August 10, 1988, Portland Observer, Page 9 P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 — To Place Your A d Ad Rates: 5 Lines • 1 Week - $7.50 4 Weeks - $25.00(add $2.50 Per Line) Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) V - AUTO REPAIR Eddie’s Auto Repair 625 N.E. Killingsworth "Low Rates, While You Wait Portland, Oregon 281-7591 BEAU TY/BA R B ER SUPPLIES Mrs. C ’s Wigs Wholesale & Retail Beautician A U TO CARE James Car Wash & Detailing Shop A Student Discounts (Betty Cabine, Proprietor) Tues.-Sat. 11:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 707 N.E. Fremont • Portland 281-6525 P.J.’s Beauty & Barber Supply CATERING D’Jon Enterprise Reasonable rates fo r large or small groups. Please call evenings between 4 p.m. - 8 p.m . in Portland 281-9703 CHURCH O R G A N IZA TIO N Bethel A.M.E. Church JEWELRY REPAIR National Gold & Silver 5828 N.E. 8th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97211 285-9583 I4K Gold A Sterling Silver Jewelry CONTRACTING-GENERAL Silco Construction Co. CLA SSES/TRA IN IN G NURSING New CNA Class Starts Sept. 6, 1988 Lloyd Center Area Portland, OR 2415 N.E. Alberta St "We’ve just added a new 2 chair salon Marilynn White, R.N.,Training Director Portland, Oregon 97211 287-0066 Open to the Public 287-9321 231 N. Lombard • Suite 200 _____________________ 289-0205____________ ___________ 289-0205 RESTAURANT BESAW’S 620 S.W. Broadway Portland, Oregon 97205 248-2156 Bruce McKay - Graduate Gemologist "There is a great place to eat 2301 N.W. Savier 288-3764 Open 24 Hours Cleo’s 8614 N. Crawford Portland, Oregon 97203 286-8155 LOCKSMITHS Ethnic Cusine Southern Style Walnut Park Lock & Key 3041 N. Williams • Portland 284-7150 Dale Ramsey Construction 533 N.E. Killingsworth P.O. Box 1082 Corvallis, w Oregon ieyw i 97339 (503)753-2012 (503) 753-2012 Portland, Oregon o baa - wr 288-6338 288-6338 Mayas Tacqueria Fresh Home Cooked Mexican Food 1000 S.W. Morrison on 10th 226-1946 _ _ _ _ _ JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING COUNSELOR TCI Cablevision of Oregon, Inc., an Equal Opportunity Employer, currently has an opening for the follow ing position: HOTEL EVENING CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE We are currently seeking ap­ plicants to fill the following positions: • Doorpersons • Reservations Clerk • Room Attendants • Night Cleaners • Cocktail Servers • Bussers • Room Service • Secretaries Applicants must be well groom ­ ed and have verifiable work references. Apply direct: 921 S.W. 6th 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. Equal O pportunity Employer Part-Time QUALIFICATIONS Customer service experience, good oral & written com m unica­ tions skills, basic math & busi­ ness office keyboard proficien­ cy (typew riter-C R T, 10-Key), ability to work well under pres­ sure with co-workers & public, patience, flexibility, & a positive attitude. HOURS: 4:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Training provided. Applica­ tions accepted until August 31, 1988. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Full-Time QUALIFICATIONS Custom er service experience, good oral & written com m unica­ tion skills, basic math & busi­ ness office keyboard proficien­ cy (typew riter-C R T, 10-Key), ability to work well w ith co­ workers & public, especially in high pressure situations, pa­ tience, flexibility, and a positive attitude. Training provided. A p p lica tio n s accepted until: August 15, 1988. Interested par­ ties may subm it applications/ resumes by mail to: TCI Cablevision of Oregon, Inc. P.O. Box 8677 Portland, OR 97207 Atten.: Michael Henriksen Interviews w ill be arranged bas­ ed on selection of potential can­ d id a te s fro m a p p lic a tio n s / resumes submitted. No inter­ views w ill be granted from tele­ phone or walk-in requests. Qual­ ified applicants not hired at this tim e w ill be considered for futu re openings if they so desire. ASSISTANT RIGHT-OF-WAY AGENT Salary: $1,679-$2,144/monthly The Oregon D epartm ent of T ra n s p o rta tio n is a cce p tin g applications for the above posi­ tion located in Salem, Bend, Portland, Roseburg, and La Grande. There is a current va­ cancy in Roseburg and one an­ ticipated in La Grande in the near future. You must have equi­ valent to one year of experience in real property appraisal for true market value; negotiation of pro­ perty acquisition for a utility, in­ dustrial concern, or public agen­ cy; or right of way engineering work or title examination; AND a B a c h e lo r’ s degree in law , b u s in e s s a d m in is t r a t io n , forestry, agriculture, engineer­ ing, or an allied field; OR three more years of experience that would be beneficial in perform­ ing the duties of the position. Contact ODOT Personnel, 419 Transportation Bldg., Salem, OR 97310, (503) 378-6281 for em ploy­ ment application and recruiting announcement. Apply soon, as this recruitm ent could close at any time. An Affirm ative A ction/ Equal O pportunity Employer CRUISE SHIPS — Now Hiring! — Summer & Career oppor­ tu n ities. E xcellen t pay. World Travel! Call (Refun­ dable) 1-518-459-3535, Ext. P6061A. ★ The Portland Hilton INSURANCE SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Medford Office Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Ore­ gon is currently seeking a Service Representative for the Marketing Department in Medford, Oregon. This position works closely with agents, brokers & accounts for the purpose of assuring business development, account retention, and provide sales-related informa­ tion. The incumbent will perform auditing functions according to underwriting regulations, and be comfortable giving group presen­ tations. The qualified candidate will have a college degree in a related field, or equivalent work experience. Additionally, three (3) years experience in insurance sales a n d /o r service, plus demonstrated excellent oral com­ munication skills. The incumbent must maintain an Oregon insur­ ance license and have a working know ledge of the personal computer. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em­ ployee benefits package, flex­ time work hours, and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Immediate opening, minimum 2 years experience with at-risk juve­ niles required. GGI or PPC experi­ ence helpful. Resumes will be ac­ cepted until Aug. 12, 1988. Send or deliver resume with references and salary history to: Frontier I School 5131 N.E. Union Ave. Portland, OR 97211 Atten.: Treatment Director No phone calls, please! Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST III Case Manager for adult CMI clients. A bility to relate to minor­ ity population. Master’s degree in mental health field with super­ vised practicum or Bachelor’s degree and two (2) years ex­ perience or any equivalent com ­ bination of experience & train­ ing. Comprehensive salary & benefits. Resume to: Rodney R. Harry, Personnel Officer, N/NE C o m m u n ity M e n ta l H e a lth Clinic. 5019 N. W illiam s Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97217. Phone (503) 249-0066. M inorities en­ couraged to apply. Equal Opportunity Employer PROJECT MANAGER/ WASHINGTON COUNTY P.E.C. (Temporary Position) A Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts or Business is required. A Master’s degree in the above areas is preferred. Candidates must have a working knowledge of community colleges and man­ power programs. Experience in budget a d m in istra tio n , staff supervision and compiling and submitting reports also required. Job funded from September 15, 1988-June 30,1989. Salary: $2,158 per month plus fringe benefits. Please send letter of application and resume to: Director of Personnel Services, Portland Community College Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon 12000 S.W. 49th Avenue Portland, OR 97219 Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Closes August 25, 1988 Equal Opportunity Employer p a n try r- r im pm RESEARCH ASSISTANT To work on soils and hydrology research in the managed forests of the Oregon Coast Range. Minimum Q ualifications B.S. or M.S. in Civil or Logging Engineering or M.S. in Forest Hydrology or closely related field, with experience in hydro- logic and/or geotechnical re­ search, forestry, com puter pro­ gramming, and computer-based data collection and manage­ ment. Salary $17,500 - $19,500 per annum. Position full-time for one year, subject to renewal thereafter based on continued support. Send letter of applica­ tion, resume, transcripts and three letters of recommendation by October 15, 1988 to Mr. Arne Skaugset, Coastal Oregon Pro­ d u c tiv ity E nhancem ent Pro­ gram, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon 97365. Oregon State University is an A f­ firmative Action/Equal Employ­ ment O pportunity Employer and com plies w ith Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. OSU has a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual-career couples. Equal O pportunity Employer R.N. for a variety of Phycho- social Services for the CMI pop­ ulation. Monitor medication, de­ velop treatment plan, and con­ duct inter-disciplinary case re­ view. Work closely with a di­ verse medical team. Requires a Bachelor’s Degree in nursing, or a diploma in nursing with a minimum of two (2) years mental health experience or M aste r’s in the behavorial sciences and one (1) year mental health experience. Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., five days a week. C o m p re h e n s iv e s a la ry & benefits. Resume to Rodney R. Harry, Personnel Officer. N/NE Mental Health Center. 5019 N. W illiam s Ave., Portland, OR 97217. Phone (503) 249-0066. Closing date 8-17-88. Equal Opportunity Employer M A N A G E M E N T A S S IS T A N T Mail Center Cashiering Supervisor Current opening State of Oregon employment Division in the Mail Center located in Salem. $1,436 -$1,826/per month, plus liberal fringe benefits including fully paid family health and dental insurance and fully paid retire­ ment. The person in this position will be in management service and excluded from the collective bargaining unit. Must have four (4) years of pro­ gressively responsible clerical ex­ perience. Involving supervision coordination and/or technical evaluation or four (4) years of pro­ gressively responsible experi­ ence in a mail processing environ­ ment or combination thereof. For recruiting announcement and required State application. Call (503) 378-3253. Applications must be returned to Employment Divi­ sion Personnel and training unit, 875 Union St. N.E., Salem, Oregon 97311. By 5:00 p.m., August 29, 1988 An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer L A B O R N E G O T IA T O R STATE OF OREGON GROCERY - NURSE OPPORTUNITIES ARE JUST BEGINNING AT Plaid Pantry/AM PM. We are recruiting enthusiastic people to share our success and help us grow. We offer full and part- tim e positions w ith opportuni­ ties for fast advancement, wage increases and benefits. Get your career started today by applying at any Plaid Pantry/AM PM store near you. Equal Opportunity Employer NURSING RN/LPN CODA INC. seeks EMT/RN/LPN for full-tim e position in drug treatment program. Responsibil­ ities include, assessment skills, m edication dispensing, main­ tenance of m edication records, crisis intervention, participation in m ultidisciplinary team. Closing Date: August 11, 1988 A p p lic a tio n s and screening questions are available at: CODA, INC. 210 N.E. 20th Portland, OR 97232 An Affirm ative A ction/ Equal Opportunity Employer ' t ** • ’ Salary: $2,699-53,449/monthly Management advocate in labor relations, negotiations & labor agreement administration. For details contact Executive Dept., Personnel & Labor Relations Divi­ sion, 155 Cottage St NE, Salem, OR 97310. (503) 378-3147. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR 5 CODA INC. seeks qualified ap­ plicants for counselor position in drug treatment services pro­ gram. Position w ill supervise a structured intensive outpatient program for felon offenders. Graduate training in human serv­ ices, 2 years supervised human service experience, and experi­ ence in supervision of staff & treatment of criminal mandated clients. Woodlawn United Methodist Church seeks ORGANIST Call 289-0284 or 286-0059 LICENSED CHILD CARE My home, St. Johns area. Fenced playyard. Mon.-Fri 286-4990 ELECTRICIAN II Salary: $16.52/hourly The Port of Portland has an im­ mediate opening for an Electri­ cian II in the Aviation Mainten­ ance Department. Duties will include maintenance and repairs to electrical and HVAC systems at Port owned fa­ cilities. Perform repairs, calibra­ tion and service to the following: automated building control sys­ tems, Honeywell fire alarm sys­ tem, automatic parking devices and other related system s. Thorough training and experience in service and repair to central c h ille d w a te r and h e a tin g systems as well as “ DX” package units is required for this position. Education preferred: Oregon State General Journeyman elec­ trical license. Training in pneuma­ tic and electronic control sys­ tems, extensive training in all types of HVAC systems. Mini­ mum requirment of an Oregon State Manufacturing Plan Elec­ trical license. Individuals must also be available for all shifts and willing to work weekends as necessary. If interested and qualified, apply at the Port of Portland Employ­ ment Office, 12th Floor, 700 N.E. Multnomah or call 231-5000, ext. 700 for further information. Ap­ plications must be received by 5:00 p.m., Friday, August 12,1988. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer FACILITIES DIVISION ASSOCIATE VICE CHANCELLOR OREGON STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION The Oregon State System of Higher Education has responsibil­ ity for the eight campuses of Ore­ gon’s public four-year institu­ tions. The Associate Vice Chan­ cellor directs the Facilities Divi­ sion, Office of Administration. We are seeking an accomplished pro­ fessional to advise the OSBHE related to campus planning and construction; negotiate profes­ sional agreements with architects and engineers; oversee and ap­ prove all phases of construction and land acquisition, including bidding and awarding of major construction projects; oversee the maintenance of the System’s facilities and campuses; and represent the OSBHE in matters relating to its physical facilities. A master’s degree in business, planning, education, or a related field, or the equivalent thereof, and at least five years of relevant experience in government, private enterprise, or education in a posi­ tion encompassing duties of similar scope and complexity are required. Experience in higher education a d m in istra tio n or finance, particularly in a state system or a multi-campus en­ vironment, is preferred. The posi­ tion is to be filled as soon as the individual selected is available and is located in Eugene, Oregon. A competitive salary will be of­ fered. Inquiry concerning applica­ tion procedure should be directed to Jan Lindsay or Rose Fong, Management Assistants, P.O. Box 3175, Eugene, Oregon 97403, (503) 686-5732. Applications must be postmarked by August 31, 1988 and received no later than September 7, 1988 in order to be considered. Equal Opportunity Employer Women, Minorities and Handicapped Persons are encouraged to apply. WASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS ENGINEERING FIELD TECHNICIAN I Unified Sewerage Agency Salary: $2,375-$2,888/monthly Performs routine sub-profes­ sional technical work of lim ited d ifficu lty primarily in the co llec­ tion of field data, and performs physical activities related to that work. Also may perform drafting, and inspection of construction projects. Required Oregon dri­ ver’s license, ability to perform physical field duties, and related experience. Agency a p p lic a ­ tions forms required, resumes NOT accepted. Apply by August 12, 1988 to Washington County Personnel, 150 N. First Ave., Room B-2, Hillsboro, OR 97124. Planning Aide Salary: $1,457-51,771 /monthly ASSOCIATE CLERK/ Graveyard & Swing Shift $1,258-$1,530/monthly ASSISTANT WATERMASTER $1,687-$2,051/m onthly HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES PLANNER Salary: $2,375-$2,888/monthly Application Deadline: August 12, 1988 SENIOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST SPECIALIST Salary: $2,375-$2,888/monthly LIGHT EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Salary: $1,467-$1,773/monthly Call (503) 648-8607 for inform a­ tion. County application forms required. Apply by August 19, 1988 to Washington County Per­ sonnel. Equal Opportunity Employer TELEVISION PRODUCTION SPECIALIST Sought by Oregon Public Broadcasting DUTIES: Studio production in­ cluding sw itching, graphics, lighting and camera operation, field production including group­ ing and audio recording. Prefer­ ence will be given for solid broad­ cast experience. Must be bright, television knowledgable, able to work well with others, travel and work flexible hours. To apply - Call Debbie Kuper at 293-1900 on or before August 19, 1988. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer CATERING D’JON ENTERPRISE — Reasonable Rates — Large or Small EVENINGS BETWEEN 4:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. 281-9703 OPPORTUNITIES EARN EXCELLENT MONEY AT HOME — Assembly Work — Jewelry • Toys • Others Call 1-619-565-1657, Ext T3026OR (24 Hours) PERSONALS MASTERCARD No One Refused! Regardless of credit history. Also ERASE bad credit. Do it yourself. Call 1-619*565-1522 Ext. C3759OR • 24 Hours