native of Pickering, Louisiana and was the last of 10 children born to John A and Hettie P. Fowlkes on August 18,1921. Mrs. Bowman taught in paro­ chial schools and in the Portland Public Schools. She was a very kind and loving person who will be missed by many She was a long time member of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church where she served in the Sunday School the Business and Professional Women’s auxiliary and other church related assignments. Her grasping presence was felt every Sunday morning when she would announce the church news and make guests, visitors and the q H Loves You! o Allen Temple CME Church JURISO/ c >. 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenue (comer of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Psalm 34:3 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor PRESENTS B I A J U R IS D IC T IO N ? 8 E T F GUEST SPEAKER n A lbina M in isterial A llian ce 285-0493 Public Service of the POttiand-Obsêrvet* BISHOP F. E. PERRY BISHOP OF THE OHIO SOUTHERN JURISDICTION 6:00 to 10:00 P.M. YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281-0499 ‘‘A warm spirit of fellowship always" SATURDAY “To the Glory o f God’’ AUGUST 20th, 1988 The Ark of Safety Church of God in Christ Red Lio n Inn • Lloyd Center • H olladay Room DONATION PASTOR & BISHOP THE REV. A. R. HOPKINS $50.00 MOTHER L. COOK CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST FOUNDER The Hotness Preach« Bishop U V Peterson 0 D Builder Pastor the Bible says... F o llo w peace with all men & holiness w ithout which no man shall see the Lord 7 30p m B it* Barrl 7 OOP m Chor Rehear.il Srrrtoy 9 tb a m Sunday Schoo 11 15am Mornmq Worship 6 30o m YPW W Fvarxjeirstic 8 00p ” Worship Tuodry hrtoy Noon thy Pay« 7 30p m The Pistot Sparks 9 00 a m Mornmq Pay« Showers d Btessmqs Sunday Mornmq hroadcast 10 00 a m Station KBMS 1480 AM Dial HEBREWS 1M4 Se ■ Summer Revival l.'.l • 1 • ■ ■ ■ • 1 ■ • • t u?'.v.. VW V» > I f a b A ,A a «.