Page 2, Portland Observer, August 17, 1988 PORRA?® OREGON'S OLDEST AFRICAN AMERICAN PUBLICATION Established In ,970 Leon Harris/Gen Mgr. Alfred L. Henderson/Pubiisher Nyewusi Askari Gary Ann Garnett Business Manager News Edilor/Stalf Writer Joyce Washington Mattie Ann Callier-Spears Religion Editor Sales/M arketing Director Richard Medina Danny Bell Photo-Composition Sales Representative Lonnie Wells Ruby Reuben Sales Representative Circulation Manager Rosemarie Davis B. Gayle Jackson Comptroller Sales Representative PORTLAND OBSERVER is published weekly by Exie Publishing Company. Inc 525 N E Killingsworth St • Portland Oregon 97211 PO Box 3137 • Portland, Oregon 97208 Phone Numoers: (bud, zbh uujj (Office) (503) 288-1756 (Classified/Display) Deadlines for all submitted materials: Articles: Monday. 5 p.m.; Ads: Tuesday. 5 p.m. The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will ba returned il accompanied by a salt-addressed envelope Subscriptions $20.00 per veer in the Tri-County aree The PORTLAND OBSERVER — Oregon's oldest African-American Publication — is a member of The National Newspaper Association — Founded in 1885, The Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association, and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc., New York. Guest Editorial Parren Mitchell, Chairman Minority Business Enterprise Legal Defense and Education Fund w * ** <,• z¿ r. - :< w .* 'X . ÿ R Qï •'.-.»»;< • «?>• ’***■, . . \ <*• »4 Y • 'A* /f 7 k » * 5 .o» /«?/: < ■.* K -XY* ’ •